I built an armada

Chapter 115 Fire! Shanhua: Murasame is crazy, please help me!

Originally, 052B and 051C were only in Level 2 combat readiness status, but now they have been directly upgraded to Level 1 combat readiness status.

As the highest level of combat status, it is obvious that Zhou Qinglei is ready to fight at any time.

As the war preparation level increased, the entire 052B ship was filled with solemnity.

Except for the sound of the equipment running, all the naval officers and soldiers held their breath and waited for the last moment.

At the moment, no one is thinking about whether they will die on the battlefield. They only know that this is their own waters, and they must keep the enemy out of the country even if they die.

052B took the lead and blocked the front. 051C is two kilometers behind and to its left.

Zhou Qinglei and Jiang Shengrong both know that once this battle breaks out, 052B will be the main resistance force. If 051C is placed at the front, it will be the first to be hit. With the loss of 051C, the situation becomes even more unfavorable.

After all, the distance of close-in defense artillery support is limited, so the 051C must be placed at the rear. In this way, the 051C's anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles can be used for support and counterattack, and the close-in defense gun on the 052B can also provide certain protection for the 051C.

The deputy captain came to Zhou Qinglei's side and whispered: "Captain, do you want to ask the chief for instructions?"

"We are facing a formidable enemy, so we must not shake the morale of the army!" Zhou Qinglei said solemnly.

"I see!"

The conversation changed and Zhou Qinglei added another sentence.

"The leader has already said before that as long as it is in our waters, we must intercept the Shanhua at all costs! According to the Blue Star Alliance law, if the warships of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe dare to step across the sea boundary, they are declaring war on us."

"Report the coordinates of the other party!"

The radar monitor immediately said: "Report to the captain, the other party is still seven kilometers away from the sea boundary line! It is still 17 kilometers away from our ship!"

"After two kilometers, the first eviction warning will be issued!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After receiving Zhou Qinglei's notice, the Coast Guard immediately increased their power. The engines of the two fast support boats were almost smoking, and they were getting closer and closer to the Shanhua.

In the main control room of the Shanhua, Captain Nohara Shinki looked at the coordinates on the radar display, and his heart could not help but beat wildly.

At present, the Shanhua is still 19 kilometers away from the sea boundary line, and 9 kilometers ahead, two warships are anchored there, blocking the way.

If you want to pass by, you have to either go around it or hit it. There is no third option.

26 kilometers ahead, the Murasame and Harusame were heading straight in this direction at a speed of 32 knots.

Less than 3 kilometers behind, two fast support boats from the Coast Guard were outflanking him from left to right.

Nohara Araki was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, restless.

He felt that his Shanhua was like a sheep among the wolves, without any resistance against the warship. A little carelessness can result in shipwreck and death.

He has already seen the determination of the opponent's navy.

In the past, the other party's attitude was definitely not as firm as it is now!

At this time, the radioman shouted.

"Captain, the other party's coast guard sent a message, requiring us to stop the ship immediately for inspection, otherwise they will open fire on our ship!"

"What! Are they crazy!" Nohara Shinshu was anxious.

The Shanhua was not a single enemy of warships, but it could not withstand the firepower of the coast guard ship either.

"What the hell, what kind of cargo did I carry on my ship! Why do the two navies insist on fighting for my Shanhua! If we want to fight, why can't we fight on both sides?"

Nohara Araki stomped his feet in anger.

"What did Colonel Kithara Sosuke say? Should we stop or rush over? Is there any news yet?"

Without Kitahara Sosuke's instructions, it would not be the same if he rushed to the sentry, or if he did not rush.

"Captain, no reply!"


Cursing secretly, Nohara Shinshu said helplessly: "Charge! Charge over here!"

"Captain, why don't you wait for Colonel Kitahara Sosuke's orders?"

"Wait a minute!" Nohara Shinju yelled at the first mate: "Kitahara Sosuke ignored us and just let us make our own decisions! Look at the Murasame and Harusame, did they hesitate for a moment? This attitude can still be tolerated Is it more obvious?"

"Yes, Captain!"

On the other side is the Eastern Wilderness Tribe sea area.

The Murasame took the lead and rushed directly towards the sea boundary line.

In the main control room, Kitahara Sosuke stood with his hands behind his hands, staring at the warship across the sea.

The deputy captain said: "Captain, there are still 6 kilometers! Do we really not need to contact the Shanhua? In case they..."

"No! As a member of the Great Eastern Wasteland Empire, he knows what to do and what not to do! Aren't we also on the way to pick them up?" Kitahara Sosuke said: "Keep going!"

"Captain, it's really dangerous to go any further!"

"Keep going!" Kitahara Sosuke stared at the other person with murderous intent in his eyes.


"Captain, our ship is still 5 kilometers away from the sea boundary line!" As soon as the radar monitor finished speaking, the correspondent on the side said: "Captain, there is a message coming from the other side through the international channel."

Kitahara Sosuke said without looking back: "What did they say?"

[This is our sea area. Your warship has entered the dangerous area. To avoid misjudgment, please stay away immediately! Otherwise, we will take all means to safeguard the integrity of territorial sovereignty in the sea! 】

Just as the correspondent finished reading, Kitahara Sosuke sneered.

"keep going!"

Just when Kitahara Sosuke acted arbitrarily, the captain of the Harusame ordered his subordinates to immediately report the relevant situation back to the Navy Headquarters.

The tribe of the Eastern Wilderness came to sea from its headquarters.

General Inoshita Wada, the person in charge of this operation, looked serious after receiving the news.

The other party's quick response exceeded his expectations! Not only that, the opponent was so powerful across the sea, which also caught him off guard, which he had never encountered before.

"The opponent gained the upper hand in the confrontation with the Iron Monkey Tribe, and has changed from normal since then, but our Donghuang Tribe is not comparable to those trash from the Iron Monkey Tribe!"

A cold light flashed in Inoshita Wada's eyes. As a benchmark of militarism among the hawks, he has always been strong.

"Comparing determination with me? Who will give in first? You may be disappointed!"

"The eviction warning means that if you actually step into your sea area, what will happen?"

Thinking of this, he suppressed the information and did not report it to General Murashita Hayaki, which was regarded as tacit approval of Kitahara Sosuke's actions.

You know, the hawks are always very keen on the distant other shore. The disastrous defeat that year did not make them give up their desire to go deep into their bones.

On the distant sea, in the 051C main control room, Jiang Shengrong was always paying attention to the movement of the radar display.

Seeing that the Shanhua still did not slow down, he said coldly: "These people from the Eastern Wilderness tribe are really stubborn!"

"Notify the coast guard and ask them to hurry up! If necessary, we can forcefully board the ship!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The first eviction warning was invalid, which Jiang Shengrong had already guessed.

After taking a look at 052B, he took a deep breath and said: "Contact the leader and report the situation! Even if something happens, it will be the Eastern Wilderness tribe that destroyed the Blue Star Alliance first!"


At the North Sea Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo felt particularly heavy after receiving the news.

The 956E and another 051C that came to support are still on the way and will be difficult to join the battlefield in a short time. If four warships arrived together, the two warships from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe would definitely not be so rampant.

But now regardless of the rampage, even the clay figurine has a bad temper.

Once the navy bows its head this time, the Eastern Wilderness tribe will definitely publicize it, and the situation that was finally created this morning will be ruined!

The situation was so critical that he had no time to report to Liu Huaming.

"Inform Zhou Qinglei and take all measures if necessary!"

With Xu Dongguo's support, Zhou Qinglei is more confident.

"Report Captain, the other party is still four kilometers away from the sea boundary!"

"After two kilometers, the second eviction warning will be issued!"

"Yes! Captain!"

From beginning to end, 052B and 051C stood there without flinching.

At this moment, the people of the two tribes are still immersed in their day's work and life. They did not realize that on the sea boundary, a battle that would affect the situation in the East Continent was about to break out.

Military fans are still lamenting that with modern warships like the 051C, the navy can finally straighten its back.

How could they have imagined that at this moment 051C was ready for a fight to the death.

As time went by, seeing that the Murasame was still three kilometers away from the sea boundary, the Coast Guard's two fast support boats finally caught up with the Shanhua and formed a trend of outflanking it.

It’s just one step away from boarding the ship.

This time, the Coast Guard did not choose to use radio communication, but directly shouted to the Shanhua on the radio.

"Shanhua, please stop sailing immediately! Otherwise, our department will take emergency measures against you!"

"Warning again! Shanhua, please immediately..."

A huge broadcast sound echoed over the Shanhua.

In the main control room of the Shanhua, people were panicking.

The first mate said urgently: "Captain, what should we do?"

Nohara Shinshu looked around. Two fast support boats were on both sides, and they could forcefully board the ship at any time.

Looking at the nervous crew members around him, Nohara Shinshu sighed inwardly.

Although the Murasame is still trying its best to come over, the distance is too far after all, and the opponent's movements are obviously faster!

"Captain, they are approaching us, and they seem to be preparing to board the ship by force." The second officer reminded: "They have weapons on them!"

Almost at the same time, a warning sound sounded outside.

Obviously, the coast guard on the fast support boat fired a warning shot and was preparing to board the ship by force.

Nohara Araki, who originally wanted to give it a try, suddenly felt deflated after hearing the gunshots from outside.

The other party's attitude was so determined that he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to resist.

Even if he still wanted to continue, the crew members around him didn't agree.

No one wants to taste peanuts.

"Notify the company and Colonel Kithara Sosuke, and they forcefully boarded the ship. We were forced to give up resistance."

Even in the end, he still chose to save some face for himself.

As soon as they boarded the ship, the coast guard controlled everyone in the main control room of the Shanhua and ordered them to change direction immediately.

When the news reached Zhou Qinglei, Zhou Qinglei felt a little relieved. The Shanhua had intercepted successfully and the mission was completed. But the warships on the opposite side were still rushing over, and the situation was still serious.

"Carry out a second eviction warning! If the opponent is still stubborn, use fire control radar to lock on the opponent!"

The deputy captain glanced at Zhou Qinglei, then heard Zhou Qinglei continue.

"2v2 at such a close range, we have a chance of winning!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Said the correspondent in the main control room of the Murasame on the opposite side.

"Report to the captain, there is news from the Shanhua that the other party's coast guard successfully boarded the ship by force!"

Kitahara Sosuke punched the console with a loud bang.

"Bagayalu! Nohara Araki, damn it!"

The correspondent continued: "Report to the captain for a second warning!"

"Do not care!"

The radar monitor also said: "Captain, our ship is still 2 kilometers away from the sea boundary line!"

"keep going!"

"Captain! It's too late!" said the deputy captain.

Kithara Sosuke said without looking back: "Are you deaf? I said, keep going!"

Of course he knew it was too late, but he couldn't stand the anger.

It had been several years since he became the captain of the Murasame, and this was the first time he felt so aggrieved.

How could such a thing have happened before?

As soon as the Murasame-class guided missile destroyer comes out, will the tribal navy not be able to retreat even three points?

But now, in the hands of the most inconspicuous opponent, the navy, it is suffocating.

Just thinking about it made him angry.

Soon, the radar monitor exclaimed: "Report to the captain, our warship is locked by the opponent's fire control radar! They... they are crazy!"

Kithara Sosuke clenched his fists and cursed angrily: "Baga!"

Immediately afterwards, the correspondent also said: "Report to the captain, General Wada sent an order, ordering us to retreat immediately!"

Obviously, the news sent back to the company by the Shanhua was sent to Murakami Asaki as soon as possible.

Considering the overall situation, Murakami Hayaki directly ordered Inoshita Wada to retreat.

Otherwise, Inoshita Wada, the leader of the hawks, would never make such a decision.

Kithara Sosuke stood there, his chest rising and falling violently.

At this moment, on the radar display, the coordinates representing the Shanhua had turned around and returned. Seeing this scene, Kitahara Sosuke's gums were almost broken.

It was clear that we were just a little bit close to picking up the Shanhua, but the other side's coast guard still boarded the ship first!

He could predict that after returning this time, other captains would laugh at him.

If he fails in the hands of the opposing navy, he can be laughed at for a year.

"Fire!" Two words filled with murderous intent popped out of Kitahara Sosuke's mouth.

What? Fire?

How can we fire without the above instructions?

The deputy captain became anxious: "Captain, this is disobedience..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kitahara Sosuke pointed at the coordinates representing the Yamahana on the radar display and said: "Target, Yamahana, four-shot salvo!"


"Captain, the Shanhua is our ship."

"I know." Kithara Sosuke looked cold, "Since we can't get it, they can't get it either! If we attack our own ship, doesn't it count as disobedience?"

"This this……"

The deputy captain hesitated, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Report to Captain, the Shanhua has been locked!"



The moment the anti-ship missile system's fire control radar locked onto the Shanhua, the main control unit of the Shanhua exploded.

"Captain, we are locked by missiles!"

"What's going on! Didn't we obey their order and return to sailing?" Nohara Shinshu looked at the Coast Guard officers with guns and ammunition in a panic, "We have already returned to sailing, why are you still targeting us?"

"Shut up!" As soon as the Coast Guard officer finished drinking, the third officer immediately shouted: "Captain, the radar shows it is the Murasame! The Murasame's missiles have locked onto us!"

"Crazy! What is that bastard Sosuke Kitahara doing? He won't even spare his own people!"

Before Nohara Shinshu finished speaking, the radar beeped with frantic warnings.

Four missiles have arrived!

"Help! Help!"

Nohara Shinshu was shaking all over. He knew that Haizi's people were crazy, but he didn't expect them to be so crazy.

He looked at the coast guard officers and shouted wildly.

"I don't want to die, please, save us!"

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