"You're welcome!" Lin Beifan said with a smile.

In fact, he did not get it from Sun Lao, but through the risk detection eye here.

In the next month, due to the previous catastrophe caused many buildings to be damaged, the other party connected three orders, with a total value of 300 million, and is preparing to make a big effort.

But who knows, something went wrong with a Big Mac real estate company.

As a result, the above policies have changed, the monetary base has been tightened, and the policy has become stricter, and the impact is very far-reaching.

Finally, it spread to the entire real estate industry, wailing everywhere.

President Du was deeply mired in the mud and could not get out.

As a result, although it will not lose money in the end, it will also hurt the bones and seriously shrink its assets.

Now a reminder, it is also for the sake of a good relationship between the two sides.

If the other party listens, they will naturally be able to survive the disaster safely.

If you don't listen, there's no way.

Now it seems that the other party obviously listens to the heart, and can avoid losses.

Then, the two sides exchanged a few polite words, and President Du agreed to go surfing together next time, and then left.

Before I knew it, it was time to leave work.

"Ding! Work hours are over! During this day, the host fished for a total of 6 hours and 6 minutes, successfully completed the simulation mission, and was rewarded with a gold treasure chest! "

"Open the gold chest!" Lin Beifan thought silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the magic all-rounder! "

"Good! Another pretend skill! Lin Beifan smiled secretly in his heart.

After dinner, it's time for a career summary.

Skip the previous scoring session and go straight to the money distribution session.

"In this day, No. 99 player Lin Beifan completed a total of 50 million personal performance, according to the insurance industry's 20% commission, his personal commission income is 10 million!"

"The team performance, including Lin Beifan's personal performance, totaled 50.6 million! Since Lin Beifan has been promoted to manager, the team performance commission ratio is 5%, so his team commission income is 2.53 million! "

"So, Lin Beifan's total income today is 12.53 million!"

"According to the reward distribution rules of our program, Lin Beifan is in the 6th level position and has to be rewarded 6 times, so his final reward is 75.18 million! Congratulations to our manager Lin! "

When Director Wang announced the end, although he already knew it, the audience in the live broadcast room was still numb.

"More than 70 million, a lot of money!"

"I can't make that much money in my life!"

"Coupled with the previous income, the money earned by the big guy has reached 150 million! Numb! "

"I earned 100 million in more than a month, and I was simply a working emperor!"

"The big guy won't really empty the prize pool, will he?"


Everyone is really envious!

How many migrant workers can earn 150 million in just one month?

Don't say a month, you can't earn it in a lifetime!

Even many bosses can't do it in a month!

Having more than 100 million cash flow is already good!

The most infuriating thing is that he didn't seem to have done any work, so he made this 150 million money, you say it's not angry?

Then, Director Wang continued to announce loudly.

"Since No. 99 player Lin Beifan has exceeded 40 million in one year, the team performance has exceeded 40 million, and he has completed the promotion performance! So starting tomorrow, he will be promoted to Senior Business Manager! "

"After being promoted to senior business manager, Lin Beifan will enjoy the following benefits and rights!"

"First, the non-responsible basic salary per month has been increased from the original 10,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan, and all five insurances and two funds are paid to the top!"

"Second, the transportation subsidies, telephone subsidies, catering subsidies, etc. that can be enjoyed have been increased from 2,000 yuan per month to 3,000 yuan! You can enjoy the internal reimbursement system of the group, as long as you meet the regulations, you can be reimbursed! "

"Third, with the right to recommend personnel, you can recommend people who meet the regulations in the team to serve as business directors!" Has the right to expand recruitment, in principle, no more than 200 people! "


With one benefit and right announced.

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

"The basic salary without responsibility has actually increased by 5,000 yuan, which is higher than my monthly salary!"

"The subsidy has increased by 1,000 yuan, to 3,000 yuan!"

"In other words, the big guy doesn't do anything every month, and he earns a net income of 18,000, what a high base salary!"

"Moreover, the power has doubled to manage a team of 200 people!"


Director Wang continued: "Finally, according to the reward distribution principle of our workplace programs, senior business managers belong to the 7th level position! So for his reward, it will be increased from 6 times to 7 times! "

"Congratulations to our manager Lin!"

Director Wang took the lead in applauding, and the others also applauded.


For a time, Lin Beifan became the most beautiful boy in the audience!

However, Lin Beifan was very calm and said, "This benefit, it looks okay!" "

Everyone was speechless all of a sudden, this benefit is actually just okay?

That's pretty good already, right?

There is a fixed income of 18,000 yuan every month, which is about 200,000 a year.

However, these fixed incomes account for only a small part of the revenue, and the key part is in the performance share. At the level of manager, the performance is very good, and the annual income is more than one million.

Plus the benefits are full, and there are some team personnel rights...

Even if the high-caliber students from Qingbei have worked for more than ten years, I am afraid that they will not be able to reach such a level!

You actually dislike it?

That's right, too!

You have a monthly income of 100 million, and you are qualified to look at these small benefits!

But the workers are sad.

You can't see it, we can see it!

If any company offers me such a salary and welfare, don't say 996, even 007 I will also do it for you!

I don't want my life, I'll give it all to you!

However, Lin Beifan, who was envied and jealous of everyone, was telling the truth.

He really doesn't look at these benefits, it's too chicken, too little.

If he had the choice, he would prefer to use these benefits in exchange for a one-point increase in the team's share!

However, the 5% commission is already the top and cannot be increased. No matter how good the performance is, it will not add a little, and the company will only supplement you in terms of other benefits.

So, that's it.

Lin Beifan sighed sadly: "The reward is not exciting enough, let's touch the fish!" "

Everyone: "..."

Workplace Day 33, Friday.

After the morning meeting, Lin Beifan really fulfilled his promise and took a group of people to Zhao Lao's group company.

Elder Zhao led a group of people downstairs to welcome, and when he saw Lin Beifan coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Lin, welcome welcome, I finally expected you to come, haha!" "

"Thank you Elder Zhao for supporting our work!" Lin Beifan said with a smile.

"Where! It should be said that they support each other! "

The two talked and laughed, walked into the building, and came to a hall where many people were already waiting.

Needless to say, Lin Beifan exclaimed: "Little ones, let's do it!" "

Xu An'an and others were excited: "Yes, manager!" "

Everyone took action, and Lin Beifan accompanied Elder Zhao out for breakfast and played chess by the way.

Walking into a restaurant, two babysitters each pushed a stroller.

Inside the stroller, each of them lay a baby, all looking less than a year old, sleeping soundly.

Elder Zhao showed a loving smile and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, this is my grandson and granddaughter not long after I was born, they are still twins!" You come and see, how? "

Lin Beifan looked carefully, nodded and smiled: "They look very cute, they are all dragons and phoenixes among people, not bad!" "

"Really? Haha, that's great! Elder Zhao laughed heartily.

He knew that Mr. Lin in front of him was very human, possessed of unfathomable abilities, and could see things that many people could not see!

So today I deliberately brought my grandson over to show him!

He said that his grandson is the dragon and phoenix among people, and the eight 'nine is not far from ten!

How can you not be happy?


"But what? Please also tell us sir! Elder Zhao was anxious.

"However, being born in a wealthy family, you may be more stubborn in the future, and you need to be strictly disciplined!" Lin Beifan said lightly.

"Well, thank you Mr. Lin for reminding!" Elder Zhao said seriously.

Looking at the two babies who were still sleeping soundly, I secretly said in my heart that I had to discipline them strictly after seeing it, and I started to manage them from a young age, and I definitely couldn't let them make mistakes.

In this way, Lin Beifan's words decided the future fate of the two babies.

"Mr. Lin, this time I invited you to come over, in addition to seeing my two grandchildren, I also want to buy an insurance for them!" I hope they grow up safely and happily! Elder Zhao said.

"Okay, no problem!" Lin Beifan readily agreed.

In fact, in reality, the richer people are, the more they like to buy insurance.

Especially buy insurance for your children, and buy large insurance.

There are several main reasons.

First, in order to lock in funds, to a certain extent, risk avoidance. Avoid that after your own mismanagement, the company goes bankrupt and goes bankrupt, and you have no money to use.

As long as there are risks in doing business, there will be times of bankruptcy and bankruptcy.

However, the policy has a special feature that is not counted in the asset collateralization procedure.

When all property is frozen or auctioned, life insurance policies are not frozen and auctioned. The insurance money received by the insured person is protected by law.

Therefore, the insurance policy can be realized at a critical time to solve the problem of funds.

The second is to reasonably avoid taxes and avoid inheritance disputes.

Inheritance is taxed, and the more inheritance, the more tax is paid, and some even reach more than half.

Therefore, in order to avoid losses, the rich avoid inheritance tax through insurance and other means before their death, and legally pass on their wealth.

Third, it can break the curse of not being rich for three generations and realize wealth inheritance.

For the rich, making money is no longer the most important, how to keep their wealth is the most important.

By purchasing insurance for the next generation, it is possible to pay the next generation in annual installments in the form of an annuity, from childhood to old age. Don't worry that there will be unfilial descendants and squander their property.

"What's your insurance budget?" Lin Beifan asked.

Elder Zhao smiled and put up a finger: "One person 100 million!" "

Lin Beifan asked again: "One hundred million per person, are you sure?" "

"Very sure!" Zhao Lao nodded solemnly.

The inside of the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"One hundred million for a baby?!"

"100 million yuan insurance policy, my brain is going to explode!"

"These two children were born billionaires! Win at the starting line! "

"The big guy is going to make another profit!"

"Two hundred million!!"


Everyone is sour!


I feel that since watching Lin Beifan's live broadcast room, it seems that money is not money!

Break a million casually!

Later broke 10 million!

Now it directly breaks 100 million!

It's really getting more and more exciting!

But at this time, Lin Beifan sighed.

"Why is Sir sighing?" Elder Zhao asked puzzled.

Lin Beifan said with some distress: "I have just been promoted today, my foundation is too shallow, and my ass has not yet sat firm!" As a result, this business was done, and I had to be promoted again, so annoying! "

The audience in the live broadcast room vomited old blood.

"Good fellow! A Versailles caught off guard! "

"There are still people who think that they are promoted quickly?"

"Are you still afraid that your foundation is shallow and your ass is unstable?"

"You've risen several levels before, why haven't I seen you complain?"

"I've never seen someone so badly beaten!"


Zhao Lao laughed: "It's okay, Mr. is very human!" No matter how shallow or thick the foundation is, you will definitely be able to sit firmly sir! In fact, I feel that this position has wronged you now! If you want, I would like to hire you as a senior consultant in my company, I wonder if you would like to? "

"If I go to your company, how much will you charge me?"

"The basic salary is 100 million, and there will be dividends at the end of the year!" Elder Zhao said with a serious face.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"I'll go! The base salary is 100 million, crazy! "

"Elder Zhao really can joke!"

"I think it's a joke too!"


But Lin Beifan knew that the other party was not joking, and also knew what the other party wanted, so he quickly waved his hand: "Forget it, I am quite satisfied with my current work, free and unrestrained!" I understand your kindness! "

Elder Zhao sighed regretfully.

Then, Lin Beifan took out the tablet and designed an insurance policy according to the situation of the two babies. It is mainly based on life insurance, and other aspects are slightly supplemented, but not much.

Elder Zhao just glanced at it and swiped the card to pay.

The whole process took less than 10 minutes, and both parties did not get along with each other, and then had a good breakfast.

For Elder Zhao, one hundred million is not a lot of money.

For Lin Beifan, with a bunch of god-level skills, it is not easy to make money?

So, why care so much?

At this time, Lin Beifan's new appointment letter was once again placed in front of the beautiful boss.

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