That afternoon.

The capital of Judah. presidential palace


A loud knock on the table suddenly sounded.

Looking at the investigation report in his hand, Herzog's face was livid, full of anger and murderous intent.

"Damn traitor! A bunch of damn traitors!"

The investigation report shows that their radar warning station was indeed broken into, planted a bomb from the inside and then detonated.

And although this radar warning station is located in the hinterland of their country of Judah, the combat effectiveness of the defense force is not very strong. Except for one platoon of first-line troops, the rest of the garrison troops were all second-line troops.


In order to build this radar early warning station, they Judah spent four to five billion U.S. dollars, of which their America's father reimbursed them 50%, which means they still spent more than 2 billion US dollars.


The entire radar warning station has established an active and passive alarm device.

Once any abnormality occurs, this alarm device will immediately send the message It was transmitted to a front-line infantry regiment stationed about seven or eight kilometers away.

As for this active and passive alarm device, the number of people in the entire early warning station who can turn it off can be counted on one hand.

At the same time, the entire radar early warning station was blocked by four or five meters. High, surrounded by alloy steel walls mixed in the middle.

Even if most of them are recruits, it is still very difficult to storm this radar warning station.

And now!

The entire radar warning station is quietly It was blown up by the Red Alert Legion in a blink of an eye.

There were almost no traces of fighting in the radar station.

The active and passive alarm devices in the radar station were not triggered.

What does this mean?

For the Kingdom of Judah, It means there is a traitor in the radar station!

No, no, no!

It's not just that there is a traitor in the radar station.

The Red Alert Legion definitely has a secret base located in the mountains in northern Judah, southeastern Lebanon and southwest Syria.

As for the area in the mountainous area that has not yet been explored by intelligence agents from Judah and America's father, only the southeasternmost area is left. That area is at least a hundred kilometers away from their radar station.

And they, Judah The country has deployed 200,000 troops on the northern border, with checkpoints at regular intervals!

Just ask!

If there are no traitors from the Red Police Corps in the northern army, how can the Red Police Corps be so silent? Crossing the border?

Even if the team of the Red Police Corps is lucky, they really cross a large number of border outposts and enter the country of Judah silently.

Then how did they quietly cross sixty or seventy kilometers to the radar? Standing here?

What does this mean?

This means that in the villages or towns in the northern part of Judah, there is a high probability that there are traitors who have secretly joined the Red Alert Corps!

"This can't go on like this! We can no longer spare those anti-war factions and moderates because of their high popularity among the people! For the rise of Judah! For the people of Judah to stand on top of the world! To cut the weeds, we need to get rid of the roots!"

Thinking of this,

Herzog's face was suddenly filled with strong murderous intent.


The Kingdom of Judah did conduct a nationwide purge before, although it did purge a large number of moderate and anti-war members..

But those who were purged were mostly low-level members.

Judah did not take any action against almost all moderate and anti-war members who had a greater reputation in their country of Judah.

​​After all, the moderates and anti-war groups combined , occupying nearly one-third of the political seats in the entire Kingdom of Judah.

​​If we take action against them all, the government of the entire Kingdom of Judah will be shut down for a long time, and the entire Kingdom of Judah will be plunged into chaos and fear for a long time. But now!

Herzog can't bear it anymore.

The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain!

Instead of causing the precious wealth of Judah to be damaged time and time again in their betrayal and betrayal again and again, it is better to destroy them in one breath. Eliminate all uncertain factors to avoid future troubles!

Anyway, after the last round of purges, the seats of moderates and anti-war factions in the government are now only one-sixth or seventh.

And now the entire country of Judah The people are furious!

All the people of Judah hate the traitors.

As long as the public opinion in the country is slightly guided, all the moderates and anti-war factions can be labeled as traitors and then dealt with in one go.


What should I do if I accidentally kill him?

What can I do?


Those stubborn guys deserve it!

Just do it. Herzog really has no hesitation or hesitation at all.

He also has no chance of hesitation or hesitation!

At the moment, the whole situation The people in the country already know the news that the radar station was blown up by the Red Police Corps.

He Herzog must make some strong response to appease the angry and panicked people.


He finally managed to The image of the iron-blooded government that was rebuilt among the people through the war in North Gaza will collapse in an instant.



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