: Ambush! Red Alert Spy is here!

In the Mengdong County military camp, the remaining 6,000 soldiers of the 525th Infantry Division have been mobilized.

Li Chennian looked at the more than 6,000 people who had gathered, and his mood improved slightly from the depression caused by his quarrel with Wei Tianze.

The 525th Infantry Division has two infantry brigades, the 775th Brigade and the 778th Brigade, as well as two independent regiments. At this time, the 778th Brigade was ambushed in Mengsa County. Li Chennian could only mobilize the 775th Brigade and two independent regiments. The strength of the independent regiment.

These troops accounted for one-third of the Southern Wa State Army’s troops, and they were also Li Chennian’s family fortune.

Following Li Chennian’s order, the troops began to advance along the highway towards Mengsa County.

At the front were several armed pickup trucks, in the middle were large troops on foot, and the most important elite troops in Li Chennian’s hands were walking at the rear.

In this way, the six thousand troops stretched out to a length of nearly ten kilometers. Calculated at the speed of conventional infantry marching four to five kilometers per hour, the daily march would be about thirty to forty kilometers.

For these troops whose training and organization are relatively backward, this speed will be even shorter.

The Southern Wa State Army is good at jungle guerrilla warfare because they are all locals and have lived in this mountain forest since childhood.

Now pulled out for a long march, the team began to thin out as they walked.

Li Chennian was sitting on an armored pickup truck, watching the troops under his command walking more and more loosely, but he didn’t feel any problems, and instead felt high-spirited.

After this conflict with Wei Tianze, he finally had the opportunity to lead his own troops to fight independently from Wei Tianze.

However, for the sake of marching safety, Li Chennian still arranged for reconnaissance troops to go first, and also arranged some troops to explore the mountains and forests on both sides of the road to avoid being ambushed.

At the same time, Xu Qian had led the main force of the Red Police Corps to a small town at the foot of the mountains on the south side of the Southwest Highway.

After occupying the town, the large army continued to advance along the dirt road extending from the town into the mountains, and he deployed the frontline command in this town.

“Battal Commander! The reconnaissance squad called. They found the enemy’s vanguard reconnaissance force at Lao’eshan Pass. There were two off-road vehicles and an armed pickup truck equipped with machine guns, with about ten people.” A communications soldier reported.

Xu Qian looked at the map. The Lao’eshan Pass was about twelve kilometers away from them. It was easy to defend but difficult to attack. It was the end of the ambush plan. After most of the enemy’s main force passed the Lao’eshan Pass, it only took a moment. If a small force cuts off this area, it can cut the enemy into two sections.

Xu Qian immediately asked a squad of soldiers to prepare an ambush on both sides of the road, and then reported to Wang Yao and requested support from red police spies.

Around noon, the reconnaissance force finally entered the plain area.

The leading captain has been vigilant about the mountains and jungles on both sides of the surrounding road. Now that he has entered the plain area, he is a little more relaxed, because the plain area has a wider field of vision and the possibility of encountering an ambush is not impossible, but it is better than the jungle section.

At least it would be difficult for the enemy to ambush you at close range.

There was a village ahead, and the leading captain was going to take a rest after entering the village. It was already noon, and he was a little tired after traveling all morning.

You should be able to see the outpost a little further ahead, and just connect with the 778th Brigade.

With this thought in mind, the captain ordered the team to move on and sail into the village.

As soon as he entered the village, the captain noticed that there was no one here, and the residents seemed to be hiding.

“Retreat!” The captain noticed something was wrong and immediately ordered the troops to withdraw from the village.

But it was too late. When he shouted, gun muzzles leaked out from behind the houses in the village, and they fired at the convoy without hesitation.


Da da da—-

The first person to be killed was the machine gunner on the armed pickup truck, followed by the driver.

The convoy immediately tried to evacuate in a panic. After the driver of a pickup truck was shot, he stepped on the accelerator and pushed the car forward, hitting the car in front of him.

After a while, the convoy was wiped out, and several trucks were parked on the road.

A team of Red Alert soldiers stepped out from the shadows of the houses, alerted each other, and began to clear the battlefield.

In the ten-man reconnaissance convoy, except for the wounded captain who was captured, all the other nine people were shot dead.

Ten minutes later, the captain, whose wounds were simply bandaged, was escorted to the frontline headquarters of the Red Police Corps.

The squad leader looked at the well-equipped soldiers around him and was trembling with fear.

“Can you speak Chinese?” At this time, a man who looked like an officer came forward and asked.

The captured squad leader looked at him dully.

Xu Qian shook his head and waved to a man in a suit and leather shoes behind him.

The squad leader was so frightened that he felt like he was going to be executed.

But after the officer in front of him stood up, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked up to him with a smile.

Then, the man stretched out his hands and touched his face.

In the squad leader’s horrified eyes, the man’s face began to change into that of the squad leader.

“Ah! Ah!!” The team leader was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he screamed.

The man in front of him smiled and stood up.

A Red Alert soldier stepped forward and hit the squad leader on the back of the head with a rifle butt, knocking him unconscious.

“Take him down and interrogate him carefully. The time must be quick and don’t alert the enemy.” Xu Qian ordered the red police spy.

“Yes!” The Red Alert spy stood at attention and saluted, and began to tug at the squad leader’s uniform.

Although the junior Red Alert spy can transform into someone else’s appearance, it cannot take away memories. This requires the cooperation of the Yuri Legion online.

So now you have to do manual interrogation to get information.

But looking at the scared look on the squad leader’s face just now, his psychological defense has collapsed, so the interrogation should be easy.

Now everything is ready, just wait for the enemy to enter the ambush circle.

[Illustration: Wa State Army soldiers].

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