: Air Raid on Mongla County

An air force base in Longguo.

The superior suddenly issued a combat readiness order, making the air force base quickly enter a state of combat readiness as if it was facing a powerful enemy.

Although the Dragon Kingdom has not been at war for decades, it has long been provoked by other Western countries, relying on its advanced technological advantages to conduct high-altitude reconnaissance and other methods to spy on the Dragon Kingdom’s territory.

Therefore, Longguo invests heavily in aerospace research and development and attaches great importance to airspace.

The Air Force of the Dragon Kingdom has long been in confrontation with the air forces of other countries. The pilots of the Dragon Kingdom’s Air Force are rich in experience. They were fully dressed and ready as soon as the combat readiness order was issued.

As mechanics completed final inspections, a reconnaissance aircraft took off first.

Subsequently, the ground crew filled the two fighter jets with aviation fuel and missiles, and the two Jian-16 fighter jets took off one after another and headed south.

The commander of the air force base looked at the take-off fighter jets with a serious look on his face.

“Dong Yao Dong Yao, I am Dong Guai.” On a Jian-16 fighter jet, the pilots were communicating.

“Dongguai received, Dongguai received, Dongyao please speak.” Pilot Li Chenggang responded quickly on another Jian-16 fighter jet.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the flight could only be carried out with the help of flight instruments and ground guidance.

And this time the target is the southern airspace, and their mission is to wait for orders at any time.

Not long after, the two Jian-16 fighter jets had flown to the border airspace, and the reconnaissance aircraft that had arrived earlier than them had begun conducting reconnaissance missions at an altitude of several thousand meters.

At this moment, three dots appeared on the radar of the Jian-16 fighter jet.

“Reconnaissance No. 1 calls Dongyao Dongguai! Reconnaissance No. 1 calls Dongyao Dongguai!” The voice of the reconnaissance aircraft operator came from Li Chenggang’s flight helmet.

Two Jian-16 fighter jets responded quickly.

Just when Li Chenggang thought that there was an invading enemy plane on the other side, the reconnaissance plane told them not to move lightly and to observe and wait for orders.

Li Chenggang’s understanding was that this was border airspace and the other party had not crossed the border, so they could not initiate an attack, so he and his companions began to wait quietly.

“Zhang Jia, make sure what model the fighter plane on the opposite side is!” Li Chenggang said to his deputy.

The Jian-16 fighter jet is a two-seat, twin-engine multi-purpose fighter. There is a deputy operator on the seat behind Li Chenggang, who is operating the radar to scan the opposite fighter jet and determine the opponent’s aircraft model based on the echo characteristics.

“Captain, based on the radar echo diagnosis, the three opponent fighters should all be A-6 attack aircraft.” Zhang Jia said.

“A-6 attack aircraft?” As a pilot, Li Chenggang is very familiar with the fighter aircraft of various countries currently in service.

So he said: “I remember that the Myanmar Air Force is not equipped with A-6 attack aircraft.”

The A-6 attack aircraft is an attack aircraft developed by Eagle Country. It is mainly equipped on aircraft carriers. It has participated in many foreign wars of aggression by Eagle Country, but it gradually retired from active service as early as the 1990s.

Only a few of the Air Forces of Eagle Nation’s allies still have a small amount of equipment, and Myanmar has long been the target of sanctions by Western countries led by Eagle Nation, and has not been equipped with A-6 attack aircraft at all.

“Captain! A missile was launched from the opposite side!” Zhang Jia suddenly exclaimed.

Li Chenggang was about to ask for details when suddenly fire exploded in the mountainous area in front of the plane, and huge explosive fireballs rose up in a valley plain.

“That’s…” Li Chenggang reacted quickly.

“It’s Mongla County in Myanmar!” Zhang Jia said: “The three attack planes on the opposite side launched multiple missiles and launched an air strike on Mongla County!”

Good guy.

Li Chenggang shouted directly.

Although they were thousands of meters above the ground and still some distance from the border, the A-6 attack planes on the opposite side were attacking one after another as if they were free. Various missiles were raining down on Mongla County, and the small plain was covered with flames. Soaring into the sky, explosions rose into the sky.

When the two Jian-16s rushed to the border, on the ground, Bianluo Town on the border also entered a state of combat readiness.

The local border defense troops quickly mobilized, blocked the border ports, and evacuated the people in Bianluo Town. Anti-aircraft weapons also raised their muzzles, preparing for the worst.

However, the air strikes launched by the attack planes on the opposite side were accurate. Mongla County on the plain across the river was continuously bombed. Various military fortifications and military camps were severely attacked. Countless military strongholds were blasted, and even effective counterattacks were launched. Nothing can be stopped.

Among the first wave of air strikes were the Mongla Army’s few anti-aircraft machine gun and anti-aircraft gun positions.

Red alert spies have clearly explored the various military strongholds deployed by the Mongla Army around Mongla County, especially the anti-aircraft machine gun positions and anti-aircraft artillery positions, which are key targets.

The sudden air raid caught the Mongla Army by surprise. News of bombings came from military camps in various places, which made the wrinkled face of Lin Ming, commander of the Mongla Army, even more twisted into a knot.

“Commander! All military camps have been attacked by enemy air attacks! The troops are in chaos!” Chief of Staff Jiang Ming quickly came to Lin Ming’s side and said nervously: “The enemy’s planes bombed all our military strongholds. There must be spies. You have revealed our information! Go quickly! Go to the other side of the river!”

Across the river is Bianluo Town in Dragon Kingdom.

“If we leave like this at this time! The Mongla Army will really be doomed!” Lin Ming still wanted to make a final resistance.

He still has more than a thousand militiamen in his hands, and there are more than a thousand militiamen in the border mountainous areas controlled by the Mongla Army, who can be organized to fight guerrillas against the enemy.

Jiang Mingming said: “Commander! The frontline troops were defeated, and Luo Bao’s whereabouts are unknown! But as long as you are alive, you can reorganize the Mongla Army! Fight guerrillas with the enemy, but if you die, the Mongla Army will really be gone. !”

Lin Ming still can’t believe that in just two days, the nearly ten thousand troops in his hands collapsed like this!

Moreover, in the jungle battle that they were good at (very good), they were beaten by the enemy until they were scared to death.

The two brigades that went out to fight were separated. Luo Bao’s whereabouts were unknown, and his son was also lost. For a moment, Lin Ming felt that he had no strength in his body. His face instantly turned pale, and his body began to tremble slightly.

When Jiang Ming saw this, he quickly stepped forward to support Lin Ming and shouted for the guards.

Under the cover of darkness, Jiang Ming organized a guard team of more than a dozen people, took the unconscious Lin Ming, and drove to the Dragon Kingdom Port in the north.

Military strongholds on both sides of the road have been continuously attacked by air strikes, and explosions have occurred one after another. The Mongla Army militiamen stationed in Mongla County have been bombarded.

Even the commander and chief of staff ran away, and they even ran into the mountains in a panic, hoping to escape the bombing.

After the bombing that lasted for an hour, three Mi-24 armed helicopters escorted fifteen Nighthawk transport aircraft from the south.

The assault operation against Mongla County began! .

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