: Jungle counterattack!

The counterattack of the Red Police Corps was so rapid that when the remnants of the Mongla Army fled into the jungle, the pursuing troops had already followed them into the jungle.

These red alert soldiers were organized into groups of three, three or four into an attack formation, and continued to advance deeper into the jungle.

In the sky, the drones operated by the Red Alert soldiers hovered over the jungle, scanning the enemies in the jungle with the thermal imagers they carried.

At an altitude of several hundred meters higher, Mi-24 armed helicopters also began to enter the jungle, carrying out focused attacks on the enemy’s artillery positions deployed in open areas.

The commander of the Mongla Army, Luo Bao, sent up the last infantry battalion and guard regiment in his hand, trying to rely on the complex terrain of the jungle and the dense virgin forest to block the attack of the Red Police Corps.

However, under the scanning of per capita high-tech instruments, these Mongla Army soldiers, who covered themselves in camouflage uniforms and hid in piles of leaves, bushes, and even behind stones, had no way of hiding.

The Red Alert soldiers who fought back wore thermal imaging cameras and fired directly at human-shaped hot spots in the jungle.

The hiding Mongla soldiers wailed in pain.

And if they encounter some enemies hiding behind complex terrain, the Red Alert soldiers will install grenade launchers on their rifles, and launch grenades or hand grenades one by one to the enemy’s hiding position, directly bombing them indiscriminately. .

If the enemy occupies a certain dangerous terrain and shoots from a high position, the red alert soldiers will call for air fire support.

After receiving a call from the ground forces, the Mi-24 armed helicopter hovering over the jungle will soon turn around, head towards the coordinates provided by the ground forces, and direct the 57mm rockets mounted under the wings towards the hostile target. pouring.

It wasn’t enough to pour out a few rockets. The 12.7mm Gatling gun on the nose of the aircraft also fired a round at the target.

Hardly any enemy could survive such an offensive.

A single 12.7mm bullet is enough to punch a big hole in the body of a Mongla Army soldier. If it hits an arm or thigh, it can even break the bones, leaving no solution except amputation.

The counterattack of the Red Police Corps was as fast as fire and soon defeated more than a thousand men of the Mongla Army guard who tried to block the Red Police Corps.

The artillery positions of the Mongla Army were also destroyed by the attack by the Red Police Air Force.

Except for a few 60mm mortars that were taken away by the Mongla Army artillery as soon as the artillery position was attacked, several other 60mm mortars, 81mm mortars, 120mm mortars and 70mm The rocket launchers were destroyed in the fighting.

With the defeat of the guard troops, the entire Mongla army in Luo Bao’s hands collapsed.

His officers could not organize an effective counterattack at all. Even if an individual officer organized some soldiers to block the attack, he would soon be attacked by the Red Police Corps.

Fire from the ground and the air would overwhelm them in an instant.

Luo Bao had no choice but to order the troops to retreat from all directions.

Just as he was giving his order, in the sky, a Mi-24 armed helicopter fired ten rockets directly towards Luo Bao’s location based on the hot spot detected by the drone.

The roaring rockets instantly flooded the semi-underground bunker, and the headquarters of the 786th brigade of the Mongla Army, including Luo Bao, was wiped out in one fell swoop.

“How could this happen…” Not far away, Mongla army marshal Lin Bangde was lying on the ground, looking at the 786 brigade headquarters that was submerged by explosions one after another, his eyes stunned.

Wu Teng, who was able to escape the blast wave of the explosion just by pressing Lin Bangde under him, quickly got up from the ground, pulled Lin Bangde up, and without saying a word, picked up Lin Bangde and ran north.

“Why! Why!” Lin Bangdang looked at the surrounding forest, filled with soldiers of the Mongla Army who were hurriedly fleeing for their lives. Gunshots and explosions kept coming from behind.

The hum of the armed helicopters circling in the sky was like coming from hell.

He couldn’t understand why the Mongla army was defeated so quickly.

Although Lin Bangde is a playboy, he is not afraid of life and death. On the contrary, the extreme environment has developed his extreme character.

He often led the Mongla Army Guard Group, the elite force established by his father, to fight with other drug lords in the Golden Triangle.

Whether it is other drug lords, Jingdong’s 141st Infantry Division, or other small militia groups or small warlords, he can fight back and forth, and even annihilate the opponent.

Although the enemy this time has many advanced weapons and equipment, Lin Bond believes that in the Golden Triangle area, their Mongla Army is good at guerrilla warfare and jungle warfare, and they can fight the enemy no matter what.

What’s more, there are only more than 100 people in the military camp opposite, and they have more than 4,000 people. The siege force alone has 3,000 people.

However, after fighting for half an hour, they were still unable to capture the opponent’s military camp. Even after the opponent’s support troops arrived, the Mongla army was quickly counterattacked, and one unit after another was defeated and collapsed during the counterattack.

Even the security group responsible for protecting his safety was defeated and collapsed within half an hour after being pulled up.

In the jungle warfare that they are best at, the Mongla Army of more than 4,000 people was beaten by the Red Police Army of 300 people and was unable to fight back.

The siege of Jilong Town was solved in this way, and the next battle was one-sided towards the Red Police Corps.

While Wu Teng was running for his life with Lin Bondang on his back, the war on the Jingdong front also ushered in a major counterattack! .


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