: Rapidly Changing Situation

“A civilian group headed by Myanmar’s former Speaker of the National Assembly Thu Lawathy and Deputy Chief of Staff Wen Junkai joined forces with Myanmar’s Northern Military Region, Kachin Army and many other forces to announce the establishment of a coalition government of Myanmar and the establishment of a joint defense force of Myanmar. The military government declares war! Myanmar’s civil war breaks out!”

“It is reported that the Kachin Army is the first local armed force to announce its support for the coalition government of Myanmar.”

“The commander of the Northern Military Region, Chin Sa, said that the military led by Min Donglai made a mistake by detaining former President Win Ji and General Secretary So Myint, and government power should be returned immediately.”

“According to the latest news in northern Myanmar, Wen Junkai issued a televised speech, calling on people from all walks of life in Myanmar to support the Myanmar coalition government, join the Myanmar United Defense Force, and launch resistance to the military government headed by Mindon Lai.”

“According to informed sources, the Myanmar coalition government has controlled 15% of Myanmar’s land and 30% of its villages and towns. The newly formed coalition government defense force has an armed force of more than 80,000 people.”

“Special report, war has resumed in the Golden Triangle area, and Kengtung City, the capital of Eastern Shan State, has lost contact for more than three days. According to the description of refugees entering Siam from Eastern Shan State, a new armed force has emerged in the Southern Wa State Special Administrative Region and is moving Launch an attack on Jingdong.”

“The outside world still knows nothing about the current war situation in Jingdong, but the Wa State Special Administrative Region has declared a state of war readiness, which is most likely related to the war in Jingdong.”

The capital of the Kingdom of Siam, Manchester.

In the Dragon Kingdom’s embassy in Siam, Su Qin, who was the ambassador to Siam at the time, was watching the CCTV news from the Kingdom of Siam, his brows gradually frowning into a line.

Just this morning, Myanmar, which had been silent for two years, suddenly broke a big news.

Two former senior officials of the civilian government, the commander of the local military region and the commander of the local armed forces announced that they would jointly form a new government to oppose the military government in Naypyitaw and prepare to use military operations to force Mindon Lai to step down.

Since the military coup in Myanmar two years ago, although some news has occasionally broken out, it may be the trial of former President Win Kyi and Secretary General So Myint, or the public’s opposition to the military government’s takeover of power, or the military’s attacks on local armed forces.

This is the first time that news has directly triggered a civil war like this.

There was also a military coup in Myanmar more than ten years ago. It can even be said that the Myanmar military came to power in the form of coups from time to time and then retreated after reaping benefits. This is no longer the case twice.

But this time it’s obviously a little different.

In Kachin State in northern Myanmar, local military factions, civilian factions, and anti-government armed forces have actually united together and formed an army of 80,000 people.

Su Qin has a certain understanding of the situation in Myanmar and knows that the Kachin Army is only the first local warlord to join the coalition government of Myanmar, but it will definitely not be the last.

Myanmar not only has a large number of warlords in northern Myanmar, but also has a large number of anti-government armed forces in the eastern and southeastern military regions and coastal military regions of Myanmar that border the Kingdom of Siam, as well as in the western and western military regions and northwest military regions of Myanmar that border on Tianzhu. Local military leaders also have great autonomy.

The civil war in Myanmar will probably not be settled in a few years.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com///)

A counselor came in from outside and saw Su Qin watching TV here. He immediately came up and said, “Ambassador Su, please contact us urgently and order us to cooperate with the embassy in Myanmar to prepare for the evacuation of overseas Chinese.”

Su Qin nodded, picked up the phone and called his secretary to issue a meeting notice to discuss specific measures.

If there is an evacuation of overseas Chinese, warships should be dispatched from China, and what they need to do is to do a good job in response.

Overseas Chinese traveling on their own will basically return to the country, while Chinese employees of some companies will be resettled according to the situation.

For example, some companies that have factories and branches in Siam may transfer their Myanmar employees to Siam, which requires their embassy in Siam to come forward to work.

It would be better if there were Chinese ships in Siam coastal ports to participate in the evacuation operation.

“By the way, Qiu Ran, how is the situation in the Golden Triangle?” After making the call, Su Qin suddenly remembered a task arranged domestically some time ago and asked.

More than ten days ago, a big news broke in China. A foreign company deceived hundreds of employees to travel to Southeast Asia and then kidnapped them to the Golden Triangle.

The abductees were forced to ask for ransom from their families. If the ransom was not paid, the victims would be tortured. They would also make a video and send it to the victims’ families.

Hundreds of victims’ family members have called the police one after another, and a certain scale of public opinion has been formed, which is taken seriously in the country.

But just a few days ago, all of the victims suddenly had access to their mobile phones at any time. According to the victims, a warlord occupied the place where they were and beat away the forces that kidnapped them, but now they are During the war, they could not be sent out safely, so they contacted the country in the hope of being rescued.

The country quickly took it seriously and asked the embassy in Siam to confirm and rescue matters.

Because they were kidnapped by the South Wa State Special Administrative Region close to the Siamese border, they only need to enter the relatively safe territory of Siam, and the embassy in Siam can take them home more safely and conveniently.

Counselor Huang Qiuran said: “I was about to report to you.”

“Secretary Wang took several attachés to Mae Sai County. Across the river is Tachileik in Burma. However, according to local Siamese officials, there was a war in Tachileik across the river two days ago. It is said that the people stationed in Tachileik All the Burmese troops at the Lek and Mae Sai county checkpoints were replaced, and a new force occupied Tachileik and blocked the border checkpoint.”

“A new warlord?” Su Qin frowned. The situation in the Golden Triangle was changing rapidly. Drug lords had been attacking each other for many years. Several new drug lords or warlords appeared every year.

But their scale is generally not too large, with a few hundred people at most.

The replacement of tens of thousands of armed forces like Khun Sa is big news in Southeast Asia and even the entire East.

“I’m not sure. The other side has blocked the border checkpoint. Siam has sent additional troops to patrol the border, and our people don’t dare to step forward easily.” Huang Qiuran replied.

Su Qin sighed and thought seriously.

“Let Xiao Wang and the others find a way to contact and communicate with each other to see if they can get our people back.” Although it was dangerous, Su Qin decided to let his diplomats try.

After all, it is their duty as diplomats to bring their compatriots who are in danger home.

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