Yu Wenshu frowned at the moment and looked at the picture on the screen, his expression was a little serious.

"Atai, bring up all the information before Cheng Yaowen!"


Just at this time, Liang Bing came back, and he was a little puzzled when he saw Yu Wenshu's serious expression.

"What's wrong with you, has something happened?"

"There are some things that need to be confirmed!"

There is no problem with Cheng Yiuwen's historical information and data. But that's even more problematic!

In the original work, it was Liang Bing who let the black wind weave dreams that made Rena and Cheng Yaowen oppose each other, and the entire male soldier company was in a miasma.

But now there is no such person as Heifeng in the demon civilization, but Cheng Yaowen is still inexplicably affected.

He was obviously hostile to Rena, but Rena had no effect, but Rena's temperament was there, and "830" Cheng Yaowen was hostile to her, so she naturally wouldn't give the other party a good look.

The atmosphere of the male soldier company still involuntarily developed in a bad direction.

"This Cheng Yaowen, Prince Dexing! He has a grudge against Rena, isn't it normal for him to quarrel?"

"No! This is very abnormal! The memory of the destruction of the Deno galaxy should have been blurred in Cheng Yaowen's memory! This is someone interfering with his memory.

And the action is so secretive that I don't even know when or by what means!"

"You mean the Void!"

"I'll call the gray wolf over to deal with this! Whether it's a void or not, the guy hiding in the shadows has already begun to emerge!"

On the Giant Gorge, Cheng Yaowen quarreled with Rena again, to be precise, Cheng Yaowen was trampled under Lena's feet.

"Cheng Yaowen, I'll tell you again! Don't count the destruction of the Deno system on my head!

Speaking of which, you Deno still owe us the scorching sun! If I see you in front of me, I will abolish you, and return to the scorching sun to break off the cooperation with the earth.

Let me see you again, your second home has been destroyed because of your Deno's stupidity!

Rena kicked Cheng Yaowen aside and hit the fence.

"Don't you need to train at all? What the hell has the male soldier become now, do you really think you are powerful? Give me a 100,000-meter swim in the sea!"

The fire at the city gate affected the pond fish, Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin were also unlucky when they came to see the situation, and they were thrown into the sea by Rena to swim.

Rena has also been very annoyed lately, sometimes she really wants to go back to the sun and not wade into the muddy waters of the earth.

However, she is not tired of the interesting experience on this side of the earth, after all, she has had enough of the same days as the scorching sun.

Another person with a headache was Dukao, who found Cheng Yaowen.

"What's wrong with you, why did you suddenly have such a stiff relationship with Rena, it's not like you!"

"I don't know why, when I see Rena, I can't help but think of the destruction of Deno, and my father, who told me to take revenge!"

"Listen to me, kid! It's been many years since the destruction of the Deno system!

There is nothing to take revenge on! You are now a soldier of the Heroic Company, and it is your job to protect the Earth now.

You have to figure it out for yourself! The male soldier company can't be like it is now! Otherwise, the next time the gluttony attacks, it will be dangerous!"

"I see! I'm trying not to see Rena for a while!"

"Hey, so be it!"

Cheng Yaowen walked out of Dukao's office and met the gray wolf who had just come over.

"What a coincidence! I just came here and found it! You are Cheng Yaowen!"


"I'm a gray wolf, come with me!"

"Who are you? Why should I ...... with you?"

The gray wolf took out a spray can and sprayed it on Cheng Yaowen's face, and Cheng Yaowen fainted. Then the gray wolf carried Cheng Yaowen and disappeared on the Giant Gorge.

After a little while, the Xiongbing Company found out the fact that Cheng Yaowen was missing.

Cheng Yaowen is missing, and Dukao is the most anxious, and he runs to Rena regardless of the rest.

"Rena, Yaowen's disappearance was not done by you, even if it was not done by you, it has nothing to do with your scorching sun!"

"Throw General Ducao into the water and let him come and talk when he is sober!"


"Rena, you dare, I'm the commander-in-chief of the Male Soldier Company!"

Wu Zhao didn't eat Dukao's set, grabbed Ducao and left, and let Ducao drink a full stomach of seawater before bringing him back. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Rena, you've gone too far!"

"It's you who is excessive! General Dukao! Cheng Yaowen's affairs have nothing to do with me or the scorching sun!

Don't bother me here! I'm already annoyed, throw him out!"

Ducao was thrown out of his room by Rena again, and Maizhao couldn't help but ask about the mobile game

"Sister Na, that Cheng Yaowen ......"

"Leave him alone, it won't be long before he appears on his own!"

On the Morgana, Cheng Yaowen was tied to the experimental state like a guinea pig, and the gray wolf was wearing a mask and a white coat and was pinching something0 ...

"That's it! Lamb burger, my favorite!"

"Big Big Wolf, you're stealing food again, is it done?"

"Boss, boss, lady, of course, easy to do! This guy has a program implanted in his head. Now I've cleared it for him.

This program has little to do with the void, but is like a triangular method, implanted with a special wave!"

"Triangle! Did those stupid fish come out and make waves again?"

"It's just like a triangular means, and it's not certain whether it's a triangular or not. "

"Well, that's probably enough to know that!Big Big Wolf, you stay and test for fluctuations that may be related to the Void!

The Void will cease to be mysterious, and Karl will dominate an era of the Void!"

"Carl, is he really that capable of 4.5?"

"It's not surprising that Carl, with the big clock, and even the deeper Kieran, can dominate the Void Descending!

Earth, full of disasters and difficulties, is Carl's biggest testing ground!"

After Cheng Yaowen was studied, he was thrown back on the Juxia, and the soldiers on duty found him.

When he came to his senses, he found Ducao and Mercy Wind watching him.

"I'm glad I woke up!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Don't you remember it yourself?"

"I remembered! I met a wolf who could talk, and he sprayed something in my face, and I don't remember anything after that!"

"Wolf, is it a beast body civilization?

"No! he's healthy!".

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