: Shocking output!

What is the concept of a super-large iron ore vein with reserves of 2.5 billion tons?

The largest iron ore vein in Asia is the Benxi Iron Mine in the northeastern region of Dragon Kingdom, with total reserves exceeding three billion tons.

The largest iron ore vein in Southeast Asia is the Luo Shixi iron ore vein in South Vietnam, with total reserves of only about 540 million tons.

Moreover, iron ore also depends on the difficulty of mining and the quality of the iron ore.

If the mining is too difficult, the technical cost of mining will rise. If the quality of the iron ore is low, or the type of iron ore is magnetite, it will also lead to a substantial increase in mining costs and refining costs.

For example, most of Tu’ao’s iron ore has high reserves, good quality, and is easy to mine. It occupies a best-selling position in the international market. Tu’ao’s iron ore mining and pricing rights are monopolized by the four major international mining giants, which often affects Tu’ao’s iron ore mining and pricing power. International iron ore rough price.

They even often check the iron ore purchasing channels and prices in Dragon Kingdom, affecting the prices of iron ore and steel products in Dragon Kingdom and even the world.

When Zhang Shaoqian first heard Wang Yao say that they had discovered a large iron ore vein of 500 million tons and a super large iron ore vein of 2.5 billion tons, after being shocked, Zhang Shaoqian instinctively did not believe it.

But then he took the document report handed over by Chen Lin, and after examining it carefully, he showed a solemn expression.

Although he is not an expert in this field, the group has invested in several mining companies and he still understands some basic information.

Moreover, the other party also had various mining photos and ore quality data, which forced Zhang Shaoqian to pay attention.

While Zhang Shaoqian was looking at the documents carefully, Wang Yao picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

This 2.5 billion-ton iron ore is actually just a preliminary estimate after the black-tech mine of the Red Alert System was siphoned in southeastern Jingdong.

After launching a red police sub-base vehicle in Jingdong, Wang Yao re-deployed the technology mines originally in Mengsa to the relatively gentle mountains in the south of Jingdong City while building the sub-base.

Preliminary estimates show that with Jingdong as the center, it can siphon the iron ore resources hidden thousands of meters underground in the entire Golden Triangle, converging into a super-large iron ore vein with reserves of more than 2.5 billion tons.

These iron ores are mainly limonite. Although the taste is not as good as magnetite and hematite, under the siphon of technological mines, the difficulty of mining the veins is low, which directly reduces the cost and also improves the quality.

The comprehensive grade of limonite has reached 50%, and the grade of fine iron ore has reached 61%.

You must know that the theoretical maximum grade of limonite is only 62.9%. An iron ore vein of this level can already be called a rich ore! And there are such large reserves!

“To be honest, I’m not an expert in the iron ore industry, so I may need to ask professionals to evaluate it.” Zhang Shaoqian slowly put down the documents in his hand, looked at Wang Yao, and asked, “But I still want to ask, are you Do you want to cooperate in mining? Or bring in investment?”

“We are already mining, and the initial plan is to sell it to you for raw iron ore or selected high-quality iron ore.” Wang Yao said: “After the area stabilizes, we are ready to invest in the construction of two comprehensive large-scale ore mining companies. , and a large steelworks.”

“We hope to purchase these mining equipment, steelmaking equipment and railway construction connecting several cities and mining areas from your country.”

Although Wang Yao owns the mining field and ore refinery of the Red Police base to ensure the funds of the Red Police Corps.

But since we are planning to build our own country here, we must build a complete industrial system ourselves.

Wang Yao’s idea is very simple. The Dragon Kingdom provides equipment and technical assistance, and the legion exports resources such as iron ore rough stones for exchange.

Why not just let Long Guo invest?

First of all, the Legion is still just a regional warlord force. The situation in Myanmar is still unstable. The Dragon Kingdom will definitely not invest in such a large project. A large mining farm and steel plant cannot be built without tens of billions of funds.

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Secondly, although Wang Yao is a Chinese from the Dragon Kingdom, he now wants to build his own country independently. It is not good to rely too much on the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the red alert system only has the method of recovering the selling capital for iron ore, and cannot form a larger economic system and directly drive local economic development.

Therefore, his attitude towards Longguo is to hope for commercial cooperation and increase resource exports to develop the local economy.

As for future cooperation on a larger scale, when we occupy the entire territory of Myanmar and establish an independent country, there will naturally be more professional and official people to discuss it.

“Is it just selling resources now?” Zhang Shaoqian thought thoughtfully.

If you just buy raw iron ore from the legion, it will only add a channel for raw iron ore to Longguo. With private cooperation, there is no need to worry about international public opinion.

At most, the Myanmar government would protest, which should not affect the four major international mining giants.

After all, in Zhang Shaoqian’s view, the army had just occupied Eastern Shan State not long ago. Even if they had already laid out the plan, the scale of mining was not large.

So he asked: “How much raw iron ore can you provide every month? As long as the grade is more than 50% rich iron ore, we Hualian are very happy to purchase it.”

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·····

Wang Yao thought for a while, and at present, several branch mines of the Red Alert Base are still increasing their output with the construction of the Red Alert Branch Base, the increasing number of mining fields, mining trucks and ore refineries.

Preliminary estimates indicate that only five million tons of crude iron ore and nearly two million tons of fine iron ore can be mined in the Eastern Shan State region each month.

Although the red alert system’s fund recovery requires iron ore, it is not limited to iron ore.

Including other ores, such as gold and silver mines, copper mines, lead mines, tin mines, bauxite mines, coal mines, etc., can provide funds for the red alert system, and even the logs that can be seen everywhere in the Golden Triangle can be used.

So Wang Yao calculated the development scale of the Red Alert Base and the scale of funds needed to occupy Burma.

… .. …

He said slowly: “2 million tons of crude iron ore and 800,000 tons of refined iron ore every month.”

Zhang Shaoqian was so frightened that his hand that was about to take the cup shook.

Converted, that is 24 million tons of crude iron ore and 9.6 million tons of iron ore mining per year.

We must know that the largest single iron ore mining company in Longguo, Qidashan Iron Mine of Anshan Iron and Steel Group, has an annual mining volume of only 10.64 million tons of crude iron ore and 3.67 million tons of concentrated iron ore.

The total output of Longguo’s iron ore rough last year was 968 million tons. Among them, the province with the largest annual output of iron ore rough was Hebei Province, with an annual output of 410 million tons of iron ore rough.

If the legion can maintain this production scale, it will produce at least 33.6 million tons of raw iron ore every year, ranking eighth even in the Dragon Kingdom!

And if the data is correct, these are rich ores with a grade of over 50%.

This level of large-scale iron ore trading may still be suppressed by the four major mining groups in world trade, but in the Far East market, it is enough to cause a big change in the price of raw iron ore in the Far East. .

‘If I can negotiate this business…’ Zhang Shaoqian’s face turned red.

More than 94% of Longguo’s iron ore rough is poor ore with a grade of less than 35%, while the world’s average iron ore grade is around 43%. Longguo has suffered enough from the bullying of the four major international mining groups for high-quality iron ore every year.

If Legion’s iron ore can really have 50% comprehensive grade and 61% fine iron ore, it can also maintain such a large-scale output.

I simply can’t imagine what the major domestic steel groups can do for these rich ores!

Of course, the premise of all this is that what Legion said is true! Dry.

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