: New Warlord in the Golden Triangle

Hemeng Town is located in the southernmost part of the Zen Autonomous State of Myanmar.

The Nu River forms an ‘L’ shape from here, semi-surrounding Hemeng Town. Across the river are areas controlled by the Burmese government troops and areas controlled by the Southern Chan State warlords.

To the south of Hormeng Town is the Kayaya Autonomous State, and to the east is Mae Hong Son, Kingdom of Siam.

The mountains here are densely forested and the terrain is complex. It is the active area of anti-government armed guerrillas. It was also the territory of Kun Sa, the famous world’s largest drug lord.

Today, although Kun Sha is dead, the remnants of the Mongolian and Thai army are still active in the mountains and forests here.

They fight the Burmese government forces in the west, the Southern Shan State warlords in the north, the Southern Wa State Army in the northeast, the Kayaya warlords in the south, and the Kingdom of Siam in the east.

Relying on the advantages of dense virgin forest and familiar geographical environment, he dealt with various forces.

All parties want to wipe out the remnants of the Mongolian-Thailand army, but they have never been able to eradicate it.

“Fourth Master! Fourth Master!” In an abandoned amusement park in Hemeng Town, Kun Yulong, who was playing on the sand with his granddaughter, was interrupted by a call not far away.

Kun Yulong stood up from the sand and looked behind him. Soldiers on guard outside the amusement park stopped a fat man with glasses.

He waved his hand, and his soldiers let the fat man go.

“Fourth Master! Shocking news!” The fat man wiped the sweat from his face with a tissue, trotted to Kun Yulong, and said humbly.

“Little Miss!” Then the fat man bowed and shouted to the little girl sitting on the sand.

The little girl ignored her, stopped piling up the sand castle in her hands, and looked up at her grandfather.

“Li’er, be good, play by yourself for a while, grandpa has something to deal with.” Kun Yulong said dotingly, stroking the little girl’s head.

The little girl nodded and continued to play in the sand.

Kun Yulong took Fatty towards the edge of the amusement park.

“Tell me, Pang Fei, what makes you so happy?” Kun Yulong took out a cigarette and asked.

The fat man named Pang Fei took out a lighter and lit it for Kun Yulong, and then said excitedly: “The police informant in Chiang Mai said that a new warlord has emerged in the Golden Triangle and has driven away the Wei Tianze brothers! Now! Mengsa County and Mengdong County have changed their owners! Many dealers who went there to purchase goods were arrested!”


Hearing this, Kun Yulong paused the cigarette in his mouth, looked at Pang Fei in disbelief, and asked, “Is the news confirmed?”

“Confirmed! I also specifically asked the dealers who escaped from Mengdong in Chiang Mai. They said that the Wei Tianze brothers had lost Highway 45 and were driven to the Mengjiu area. There are now twenty The sound of gunfire can be heard for many kilometers!”

Kun Yulong turned around, took a puff from the cigarette, and then puffed out a puff of thick smoke.

“Hahahahaha!!!” Suddenly, Kun Yulong laughed loudly.

Smiling and laughing, the tears couldn’t stop flowing.

At that time, his father Khun Sa was besieged by various forces, mainly the Burmese government army, including the Wei Tianze brothers.

Today’s Mengdong County is Kunsha’s territory back then, and it is also where Kun Yulong grew up.

Although Kun Sha was not killed by them, the defeat of the Mengtai Army was directly related to the Wei Tianze brothers, and for more than 20 years, the Wei Tianze brothers had been pursuing the remnants of the Mengtai Army led by Kun Yulong. Fighting fiercely, Kun Yulong even dreamed of killing these two enemies with his own hands!

After laughing, Kun Yulong suddenly looked up to the northeast, in the direction of Meng Ta and Meng Jiu, and said, “Order the troops to assemble! I’m going to poke brother Wei Tianze’s asshole!”

Now that the Wei Tianze brothers have suffered a massacre, they have even lost Mengsa County and Menghai County. The morale of his soldiers must be low, and the main force must be transferred back to the front line to fight the enemy. It is a good time for him, Kun Yulong, to regain his territory!

The Southern Wa State Army was attacked by mysterious forces, and news gradually spread that the Wei Tianze brothers fled into the mountains in panic.

As a major drug lord in the Golden Triangle, the Southern Wa State Army produces a large amount of drugs every year. Businessmen often enter the Golden Triangle from Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, and Mae Hong Son, which are relatively peaceful and stable in the Kingdom of Siam, and deal with these drug lords. To trade.

Use the money and materials needed by drug lords to buy drugs, and then transport them to seaside ports through railway lines and road lines in the Kingdom of Siam, and from the ports to all parts of the world.

Now that Wang Yao has taken control of Mengsa and Mengdong counties, he has ordered the eradication of opium poppy plantations and the demolition of drug processing factories. The dealers who came to buy drugs were also caught by the red police soldiers. Only a few dealers who noticed that something was wrong were hurriedly escape.

After these traffickers fled back to the Kingdom of Siam, they also brought news that the Southern Wa Army had been defeated and the two counties of Meng Sa and Meng Dong had changed hands.

It didn’t take long for all the forces in the Golden Triangle to know that a new warlord had risen in the southern Wa State Army’s area of influence, and defeated the Wei Tianze brothers and became the new master of this area.

However, I heard that this new force is eradicating poppy plantations and drugs. It is difficult to imagine how they will support their army. All parties have a wait-and-see attitude.

The news of the mass destruction of the Southern Wa State Army was only reported in the news media of the Kingdom of Siam and Myanmar. Some experts from the two countries began to analyze the impact of this newly rising force on the situation in the Golden Triangle region. .

But in the world, even in the news media and the Internet in East Asia, there is no wave.

In a small and turbulent place, the change of warlord power in two counties with a population of less than 300,000 people is still too far away for ordinary people.

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