I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 74 Spinal Fluid Medicine

"Levi, I have never heard that you are doing things for a guy younger than you. Is it money? Or is it a woman? Have you fallen?"

"When people live in this world, they cannot abandon their dignity."

"Didn't I teach you? You should walk with your spine straight."

Kenny seemed calm, but in fact his body was tense and ready to run away at any moment.

"Watch your words, Kenny." Levi put away his etiquette and shouted coldly: "This is Congressman Ian from the government."

"Congressman? Such a young congressman?" Kenny frowned: "Are you treating me like a monkey? How can a kid with no hair grow all the way be a congressman? Don't make me laugh so hard."

"Mr. Kenny." Ian tapped the ground with his cane: "You take back your words now, and I can pretend that nothing happened."

As the last crisp sound stopped, Ymir cut his palm open with a knife.

Blood dripped, golden lightning set off strong winds, and dust blew.

Kenny's jazz hat was blown up and his collar was rippled. He stared blankly at the ferocious beast.

The five-meter-tall Giant Hubei stood majestically on this street where the crowd had been evacuated in advance.

The bone mask, the knotted muscles that seemed to be about to explode, the body full of strength and streamlined curves, and the eyes under the mask glowed like some kind of hunting beast.

The Titan of Hubei let out a deep roar and locked onto Kenny's breath.

Kenny finally understood where that feeling of danger came from.

He recalled that afternoon many years ago, the day he accepted the commission to assassinate the then King of Walls, Uli Reis.

That man, with that god-like look in his eyes, Kenny was held in the hand of God. His proud killing skills were like a child's joke in front of God.

He has no power to resist in front of God. He is like an ant. God can crush him to death with just a flick of his fingers.

But Uli Reis didn't do that. The man put him down, but instead lifted the partial giant transformation, knelt down, and begged for his forgiveness.

"Forgive me for being stupid and unable to create paradise within this narrow wall."

Before that day, Kenny believed in violence.

Thinking that as long as there is power, it is right.

He had lived like that before that day, relying on violence to plunder everything he wanted, including human lives, food, and money.

He lives in this world as a perpetrator. He has always been the one who inflicted violence on others. But today, he once again recalled the only time in his life that he was dominated by others with violence. A feeling of powerlessness as if drowning in a bottomless lake.

What he saw before him was the "violence" he had been pursuing.

"Please forgive me for being rude just now, Councilor Ian." He bent down to pick up the hat he had dropped on the ground, put the brim of the hat against his chest, and performed a standard gentleman's courtesy: "I am too stupid, and I can't use it." Distinguish by age.”

"It's okay, Mr. Kenny."

Ian tapped his cane, and Ymir put away his offensive posture and came behind him obediently.

"Did you bring what we wanted?"


Kenny took out a small and exquisite wooden box from his arms. When he opened it, there was a syringe inside. The medicine in the syringe was transparent silver-white, shining with dots of light.

"The spinal fluid medicine that can turn Eldians into giants will be used by the Reis family during the inheritance ceremony."

"But now that you have mastered God, do you still need it? For us, the people of Ymir, this is just poison."

"How much does Mr. Kenny know about the power of the King of Walls?" Ian took the wooden box from Levi and observed the spinal fluid medicine in the sunlight.

"It can change the memories of people other than Ackerman, and it can control giants." Kenny said.

"No, this is an inaccurate statement." Ian shook his head: "The power of the ancestor can only affect the people of Ymir. It has no effect on other races. For example, the ancestor cannot affect Haina. The Marais on the other side.”

"Isn't that Marais lie yours?"

"I really hope that is a lie, but that is the truth. Some of us have already visited the port of the Marais." Ian said: "The extinction of mankind is the lie of the 145th generation of Eldian kings." , he led our ancestors to Parade Island, built walls, and called it paradise.”

"There is no noble reason, just because the king betrayed the people. He wants to seal us in the wall and let us slowly welcome death."

"What do you mean?" This was the first time Kenny heard this statement.

"Mr. Kenny, you just said it, the King of the Wall can control the giants, so why doesn't he free the wall and kill all the giants outside the wall?"

"This" Kenny breathed.

This was indeed a question that had puzzled him for many years, but even the Lacey family didn't know the answer to the question.

Rod Reis once told Kenny that his brother Uli and he had the same idea before inheriting the power from his father. The younger brother promised him that after gaining power, he would let the people walk out of the wall.

But everything changed on the day of the ceremony.

"Uli changed from that day on. I could tell that Uli was becoming just like his dad."

"The same goes for Frieda. As long as she inherits that power, no matter who she is, she will become the same. The mission of our Reis family is just to continue that existence."

Could it be that the King of Walls built the wall just to let his people die?

It never occurred to Kenny that this was the reason for everything.

"King, you are a coward who avoids war. If we do nothing, our homeland will be destroyed." Ian put the potion back into the box and locked it: "I don't want to see that scene, so I will hurry up Use every available time and opportunity to move forward.”

"I would like to ask one more question in advance, Mr. Kenny, Lord Rod Reis, have you mastered the method of making spinal fluid medicine?"

"Congressman Ian, what are you planning to do?" Kenny had a guess, and when he thought that the guess might come true, his whole body started to tremble.

"I just plan to use the waste." Ian smiled faintly: "There are many ways for people to atone for their sins, including prison, labor reform, and the most serious one is the death penalty. But once a person dies, he can no longer create value for society, so I thought, if a person commits an unforgivable sin, death may not be the best outcome, but rather a waste."

"Are you planning to use the power of God to control everyone?"

Ian's shadow was lengthened by the setting sun.

"Not everyone. People are free. We respect everyone's life, but the premise is that he also respects others."

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