: Air assault plan!

“How long will it take for the land troops to advance to Mengla County?” Wang Yao frowned slightly as he looked at the winding roads on the map.

This road is too circuitous and passes through a narrow area between two mountains, making it easy for the enemy to block it.

“The second battalion and armored forces attacking north were blocked by the enemy and advanced slowly.” Chen Lin handed over a tablet computer.

After taking the tablet, Wang Yao saw the frontline report and battle photos above. The Mongla Army deployed defensive positions on the steep mountains on both sides of the highway, condescendingly blocking the highway.

Cross over to the next page.

From the high-altitude photos taken by the reconnaissance plane, we can see that not only in the northern part of the Jingdong Plain, but also deep in the highway line, there are blocking positions in various places. Some small positions are only three or five people in size and do not even have a machine gun. , only two or three rifles.

But even this is enough to block the advancement of the Legion’s troops on such a narrow road.

Even if this highway line is opened, it will be annoying for the Mongla Army’s stragglers in the jungle to come out from time to time to fight guerrillas, blow up bridges, lay booby traps on the highway, etc.

“So, the staff’s opinion is that the Nighthawk transport helicopter squadron transports a light infantry battalion and directly launches an air assault on Mongla County!” Chen Lin said solemnly from the side.

Wang Yao’s manpower resources are a bit tight, and there are no paratroopers to airborne, so if he wants to rush into Mongla County as quickly as possible, the best way is to use Nighthawk transport helicopters to conduct air assault operations.

“The Red Alert Base still has two companies of troops. If we step up production, we can produce another company to form an air assault battalion before midnight. It should be enough.” Chen Lin continued.

Wang Yao’s spy chief Wang Nian also said: “According to reports from spies, almost the entire Mongla army was dispatched. The troops stationed in Mongla County only have a militia of more than a thousand people, and the spies have infiltrated this militia. force.”

Based on the battle reports from various places and the summary of intelligence sent back by the Red Alert spies, the Intelligence Department calculated that the Mongla Army dispatched more than 4,000 troops in Jilong Town and more than 3,000 troops in the Jingdong Plain.

There are more than a thousand troops on the northern branch of Highway 4.

The main force of the entire Mongla Army is only more than 8,000 troops. The Mongla Army can be said to be deployed in full force. In addition to the militiamen in the hometown of Mongla County, there are only a few anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns and air defense troops.

“Order the spies in Mongla County to quickly explore the enemy’s air defense positions and important military strongholds, and then send a message to Zhao Wenlong on the front line to postpone the attack on the Wa State Army and temporarily focus the main offensive force on the pursuit of the Mongla Army. Don’t let the Mongla army withdraw.”

“Order the Air Force to prepare three Intruder attack aircraft and three Mi-24 armed helicopters to prepare for an air raid on Mongla County one step ahead of the air assault troops!”

“Order the Nighthawk transport helicopter squadron to be on standby at the main base!”

As Wang Yao’s order was issued, Chen Lin and his staff got busy.

Wang Nian also began to send new instructions to the spy network.

At this time, Chen Lin suddenly said: “Commander, the north of Mongla is the Dragon Kingdom. Do you need to say hello to the Dragon Kingdom?”

Wang Yao lit a cigarette and nodded.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it is best to give a notification.

“Which diplomat from the Dragon Kingdom is not in the park of Mengsa County? Bring him here.” Wang Yao looked at the surrounding environment and prepared to meet this brave diplomat here.

In Mengsa County Science and Technology Park.

Wang Wenbin and his deputy Sun Cheng were suddenly woken up and called out in confusion.

“Secretary Wang, the commander wants to see you.” Yu Yaojie, who was in charge of receiving them, said.

Wang Wenbin and Sun Cheng lost their sleepiness instantly and followed Yu Yaojie outside the park.

When they arrived outside the park, the two found an infantry fighting vehicle parked here.

The two got into the car silently, with a lot of thoughts in their minds, constantly guessing the reason for being suddenly called.

The infantry fighting vehicle drove all the way to the airport barracks and stopped in front of a fortification.

When they got out of the car, they heard something sound in the open space.

Wang Wenbin turned around and saw that in the darkness, there seemed to be some huge building erected in the originally empty area.

Before he could think more, he was invited in.

The fortifications were full of busy Red Police civilian soldiers. Wang Wenbin did not deliberately eavesdrop, but they all spoke in Chinese, and he was increasingly shocked.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·····

Such a huge military group is impossible without the support of a world-class power!

And they all spoke Chinese. Let alone the outside world, even he himself began to doubt Ambassador Su Qin’s words.

The corridor was not long, and the two of them were quickly taken to a command room.

Wang Wenbin looked around and saw an outrageously young man in military uniform sitting in front of a huge map table. His eyes were focused like an eagle, staring at the map and thinking about something.

Yu Yaojie, the staff officer who brought them here, came to the young man’s side, saluted and reported the mission.

“Well, you two, sit down.” The young man raised his head from the map table, made an invitation gesture to Wang Wenbin and Sun Cheng, and then said to Yaojie: “Yaojie, go and pour two cups of tea for Secretary Wang. and Attaché Sun.”

… . 0

“Yes!” Yu Yaojie turned around and went to operate the water dispenser next to him.

After Wang Wenbin and Sun Cheng sat down, they just glanced at the map table and were stunned.

This is an aerial map of the Golden Triangle, with Tachileik as the center and as far as Kokang. Mountains, rivers, villages and cities within a radius of a thousand kilometers are clearly marked on it.

And there are red arrows on it extending outward from Mengsa County, Mengdong County, and Jingdong City, fighting with arrows and fortifications of other colors, including black, blue, and green.

If you look at the map, it is not difficult to find that the army has occupied most of Eastern Shan State, including two counties in the Southern Wa State Special Administrative Region, Tachileik County in Mengbin County, and Kengdong City!

Only Mongla and Bangkang counties in the north are still under the control of other forces.

The hair on Wang Wenbin’s body stood up. What kind of army was this? It actually occupied most of Eastern Shan State without the surrounding countries noticing!

And it is still expanding outwards!

He couldn’t help but look at the man across the table curiously.

“Let me introduce myself, my name is Wang Yao.” Wang Yao looked at Wang Wenbin, looked directly into his doubtful eyes, and said, “I am the supreme commander of the legion.”

“As you two can see, he is also a Chinese.”

Wang Yao’s words were like a hammer, hitting Wang Wenbin’s heart hard.

Because this name is also on the list of abductees! Dry.

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