"Oh... This, I'm really sorry, this wish is beyond the scope of my divine power, so it can't be fulfilled for you! (Word of God)"

After hearing Broly's wish, a little embarrassment immediately appeared on the Super Divine Dragon's face.

Broly's wish was too much beyond the scope of his divine power, so the Super Divine Dragon could not be fulfilled at all.

"Sure enough!"

Broly raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although there are some regrets, this is also expected, after all, if the super dragon can achieve this wish, then it is estimated that Zamas will not make a wish to exchange bodies with Sun Wukong in the original work.

Instead, it is a direct exchange of the body of the whole king....

"I'm really sorry, so please change your wish!"

Super Shenlong said with a smile.

"Then let me have the ability to be immune to the elimination of the whole king."

After thinking for a moment, Broly spoke his wish again.

Since you can't let yourself have the strength to surpass the Great Priest, then let yourself have the ability to be immune to the elimination of the whole king, this should not be a big problem!

And in this way, he does not have to worry that that day will be clearly understood by the whole king.

"I'm really sorry, I can't help you fulfill this wish!"

"I can only restore those things that have been erased, but I can't make a thing have the ability to be immune to erasure!"

Super Shenlong was stunned, and then a cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and the expression on his face was even more embarrassed.

It was also the first time he had met someone with such a desire!

"You can only restore the erased thing, but you can't make a thing immune ... It seems that the power of the super dragon is only that! "

"At best, it is more powerful than the earth's divine dragon."

Broly frowned slightly, and let out a somewhat helpless breath.

I didn't expect that the Super Divine Dragon could restore the erased things, but he couldn't let himself have the ability to be immune to erase.

"In that case, let me have the most powerful immortal body!"

Broly said lightly.

Other than this, Broly really didn't think of any other more valuable wishes.

However, the immortal body still has some effects, although it is not immune to the erasure ability of the whole king, but it is immune to the destructive power of the destruction god.

"Immortal body? No problem with this! "

Super Divine Dragon nodded, afraid that Broly would change his mind, and then his eyes immediately shot a scarlet light.


Then a magical force entered Broly's body, and after that magical power entered Broly's body, Broly suddenly felt that his body had undergone some changes.

Not only does the body become stronger, but the energy in the body seems to be inexhaustible, and after consumption, it will be restored immediately.

"Your wish has been granted!"

"Then farewell!"

After the Super Divine Dragon finished speaking, it directly turned into seven golden rays of light, and then shot out in seven different directions of the sixth and seventh universes.

And the universe also returned to its original state at the same time as the super dragon disappeared.

"I really want to have a good fight with a strong opponent!"

Broly clenched his fists slightly, feeling the majestic energy in his body, and he couldn't wait to find a strong opponent to fight well.

Even Broly felt that even if he encountered an opponent he could not defeat, with the characteristics of immortality and the characteristics of the super bloodline growing in battle, he could grow infinitely in battle, and finally surpass and defeat any opponent!

"The strongest in the 12 universes, if only he could fight that guy from Beerus!"

As he spoke, a warlike smile appeared on Broly's face.

Although he would love to fight Beerus sweaty now, Broly knew that now was not the time.

There will definitely be opportunities later.

"Go back and see how Hitt and Kaier are doing!"

After that, Broly set off to return to the God of Destruction Realm.

There were only a few days left before the match with the seventh universe, and before this, Broly naturally needed to accept their cultivation results.


The sixth universe, destroy the god realm!

The movement of summoning the super divine dragon was very large, so even the destruction god realm far away on the other side of the universe, everyone naturally felt abnormal.

"Bardos, isn't my Super Wishing Bead always in your place? Did someone summon a super divine dragon just now? "

Xiangpa's brows furrowed, and his face was a little gloomy.

Although he was about to forget about these Super Dragon Balls himself, it took him a lot of time to find those Super Dragon Balls after all.

And now that the Super Dragon Ball has actually been used, this naturally makes Xiangpa very angry!

"That's right, Lord Pa!"

"I think the movement just now should be that Mr. Broly found the last Super Wishing Bead and then summoned the Super Divine Dragon!"

Bardos said with a flat face.

"Bastard! Bardos, who made you make your own claim to give the Super Wishing Bead to that guy from Broly? "

"Damn, taking my Super Wishing Bead without my permission, Bardos, have you forgotten that I am the destroyer of this universe?"

Xiangpa roared angrily.

And at the same time as he roared, huge destructive energy rushed out from his body.


"Don't get excited, Lord Xiangpa, let's see what this is first!"

In the face of the furious destruction god Elephant Pa, Bardos was not angry, and then took out the angelic staff and struck the ground.

Then several lunch boxes appeared in Bardos's hands.

"Hey, even if you take the food out, it's useless, I won't forgive you and that Broly guy this time!"

Xiangpa raised his eyebrows, although the expression on his face was still angry, but he still subconsciously converged the destructive energy on his body, and then quickly walked towards Bardos.

"This is the braised pork ribs that Mr. Broly asked me to bring you, and chicken wings with honey sauce!"

"But it seems that Lord Pa doesn't like it, so I'll keep it for myself!"

Saying that, Bardos was about to cover the lunch box.

"Wait... Wait, Bardos, I was joking, actually... Those super wishing beads are useless left with you, since Broly wants to use them, then use them for him! "


After that, Xiangpa directly grabbed the lunch box in Bardos's hand, and then picked up a honey chicken wing and bit it.

"Fragrant! It's so fragrant! "

"Sure enough, it's the food that makes people happiest the most!"

Xiangpa gave a lewd smile while nibbling on his chicken wings.

As for Broly's use of the Super Wishing Bead, he didn't care at all at the moment.

A moment later, Broly also returned to the God of Destruction Realm.

"Come back, Mr. Broly!"

Bardos looked at Broly and spoke.

However, when Bardos looked closely, he realized that Broly's body had become stronger.

Broly looked at Bardous's somewhat shy expression, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

"Bardos, how are they training!"

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