: War in Northern Myanmar

As the Legion announced their existence, countries in Southeast Asia paid attention.

But only for attention.

Because the current area of activity of the legion is still in the Eastern Shan State area of Myanmar in the Golden Triangle.

Although the Kingdom of Laos and Siam paid attention and increased patrols in the Golden Triangle area, especially the border, they did not take any further action, even though the memories hidden deep in their bloodline were already reminding them.

Human beings are so complex. Even if they know that the other party had glory decades or hundreds of years ago, and can find corresponding events in history, they still cannot learn the lessons.

As the saying goes, ‘The only lesson humans learn from history is that humans don’t learn lessons from history. ‘

Only when disaster truly befalls them will they begin to regret it.

At this time, Wang Yao didn’t care too much about the attention from the outside world.


As the legion occupied most of the eastern Shan State, his Red Alert base became more and more complete, and the Red Alert legion became larger and larger. Even if faced with siege from several other countries in Southeast Asia, Wang Yao was confident that he could defeat them. .

I’m just saying that it’s like fighting a horror computer. You can beat it, but it takes a lot of energy.

Now it is temporarily entrenched in Eastern Shan State and has not expanded to the other two countries in the Golden Triangle. This is also taken into consideration.

When he relives his life, he doesn’t want to be too tired like in his previous life. This life is like playing a game, and he has to slowly appreciate life.

“Commander, Dabang Town and Mengyang Township have been captured, but the Wa State Army continues to conduct guerrilla warfare against our army in the jungle areas of Jingnan County, and has organized troops many times to try to detour from both wings and attack the middle and rear of our army. Launch an attack in the defense area and logistics line.”

In Mengsa County, Wang Yaozheng was sitting in the newly built Red Police sub-base. Chief of Staff Chen Lin reported to him the latest battle report on the front line.

After the legion annihilated the Mongla Army, it divided into two troops to launch an attack on the Wa State Army’s territory. The legion successfully invaded the hinterland of the Wa State Army and captured two towns.

However, the Wa State Army also took advantage of its familiarity with the terrain and jungle combat advantages to avoid the legion’s frontal troops, wandering roundabout from the depths of the jungle, and launching attacks on the flanks and logistics strongholds of the legion’s main force, causing certain troubles.

“Let Ma Hongzhen’s air assault battalion prepare for me to parachute into two cities in the northern part of the Wa State Army. Since Bao Jiaxiang wants to hit me in the abdomen, I will take out his waist first!” Wang Yao snorted, not caring about the battle on the front line. Worry.

Both Zhao Wenlong and Sun Hao are excellent Red Police officers. They have been familiar with various tactics under the rules of modern warfare since the day they were born. They are simply unable to deal with the pitiful United Wa State Army, which does not even have an air force and lacks heavy equipment. Killing a chicken with a bull’s-eye.

Just as Wang Yao expected.

Zhao Wenlong and Sun Hao on the front line commanded their troops to launch an attack on Jingnan County, forcing the Wa Army, which was fighting guerrilla warfare in the jungle, to mobilize troops to stop the attack.

Once the Wa army assembles, they will be strongly attacked by the Red Police Corps.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, red police reconnaissance aircraft were entrenched high, taking pictures of all the jungle landscapes in northern Myanmar on high-definition reconnaissance cameras, and then sent them to the analysis troops on the ground to find where the Wa State troops were hiding.

Even the MiG-29 fighter jets were not dispatched. The Red Police Air Force only dispatched Intruder attack aircraft loaded with various bombs and missiles to carry out large-scale bombing of the Wa State-controlled areas.

From the front line of the battle between the two armies in Jingnan County, to the capital of Bangkang in the Wa State Special Administrative Region, and then to the two counties in the northern part of the Wa State.

All Wa military strongholds and military camps exposed to Red Police reconnaissance aircraft were bombed by the Red Police Air Force.

The entire Wa State Special Administrative Region was caught in the flames of war, and no city was spared.

Civilians in various cities rushed to flee into the mountains and forests, while civilians near the border fled into the Dragon Kingdom.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, the Dragon Kingdom took in many refugees entering the country from the Wa State Special Administrative Region, and issued a border war notice, prohibiting ordinary Dragon Country people from leaving the country.

And in order to prevent the remnants of the Wa State Army from entering the territory of Longguo, Longguo has stepped up border patrols and sent many more soldiers to patrol.

The air force base in Yunnan Province has also entered a state of combat readiness, and early warning aircraft have been flying at high altitudes for a long time, always paying attention to the war dynamics in northern Myanmar.

boom! boom! boom!

As the legions pushed the war front to the outskirts of Jingnan County, the rumble of artillery could be heard even in the border villages within Long Kingdom.

Compared with the Wa Army, which lacks various heavy equipment, the Corps not only has large-caliber heavy artillery, but also transport aircraft units that can quickly deploy 155 howitzers.

In this jungle, the regiment, which had air superiority, continued to bombard the Wa Army’s strongholds and defense lines.

Under aerial firepower, fighter bombing, artillery bombardment, and all kinds of indiscriminate bombing, the front direction of the Wa army was in danger, and they could only resort to roaming combat to deal with the army.

However, the legion penetrated directly into the key points of the Wa State, and had to concentrate the army to stop it.

The Wa State Army fought very hard and retreated steadily due to the army’s absolute superiority.

More and more Wa civilians are taking their families and taking refuge in the Dragon Kingdom, which makes the people on the border of the Dragon Kingdom also worried.

A few years ago, when the Burmese army was fighting the Kokang Army, some artillery shells flew into the territory of Long Kingdom, causing 317 casualties among border civilians. I still remember vividly. Now the Wa State is also fighting, and the people on the border hear from the other side every day. How could one not panic at the sound of gunfire?

To the northeast of Jingnan County, a large number of refugees poured into the Mangxin Town Port.

Since the Wa State fell into war, Longguo has stepped up border patrols. Many Longguo troops have also come to Mangxin Town, which directly borders Jingnan County, Wa State, and the border ports have increased their troops.

Many civilians who entered the country from the Wa State were inspected here and were treated as refugees and resettled in Mangxin Town.

Although Bao Jiaxiang issued a war mobilization order, forcing various localities to form militias and guerrillas, and calling on civilians to take up arms and join the war.

But more ordinary people, especially those on the border, when encountering a war, their first thought is to enter the Dragon Kingdom in the north. It is peaceful and stable there, and there are relatives and friends who can help. Why go to fight with the enemy for Bao Jiaxiang? Working hard.

There are many border civilians who think this way. As the Legion invaded Jingnan County and carried out air raids and bombings across the Wa State, more than 30,000 refugees poured into the Dragon Kingdom border in a short period of time.

On the third day after the Legion announced its existence, it was also the fourth day after the Legion launched its attack on the Wa State.

At the official regular press conference, Long Guo was asked by several Southeast Asian reporters about the war in the Golden Triangle, and finally gave an official response.

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