I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Conclusion: Returning to the City in the Sky

Late at night, under the starry sky, a white airship flies above the sea of ​​clouds.

Ian stood in the lounge of the airship, looking through the window at the bright moon in the night sky. The girl-like Ymir was lying on a chair, her face pressed against the glass, her eyes shining brightly at the floating white clouds below. .

This place is very close to Parady Island. As long as he passes through another barrier, he can go back.

He counted the days with his hands. In fact, he had not left Parady Island for a long time. It was only less than two years. It was not long or short, but he did miss the land where he often ran.

What has become of it? It has been almost a year since Parade Island established a cooperative relationship with WILLE. Has a factory capable of mass-producing cars been established? How is the road repair going? How many railways have been built?

Just listening to Hanji's description, he couldn't quite imagine the specific appearance. He really wanted to go back and see with his own eyes.

But it wasn't possible now. He needed to wait a while longer and rest for a short period of time to regain his strength.

Although he opened his own door to truth, in exchange, he gave up everything that did not belong to him. Those were the chips he consumed to open the door to truth.

In other words, he calmly accepted everything about himself and the part that only belonged to him.

If he didn't go out of his way to touch the truth, he would be just an ordinary human being now.

Only those who admit themselves frankly can grasp the "truth". It is precisely because the villain in the bottle cannot recognize this that he gets lost in the pursuit of "truth" and is eventually destroyed.

But he was different, he knew exactly what he wanted.

He didn't need the extra power, and he also knew that he was burdened with sins that ordinary people couldn't bear.

Just as he said to the little man in the bottle, he believes that killing someone to pay for his life is one of the truths. This is a truth he acknowledges, so he himself must fulfill it.

If he could not accept himself frankly, then he would never be able to open the door of truth, nor would he be able to freely pass through the barrier of the world and let Ymir re-exist in this world like he is now.

He once personally dropped a nuclear bomb on the capital of Marais, killing tens of thousands of humans.

As payment for this sin, he must also pay back his life.

So although he holds the truth, he will also grow old slowly like normal humans. One day, his hair will become pale, his skin will become dry, and then one morning, he will no longer be able to open his eyes.

He was not dissatisfied with this. As long as he could eat well, fly kites, bask in the sun, see friends, and live his life peacefully as a human being, Ian would be fine. enough.

Yes, he is very satisfied with everything now.

After eating a full meal, taking a bath, sleeping peacefully for a few nights, and resting well for a few days, he would be able to return to Parady Island with full energy.

It doesn't hurt to enjoy the airship ride for a little while before going back.

Therefore, as an outsider, he stood here with Ymir, admiring this beautiful night scene.

This is an air cruise ship. There are many guests like them sitting in the lounge. Girls in dresses and young men in suits sit together, drinking and chatting. Someone is playing the piano in the corner.

Ian had already made up the tickets for himself and Ymir, and used some tricks to get the airship staff to add his and Ymir's names to the tourist list.

They came up during the airship flight. This was a sightseeing airship. The rooms were very expensive and not many people could afford to buy rooms, so some rooms were vacated for him and Ymir to stay.

In this world, gold is still the equivalent, and gold plays a decisive role in alchemy. Ian carries gold with him, and he uses that gold to pay for services. In the next three days, he and Ymir will be on the airship After spending time on it and waiting for his physical strength to recover, he will return to his hometown.

He stared at the stars for a long time. This feeling of flying in the sky always fascinated him.

It would be very refreshing to put on a paraglider and glide all the way from this height.

Unfortunately, he was really tired today. He stretched and planned to go to the room to rest. At this time, in his field of vision, something suddenly jumped out of the clouds.

They were dragonfly-like aircraft, and there were several of them, heading straight for the airship.

Then, Ian heard the sound of gunfire. A machine gun was installed on the airship and fired at the Dragonfly aircraft.

It's not good, it seems to be involved in the dispute.

However, such a small aircraft should not have come to defeat this airship covered with a metal shell.

Are you looking for information? Or an advance guard? Is there a large army behind?

As someone who had participated in the wars of Marais and Parady Island, Ian quickly began to think according to his habits.

The aircraft flew towards the side of the airship in his field of vision. He heard the sound of broken glass. In the corridor to his left, someone jumped in through the broken window.

"It's Dora's family!"

"The sky pirates are coming!"

Air pirate? Something similar to pirates, people who rob people in the air?

Speaking of which, the flying devices in this world seem to be extremely advanced. This is the first time for Ian to see such a dragonfly-like aircraft. With his knowledge, he cannot understand the principle of a dragonfly aircraft.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to fly with the weight of a person by flapping the wings. In comparison, propellers are much more efficient. So far, all he has learned are helicopter propellers. The same aircraft, even a small drone, can hardly be seen like that.

The guests suddenly became very confused, but the air pirate did not shout loudly that I own this mountain.

They should have come with a purpose. Ian saw the intruders walking straight to the guest room, going somewhere very purposefully.

Immediately afterwards, a group of gangster-like men in suits ran out from the other end of the corridor and started fighting with the air pirates.

Men in sailor uniforms ran out to maintain order. They were the security personnel of the airship. They all seemed to be very reliable men.

"Guests, please don't panic! Go this way to evacuate!"

Ian observed that the number of air pirates is not very large, and the sailors should be able to solve them smoothly.

But there is a better and faster solution, why not use it?

Besides, he was a little sleepy and wanted to take a nap. He didn't want anyone to disturb his airship trip.

Although he gave up things that did not belong to him, the knowledge he learned himself and the bits and pieces engraved in his mind would not disappear.

Although the power of giants and dragons no longer exists, he can still use alchemy because it is something he learned himself.

In the chaos, he broke into the edge of that corridor.

Ymir followed him every step of the way. Although she looked like a girl who was inexperienced in the world, her real age was already over two thousand years old.

Ian knew that this kind of scene was just a piece of cake for her.

In her eyes, human strife and fighting are things she has long been accustomed to. On the contrary, the literary works in various worlds and those cartoons produced for entertainment, especially those for children, are talents to her. It was something she had never seen before. She had always been very interested in all kinds of cartoons.

Because she had almost no childhood, she was very much like a child in this respect.

It was an agreement between Ian and her to let her see all kinds of interesting things.

Ian didn't want to make things too big. If it caused too much commotion, he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Those air pirates and men in suits don't look like good people. Let's deal with them in one go. He has mastered the "truth" and his alchemy can be said to have reached the realm of "god".

If he had enough Philosopher's Stone, it wouldn't be too difficult to create a small sun.

However, he does not have that kind of energy source. The only things he can rely on are his own physical strength and the energy flowing in the air.

Although traveling through the world's barriers consumes a lot of physical strength, it is more than enough to deal with these people who use firearms.

He pressed his hand on the metal plate of the airship. The frame of this airship was made of metal. The walls, the floor under his feet, and the ceiling were all covered with metal. Wherever the air pirate and the man in the suit stepped, naturally, there was also metal. .

Ian used alchemy very carefully, trying not to be noticed.

In the invisible palm, there was a faint glimmer of light, and the entire metal frame of the airship came into his grasp.

What he did was very simple. First, he made the air pirate and the man in a suit incapacitated. The liquefied metal surged out from the floor and immediately grabbed the feet of the two groups.


Someone noticed the abnormality and exclaimed.

However, they soon discovered that all the guns in their hands had misfired.

Although the aircraft are very advanced, these people still use relatively primitive single-shot pistols. If they slightly change the ignition structure of the gun chamber, their guns will not be able to shoot bullets.

The leader of the air pirates was an old woman with a loud voice. She shouted: "Retreat!"

But it was too late, their feet were caught.

At this time, the sailors who had settled most of the guests finally launched an attack.

"The people inside surrender immediately! Don't make fearless resistance!"

The sailors gave a symbolic shout, and they fired a shot at the ground, with a crack and sparks shooting out.

The leader of the air pirates was very smart. After realizing that he had lost the ability to resist, he immediately threw away the pistol and raised his hands.

"I surrender!"


"Stop talking nonsense, throw away the gun if you don't want to die!"

The old woman shouted at the unshaven strong men. The strong men seemed to be afraid of the old woman's power, so they trembled and obeyed.

The sailor didn't expect things to be so easy. He was stunned for a moment, then carefully went up and handcuffed the air pirate.

As for the men in suits, the sailors didn't let them go and handcuffed them all.

While they were careless, Ian had already restored the airship's frame to its original shape, unlocked the shackles, and also performed a full-body inspection of the airship, repairing some rusty and unstable places. Make it stronger.

Ian thought that the matter should be resolved here, but a girl's exclamation came from a certain room.

"Who's coming! Someone's coming to help!"

It was the room guarded by the man in the suit, and someone shouted anxiously.

The sailors rushed in, and Ian's attention was attracted by the sound. The exclamation came not from inside the room, but from outside the airship.

Ian looked toward the window and saw a girl with braids hanging by the window. Her skirt was swaying in the wind, and her two braids were blown everywhere.

She was about to fall, grabbing the edge of the window with both hands. A man in a white suit tried hard to grab the girl's hand, but the girl seemed to be afraid of him and instead moved away from the man.

The girl's hand was empty, and she fell straight down from an unknown height of several meters, with only her voice echoing in her ears.

"Ymir, wait for me here." Ian warned.

Ymir nodded, found a random place to sit down, swayed his legs, and picked up the small cakes on other people's tables to eat.

After she recovered, she was able to enjoy eating for the first time in a long time. In addition to watching cartoons, her other hobby now is eating sweets.

Ian just figured out the structure of the airship and came to the uninhabited corner on the other side. The walls here are the key connection parts, so they are all made of metal.

He used alchemy to open a hole, then took a small ball of molten metal, took off his clothes, and jumped out of the hole.

The hole healed as quickly as the water surface after he jumped down, and the molten metal wrapped around his body. The clothes he took off turned into silk threads like cocoons peeling off cocoons. The molten metal solidified into a skeleton, and the silk threads wrapped around the skeleton. His back turned into a brand new hang glider.

The breath of wind came out, and below was the endless sea of ​​clouds. The moon hung in the dark night above the head, like a jade plate.

Although the current physical strength is not enough to travel through the world barrier, it is still not a problem to slightly change the direction of the wind.

He spread his "wings" and glided towards the place where the girl fell, like a hunting eagle.

The girl seemed to see him, and she waved randomly.

An incredible thing happened, Ian saw the gem on her chest emitting a faint fluorescence, and her downward falling movement paused.

It was as if gravity disappeared from her body, or she turned into a piece of light feathers, suspended in the air under the protection of some kind of power.

If it fell to the ground at such a speed, even a baby would be unscathed.

Ian quickly passed by and grabbed the girl's hand. At this moment, even his body became light and airy. With a little control over the direction of the wind, he and the girl were blown away like dandelion seeds.

It was because of the gem. The moment he saw the gem, Ian understood that it was a very powerful thing. It had very precise lines inside and was definitely not a natural creation.

After Ian picked up the girl, the light of the gem suddenly went out, and they returned to their normal weight. The sudden return of weight caused them to fall suddenly.

"Ah!" the girl exclaimed.

"Hold on to me." Ian pulled her into his arms, holding her and gliding for a short distance.

The girl held his hand tightly, and after Ian adapted to the wind speed, he slowly ascended towards the direction of the airship.

At this time, the girl suddenly started struggling again, and Ian noticed her gaze.

On the airship. There seems to be something that scares her.

So will she escape to the window?

"Don't you want to go back?" Ian asked tentatively.

The girl didn't speak, she looked at Ian with a wary look.

Are they those men in suits?

"Don't worry, I'm not the same as those people. I'm here to save you." Ian tried to use words.

He slowed down and flew upwards no longer anxiously.

The girl was silent for a moment and asked, "Really?"

"Really." Ian said, "Were they those men in suits? What did they do to you?"

"They took me from home." The girl said sadly, "I was fetching water, but they suddenly appeared at my house and took me here for some reason."

"Is that so?" Ian looked at the necklace on the girl's chest.

He understood that those air pirates were probably here for the girl.

At the same time, he thought of some familiar scenes.

Stones that can levitate people in the air, dragonfly-like helicopters.

"My name is Ian, can you tell me your name?" Ian asked sincerely.

"My name is Hida," the girl said.

"Hida, let's go back to the airship together. Don't worry, I will protect you." Ian said.

Hida hesitated for a moment, but looking at Ian's eyes, she finally nodded.

Ian smiled and quickly climbed up to the edge of the airship.

He went directly to his guest room. When he put his hand on the airship, the window opened automatically. He carefully carried Hida in, then entered the room and closed the window.

The hang glider quickly recovered like a bird's folded wings. The metal was refilled into the frame of the airship, and the silk threads were woven into a brown coat, which Ian wore.

Shida was stunned when she saw this scene, her mouth slightly opened.

"This is my little personal secret. Please don't tell the passengers on the airship." Ian raised his index finger.

Shida nodded in shock.

Ian smiled and said: "I still have a companion in the lounge. I will bring her back. Shida, please stay here. Those bad guys think you have fallen, so as long as you don't leave this room, Then no one will know that you were brought back by me."

When Xida heard it, she immediately covered her mouth, as if she was trying to cover up her breathing, and sat obediently on the edge of the bed.

Ian nodded, opened the door gently, and went to the lounge. As expected, the air robber and the man in the suit were both controlled.

The captain is apologizing to the guests and stating that a rescue call has been issued and they will stop at the nearest town. At that time, these air pirates and unidentified people will be sent to the police station for processing, and the guests' losses will be compensated accordingly.

This farce ended, and Ian took Ymir back to the house.

Sheeda was visibly relieved when she saw Ian.

"Don't worry, those bad guys have been arrested." Ian opened a crack in the door and waved to Hida, motioning for her to come over and take a look.

Hida tiptoed over and looked through the crack in the door. It seemed that it was because of the men in suits who were handcuffed. She exhaled and patted her chest.

Sheeda thanked Ian after he closed the door.

"Thank you for saving me, Mr. Ian."

"So what's your next step? What are you going to do?"

"I want to go home."

"But those people already know where your home is. If you go home, you will definitely be arrested again."

Shida seemed to have never thought about this problem at all. After Ian mentioned this, her expression froze and she lowered her head in frustration.

Also, she looks like she is only in her teens, still a child.

Ian asked: "Where are your parents?"

"He passed away from an illness a few years ago," Shida said.

"Do you live alone?"

"Well, I live in the north of Kenya. Because I have the fields and cattle left by my parents, there are no problems in my life."

"Then do you know why they arrested you?"

"I don't know." Xida shook her head and held the gem necklace on her chest.

"Don't you know about that stone? I heard that those air pirates came to rob it for the flying stone. I think it is probably your gem."

"This necklace was left to me by my grandmother." Xida looked at the gem in her hand, "I don't know what a flying stone is."

"The Flying Stone is a stone once used by the people in Laputa, the city in the sky. It has great power." Ian said, "The one in your hand is the Flying Stone. When you dropped it just now, Doesn't the stone shine? Even without me, you will land safely, because this stone is protecting you."

Shida pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Xida." Ian squatted down and touched Xida's little head, "Those guys came to you for Laputa's legacy. As long as they don't find the Sky City, I'm afraid you won't be able to live in peace." life."

"Then what should I do?" Xida curled up on the bed and hugged her knees, "I don't know anything about Laputa."

"I know, but I can understand at a glance. The necklace your grandmother left for you is an incredible thing. It contains tens of thousands of precisely engraved lines. Only the royal family of Laputa can use it. And it lit up just now when you were in crisis, which is enough to prove that you are the royal family of Laputa. Your grandmother, your parents, should have told you how to use this stone."

"Mr. Ian." Shida raised her head. Although she looked frustrated and disturbed, she did not shed tears. "Do you want to find Laputa like those bad guys?"

"Yes." Ian told the truth, "To be honest, I am very interested in Laputa, but I don't want to use Laputa to do anything bad. I just think a floating city is great."

"The floating city is great?" Xida asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I really want to see the real floating city. I like the feeling of flying very much. I don't want to do anything bad with Laputa. If you don't want to, I will never force you."

"But. This necklace is a relic of my grandmother. It is an important thing to me. I can't give it to you."

"But we can go to Laputa together, right?"


"I said, I won't force you. If you don't want to, I will find other ways on my own. But for those who are looking for Laputa, to be honest, I don't have a good way to help you. Solve their problems.”

Ian stroked Hida's hair and comforted the young girl.

"This airship will dock at the nearest town tomorrow morning. I can give you a sum of money to help you conceal your identity and find a strange place to settle down. You can't go back to your original home. Even if you change your place to live, you It may also be found by those people, so I can’t guarantee anything for you.”

"But Xida, please don't worry. At least when I'm here, I will ensure your safety. You saw it just now. I have some little secrets, so even if the bad guys come, they can't do anything to you. Today Just go to bed first and I will do my best to take you to a safe place."

Shida looked into Ian's eyes and nodded silently.

There were two beds in the room. Under Ian's arrangement, Hida and Ymir slept on the same bed. Because they were both underdeveloped girls, they did not feel crowded on the same bed.

Ian was really a little sleepy. He set up a triggering formation on the door, turned off the light and lay down on the bed to fall asleep.

When I woke up, the airship had docked in the town.

After landing, Ian looked for an opportunity to leave with Ymir and Hida.

The aircraft in this world are very developed. Because of the flying stones, their technology tree is very crooked. The roads are still driven by horse-drawn carriages and coal-burning steam trains. But in slightly wealthier places, aircraft like those used by air pirates It's more common.

Over the next few days, Ian kept asking Sheeda's opinion.

He also persuaded Xida to leave with him. After all, she was still an underage girl. It was really irresponsible to leave her alone.

If she is willing to leave with him and go to Parady Island, Ian can find a way to find a good place for her, but he still has to ask for his opinion. After all, Parady Island is also a completely unfamiliar place to her. place.

In the past few days, Hida has been hesitant. No matter what suggestions Ian made, she always looked hesitant and held the gem on her chest from time to time.

Finally, on the morning of the fourth day, she found Ian.

"Please take me to Laputa too." Hida said seriously.

"Have you thought about it? Are you willing to leave with me?" Ian said.

"I haven't decided yet, but I think if I arrive in Laputa, I will be able to make a choice." Hida said.

"Well then let's try to find Laputa." Ian rubbed her hair.

At night, Hida was in the hotel room, holding the necklace left by her grandmother.

She looked at the moon outside the window, thinking a lot.

She has lived alone in Kenya since her parents died.

It was an isolated place, deep in the mountains, where only their family lived. As long as she could remember, she and her family had stayed in that place. They had several cows, a windmill, and cultivated fields. Live self-sufficiently.

She actually yearns for the outside world, but her grandmother and parents rarely take her out to interact with people. They also have strict family training for her, warning her that if she leaves here, it will cause terrible disasters.

In the past few days, she heard Ian tell stories about Laputa.

It is said that in the past, after the people of Laputa discovered the flying stone, they used it to create many sky cities.

Flying stone is an incredible stone. Flying ore can be found in many places, but flying stone cannot be extracted using ordinary methods. Only the people of Laputa have mastered how to use it.

The people of Lapra used flying stones to create a dazzling civilization in the sky. They made airships, floating cities, and later weapons.

They once fought a war, and the war brought tragic results. Many cities in the sky crashed, and Laputa's civilization was destroyed. The few people who survived rejected the sky and chose to return to the earth.

They decided to hide Laputa's secret forever and take root again in the land.

Ian told Hida that her ancestors should be a branch of the Laputa royal family, so that's why the flying stone was passed down from generation to generation.

Xida once asked her parents why they couldn't go to the outside world and what kind of terrible disaster would happen if they went out.

But her parents didn't explain it clearly to her. It seemed that even they themselves couldn't figure out why. They just followed the warnings of their grandmother and grandfather, and then passed the warnings to Hida.

She remembered what Ian said.

"The truth slowly becomes blurred as word of mouth spreads."

Although she didn't say it with her mouth, she really wanted to leave with Ian.

She longed for such an incredible world.

At that time, when she was caught by Ian and flying in the sky, she was particularly excited.

In the past few days, she has also experienced a life she has never experienced before.

Ian took her to the clothing store to buy a new dress, took her to see various houses, and visited the transportation on the ground. When she asked why this was the case, Ian could always use her Explain it to her in a way she can understand.

For example, when she saw a steam train, she was very confused about how steam made the car run.

Ian explained it to her with a cup and a piece of paper. He put the piece of paper on the cup surface and sucked a little bit of the air inside the cup. The paper sticks to the cup surface and does not fall off. Ian said this is The pressure of the atmosphere. We live in the air. The pressure of the air is so huge that it can even lift stones. The steam engine uses the principle that water expands when it turns into steam to push the wheels to rotate.

She was full of curiosity about these novel knowledge and this vast world.

Yes, she wanted to leave with Ian.

But she had not forgotten her grandmother's words, so she hesitated.

After thinking for a long time, she decided to see it with her own eyes.

If she could see Laputa with her own eyes, maybe she could make a decision.

When she was young, her grandmother once said a mantra to her. She had long forgotten why she was crying that day, but she still remembered her grandmother's gentle words, saying that when she was in danger and needed help, she should use that ancient saying. Say the secret mantra.

Shida slowly recited the incantation: "Lidi Ladobarida Uluf Arianes Balu Nidoli."

This mantra means, "Awaken the light and help me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flying stone erupted with a more intense light than the last time.

The bed began to shake, and even though she was in the room, Hida's skirt swayed as if being blown by the wind.

Ian opened his eyes, he was awakened by the movement.

"Don't be afraid." Ian came over and grabbed Hida's hand, holding the flying stone with her.

Only the blood of the Laputa royal family can control this stone.

Ian helped her control the flying stone, and the swaying light beam gradually stabilized, and finally gathered into a beam of light pointing somewhere, and irradiated toward the distant place.

"The end of that beam is probably where Laputa is." Ian said softly.

In the sky, the plane carrying the three people flew into the distance.

Ian sat in the driver's seat and followed the guidance of the flying stone.

They refueled for the last time in the coastal city, very close to Laputa, Ian had a premonition.

He was a man who held the truth, and his premonition was very accurate. Not long after, they had already seen the black storm, and the beam of the flying stone pointed at the center of the storm.

"Are you going there?" Shida said worriedly.

"Well, Laputa is in that storm," Ian said.

"But...is it okay?"

"no problem."

When Ian said these words, Hida couldn't feel the wind, as if something was protecting her.

They just headed straight into the storm, and Hida didn't feel the terror of the storm at all. The lightning, black clouds and heavy rain seemed to be in another world.

As the plane crashed through the thunderclouds, Hida timidly grabbed the guardrail on her chest, but her emotion was more excitement than fear.

After passing through the dark clouds, they finally saw the sun.

It's hard to describe Hida's mood at this time. She looked down and saw the magnificent city in the sky.

It was a floating city with trees and grass growing there. Most of it was covered in green, and the roots of plants could be seen spreading outside. A towering tree took root in its center, and the tree crown looked like a castle.

The plane flies over the city in the sky. There are no storms and black clouds here. This is the center of the storm. The sun is shining brightly in the center, so calm and beautiful.

It turns out that you can reach the Sky City by passing through that terrible storm.

Ian controlled the plane to land on Laputa. He stood on the real floating city. Clear springs flowed beside the grass. There were relics of civilization everywhere. There was no human atmosphere here, only the remaining buildings and those sleeping. robot.

This place has been abandoned for too long, and no one has been here for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Time has carved its mark on the Sky City, and those glorious buildings are now occupied by plants.

But the plants did not make this place a primeval forest. There were gardening robots taking care of the place. When visiting Laputa, Ian saw the only moving robot taking care of this secret garden.

There used to be many robots like it here, but they have all slept for a long time. Ian saw those sleeping robots, lying among the flowers, with moss and moss growing on their earthy brown shells. Flowers are like an oil painting.

Ian was the first visitor in many years. He was surprised and happy. Standing on the edge of the Sky City, looking at the green garden, he sighed.

“So beautiful”

Next, he stayed in Laputa for a few more days, and he took Hida to the center of Laputa.

It was not difficult for him to understand the control method of this floating city. In fact, he quickly understood that the manufacturing principle of Laputa was similar to that of alchemy, and its energy source, the flying stone, was the same. This unique high-quality energy has allowed it to run in the sky for hundreds of years even if no one maintains it.

According to Ian's estimation, it may take another three hundred years before its central system may experience insufficient energy supply.

"So, Hida, have you decided? What are you going to do?" Ian asked Hida.

"I want to leave with Mr. Ian, but before I leave, I want to go home again. I still have some things I want to take away," Shida said.

"Have you ever considered moving?" Ian said. "Bringing your whole home and that whole building up to Laputa?"

Xida was stunned for a moment. A few days later, she saw a picture that she would never forget.

The home she had lived in for twelve years was uprooted from the land, and her farmland, her cattle, and those places full of memories were all floating in the air.

Ian, her, and Ymir, who seemed unable to speak, stood on the floating soil and floated into the sky.

She could hardly believe this scene. She knelt on the ground and carefully looked towards the edge. The scenery became smaller and smaller in her eyes. When she came to her senses, her home had been moved to the City in the Sky.

"With these flying stones, I should be able to take Laputa home with me." Ian nodded with satisfaction, holding the hands of Ymir and Hida, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

It was a day that will always be remembered on Parade Island, with many people looking up at the sky.

Mikasa was standing next to Eren, holding a baby in her arms, and they were both looking up.

"But he said he was going to come back from the air and asked us to stop all the planes in the area." Han Ji looked up at the blue sky, "Really, it's so mysterious. What's going on?"

"Since it was Ian who said it, he must have considered it." Historia bit her lower lip and kept twirling her hair with her fingers.

It could be seen that she had specially dressed up and put on a little light makeup. It seemed that in order to make herself look less "deliberate", she put on a red shawl.

"It's almost time." Erwin looked at his watch, the pointer was spinning and was about to point to the mark.

Everyone raised their heads, but Levi remained silent as always. Many people greeted him here.

Then a shadow fell over everyone.

"As expected of that guy." Levi's lips curled up slightly, "He really made a big scene."

Hanji's jaw almost dropped to the ground, "What is this! What's going on with this! Why. Why can that kind of thing fly in the sky!"

"Hahaha." Mikasa and Allen both laughed.

Historia continued to look around, looking for that person.

Finally, she saw the figure that kept waving.

He stood on the edge of the Sky City, constantly waving to the crowd below.

He jumped up from such a high place, and there were two girls with him, but they did not fall freely. They fell from the sky extremely slowly like magic and stepped on the ground.

"It's almost like a dream."

Yes, it's like a dream.

Historia couldn't bear it any longer, so she ran out and hugged the man.

She burst into tears, tears dripping down her cheeks.

A few seconds later, the hands slowly hugged her and patted her back.

Not too many fiery words, just simple conversations.

"I'm back."


(End of the book) (End of this chapter)

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