I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 63 The Port of the Marais

Wall Maria, outside the wall.

Ian and others passed through Chu Ning's outer door and came to the outside world.

Although it was night, the moon was very bright tonight, and the bright moonlight shone down. After my eyes adapted to the darkness, they quickly adjusted their mode.

In the field of vision, many giants could be seen lying on the ground.

They have different postures. Even if they lose their mobility, their eyes are open, as if they will move in the next second.

But they just seem to be moving. It's late at night now, and they will stay where they are until the sun rises tomorrow.

Ian glanced at his pocket watch and it pointed to eleven. It was eleven o'clock at night.

"We have to come back before dawn, Ymir, is that okay?"

"It's definitely fine for me to be alone." Ymir looked at the people behind him: "But this is my first time carrying people."

When she blended into the wall, she crossed the desert and Wall Maria all the way. The distance from Wall Maria to Wall Roseay alone was 130 kilometers. For the sake of safety, she maintained her giant posture.

I don't know whether it's because she has been an Unsullied Titan for too long, or because the Titan power she inherited has strong endurance. She has been transformed into a Titan for a very long time. So far, she has not touched herself. The upper limit, although at most it can only become a giant for more than one day.

"Try it first and feel for yourself whether it works or not." Ian handed Ymir a knife.

"Okay." Ymir took the knife, made a few stretching movements, took a deep breath, and cut his palm.

Blood spattered from the wound, golden lightning surrounded her body, the skeleton spread, flesh and blood entangled, and she quickly turned into a five-meter-tall giant.

It looks just like that. If a child sees it, he will probably have nightmares tonight, but among the few people present, no one is afraid of Ymir's giant, although this thing, well, is indeed a bit ugly.

"Can I touch your teeth?" Han Ji said with great interest: "This is the first time I have seen such strange giant teeth! They are uneven, sharp and sharp. Is this one of the nine giants? ? When you become a giant, will your teeth get stuck when you eat?"

"Who will turn into a giant and eat?" Ymir said speechlessly.

Her true body is inside the back of the giant's neck. For her true body, the giant has no sense of pain or taste.

Even if she had a sense of taste, it would be too wasteful to eat as a giant. Besides, she also knew that her giant's teeth were sharp. If she ate fried chicken like this, she would probably get a whole chicken stuck between her teeth. Chicken bar

No, why would she want to go to such a strange place? Hanji completely led her astray.


Hanji stared at Ymir blankly, then suddenly pounced on him.

"Hey! It turns out that giants can talk! This is a new discovery, a talking giant! Obviously the giant that Allen turned into can't speak!"

"I say, can you guys take some care of this guy?" Ymir tried to pull Hanji away with his hands, but he was afraid of hurting her with his sharp nails.

"Hanji has this kind of personality, you just get used to it." Erwin turned to Hanji and said: "Hanji, there will be many opportunities to study giants in the future, don't forget what we are doing tonight, we have to verify Whether Grisha Yeager’s notes are true.”

"That's right." Hanji looked regretful and left Ymir.

"Come on my back." Ymir stretched out his hand: "Grab my hair. I'll run for a while and try to feel it."

"Thank you." Allen looked up at Ymir, climbed onto her palm, and then stepped on her back.

There were six people in total, Eren, Hanji, Ian, Hannis, Erwin and Levi.

Ymir is about the same size as a small truck, and can fit five people on its back.

"It might be a little bumpy, so hold on tight."

"Don't worry about us! Run as much as you want!" Hanji's eyes lit up: "Moving on a giant, it's like a dream!"

Ymir was too lazy to pay attention to this "giant fanatic" and started running.

This was the posture she had been running in for sixty years. After being injected with medicine by the Marais, she became a strange creature and has been running in the "Paradise" on all fours.

Although she had turned back into a human being, those memories had not disappeared. They were just hazy, like a dream. She instinctively remembered this feeling, as if she had returned to those endless years.

However, unlike in the past, she was awake today.

Where will the future of this island go?

After listening to Erwin read Grisha's notes, she finally understood that the child she ate that day was a warrior from Marais, so she could wake up.

The super giant and the armored giant destroyed the wall, which means that Marais is going to attack the residents of "Paradise".

Sixty years have passed, and I don’t know what Marais has become.

Forget it, who cares, I don’t live long anyway, counting the days, I only have twelve years left in my life.

Since after inheriting the power of a giant, I can only have a life span of thirteen years, then there is only one thing I, Ymir, have to do:

--Loyalty to fried chicken and French fries.

Even if you die, you have to be a dead ghost!

When you go back, be sure to eat a lot!

As Ymir continued to run, the surrounding scenery gradually changed.

The oasis full of spring has turned into a barren desert.

The ground is covered with yellow sand, and the bright moon hangs in the starry sky. The number of giants here is obviously much smaller.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, everyone finally saw something different.

You can tell at a glance that it is definitely not natural.

Neat stone bricks and a high platform built up.

Grisha Yeager described this in his notes: "The Marais used ships to transport the Eldians who violated the law to the port of Parady Island, and injected special medicine to turn the Eldians into Become a giant and be exiled to 'Paradise'. My wife Dana Fritz and I were caught by the Marais because we organized the restoration movement and had our fingers cut off. Before my wife became a giant, she once said to me, Said 'I will find you' and I watched her turn into a giant."

Everyone realized that the high platform in front of them was the port of the Marais.

Ymir even stopped under the high platform, looking up at the cold and pale stone bricks.

Memories of the past are attacking her. It was also in this place that she was turned into a giant.

The fear and helplessness of that day are still etched in her heart.

How many Eldians have been exiled to Parady Island by the Marais so far?

They didn't get an exact number from Grisha's notes, but they could get a little glimpse from some information.

During the thirteen years that "Xiao" was active as a restorationist spy, he cut off the fingers of thousands of compatriots and exiled thousands of compatriots to "Paradise".

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