The Royal Capital, Erwin's office.

The curtains were drawn, the whole room was dimly lit, and the doors and windows were closed.

"At the end of July." Erwin touched his chin: "What do you plan to do after that?"

"Find a way to build a ship." Ian sat in front of Erwin: "We still have too little information about the outside of the wall. In any case, we still need to get in touch with the outside world."

"Where is the port of the Marais? Just leave it like that?"

"Didn't it come out from the mouths of those two people? The reason why the Marais only sent warriors with the power of giants to the island was because they themselves didn't know how many giants there were on the island. They were originally used to restrain the people inside the wall. In the end, it became a factor that hindered their landing. At this stage, I think it is best not to take rash measures against the port and just send some people to monitor it nearby."

"Can we only do it secretly now?" Erwin put his hands together.

"There is no way. The gap in strength is too big. In a head-on confrontation, there is no chance of winning. A weak country has no diplomacy. If we cannot become truly strong, the countries across the sea will not treat us as human beings."

Ian's voice was deep.

"If we fail to show sufficient strength, the Malay government will never give up its persecution of us."

"It's easy to understand. If the power of the giants hadn't gradually lost its effect in the war, Marais wouldn't be so anxious. He had just won the battle and had to forcibly seize the power of the ancestor giants."

"You are right." Erwin said slowly: "We have no choice but to fight. When will you leave the royal capital?"


"Then follow the original plan."

Walls of Rosey, night has enveloped the territory of Earl Charles.

The Corps camp was brightly lit.

There was a long table in the newly pulled up large tent, and Ian sat at the table.

There is a wind-up pocket watch on the table, ticking, ticking, and the hands of the pocket watch beat rhythmically.

Ian stared at the pocket watch without saying a word.

"It's almost ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed. Lord Earl Charles, have you forgotten about this?" Ymir lay on the table, yawned, and laughed contemptuously.

Kenny Ackerman crossed his arms and said, "Your Majesty, the Earl, wrote a letter during the day and promised that he would be on time for the appointment."

"But, well, after all, this is not the Royal Capital. It is understandable that the clock is different from the clock in the Royal Capital."

"How about I go out and notify Earl Charles again?" Hannis leaned over and whispered in Ian's ear.

Ian lowered his head slightly. Before he could answer, the soldier reported.

"Report, Earl Charles has just arrived in a carriage, accompanied by soldiers from the garrison and the Earl's servants."

Noisy voices came from outside the tent. The tent was opened. The aristocratic butler in formal clothes opened the curtain of the tent. The fat Earl Charles walked in, accompanied by six of his servants and clothes. The man in noble clothing could see the garrison soldiers standing outside through the tent opening, each holding a gun in his hand.

"Sorry, sorry, Councilor Ian." Earl Charles pretended to apologize: "Viscount Richard suddenly came to me and said that the heavy rain last week flooded the farmland. I care about the people and borrowed grain from the grain depot to the Viscount. This was the time that was wasted. I knew that the congressman could not afford to waste time, so I came over as soon as I sent the Viscount away."

A smile appeared on Ian's face, he stood up from his seat and shook hands with the Earl warmly: "It's okay, Mr. Charles, sit down first."

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to the congressman." Earl Charles pulled the noble man over: "This is your eldest son and heir, Kirsten Charles. I wanted to let him get to know the government congressmen in advance, so I brought him here. ”

The earl's son put on a stern face: "Father, are there such small government members? You must have been deceived."

The earl shouted angrily: "Congressman Ian is holding a government document in a dignified manner. How could he be an impersonator? Impersonating a congressman is a capital offense. Call me, congressman!"

The earl's son laughed, took off his hat and saluted: "Father, you are right. Mr. Congressman, please forgive me for being careless just now."

The father and son play a bad role, and the other plays a good role.

This person is not here to keep an appointment, but to show off his power. It can even be said to be a threat.

In short, the count is finally seated.

The count's servant took it upon himself to pour wine for those present, and the same bottle of red wine was poured.

"This is a fine wine from Richard Winery. Please don't be polite." The Earl smiled, and he finished the wine first.

Ian did not touch the glass and asked: "Mr. Charles, have you read the plan I sent you earlier?"

"Well, Sir, it's not that we don't cooperate." The Earl looked embarrassed: "We all understand that if the Marais come over, we should do our part, but, sir, you also know that our territory is all We have accepted a lot of refugees. To be honest, when Viscount Richard asked me to borrow food, I was worried that my subjects would not have enough to eat, so I was actually unwilling to borrow it."

"But for so many years of friendship between the Richard family and the Charles family, the Viscount knew that I was in trouble, so he exchanged it for me with the red wine from the manor. If we were able, we would definitely be willing to help the government defend against foreign enemies, but... you see, we are really I can’t get anything out.”

"So, it's actually like this. Mr. Councilor, some nobles around us have discussed it together." The earl asked the servant to bring a piece of paper: "There are only so many things we can provide. No matter how much we have, we will not be able to provide you with anything." Can’t take it out.”

Ian took the piece of paper and read it, his smile not diminishing.

He said nothing and sent away Earl Charles's mighty team.

Ymir picked up the piece of paper, looked at it a few times, and his expression became strange.

"Aren't these the names of pioneer lands?"

"Charles is the spokesperson of the aristocratic group. It is normal for them to be unwilling to give up the meat in their mouths."

Ian picked up the paper and placed it on the outer flame of the candle to light it.

"Before I came here, I knew they wouldn't be easy to arrest, but it was still a bit beyond my expectation. They have really become accustomed to being the leader over the years. They feel that if they have guns in their hands, the government will not dare to take action."

"But it doesn't matter anymore." Ian took out a ledger: "This thing is enough to sentence him to death."

That is the account book of the Charles family. The Ian Chamber of Commerce has been collecting evidence since last winter. The proof that the nobles accepted corruption and bribes has long been in his hands.

"Ymir, Kenny, I'm sorry to bother you, please solve it quickly tonight."

"Are you going to work overtime again?" Ymir complained.

"Joining forces with giants is really, really fun." Kenny pulled out the revolver from his waist, his eyes flashing.

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