: I’m going to be kidnapped just after crossing time.

“Get up! Piggy!”

A loud shout suddenly woke up the sleepy Wang Yao.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, the bright lights overhead hurt his eyes, and he quickly squinted his eyes.


“Ouch! Stop fighting!”

“Ah! It hurts!”

At this time, there were shouts and shouts all around, mixed with the sound of angry scolding and belt whipping.

After his eyes adjusted, Wang Yao realized that he was in a small room with a bamboo mat on the floor. A dozen young men and women who looked like Chinese were huddled together and were beaten until they whined and cried in pain. beg for mercy.

Several tall men with darker skin were holding rifles in the direction of the gate.

They were led by a man wearing a suit and leather shoes.

The man who just woke up Wang Yao and the others was picking up the whipping belt and retying it. Then he walked up to the leading man and said, “Brother Sha, these piglets can no longer squeeze out any profit. Those who are a bit skilled have all been kicked off by the communications team.” I took them away with the game team, and these are the only ones left.”

As he spoke, the man pointed at Wang Yao and others.

The man in the suit frowned: “Are you out of oil and water?”

These people communicated in Chinese with local accents in front of Wang Yao and others, which immediately caused everyone to panic.

A man with glasses ran up to the man in a suit and said, “You said you would let us go back after paying the money…!”

Before he finished speaking, a strong man behind the man in the suit stepped forward and hit the man with glasses with the butt of a gun.

He beat the man with glasses to the ground, his glasses flew off and his face was swollen.

The violent violence scared the Chinese people into screaming.

Brother Sha was very satisfied with the reaction of these people and said to the younger brother just now: “The old rule is that the men are sent to the network group to try, the women are sent to the celebrity group for training and training, and the health team prepares the piglets for the piglets that are useless. Bar.”

After hearing Brother Sha’s words, the Chinese men and women begged for mercy, but because of what happened to the man with glasses just now, they did not dare to step forward and could only keep crying.

“As for this person, take him and bury him.” Brother Sha was ready to shock these people, so he asked his younger brother to take away the man with glasses who had just bumped into him.

A group of young men and women could only watch as the man with glasses cried and howled as he was taken away by a few big men.

After a while, Brother Sha and others also left and locked the door.

In the small room, there was only a group of young men and women crying quietly with no way to seek help.

Wang Yao leaned against the wall, looking at the bright lights above his head, and finally received the message.

The man he traveled through time was also named Wang Yao. He was an ordinary university graduate from Long Country. After graduation, he found a job with a good salary. Within a few days of joining the industry, he encountered a company organizing a large-scale team building and a seven-day tour of Southeast Asia.

Then a group of dozens of people took a plane to the Kingdom of Siam, but as soon as they got off the plane, they fell asleep on the bus.

When they woke up, everything they had on them was confiscated and they were told that they were in Mengsa County, Wa State, Myanmar, also known as the infamous Golden Triangle!

Their team manager suddenly transformed into the head of the southern division of the Wa State Special Economic Zone in Myanmar.

They were asked to demand ransom from their families, ranging in amount from 300,000 to 500,000. Those who refused to comply would be beaten and tortured.

And once their family members obediently deposit the money into an overseas account, more ransom demands will be waiting for them!

In short, squeeze out every drop of oil and water! Until now, like Wang Yao and others, the family has no ransom or is unwilling to pay any more ransom.

Some skilled people will be caught in other departments, such as the communications group, engaging in telecommunications fraud; such as the gaming group, developing online gambling games.

And people without skills, such as Wang Yao and his group of more than a dozen people, will be caught in the network group. Victims of dark web live broadcasts, and the sponsors who watch the live broadcast can carry out various attacks on the victims as long as they spend money. A cruel method, as long as the money is enough!

Women will be sent to the socialite group and forced to prostitute themselves. The pretty ones will be trained into playthings and given to big shots, or provided to other entertainment clubs in the Kingdom of Siam and Burma.

As for those who are still unwilling to cooperate or have become corrupted, they will be sent to the health team.

There, the black doctor will conduct a physical examination on them, obtain various data and conduct database matching.

If you match the financial sponsor, congratulations, you will have a certain body organ removed, and then die in pain, and the body will be buried in this vast mountainous area.

If you are not matched with a sponsor, you will be kept in captivity like a pig or a dog and become a humanoid blood bag that will continuously draw blood until a sponsor matches you.

It can be said that this dark industrial chain squeezes a person’s value to the extreme!

This information was told to them by the former manager named Brother Sha, with the purpose of getting them to cooperate obediently and squeeze out more profits.

Thinking back to this, Wang Yao couldn’t help but touch his waist, feeling that his waist had begun to hurt.

But it’s definitely not possible to just let him be dealt with like this, he must either run away or resist!

【Ding! Red alert system activated! 】

Just when Wang Yao was thinking about what to do, a magical scene appeared in front of him.

[Red alert related information will be deleted from this world——]

[The system has been loaded and is at your service at any time! Your Excellency, Commander! 】

Lines of text appeared in front of his eyes, as if floating in front of him. Wang Yao stretched out his hand to touch, but found nothing.

Everyone around him was immersed in pain, and no one noticed Wang Yao’s abnormality.

‘what are you? Wang Yao took back his hand and asked in his mind.

[I am a red alert system that can help commanders dominate the world! 】A new line of words appeared in front of me.

Wang Yao remembered his favorite Red Alert game, so he tried to call up the game page.

What came into view was a map. It was the science and technology park where Wang Yao was imprisoned. Although there was no satellite yet, so he couldn’t see too far away, but he had a view of a hundred kilometers around.

Through the system, Wang Yaocai found out that the science and technology park they were in was located in Menghai Town, a small town under Mengsa County, located in the mountains.

It is the southern military region of the local warlord United Wa State Army.

To the north is the area controlled by the Shan State Army in the East, to the west is the area controlled by the Shan State Army in the South and the Kayah ethnic group. To the east is the Mekong River, more than 70 kilometers away. Across the river is the Laotian country, but you have to cross mountains and there is also a Shan State. There are many garrisons in the border cities of the state under the control of local militia groups.

Fifty kilometers away to the south is Chiang Rai, the Kingdom of Siam, and it is also the territory occupied by warlords.

A small place, three countries, several forces, and many mountain villagers marked as neutral.

And this is just a small area in the Golden Triangle area.

Wang Yao looked at the red police base, power plant, barracks, tank factory on the building layout above…

Various special units such as Red Alert soldiers, Engineers, and Time Corps are recruited on the recruitment page…

There are also French cannons, nuclear bomb silos, weather control devices, and time and space transmission devices…

Suddenly I felt that it might not be a bad thing for me to travel here.

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