: Panic caused by a Chinese military group

As we all know, the Dragon Kingdom supported two well-known forces in Southeast Asia during its export period decades ago.

One of them is the Burmese United Army, and the other is the South Vietnamese Allied Army.

Many key personnel of these two forces have received Chinese cultural education and ideological instruction from the Dragon Kingdom, have conducted military studies in the Dragon Kingdom, and have received material assistance from the Dragon Kingdom. Some of them are even from the Dragon Kingdom themselves.

However, the United Army of Myanmar itself fell into civil strife. In the battle with the Independent Army of Myanmar, it made up for the losses and eventually collapsed.

The South Vietnamese Allied Forces even became white-eyed wolves, eating the supplies aided by the Dragon Kingdom and driving away the colonists. They then turned around and wanted to be the overlord, aiming their guns at the Dragon Kingdom.

Then he was educated by Long Guo, and he became well-behaved for decades.

The situation in Southeast Asia is also very strange.

In the West, Myanmar has a long-standing civil war, warlord rule, and military coups from time to time.

Although South Vietnam in the east had restrained somewhat after its defeat in the war with the Dragon Kingdom, it had even shrunk its sphere of influence after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the lack of external assistance.

However, South Vietnam still maintains close cooperative relations with Laos and the Kingdom of Khmer. Many officials in the current governments of Laos and the Kingdom of Khmer have South Vietnamese backgrounds. Not only are the governments close to South Vietnam, but also the armies of Laos and the Kingdom of Khmer. The South Vietnamese Army had a joint defense-agreement.

In contrast, the Kingdom of Siam in the south has been relatively independent and stable for a long time.

The reason why Laos is concerned about the rise of the Legion is because Laos does not have enough territorial control in the Golden Triangle and is overrun with drug traffickers. Although it is not as divided by warlords and drug lords as Myanmar, it is not as relaxed as the Kingdom of Siam.

Judging from the map, in the Golden Triangle area, there is a large plain in the Kingdom of Siam, which is under strong military control and has relatively few drug dealers.

The areas in Myanmar and Laos are full of primitive jungles, which are very suitable for drug lords to hide in them.

The profits from growing opium poppies are also higher than those from growing traditional food crops. Many drug lords hide in dense virgin jungles, deep mountains and old forests far away from cities and highways. They recruit mountain people to grow opium poppies, then process them into drugs and sell them. To various countries.

It’s just that the Laotian military has better control over the Golden Triangle area in their territory than Myanmar. There are no warlords or drug lords with tens of thousands of people. There are only some small-scale drug lords. A few hundred or thousands of people are big drug lords. Xiaoxiao.

But at the same time, because the Golden Triangle is closely connected, many drug lords control areas across the border. Some drug lords will even flee to other countries when they are attacked by the government forces of this country.

When the government troops could no longer hold on in the mountains and forests, and the cost was too high and they had to withdraw to the big cities, they came back and continued to coerce the local mountain people to plant opium poppies.

For example, brothers Kun Sha and Wei Tianze, as well as Nuokang, who was jointly arrested by the four countries, are all drug lords who are active on the border and jump repeatedly.

Su Qin picked up the tea that Huang Qiuran poured, took a sip, sighed and said: “The legion used Chinese characters to announce to the outside world, and also occupied most of the Eastern Shan State including Jingdong. It is more powerful than Kun Saudi Arabia is so powerful that not only Laos is worried, but the Kingdom of Siam and Myanmar are also worried.”

“It’s just that now Myanmar is too preoccupied with the civil war to take care of the Golden Triangle. The Kingdom of Siam is busy celebrating Rama X’s 70th birthday, and the military and the Democratic Progressive Party are competing for the election again.”

“ASEAN is no longer the ASEAN it used to be. Each country has its own little thoughts, otherwise it might be a joint military operation against the Golden Triangle.”

Huang Qiuran was relatively young. He had just been transferred from China not long ago. He didn’t know much about the situation in Southeast Asian countries. He asked in confusion: “Is he just a new warlord in the Golden Triangle region worthy of such attention from these three countries?”

Su Qin smiled bitterly and shook his head: “If it were warlords from other tribes, they wouldn’t pay so much attention, but the Legion is a military group dominated by Chinese!”

“You probably don’t know what that means.”

“After Myanmar became independent, the first thing it suppressed was the Myanmar-United Army, which had a large number of Chinese people. After the rise of Khun Sa, it carried out military suppression twice.”

“I used deception to catch Kun Sha for the first time, but he was later rescued by Zhang Suquan after many twists and turns.”

“The second time, Myanmar wanted to repeat the same trick, but Khun Sa would not be fooled a second time, and established an independent kingdom in the Golden Triangle. Then Myanmar used the local Shan ethnic group and other warlords to besiege Khun Sa.”

“The predecessor of Laos was the South Vietnam Alliance, and even now it is considered a half-subordinate state of South Vietnam. You should also know what South Vietnam did to the Chinese back then.”

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·····

“As for the Kingdom of Siam…”

Su Qin smiled contemptuously, looked at Huang Qiuran with an intriguing look, and said slowly: “Did you know that the emperor with the highest achievements in the history of the Siam Dynasty, the one who established the territory of modern Siam, was a Chinese!”

“Chinese emperor?” Huang Qiuran was shocked.

“There are four dynasties and fifty monarchs in the history of Siam. Among them, only five can be called emperors and given the title of great emperor.” Su Qin motioned for Huang Qiuran to sit next to him.

Then he continued to explain: “Among them, Emperor Zheng, who is considered to have the highest merit, is a Chinese.”

Emperor Zheng’s real name is Zheng Xin. He is a native of Guangdong Province in the Dragon Kingdom. His father is Chinese and engaged in business in the Siam Dynasty. His mother is Siamese. When he was young, he was adopted as an adopted son by the Minister of Finance of the Siam Dynasty. He once served as the Queen of the Palace. Bodyguard, Lord of Dacheng City, Lord of Kamphaeng Phet City.

… . …

At that time, Burma was at its peak, destroying the Kingdom of Siam, nearly unifying the Southeast Asian peninsula, and was at war with the Qing Kingdom in the north at that time.

Zheng Xin reorganized his army in a port city on the southern coast. With the support of the local Chinese and Siamese, he fought against Burma, regained the capital of Siam, and continued to expand Siam’s sphere of influence, laying the foundation for modern Siam.

Although he only reigned for fifteen years before being killed by his subordinates, his achievements were unparalleled in Siam.

Finally, Su Qin added: “By the way, the person who killed Emperor Zheng is called Chao Phraya Chakri, who is also Rama I, the founding monarch of the current Kingdom of Siam.”

Hearing this, Huang Qiuran felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

No wonder the successive kings of Siam in modern history were so defensive, suppressive, and excluded from the Chinese.

It turns out that they themselves are the anti-superpowers who created the Chinese emperor!

Regardless of the small number of Chinese people in Southeast Asian countries, even in countries like Siam and Myanmar, the closer you get to the capital area, the fewer Chinese people can speak Chinese.

That’s because they know how scary the Chinese are and have been trying every means to suppress the promotion channels of the Chinese. They don’t allow the Chinese to be officials or join the military. At most, they can only engage in business.

Now, a Chinese-dominated military group has emerged in the Golden Triangle.

Although it only occupies a few county towns, the Chinese military group controls an area with a population of only one million.

The memory coming from the depths of their blood gave them an inexplicable panic.

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