I built an armada

Chapter 111 No one can sleep soundly on the bed! Fuso: It’s worse than killing me!

The information sent by the KGB recorded two important pieces of information.

Even though this is Lermontov's castle, one can't help but feel a little emotional after reading it.

The content recorded on it surprised him even more than the appearance of 051C.

The Varyag aircraft carrier of the actor's country was bought by the other party under the guise of a businessman! In addition, the other party also secretly purchased a batch of high-precision equipment from the West.

If any detail is taken apart individually, no one would think that this is the will of the other party's senior management.

After all, the Varyag aircraft carrier has only an empty shell left. Buying it back and repairing it will cost more than building a new aircraft carrier.

The opponent's military budget is stretched thin, so it is unwise to buy it back and repair it at a high price. Anyone with any brains will not associate it with the navy.

Therefore, the identity of the businessman is particularly important. It is a very reasonable and practical reason to buy it back for viewing or to fill the scene.

Who would have thought that this has something to do with the Navy?

If the KGB, which was active in Western countries, had not collected a large amount of information, Lermontov would not have thought that way.

The other party used the identity of various businessmen to spend a lot of money and secretly bought a batch of high-tech equipment from major Western companies.

Linking all the clues together, Lermontov had to suspect that the other party planned to repair the Varyag aircraft carrier!

"It's amazing that such a big plan was completed without any hesitation."

Seeing Lermontov muttering to himself while looking at the information, someone asked.

"General, what's wrong?"

"See for yourselves." Lermontov said, throwing the information on the table.

Pushkin and others took the information and looked through it.

After a while, shock and confusion suddenly appeared on everyone's faces.

"They moved too fast! They didn't receive any news at all!"

"Indeed, it was done very covertly! Who would have thought that behind every businessman and every excuse, there was actually the instruction of their navy!"

"The Varyag aircraft carrier was bought, and a large amount of high-precision equipment was also bought! Are they going to repair the aircraft carrier?"

"The procurement expenses recorded above alone have reached 500 million U.S. dollars! Those that we have not discovered are probably quite a lot! I speculate that this time they spent at least 1 billion U.S. dollars in procurement expenses! This is not a huge sum. It’s a small amount!”

"It seems we underestimated them! They are hidden deeper than we thought!"

Everyone looked solemn.

The navy on the opposite side, which they had not even looked at before, suddenly made such a big move, really shocked them.

They realized that the opposing navy was no longer the negligible role it had been before.

"Repairing an aircraft carrier? It's no use just having the equipment." Pushkin said: "They don't have the relevant technology. Starting from scratch is not an ordinary difficulty! It is far from comparable to building the 051C."

"After all, 051C has 956E as a reference. What reference does the Varyag aircraft carrier use?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he thought of his previous examples of being open-minded. He coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment and added: "In short, it is very difficult."

"Their ambitions are indeed not small." Lermontov said: "With the technical foundation of modern warships, it is only a matter of time before mass production of 051C! Once they repair the Varyag aircraft carrier, it will not be difficult to build a modern aircraft carrier strike group. !”

Speaking of this, Lermontov felt heavy.

"By then, their navy will become an important force that cannot be ignored in the Dongzhou maritime circle!"

Even though there was no direct conflict of maritime interests in the Dongzhou maritime circle, Lermontov still felt very unhappy after inferring this possibility.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain!

The previous opposing navy was insignificant and they didn't care at all.

Now and in the future, no one can guarantee that the two sides will not conflict in the future!

The status of the opposite navy will become higher and higher. By then, the role that a sufficiently powerful modern aircraft carrier strike group can play cannot be ignored!

The White Bear tribe is very strong, but similarly, the neighbors next to him are not weak either.

Others should worry about the Army and Air Force matters, but he is responsible for the Navy.

With such a neighbor around, I can't sleep well at night.

Lermontov squinted his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table, making a clicking sound. No one knew what he was thinking.

After a long silence, Pushkin suddenly said.

"General, are we not going to do anything?"

Lermontov said slowly: "At present, the Eagle Tribe's actions in the central region are becoming more and more frequent. The central region involves our major interests, and we cannot let them take them away."

Most of the White Bear Tribe's navy is deployed in European waters to deal with the Western Alliance.

It is difficult to take action militarily.

On the one hand, there is no suitable excuse and it cannot be justified logically. The 'washing powder' incident has not happened yet, and the powerful tribes still care about the Blue Star Alliance's face.

On the other hand, the Western Alliance headed by the Eagle Tribe hopes that the White Bear Tribe will spread its power elsewhere so that it can occupy all the interests of the central region.

Oil is one of the major lifebloods of the economy and military!

Even powerful tribes cannot give up.

"But we can't do nothing." Pushkin said again.

At this moment, the second piece of information came over.

After reading it, Lermontov's face suddenly darkened.

"General, what happened again?"

Lermontov said solemnly: "The Iron Eagle Tribe Elders Council passed the action bill for the central region."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

They know that the central region will become increasingly chaotic in the future.

The competition among the major tribes in the central region will become more intense.

At this time, it is indeed inconvenient to spare the strength to deal with the opposing navy.

"Troubled times."

After finishing speaking, Lermontov ordered someone to get a dedicated phone.

After the call was dialed, Lermontov put down the phone and said after only half a ring.

"Doing nothing is not in our interests! We need to make it more difficult for them!"

"The Donghuang tribe must be more anxious than us at the moment! With them restraining the other side in the Dongzhou sea, we can also be free to focus more on the central region."

Looking at Pushkin, he emphasized.

"One thing Pushkin is right about is that repairing the aircraft carrier is not something that happens overnight! With their military budget and their blank technical knowledge, by the time they make progress, we have already completed the restoration of interests in the central region with the Eagle Tribe. distribute!"

"At that time, we will be able to free up our hands."

At this point, he added meaningfully: "A restless beast sleeps on the bed, and the heart is always uneasy."

Pushkin and others nodded.

Lermontov's last words struck a chord in their hearts.

If it weren't for the Eagle Tribe, if there wasn't the Western Alliance headed by the Eagle Tribe, the White Bear Tribe would definitely take action.

"Okay, that's it for the navy on the opposite side! Someone will be responsible for the relevant matters! We need to study it carefully to deal with the complex situation in the central region!"

On the other side, Turgenev, who was busy in the laboratory, was suddenly called out by Kovsky.

"Kovsky, I see you look panicked, what happened?"

Turgenev asked with some confusion.

"Something big happened!" Kovsky lowered his voice: "They have developed a modern warship - 051C!"


Turgenev was stunned for a moment: "It's impossible. I walked around their place for a long time and met an old classmate - Zhang Gongnong!"

"I still remember the expression on Zhang Gongnong's face at that time! They were obviously in big trouble in researching the 956E! It was only December! How long had it passed? How come even modern warships were launched?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Turgenev shook his head like a rattle, his face full of disbelief.

"Don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it either! But it's a fact!"

Kovsky gave an overview of the situation.

After listening, Turgenev was stunned on the spot.

Recalling the sad look on Zhang Gongnong's face when he met Zhang Gongnong by chance at the 335 Research Institute, he suddenly slapped his thigh.

"What the hell, I fell into Zhang Gongnong's trap!"

He speculated that the other party must have made a major breakthrough at that time! Deliberately pretending not to confuse the public!

At the same time, the Iron Eagle tribe, the chief's office.

A staff member hurriedly opened the door, put down a document, and said.

"Great Chief, there is a modern warship on the other side!"

The chief took the information and looked at it with a normal expression, and then said slowly.


"Yes, Chief!" the staff continued: "According to the analysis of military intelligence experts, the 051C should be far inferior to the 956E. It is estimated that it has just entered the threshold of modernization."

The great chief nodded and thought to himself.

"It should be thanks to the 956E of the White Bear Tribe! There is no need to make a fuss about such a small thing."

Changing the topic, he continued.

“The Act on the Central Region Act has been passed by the Presbytery and it’s time to convene a meeting to study it.”

"Okay, Chief, I'll make arrangements right away."

Watching the other party's leaving figure, the chief's eyes fell on the relevant information of 051C again. He chuckled and threw it casually on the corner of the table.

With the strength of the Eagle Tribe's 11 aircraft carrier strike groups, if the opponent didn't have a complete aircraft carrier strike group, he wouldn't even bother to take a second look.

Merely 051C, naturally not worthy of his attention.

Compared with the attitudes of the two overlords of Blue Star, the atmosphere at the Eastern Wasteland Tribe Navy Headquarters was obviously much more serious.

In the conference room, the top brass of the navy, headed by Murakami Hayaki, gathered here.

"General Hayaki, the news has been confirmed. The opponent has indeed conquered the core technology of modern warships! 051C is already a modern warship!"

Said Tao Shugami, head of the Naval Intelligence Department.

On the side, Ishita Wada had a complicated expression.

"It doesn't make sense! Even if there is 956E as a template, they can't be so fast! This is so unscientific! How many years did we use it? How long did they use it?"

The other generals also looked puzzled.

Compared with their own past, they really couldn't figure out why the opponent could be so fast!

Is it possible that the White Bear Tribe secretly provided huge help?

But that doesn't make sense. It's a military secret and involves national interests. It's impossible for the White Bear Tribe to do such a stupid thing.

Having been an opponent for so many years, seeing a new technological breakthrough on the other side is even more uncomfortable than the failure of the King Kong-class guide driver.

A while ago, the fourth King Kong-class guided drive had some accidents during the final installation, which caused the launch test and adjustment date to be delayed again, and it will not be able to serve at least by the end of September.

"Have you investigated the specific combat parameters of 051C?" Murakami Hayaki looked at Tao on the tree and asked.

Tian Fu on the tree shook his head.

"They're already working on it and it's going to take time."

"When necessary, you can activate the shadow!" Murakami Hayaki warned: "We must understand the detailed combat parameters of 051C as soon as possible! Do you understand? This is of great significance to our subsequent strategic adjustments!"

"Hi! General Hayaki!"

After a pause, Tian Fu on the tree said again.

"By the way, General Hayaki, there is one more thing."

"I received news before that a businessman from across the street purchased a batch of high-tech equipment from my tribe!"

"Is there still this matter?"

Murakami Hayaki's brows raised sharply.

051C appeared, and the opponent stepped up the purchase of high-precision equipment. Even if he thought about it with his toes, he knew what the opponent wanted to do.

‘Mao’ Bear: White Bear Tribe; Dong ‘Yang’: Donghuang Tribe; Beautiful: Iron Eagle Tribe; East ‘A’: Dongzhou

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