The hard work paid off, and Duanmu Gushang finally found the so-called fifth element, which was thunder.

Only the power of thunder can accurately kill creatures infected with the Zombie Virus.

Duanmu Tani Shang also found the Thunder Stone, which condensed the power of thunder.

It was also with the help of the power of the Thunder Stone that the Funeral Virus on Ke Sheng and Ma Lingling could be removed.

It's just that Duanmu Gushang still feels that the time is not ripe, so he plans to continue to hide.

When Ma Lingling and Ke Sheng left Duanmu Gushang and saw Duanmu Yan again, they finally made up their minds to go straight to Huanglong.

However, just before that, when Ma Lingling and Duanmuyan, the little couple, were tired.

Nina brought a dragon suit and came over, and Duanmu Yan combined the armor to fight them.

didn't want this to be a ploy, Xiao Li appeared behind Ma Lingling and arrested Ma Lingling.

The distraught Duanmuyan was also beaten enough, but fortunately, Nina 03 withdrew without a love fight, otherwise Duanmuyan's fate may not be too good.


"You can't even protect your loved ones, who else can you protect? Are you worthy of this armor?"

"It's you again, what the hell do you mean!"

"I'm not your enemy, so pay attention to the way you speak!

It's your honor that I can talk to you calmly!"

"I'm sorry!

"Just in your mentality, I am optimistic about you as a person, and I hope you are really qualified to be a warrior under my command!"

Then a map appeared in front of Duanmuyan's eyes, and the map was the headquarters of Tiantianhao Group. The red dot marked on the map is the location of Oxer!

Duanmuyan took the map and thanked him, and then called the Venerable Master to save people together.

"Okay! At least not recklessly acting alone!"

Duanmuyan, Kuohai and Ke Sheng came to the headquarters of Tiantianhao Group only to receive the news, and the other party asked them to go to the abandoned factory to exchange the armor summoner for Ma Lingling.

And coincidentally, at this time, Li Xiaochou and Ma Tian also walked out of the headquarters of Tiantianhao Group.

"Kuohai, why are you here?"

"Dad, you went too far, and even let Li Zi and them kidnap Lingling!"

"What? When did I let Plum do such a thing?"

"Mr. Ma, is it necessary to say this now? They came just in time, you can also really test your strength and take back the armor summoner by the way. "

"Li Xiaochou, what do you mean by that? Do you mean ......?"

"Haha, that's right, this one in front of you is the King of Oxer!"

Following Li Xiaochou's words, Ma Tian also completed his transformation, Earl Oxer! As soon as he appeared, he was under great pressure from Duanmu Yan and the others.

The three of them completed the armor combination and besieged Ma Tian.

But the Horse Angel fused with the Ultimate Funeral Virus and became the King of Oxer, and her strength was not something that ordinary four-element armor could handle.

A continuous blast of energy knocked the trio to the ground, followed by another round of attacks, knocking them out of the armor state.

However, Ma Tian didn't kill them, or even take away their armor summoners. Instead, tell them to see him rule the world as the King of Oxer.

And the first thing he has to do now is to teach the disobedient plum a lesson.

It's just that it's too late for anyone to go, and Li Zi has already injected the ultimate funeral virus into Ma Lingling's body. Let her once again be reduced to Lotus Oxer.

Yu Wenshu was not surprised to see Duanmuyan and the three defeated at the hands of Ma Tian.

sent Tiger Tooth to save them, after all, the ground is quite cold, and it is not comfortable to lie down for a long time.

Duanmuyan, Ke Sheng and Kuohai came to their senses and saw the tiger teeth in front of them.


"Ke Sheng! Wait a minute, he's not Oxer!"

"He's not Oxer?

"Ke Sheng, you may not believe it, he is an alien!"

Hearing Kuohai say this, Ke Sheng had an expression of tease.

"I know you're hard to believe, so we didn't say it before. However, he is indeed an alien, and there is one of their warships in outer space. This is what we saw with our own eyes!"

"Are you done talking? Listen to me when you're done!

On the orders of my god, your strength is too weak, I'll train you!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now you can put on your armor and attack me!"

"Okay, then let me try to see how good you are as an alien!"

Ke Sheng put on the armor of Cool Thunder and Vort, and struck at the tiger's teeth with a sharp blade in his hand.

The tiger tooth was not armed, and he raised his hand to block Kuleifu's attack.

"The attack power is good, but it's a pity that the speed is too slow! I only know how to blindly attack and expose the weakness of my slow speed in front of the enemy, that is a very stupid act!"

The tiger tooth waved his hand and clawed again, Ke Sheng took a few steps back, and was almost knocked out of the combined state.

"I'm coming!

The tiger's tooth also broke it with a punch, and then motioned for the broad sea to continue.

"Swirling Sword!"

Kukai took out his weapon and attacked, but as the battle continued, Kukumi's sword moves became more and more chaotic.

In the end, he was punched out of the armor by the tiger's teeth.

"Your mind is not still in question 697, but you are using a set of armor that requires your mind to be like water in order to exert its maximum strength! Now your mind cultivation is more important than your strength.

In the end, it's you, my god is very optimistic about you, but you're just like that!"

"You're strong, but don't underestimate people!"

Duanmuyan fought with Tiger Tooth with all his might, and it can be seen that Duanmuyan's strength is indeed above Kesheng and the broad sea, but the strength is very limited!

Duanmu Yan is the kind of person who is very talented, he has not received systematic training, but he can perfectly play the Nava armor that is both offensive and defensive.

But this is also his shortcoming, there is no systematic training, and he can't fully exert his talent, so it will be such a situation.

"Your problem is that the tricks are too miscellaneous, you should train yourself systematically, otherwise, when you encounter a real strong person, you will only be pressed to the ground and hammered. "

Tiger Tooth kicked Feiduanmu Yan for the last time, and then turned to leave, the one who should be reminded has been reminded, and it is up to them whether they can change it.

Ma Tian on the other side hadn't been chattering for long, and Li Xiaochou had a showdown with him.

Ma Tian has always been controlled by Li Xiaochou's drugs, and now Li Xiaochou no longer needs to cooperate with Ma Tian to act.

Ma Tian immediately became a thug under Li Xiaochou, which is also sad.

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