: The civil war breaks out in Myanmar

“Call reconnaissance number 1 from the tower! Call reconnaissance number 1!” In the Naypyitaw Air Force Base, the liaison officer made many contacts but received no answer, and then looked at an air force general behind him.

Wu Jue, the commander of the Myanmar Air Force and the commander of Naypyitaw Air Force Base, this reconnaissance operation against Jingdong was a direct order from the military general staff, so he was the first to conduct the reconnaissance operation after the incident of the fighter plane. We arrived at the tower in no time.

At this time, he was watching the tower operators reporting various situations with a heavy face.

“Report! The radar system has lost the signal of our own reconnaissance fighter!”

“Radar No. 2 scanned two fighter jets appearing in Jingdong airspace. According to the echo characteristics, they may be Su-27 or MiG-29 fighter jets!”

After listening to the reports from his subordinates, Wu Jue sorted out the intelligence documents and without any hesitation, left the air base directly and headed for the military general staff headquarters.

“Commander-in-Chief, something happened to the Air Force reconnaissance team.” In Mindonglai’s office, Wu Jue was reporting the situation to Mindonglai.

“After the No. 2 aircraft of the reconnaissance team was destroyed, the No. 1 aircraft began to withdraw, but unfortunately it could not escape. It was probably destroyed by an enemy plane over Mengbin.” Wu Jue continued: “According to the final report of the reconnaissance team, the enemy had Advanced fourth-generation fighter!”

Min Donglai looked at the documents on the table with a solemn expression. He took off his glasses and said, “It seems that Jingdong’s war situation is much more serious than we thought.”

The Chief of General Staff Miao Oo on the side said puzzledly: “It is absolutely impossible for the troops of ordinary warlords or drug lords to dispatch tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery, and even the current fourth-generation fighter jets in the Golden Triangle area.”

“But both the Kingdom of Siam and the Kingdom of Laos denied it. The Dragon Kingdom in the north…” As he spoke, Mrauk U fell into deep thought.

The Burmese army generals in the office also heard what Mrauk-U meant.

If it was Long Guo who took action, it wouldn’t be such a small fight.

Yes, for small countries like them, the war in Jingdong is already a major event involving several forces. If you are not careful, the Eastern Shan State including Jingdong may fall.

In a superpower like the Dragon Kingdom, the disaster is not even as serious as a disaster that occurs in a local province.

You can refer to the military operations of the Dragon Kingdom against South Vietnam and Tianzhu.

“But if it is really the Dragon Kingdom behind it, it is not impossible.” Min Donglai wiped his glasses with a brocade handkerchief, then put them on again, and said solemnly: “Don’t forget that there was Su behind the Burmese United Army. They have the support of the Su Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom, and even many of their officers received military training in the Su Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom.”

Many of the generals present here also participated in the battle against the Burmese United Army that year, so they naturally know the other party’s officer quality and command capabilities.

If the coalition had not had serious internal conflicts and later disintegrated, it might not be the Myanmar National Defense Force sitting here now.

“What should Jingdong do now?” Wen Jun, deputy commander of the Burmese army, frowned.

Wu Mengtai has called and said that he can hold on for three days at most. Without supporting troops within three days, he will definitely not be able to hold on.

But now that the enemy has an air force, the Burmese airborne troops may end up being surrounded if they attack rashly, and the army cannot quickly open the road to Jingdong.

The Southern Shan State Army in the middle will never watch the Myanmar Army swagger past their guerrilla zone.

“Commander-in-Chief! Urgent military situation!” At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

A staff officer stepped forward to open the door, and saw an officer trotting up to Min Donglai with a panicked expression and handing him a document.

When Mindong took a look at the results file, his face became even more gloomy.

Then, he handed the document to Wen Jun next to him.

While saying: “Wen Junkai and Mandan of the Kachin Army have come together.”

Everyone looked at Wen Jun.

The Wen family is a powerful family in Myanmar, Wen Junkai is from the civil service system, and Wen Jun is from the military system. The two have always had a good relationship before.

But after Wen Jun followed Mindong to launch a military coup, the Wen family also divided into two factions, one supported Wen Jun and the military government, and the other supported Wen Junkai.

After former President Wen Ji and Secretary-General So Myint were detained by the military, Wen Junkai, who was not in the capital, immediately absconded and is now mobilizing various forces in an attempt to form a new government.

Now it appears he has the support of the Kachin Army.

Mindonglai turned around in his chair and looked at the map of Myanmar behind him.

The Kachin Army has always been a ‘rebel’. When the Burmese Army attacked the Kokang Army, the Kachin Army not only supported the Kokang Army, but also launched a guerrilla war against the Burmese Army. The two sides had small-scale conflicts in various parts of northern Myanmar.

Now that Wen Junkai and Mandan have come together, with the support of the Kachin Army, there will inevitably be a wave of resistance.

Compared to Jingdong’s war, Mindong Lai was more concerned about Wen Junkai and others.

The corruption of the war in Jingdong only involves the Eastern Shan State, but if Wen Junkai and the Kachin Army are allowed to develop and grow, rebel armies will emerge from all over the country.

After all, he was not in the right position. I don’t know how many people were watching him. The military regions in various places only obeyed him openly. I don’t know if they had any contact with those civilian officials secretly. .

So Mindonglai made a decision to go north to quell the chaos!

“Order the 88th Infantry Division, the 3rd Armored Division, and the 3rd Artillery Division to be transferred to Taunggyi, and the 22nd Infantry Division and the 2nd Artillery Division to be transferred to Naoqiu.” After a long silence, Min Donglai made a strategic deployment.

Originally, the Myanmar Army deployed a motorized infantry division and a local division in Lashio and Lao Cai in northern Shan State to suppress the Kokang army in Lao Cai and fight against the Kachin Army.

Now an additional infantry division has been dispatched to Naoqiu behind Lashio. Together with two infantry divisions and an armored division in Taunggyi, southern Shan State, they are connected from the plain in western Shan State to form a defense. Wire.

This defense line basically defends several warlord armed forces in Shan State from outside and protects the central plains of Myanmar.

Together with other troops from the local military region, this eastern defense line has a total of three local divisions, three motorized infantry divisions, two armored divisions, and two artillery divisions, with a total strength of more than 70,000 people.

Subsequently, Min Donglai ordered the mobilization of the 101st Infantry Division, 77th Infantry Division, 66th Infantry Division, 55th Infantry Division, 44th Infantry Division, 33rd Infantry Division, 3rd Armored Division, 4th Armored Division, and the 5th Infantry Division. artillery division, seven independent brigades, and five independent armored battalions.

A total of 150,000 troops gathered towards Mandalay in the north.

The intelligence from Wen Junkai and Mandan has been transmitted, but there has been no movement in the Northern Military Region. This is enough to explain the problem.

We can’t take care of the war in Jingdong, there is a bigger crisis now.

Sure enough, it was less than three hours under Mindong Lai’s order.

Wen Junkai issued a televised speech in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State, announcing the formation of a Myanmar coalition government to oppose the Myanmar military government in Naypyitaw. The Northern Military Region Commander Chinsa, Kachin State Governor Kunli Tidan, and Kachin Army Commander Man Dan announced to join Myanmar’s coalition government.

Form the Myanmar United Government Defense Force and formally declare war on the Myanmar military government.

The civil war in Myanmar has broken out.

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