I built an armada

Chapter 102 The chief is here in person! Navy Commendation Ceremony!

Everyone must be of the same mind!

Sun Yongguo and others had already discussed this point yesterday.

No matter what conflicts there are in private, they must be united under the big issues of right and wrong. Of course, Su Dingping also had this intention in handing over the personnel list to the two deans.

He could only see the abilities of those researchers through the data. Specific details still required secondary screening by Sun Yongguo and others.

"Dingping, solving these small problems is what we should do." Sun Yongguo said.

"Dingping." Lu Guangjun also said: "We are not as good as you in terms of talent, that's true. But in terms of managing personnel, after all, we have twenty or thirty years of experience, so just leave it to us."

Soon, the special plane from the south also arrived.

"People from the 702 Research Institute are here!"

Lu Guangjun muttered something.

"Don't worry, I know." Sun Yongguo replied calmly.

As the hatch opened, Cheng Yiqiang appeared in everyone's sight.

Sun Yongguo and others were stunned.

"Why is Lao Cheng here?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard the news."

"I don't remember that Lao Cheng is not on the list."


The two had a quick exchange and were quite surprised by Cheng Yiqiang's appearance.

In fact, Cheng Yiqiang was shocked when he saw a group of people standing outside waiting for him.

After getting off the plane with the people from the 702 Research Institute, Cheng Yiqiang quickly asked: "What is going on? Such a big battle?"

"We are here to welcome you." Sun Yongguo said with a smile.

"Welcome us?"

Cheng Yiqiang looked back and saw that there was no other special plane landing at the scene, and he couldn't help but feel even more surprised.

I, Cheng Yiqiang, have so much face? Or is my 702 Research Institute’s reputation so great?

I don't remember it.

"Dean Cheng, you are welcome to join us," Su Dingping said immediately.

No matter why Cheng Yiqiang showed up, since he could come, it meant he knew the situation. You're here, it doesn't matter if you say polite words. Having one more person is also a help.

Su Dingping thought this through very clearly.

"Comrade Dingping, I finally have the opportunity to meet you alone." Cheng Yiqiang stepped forward quickly, took the initiative to hold Su Dingping's hand, and said repeatedly.

"Last time I was in Guangdong, I never found an opportunity. Finally, things on the sea calmed down, but you have already left. I am very sorry."

Su Dingping immediately said: "Dean Cheng, there will be many opportunities in the future!"

"Okay." Nodding, Cheng Yiqiang changed the topic and said: "I heard that you are embarking on a big project this time. I was worried that they were not familiar with the place, so I accompanied them personally. It just so happened that I took this opportunity to have a good chat with you. .”

Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun suddenly understood.

If all the deans of the three major research institutes came, it would be hard to predict the situation.

"Comrades, let me introduce to you Comrade Su Dingping."

Cheng Yiqiang said to the 10 military experts brought over.

"The optimized 956E that was originally sent to our Southern Fleet! It was built by Comrade Su Dingping!"

When Sun Yongguo heard this, he glanced at Lu Guangjun in surprise.

Lu Guangjun also noticed that there was a hint of his own flavor in the other party's words.

"The 052B that shines in troop training..."

Listening to Cheng Yiqiang talking about everything, Lu Guangjun suddenly felt that the other person was thinking about him.

Obviously, Lu Guangjun's approach is effective, and so is Cheng Yiqiang's approach.

The 10 military industry experts who came from the 702 Research Institute suddenly looked at Su Dingping differently.

From the surprise at the beginning, to the uncertainty later, to the admiration at the end, everyone saw it.

At the end, Cheng Yi said forcefully.

"Comrades, next you will follow Comrade Su Dingping, Comrade Lu Guangjun, and Comrade Sun Yongguo to do a great cause for our navy!"

"I will be at the 702 Research Institute, waiting for your good news!"

After some explanations, Cheng Yiqiang looked at Su Dingping and said, "Comrade Dingping, these ten comrades will be entrusted to you later."

"Don't worry, Dean Cheng. They won't let you down."

As soon as Su Dingping finished speaking, Lu Guangjun on the side said.

"Don't worry, Lao Cheng, nothing will happen to you as long as we are here."

"With your words, I feel relieved."

Cheng Yiqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the explanation given to him by the chief was completely completed.

"Everyone has just arrived, let's get acquainted." Sun Yongguo gestured to Li Mingrui, who immediately reacted and led everyone towards another place.

Soon, only three deans and Su Dingping were left on the scene.

"Comrade Dingping, I have another unwelcome favor." Cheng Yiqiang said a little embarrassed.

"Dean Cheng, just ask, I will help you if I can."

Seeing that Su Dingping had said this, Cheng Yiqiang still said hesitantly.

"Comrade Dingping, you also know that our 702 Research Institute is now at the bottom of the three major research institutes. You see, the core technology of 052B..."

So that’s what happened.

I thought it was something important.

Before Cheng Yiqiang finished speaking, Su Dingping said immediately: "Dean Cheng, when you go back later, please bring back a copy of the relevant information."


Cheng Yiqiang was obviously stunned for a moment.

I spent a long time thinking about such important confidential information on the plane before I had the guts to say it. You just gave it to me?

Don't you even think about it?

Didn’t I prepare it in vain?

"Lao Cheng, don't act like you've never seen the world." Lu Guangjun said quickly: "In terms of knowledge and technology, Dingping has always taught us everything we have!"

The four of them were talking as they walked towards the temporary classroom.

Arriving at the temporary classroom, it was filled with core information related to 052B.

These were the first scenes where Sun Yongguo and others tackled the core technology of 052B after Su Dingping left.

Looking at the materials and parts structures in the room, Cheng Yiqiang almost lost his nerve.

Such valuable confidential information is placed here casually like this.

But when he thought that this was a military base, he suddenly realized.

While a few people were chatting, Zhang Gongnong suddenly ran over quickly.

"Dean Sun, Dean Lu."

The two of them glanced at Zhang Gongnong and immediately said to Su Dingping: "Dingping, help me entertain Comrade Yi Qiang while we deal with some things."

"Is something going to happen?" Cheng Yiqiang asked nervously.

If something happens to him as soon as he sends someone here, he will be in great disgrace.

"Dean Cheng, it's okay." Zhang Gongnong shouted from a distance.

"Lao Cheng, you stay here."

With that said, Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun walked out quickly.

The three of them walked aside.

"Comrade workers and peasants, what's wrong?"

"Two deans, Chief Xu is here and wants to see you."

The chief is here?

The two of them were startled and quickly followed Zhang Gongnong.

After a while, Zhang Gongnong and Lu Guangjun left and returned.

Zhang Gongnong walked up to Su Dingping and said mysteriously: "Dingping, get ready, the chief is here."

"The chief is here?"

Just as Su Dingping was about to stand up, Zhang Gongnong added another sentence.

"Formal occasions."

Su Dingping suddenly understood and said immediately: "I understand."

After saying that, he walked towards the barracks.

Cheng Yiqiang looked at Lu Guangjun and said, "Why is the chief here?"


"What about me?"

Lu Guangjun said casually: "It's okay, we don't care."

Hearing these words, Cheng Yiqiang immediately realized that the chief's business was related to Su Dingping.

"Then should I avoid it?"

"No need, the chief said, we just happen to be together."

Nodding, Cheng Yiqiang was still a little confused.

Could it be that he came just by chance?

The two chatted for a while, and Lu Guangjun said: "Old Cheng, it's almost time, let's go there too."

Cheng Yiqiang, full of suspicion, followed.

Barracks, Su Dingping's room.

Su Dingping, who was dressed in military uniform, straightened his clothes in the mirror, made sure there was nothing wrong, and then strode out.

Opening the door, Zhang Gongnong was already waiting at the door.

"Professor Zhang, let's go."

"Comrade Su Dingping, come this way."

Hearing this title, Su Dingping looked at Zhang Gongnong in surprise.

In the final analysis, I am the other person's student after all.

Now the other party called him such a formal and serious word, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Professor Zhang, will something happen?"

"Comrade Su Dingping, come this way."

Zhang Gongnong repeated the same words again with a serious face.

Su Dingping, who was full of confusion, had no choice but to follow the other party.

However, after walking for a while, he found something was wrong.

He had never walked this road before.

He has been to very few places in such a huge military base, and has basically been active in temporary classrooms and barracks.

Now it looks like I'm going to a new place.

As he walked all the way, he found that the surrounding security was still very strict.

After a while, the two arrived at the military base auditorium.

Two armed soldiers guarded the door.

"Professor Zhang, this is..."

Zhang Gongnong said seriously: "Comrade Su Dingping, please."

With that said, Zhang Gongnong turned around and left, leaving behind a confused Su Dingping.

What are you doing?

Before he could react, two soldiers pushed the door open.

Su Dingping quickly took a look inside.

When he came into view, Xu Dongguo was sitting in the middle of the podium.

There were several military flags on both sides of the rostrum, and a huge red curtain hung on the wall behind Xu Dongguo.

At the top of the curtain, a banner hung there that read [Navy Commendation, Awarding Ceremony...]

As his eyes narrowed, Su Dingping saw Sun Yongguo and others sitting upright in the audience seats.

Including researchers from the 408 Research Institute and the 702 Research Institute, as well as some senior naval officers on board 052B such as Zhou Qinglei.

Looking around, everyone present started out as majors.

"I'm Cao! Why didn't Professor Zhang urge me in such a big scene?"

Su Dingping's heart tightened.

For such a formal occasion, I was actually late.

At this moment, Su Dingping was like a student who was caught by the teacher late for class. He stood at the door and didn't know whether he should walk in so openly.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, Xu Dongguo's voice came from the auditorium.

"Comrade Su Dingping, come in."

Everyone in the audience remained motionless, as if they didn't hear.

Taking a deep breath, Su Dingping quickly strode in.

As he walked, he looked around for an open space. When he discovered that there were names on every empty space, he was numb.

After walking to the first row, he finally saw his nameplate next to Sun Yongguo.

Walking from the gate to the first row, only he knew the tension in his heart.

After sitting down, Su Dingping still felt quite uneasy.

After all, he was the only captain on the scene, which was really eye-catching.

After seeing Su Dingping sit down, Xu Dongguo nodded slightly to him, and then looked at everyone.

Abruptly, he spoke.

"All troops stand up!"

After finishing speaking, 18 people from the 335 Research Institute, including Sun Yongguo and others, including 13 people from the 408 Research Institute, 11 people from the 702 Research Institute, and many senior naval officers on board 052B stood up.

Looking across the crowd, Xu Dongguo said seriously.

"Now I announce that the Navy Commendation and Award Ceremony has officially begun!"

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