I Build an APP in One Piece

Chapter 45 Do you know how I spent the past three years!

"No one has ever told me that there is really a God in this world!"

US President Lynn Burt patted the table and shouted loudly to Nick Fury and the Director of Intelligence.

His eyes were full of grievance and anger, and the vice president standing next to him also showed empathy.

"That's not God, that's just an angel." Nick Fury interjected.

"Shut up! What's the difference! I have been in office for three years!"

"Three years! Do you know how I spent these three years!"

Lynn roared to Nick Fury, especially against Nick Fury himself.

Because although the Intelligence Bureau controls 99% of the highest top secret in the United States, theoretically the S.H.I.E.L.D. Master has more secrets about extraordinary events.

The two organizations have different focuses.

But in any case, as the supreme ruler, he should not have the authority to know these things.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but this matter has nothing to do with our Intelligence Bureau. I can open all the top-secret database to you, and you can send someone to check it."

Intelligence Director Gregory looked at Nick Fury.

"I think Director Fury has a lot to tell you."

After hearing this, Lynn also looked at Nick Fury with unkind eyes, hoping that he could explain.

"Really," Nick Fury looked at Gregory calmly with a one-eyed one-eyed, "Director Gray, maybe you have forgotten the angel ruins in the 51st District, there was no S.H.I.E.L.D. at that time.

This powerful blow immediately made Gregory a little overwhelmed, and he said with a slight sweat on his head.

"That matter, in fact, we didn't treat him as true at all. We thought it was impossible for angels to exist, that's just...

"Okay, shut up!"

Lynn suppressed his anger and said that he actually knew the whole story.

It was indeed the angel's intelligence discovered by the Intelligence Bureau at first, but they didn't take it seriously at all, even if they got the mysterious "medicine of the gods" from it.

Because of the appearance of Raphael, the angel of medicine, the Intelligence Bureau called the golden mysterious liquid the medicine of god.

Later this part of the intelligence was taken over by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research on angels was completely above the intelligence agency.

There is even intelligence that S.H.I.E.L.D. has even contacted angels more than once!

"I want to know now, what on earth is there that I don't know!" Lynn said.

"Mr. President, I have found that the League of Heaven has a certain relationship with angels, and what they have always believed in is not a joke." Nick Fury can only throw out an intelligence to satisfy Lynn's appetite.

In other words, to satisfy the appetite of some people represented by Lynn.

Lynn and Gregory were shocked when they heard this.

League of Heaven!

This is the oldest and mysterious charity organization in the whole world. They are committed to saving the world, helping those in need, and sparing no effort to do charity and good deeds. The unity is beyond imagination, and they are quite law-abiding.

But because of their strength, the members are capital bosses from all walks of life, so no one has ever believed that they are really good people.

Now the appearance of the angel made Lynn realize that perhaps they never lied.

Because the creed of the League of Heaven is to do good deeds and go to heaven!

The remarks that seemed extremely ridiculous and funny in the past, now look again, the clowns are actually themselves!

Because there are real angels, there must be heaven and God.

Otherwise, where does the angel come from, and who is the ruler of the angel?

Then the alliance of heaven, desperately trying to go to heaven, must have a certain connection with angels in history and even now!

For a while, Gregory and Lynn were both full of thoughts and a little urgency. Are there any more people to join them now?

Do people like yourself have a chance to go to heaven in the future?

The most important thing is, will there be angels in this world, will there be hell and demons?

In any case, no matter how powerful it is, human beings are human beings after all.

As long as they think of the various legends about hell and demons that are opposed to angels, they shudder.

For people like them-if there is hell, it is simply impossible for them to go to hell.

When Nick Fury walked out of the president's office, his face became more solemn.

He was actually thinking that this might not necessarily be a good thing.

If there really exists an order similar to heaven for doing good and hell for evil.

So if you have done all these bad things, what will the high-level people of all countries do before their lives are over?

He looked at the sky with his only eye, muttered a few words to himself, muttered unclearly, and finally shook his head and got into the car back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

...For flowers,

Bruce Banner finally broke away from the military's control at this time, because he was already a saint recognized by the angels, and he could freely control his transformation.

He has a great reputation among the people, and the most important thing is that billions of crosses around the world support him with all his strength.

Therefore, the military dare not detain him at will as in the past.

In this way, Nick Fury solicited him smoothly. Bruce Banner wanted to refuse and live a happy and peaceful life with his girlfriend Betty.

But thinking of what the angel said, "I will stare at you," he gave up this idea.

Part of this power comes from the angel's medicine, and he has the duty to fight for the justice of the angels.


S.H.I.E.L.D. is an organization that exists to protect the earth, and recently it is about to organize a strange monster alliance, which to some extent is very suitable for an alien like him.

Tony Stark dragged a heavy body back to the Stark Mansion, this time he had done his best.

He took off his armor and lay on the sofa comfortably, feeling the buzzing pain in his mind. There have been too many things in this period of time.

After escaping from the Middle East, he announced the end of the weapons industry, and encountered angels, Uncle Weir, and now S.H.I.E.L.D. and the big green man.

He still doesn't know who has revealed his position in the Middle East.

The kidnapping was by no means random or coincidental. It can be clearly seen from the performance of the dangerous elements.


The phone rang.

Tony opened the flip phone of this era tiredly and connected to the call from Pepper Poz.

Just connected, the whole person opened his eyes and was paralyzed on the sofa.

A short pen-shaped metal object was taken out from behind his neck, followed by the figure of Obadea.

"Look, it's very effective, isn't it? It can temporarily induce paralysis. I have said that it needs to be used on a large scale.

He smiled faintly at Tony, who was unable to move with his eyes open, and then cast his gaze on the Ark Reactor with a blue light shining in his heart.

"You really made something funny--"

"You don't really think you came up with an idea, it's yours, do you?"

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