"It seems like you can't go through this mirror." Ian put his palm on the mirror, and the mirror made ripples like water.

"Hey! You little brat! Are you listening to me? Don't ignore me!" the girl opposite shouted.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ian. I work on a farm, but even though it's a job, I'm actually a slave. I was sold to the farm." Ian sat cross-legged, with his hands on his knees.

"Forget it." The girl suddenly calmed down: "This, it's probably a dream. Really, even dreams are so strange. Wake up quickly. I have to go on a date with Mr. Kaji tomorrow."

"Blessing?" Ian felt that the name sounded familiar.

"He is obviously the person in my dream, have you even forgotten Mr. Kaji?" The girl held her forehead and sighed: "Okay, I will tell you mercifully that Mr. Kaji is the person I like. Mature, handsome, and talented, he is an ideal gentleman."

"That Mr. Kaji, do you like you?"

"It's too early to say this now. When I grow into a mature woman, Mr. Kaji will definitely fall in love with me!" The girl raised her face and said confidently.

"Did you say it was Asuka?" Ian felt that the girl's voice and appearance were very similar to a woman he knew well.

That woman is one of the heroines of the famous anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion". Asuka, the pilot of Unit 2, although she has a bad temper, is a true genius girl and is a character that Ian likes very much.

Maybe he was dreaming because he was too stressed.

But is it really a dream?

It does feel hazy like a dream, but such a lucid dream is so strange.

"I'll just say it was a dream." Asuka admitted her identity: "It's not my dream, how could you know my name."

"You're right." Ian responded.

This should be the pilot of EVA Unit 2 that he is familiar with. From his point of view, when dealing with Asuka, try to follow her instructions, otherwise things will become tense and the quarrel may last for a long time.

He didn't want to quarrel with Asuka, he just wanted to know more about what the situation was like now.


"Lord God?"


He tried to call, but there was nothing. He had no panel, no tasks, and no novice gift package.

"What's wrong with you?" Asuka frowned and looked at the boy opposite the mirror.

He is a completely undeveloped little boy, still childish, with a Western face, pretty eyes, like blue gems, and his appearance is pretty passable.

But he was too young and had no interest in communicating with him.

"I'm talking about you, your name is Ian, right?" Asuka looked unkind: "Can you please be quiet? Since this is my dream, I should listen to the master!"

"Sorry." Ian gave up the call system: "Asuka, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what the formula of gunpowder is?"

Ian wanted to confirm one thing, whether this was a dream.

If this was a dream, there was one thing that could never be made up.

That is knowledge. It is impossible for him to know what he does not know.

As a leukemia patient who has been in the ward since childhood, his knowledge base is quite limited.

He didn't know all the recipes for gunpowder, soap, etc. that were familiar to the time traveler, which really embarrassed the time traveler.

He has not studied for a few years and is basically half illiterate.

"Of course I know, but why do I have to tell you?" Asuka pointed her nose at Ian.

"Please." Ian was not polite at all and stood down directly to Asuka: "I really need this formula, please tell me."

"Tch" Asuka smacked her lips: "Forget it, it's not a secret anyway."

"To make gunpowder, you need to use saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal. The best accurate mass ratio is 0.7464, 0.1185, 0.1351. Even junior high school students have learned this, but you don't look like you are in junior high school."

"About 75%, 10% and 15%?"

"Absolutely. The first humans tried out the best ratio little by little. By the fifteenth century, Europeans gradually determined the best ratio of gunpowder."

"Well, I also want to ask, where should these three materials be obtained? That is how people gathered the raw materials under the circumstances of the fifteenth century."

"I asked you, are you bothered? Why do you have so many questions?"

"Please, Teacher Asuka, please teach me." Ian got down again.

"That's why I hate children. They're really annoying."

Asuka pouted, but still answered Ian's question.

"Saltpeter is the soul of gunpowder. In places like China and India, there is natural saltpeter in the soil, but it is not available in Europe. Europe is inherently deficient and does not have large nitrate resources. They collect saltpeter from all corners of the country. They collect it from every corner of the house. , livestock pens, public toilets... In short, in places with a strong smell, white saltpeter is the most abundant. After all, that stuff is solidified nitrogen, and there is a lot of it in the feces."

"In other words, what does it look like if you find it in a place like a toilet?"

"White powder."

"Teacher, where's the sulfur? Are there any particularities when it comes to charcoal?"

"Don't call me teacher!" Asuka raised her face: "Sulfur is found in most minerals, such as natural sulfur, pyrite and marcasite. As for charcoal, alder or European buckthorn are generally used. , willow burns best.”

"Willow." Ian nodded and wrote down the materials and proportions.

"I said you remember so clearly what you want to do?" Asuka asked.

"As I said before, I am actually a slave on a farm. After a while, I may face a life-threatening crisis, so I want to make some gunpowder, which may be effective." Ian said .

As a slave, he cannot leave the farm without permission. The steward is responsible for purchasing supplies on the farm. If he leaves, he will probably be executed if he is discovered.

I think the reason why I bought a kid like him to work on the farm was to keep the work secret. He was born clean, has simple interpersonal relationships, and was raised from an early age, so he was very suitable to take care of the illegitimate daughter of the Lacey family.

"Is it."

Asuka was too lazy to worry about these details, but maybe on a whim, she said a few more words.

"Gunpowder that is ground directly explodes easily. In the past, when Europeans mixed powder, they would add water and wine, make "flour" into "cake", then crush the cake, and then use a bronze or stone grinder to crush it into grains. After sifting, gunpowder particles of various specifications are separated. They call it wheat grain gunpowder, and it is much more stable when made that way."

"Thank you, I understand." Ian thanked him.

They all felt something, everything around them turned into mist, the mirror gradually faded away, and darkness slowly came.

"Goodbye! Nice to meet you! Asuka!" Ian shouted into the darkness.


In an instant, Ian woke up from his dream and saw the sunlight coming in through the cracks in the window.

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