: Jungle battle of terrifying robots!

[Picture: Horror robot]

This time, Bamo first ordered people to plant bombs in the rubble piles on the left and right sides of the road. A group of special operations soldiers took two RPG rocket launchers and hid on the hilltop on the north side. He led a few people to hide on the south side. A light machine gun was deployed on the top of the hill, and he also had several sniper rifles.

For safety reasons, Bamo did not set up detonating devices on the road, but used remote-controlled bombs to travel.

In this way, if you encounter a patrol composed of soldiers, just let it go and wait for the enemy’s transport convoy.

Bamo had calculated that even if the enemy’s transport convoy strengthened its escort, he would first detonate bombs on both sides of the road to force the transport convoy to stop, and then the special operations soldiers on the north side would launch an attack with RPG rocket launchers.

First destroy the armored vehicles or soldiers escorting the enemy’s transport troops. When the enemy sets their sights on the north side, you will strike at the enemy’s back from the south side!

As for the enemy being too powerful, Bamo also arranged a retreat route and laid some traps in the jungle.

Once the destruction mission is completed or the enemy’s air power and support troops arrive, he will retreat into the jungle and rely on the terrain and traps to get rid of them.


Bamo waited quietly, and fog began to fill the air, which wet Bamo’s combat uniform and reduced the visibility on the road. Bamo felt that God was helping them.

While Bamo was waiting for his prey to arrive, the trees in the mountain forest on the opposite north side shook a few times, and several birds flew away in panic from the treetops.

Bamo frowned when he noticed this. He was about to pick up the walkie-talkie and ask, when suddenly gunshots came from the opposite side.

Ba Mo was shocked, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, opened the channel and asked: “What are you doing!”

However, there was no sound on the walkie-talkie. Instead, the gunfire from the other side became louder and louder.

Could it be that he encountered an enemy?

But why are there only sounds of BA rifles and Type 56 rifles?

According to the intelligence coming from the front line, isn’t the enemy using M4A1 assault rifle?

The sounds of these types of firearms are completely different!

In just a few minutes, the gunshots on the north side of the mountain ended, and the forest became silent, as if nothing had happened.

Bamo broke out in a cold sweat, and his soldiers were also panicked.

So weird!

There was still no sound coming from the intercom, as if the soldiers on the other side were dead.

“Prepare to…retreat…” The strange situation that he had never encountered made Bamo’s heart beat fast. He raised his right fist and ordered his men to prepare to withdraw into the jungle.

However, at this moment, in the forest on the other side of the road, a few bushes were moved, and two fast-moving objects emerged from the forest, appeared on the road, and headed towards Bamo’s position at high speed. Attack.

“Fire!” Bamo shouted!

In fact, without him shouting, his soldiers were frightened and pulled the trigger unconsciously.

Da da da da da da——

The gunfire from the light machine gun of the BA class began to ring out, and countless bullets flew out. However, when they hit the opposite body, there was only a crisp impact sound, and the sputtering fire stars looked a bit bright in the fog. .

Bamo quickly pressed the detonator in his hand.

boom! boom!

The explosives lying in wait on both sides of the road were detonated, and the huge shock wave caused the stones to scatter in all directions. The fire also illuminated the fog, allowing Bamo to see what was on the other side.

It was a strange ‘creature’ like a spider. It was covered in camouflage-like colors, and its body shape was affected by the explosion shock wave. The shock wave that was enough to knock out ordinary people only made its four mechanical legs sway for a moment, and then continued Come up.

One of Bamo’s soldiers picked up an RPG rocket launcher and sent it over.

However, the ‘creature’ on the opposite side seemed to be prepared and easily avoided the rocket.

Bamo abandoned his troops and ran deep into the jungle.

When several special operations soldiers saw Bamo running away, they quickly got up and hurried into the forest.

But it was too late, the two ‘spiders’ had already crossed the open area of the road and rushed up the southern hillside.

Boo hoo hoo——

The submachine gun equipped with a silencer made a sound, and several special operations soldiers fell down. The two ‘spiders’ continued to move towards the next target without making much movement.

The submachine guns on the four mechanical legs made noise from time to time, like the death whistle of the King of Hell, taking away one life after another.

Ba Mo fled in panic in the jungle. He swore that he had never seen such a weird thing in the Golden Triangle for more than 40 years. It was as scary as those monsters in myths and legends.

Listening to the screams of his men, Bamo took out a grenade from his armed belt, prepared to throw it out, and pulled out the ring.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a ‘spider’ flying towards his face, and in his frightened eyes, he threw him to the ground.

The grenade in his hand also slipped to the side and exploded.

The shrapnel from the armor-breaking grenade spattered onto the ‘Spider’, only to create sparks. Instead, Bamo, who was pinned down by the two mechanical legs of the ‘Spider’, was injured by the splattered shrapnel and was bleeding.

Bamo gasped and saw that the ‘spider’ in front of him, which was obviously an artificial thing, did not scare him to death. Instead, he pressed a mechanical arm on his chest and aimed the dark muzzle at him.

Suddenly he realized that the other side wanted to capture him.

In order to survive, Bamo quickly said: “I surrender! I surrender!”.

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