"boom! boom! boom!"


The city of Carmière.

The sound of gunfire and explosions came one after another.

One after another, the cannonballs kept hitting the city like a violent storm in front of the Judah civilians scattered in several specific areas outside the city and the more than 9,000 surrendered troops. One area after another, all housing areas were blown up.

Houses collapsed rapidly under the shock wave generated by the explosion.

After one hour.

The entire town was immediately razed to the ground.


Why blow up the town?

Didn’t all the Judah civilians and soldiers in the town already run out of their own accord?


Who knows.

Who knows if there is anyone hiding inside?

Who knows if there are some extremely stubborn Jewish nationalists hiding inside, taking advantage of the Red Police Corps to relax their vigilance and shoot them in the dark alley?

Just in case!

It needs to be fried.


Leave the house for Red Alert civilians to live in?

No need.

There is no need to be such a small farmer.

What does such a small farmer do?

What's more, the buildings here are all in the Middle Eastern Judah style, and there are so many strange people living here.

The territory of the Red Police Corps planned by Zhao Wu is a Chinese-style world. if!

His plan is to go to Greater China to hire high-paying Chinese architects from China to build small towns that combine Chinese style with modern style.

As for building such a Chinese-style town in the Middle East, it will be very troublesome and expensive.

This is not a problem.

Isn't the crack generator a huge source of income?


The Red Police Corps blew up the town. Where did the original 20,000 to 30,000 residents of the town live?

Where else to stay.

Living in the wilderness like the Bass people.

Didn’t they all laugh at the displaced Bathites on the Internet before?

Now is the time to let them taste the feeling of being displaced!

It’s not that you don’t report that the time has not come yet!

It’s not just the town of Carmiere.

The same is true over there in the small town of Maalotetahiha.

The Jewish troops in the town who had been hit by long-range rockets from the Red Police Corps because they wanted to escape early and had to retreat back to the town also immediately threw down their weapons, took off their uniforms, and joined forces. All the Judah civilians in the city left the city together and were captured.

In fact, nearly 10,000 Bass people originally lived in the small town of Ma'alot Tashiha.

But during the comprehensive anti-Bath movement in the Kingdom of Judah a few days ago, more than 530 of the more than 10,000 Bas people had been driven out of their homes, taken away their property, and died. Injury, injury, not even one out of ten.

This is also the reason why Zhao Wu was so decisive and went so far this time.

Fight violence with violence!

They, the kingdom of Judah, went so far and acted so cruelly.

If the Red Police Corps still treats them with the so-called Mother's Mercy Heart, it will be impossible to deter them. On the contrary, they will easily be regarded as a sign that they are soft persimmons and easy to bully.

After razing two small towns, the troops of the Red Police Corps, leaving part of their troops to guard the surrendered Judah soldiers, then moved westward again, killing Nahariya and Acre on the seaside.

The defenders in these two cities did not hesitate at all and surrendered one after another.

Not long after, these two cities were directly razed to the ground.

So far.

The Red Police Corps' operational objectives this time have been successfully achieved.

The secondary goal of beating up Judah, get!

The first major goal of expanding the territory of the Red Alert Legion, get!

Get the second main goal of the Mediterranean Sea, get!


At 0:00 a.m. on January 6, the Red Police Corps marched westward.

(PS: The time in Chapter 96 was wrong, it was 0:00 am, not 12:00 pm)

At 0:12 am, I was trapped by the minefield laid by the Kingdom of Judah and had to return to Safed.

At 0:18 in the morning, the Sky Eye sentry unit accidentally discovered the headquarters of the Northern Army of Judah.

At 0:20 in the morning, the"King Capture Plan" was officially launched. The sharp-edged special operations force took seven Bifang support helicopters and quickly rushed to the headquarters of the Northern Army of Judah. ​​The superheroes Tanya and Yuriko were in charge of the raid.

At 0:22 a.m., the Golden Crow bombers, escorted by Phoenix fighter jets and Chongming interceptor aircraft, arrived at the minefield and conducted violent mine clearance activities.

At 0:42 in the morning, the Blade Special Operations Force arrived at the headquarters of the Northern Army of Judah and began conducting special workstations on it.

At 0:51 a.m., all members of the Judah Northern Army Headquarters were successfully controlled.

At 0:53 in the morning, the Blade Special Operations Force completed the arrest mission and took all the target persons on their way home on the Bi Fang support helicopter.

During the entire process, neither Tanya nor Yuriko made a move.


Why didn't they take action?

This is Zhao Wu's order.

After all, there will be many special operations missions that special operations forces will need to perform in the future. Zhao Wu cannot always ask Tanya and Yuriko to assist or lead them.

They always want to be on their own.

This special operations mission is actually equivalent to a test.

Test the combat effectiveness of the special operations force composed of infantry units from the Chinese camp!

And in just 11 minutes, they proved to Zhao Wu that they did not live up to Zhao Wu's expectations.


At 1:13 in the morning, the violent demining work ended, and the Red Police Corps ground troops attacked again.

At 1:39 a.m., the ground troops of the Red Police Corps arrived in Carmiere and Ma'alote Tahiha.

At 2:45 a.m., Karmiel and Ma'alot Tashiha were razed to the ground.

At 3:30 in the morning, the ground troops of the Red Police Corps arrived in Nahariya and Acre.

At 4:36 in the morning, Nahariya and Acre were razed to the ground.

That’s it!

Carmiere, Ma'alot Tashiha, Nahariya and Acre were all successfully occupied by the Red Police Corps.

The total area of ​​the four places is 643 square kilometers.

The total area of ​​the Caifa Special Administrative Region captured yesterday evening is 651 square kilometers.


Less than two days.

The Red Police Corps captured 1,300 square kilometers of land from the Kingdom of Judah at a very small cost of casualties.

No no no!

How can we call it a capture?

Liberation should be used as liberation.


In less than two days, the Red Police Corps liberated nearly 1,300 square kilometers of land from the evil Nazi Judah with minimal casualties.

This achievement is really impressive!


"Damn it, although all the goals of this battle have been achieved, I just can’t feel happy in my heart!"

In the Fulong Palace.

Listening to the intelligence coming from the front line.

After learning that all the Judah soldiers in Ma'alot Tashiha, Carmiel, Nahariya and Acre were captured without mercy, Zhao Wu Xin was very unhappy.

Damn it!

It took hundreds of tons of aerial bombs to finally blow up several passages in the minefield.

He thought he could beat up the Judah troops over there.

As a result, they actually Did you vote?

This feeling was like punching out a fist with all your strength, but the fist hit the cotton. It made Zhao Wu feel uncomfortable all over.

He felt uneasy all over!

"Damn it, how could you vote for it? Why did you vote? You guys make me feel so uncomfortable!"

Zhao Wu looked at his face full of indignation. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Commander, if you feel that you are still not satisfied, our army can continue to march south and capture in one go...oh no, liberate Atta, Haifa and Nazareth under the control of the Kingdom of Judah!"

Seeing this.

After staring at the projected map for a while, Yulijia suddenly opened her mouth to analyze and suggest:

"Although our ground troops seem to have been fighting fiercely all night, because the Judah troops did not resist, they are still in good condition and their fatigue level is not high. Except for the artillery units, they are still full of physical and mental strength, and their combat effectiveness has not weakened much."

"And based on the current chaotic situation of the Northern Army of Judah without a leader, if our army immediately goes south to attack, I guess that the Judah defenders in the three places may be defeated without attacking."

"Especially the Judah defenders in the Nazareth area have a high probability of surrendering like the Judah troops in Ma'alot Tashiha and Carmiel, but I feel that there is a high probability that they will. After learning the intelligence that our army was moving south, they voluntarily evacuated"

"As for the Haifa area, Haifa is too important to the Kingdom of Judah after all. The Judah garrison in Haifa should not give up Haifa easily."

Hearing this,

Zhao Wu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he quickly approached Yulijia (abeg) and observed the projection map in front of Yulijia that she had made many marks on.

He took a few glances at it. Afterwards, Zhao Wu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

At present, the Northern Army Headquarters of the Kingdom of Judah had just been taken away by him in one breath. It was leaderless and was in extreme chaos.

Such a good opportunity should not be missed!

"Commander, do you want to do it?"

Yulijia's questioning voice sounded.[]

"Dry! Must do! Fuck it hard! Fuck you!"

Zhao Wu raised his eyes, met Yulijia's eyes, and nodded without hesitation.

Then, thinking that Yulijia had directed two nights and one day in a row, he couldn't help but said:"Yulijia, please Thank you for your hard work! I haven’t had a good rest in almost two days. Thank you so much!"

When Yulijia heard this, her heart trembled, and she immediately said:"Your Excellency, Commander~"


Do it, do it!

Fight, fight, fight!

After receiving Zhao Wu's instructions.

Yulijia immediately mobilized her troops and quickly issued combat orders.

At 4:55 in the morning, the ground troops of the Red Police Corps, which had stopped for less than half an hour, launched another mighty attack and headed south.

There are a total of six armored regiments, and among the seven infantry regiments, four armored regiments and four infantry regiments are heading towards the town of Atta and the city of Haifa.

After all, Haifa is a big city. Although it has been challenged by the Port of Ashdod in Judah in recent years, as of now, it is still the largest port city in Judah, the busiest passenger port in Judah, and the largest A cargo port, it is also the largest and most populous city in northern Judah, with a population of nearly 300,000.

Economically, Haifa was also crucial to the entire kingdom of Judah.

Especially the northern part of Haifa, which is the industrial area of ​​the city and has one of the two largest oil refineries in Judah. ​​It can process 9 million tons of crude oil every year, which is almost 66 million barrels.

In addition, there are various petrochemical industries in the Haifa area. The total annual output of various petrochemical products is close to 66 million tons.

Among them, the two 76-meter-high cooling towers built in the 1930s have long become Haifa’s landmark. City logo.

In the Haifa area, there is also a Matam Science and Technology Industrial Center.

It is the largest and earliest industrial park in the entire Kingdom of Judah. ​​Many domestic and international high-tech companies such as Intel, Veritas, Bone Song, Philips and IMB have branches here to conduct production and research and development. so.

Of the more than 200,000 Judah Northern Army Group that retreated from Safed, more than half, close to 150,000, were stationed in Haifa City and the town of Atta on the edge of Haifa City.

More than 20,000 are located in the four small towns that were just captured by the Red Police Corps.

The remaining more than 50,000 people were in Nazareth, the capital of the northern region of Judah.

Although Nazareth is the capital of the entire northern region of Judah, because it is located inland, its development is not very good. There is no heavy industry, only some light industry.

The population is also very small, only 60,000 to 70,000 people. After all, most of the Jewish people in the northern district are gathered in the Haifa area. and!

The common people living in Nazareth were not Judahites, but Arabites.

This is why Nazareth, the capital of the northern region, is defended by only 50,000 troops.

If it weren't for the fear that losing Nazareth would cause Haifa to be besieged on three sides by the Red Police Legion, Judah would not even send troops to garrison it.

This is why!

That’s why most of the Red Police Legion’s troops are heading towards Atta and Haifa.


"Tap tap tap!"

Haifa City.

In an underground air raid shelter.

The Judah Northern Army's frontline headquarters is located in Haifa City.

A burst of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded.

A Judah soldier hurriedly walked under the dim light. Ran into the area deep in the air raid shelter.

"Report! Report! Urgent information! Urgent information came from Ata Town, saying that traces of the Red Police Corps' large force had been discovered!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Jewish officers deep in the air-raid shelter all turned pale. A look of fear and uneasiness quickly flashed through their eyes.

This is actually normal.

After all, they were collecting magic two days ago. The Special Administrative Region has been bombed a lot.

"Damn it! Damn it! The Red Police Corps is really too deceptive!"

"It’s really a snake’s heart that wants to swallow an elephant! The Red Police Corps actually wants to get involved in Haifa City!"

"A bunch of damn bastards! A bunch of damn beasts!"

"General Emmanuel, what should we do now?"

After cursing for a while, the senior officers of Judah in the air-raid shelter all turned their attention to Emmanuel, the supreme commander of the frontline headquarters.

"There is an old saying in the distant eastern country, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood. At present, the entire Northern Army Group Headquarters of our army has been taken over by the Red Police Corps. The entire Northern Army Group is leaderless. The morale of all the troops is extremely low and their morale is disorganized. If they fight head-on with the Red Police Corps, they will definitely die!"

"And with the cruel behavior of the Red Police Corps, they will never be willing to engage in street fighting with our army. It is very likely that they will launch a large-scale bombing of Haifa like Safet. In this case, Haifa will be destroyed. Infrastructure construction causes a lot of inevitable damage and losses!"

"Anyway, America and John Bull's aircraft carrier fleet will arrive in a week at most, and the Red Alert Legion will be defeated by then!"


As Emmanuel spoke, he suddenly fell into silence, his expression constantly changing.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Time passes by second by second.

After almost a minute, he suddenly clenched his fists and said firmly:"Let's withdraw! Why not give Haifa to them for the time being!"

Hearing this.

Most of the tension and panic on the faces of the surrounding officers immediately dissipated. obviously!

They also don't want to and don't dare to engage in a head-on battle with the Red Police Corps before their father America arrives.

"But... General Emmanuel, if our army evacuates Haifa city, the Red Police Corps may launch long-range rocket strikes and air strikes against our army.……"

"Although we abandoned the city of Haifa, we cannot abandon our compatriots! Our compatriots cannot be left to suffer! Let’s take the civilians of Haifa with us!"

Emmanuel said without hesitation.

"Yes, yes, General Emmanuel is right, we cannot leave our fellow Judahites in Haifa!"

"As expected of General Emmanuel!"


【The picture shows the map of the latest actual control area of ​​the Red Police Corps! The arrow is the direction of attack! The picture is for reference only and represents a parallel world!! 】.

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