I built an armada

Chapter 118 Breaking through the first sea blockade chain is crucial! The Navy has a long way to go!

The Shanhua was saved and continued to sail towards its destination, while the two Murasame-class guide ships also began to return. The mission of 052B has been completed.

"Captain, shall we go back?" the deputy captain asked.

Zhou Qinglei stood in front of the porthole, looking at the warship turning around in the distance.

A warship needs to make a large circle to turn around in the sea. Zhou Qinglei watched quietly and said after a while.

"Don't worry, just wait. We will go back when the Shanhua is completely safe."

"Yes, Captain!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qinglei warned again: "Pay close attention to the movements of the Murasame's pilot to prevent them from retaliate. Those people in Haizi can even ignore their own lives. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not be fooled by the same trap."

Although the combat level of 052B has been tested and he has the confidence to compete with the Murasame, Zhou Qinglei still does not relax.

"Yes, Captain!"

His eyes fell on the main console, and the joy in Zhou Qinglei's eyes could not be suppressed.

"Dingping built a very powerful 052B for our Northern Fleet! Amazing!"

3 kilometers behind and to the left of 052B, 051C floats quietly on the sea.

In the main control room, Captain Jiang Shengrong's heart was up and down, and he couldn't hide the shock and surprise on his face.

An arm-wrestle with the warships from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe was something that I could only dare to think about in my dreams before, but now it happened in front of me.

Jiang Shengrong was originally the captain of the 053H3 frigate. He had participated in the naval training last month and knew how strong the 052B was.

But 052B's ability to arm-wrestle with Murasame really shocked him.

"Intercept them all! The people on the Murasame will probably be furious!"

Four anti-ship missiles were successfully intercepted, but Jiang Shengrong was still wary.

Donghuang Tribe Hai has never played according to common sense. After suffering this setback, they may make an even more crazy counterattack.

By then, the situation will inevitably continue to escalate.

As soon as the idea came to his mind, he heard the radar monitor say.

"Report to Captain, the other side's warships have begun to return!"

"Returning? They are returning?"

Jiang Shengrong was obviously stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

Just now, he had a rampant attitude and vowed to sink the Shanhua. Why did he suddenly return?

Logically speaking, Murasame should be on the verge of rage.

He couldn't figure it out, and then glanced at the radar display. Sure enough, the coordinates on it were changing position little by little.

"It's strange. You've really returned home. You won't use the Thirty-six Strategies with us, right?"

With a trace of doubt in his heart, he said: "The entire ship remains vigilant to prevent the other party from suddenly counterattacking!"

"Yes! Captain!"

After a pause, Jiang Shengrong continued: "Inform the leader immediately that 052B successfully intercepted the enemy's anti-ship missile. The enemy is suspected of abandoning the target and returning."

At this moment, Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo was pacing back and forth in the room.

The situation reported by 051C just now made him feel uneasy.

The tribe of Donghuang would rather sink the Shanhua than allow themselves to obtain the high-precision equipment secretly transported on the Shanhua.

The Shanhua was a ship belonging to the Eastern Barren Tribe, and most of the crew on board were members of the Eastern Barren Tribe. Even so, the opponent was still so ruthless. It can be seen that in order to curb the development of its own navy, the other party has really used all means.

"Technical blockade, equipment blockade, now we would rather kill a ship of our own people than a batch of equipment fall into our hands!"

"What the hell! We bought this with money. What kind of beast can do such a thing!"

He did not have enough confidence that his own warships could intercept the four anti-ship missiles.

He had already prepared for the worst.

Once the Shanhua is hit, something will happen to the coast guard personnel on board, and this battle will have to start no matter what.

Things finally developed into the situation he least wanted to see.

Fortunately, he had just made arrangements in advance and ordered 051C and 956E to provide support.

If it were the previous 052 and 051, even four ships would have no chance of winning.

At present, there are two 051C, one 956E and one 052B, without nuclear submarines, which can be regarded as the most powerful combat force of the navy.

Four modern warships VS two PLA warships, there is no chance of winning.

But this is just an initial collision, and the subsequent battle will surely become bigger and bigger.

Xu Dongguo felt heavy.

As the war situation gradually expands, the Eighth-Eighth Fleet will inevitably enter the battle, nuclear submarines still have to be sent out, and missile boats have to set off immediately.

Just as Xu Dongguo was thinking about the follow-up war arrangements, the guards came quickly.

"Reporting to the chief, the latest battle report from the front line!"


"Reporting to the chief, 052B launched 16 anti-aircraft missiles and successfully intercepted 4 anti-ship missiles on the Murasame, protecting the lives and equipment of the Shanhua crew members. At present, the other two warships Murasame and Harusame are suspected of returning! Considering that The Donghuang tribe has vicious methods, but our department and 052B will still treat them seriously!"

After listening, Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment, and quickly took a quick look at the battle report.

Was the interception successful?

When training troops and attacking the Mekong, what we mainly see is the strike level of 052B. At that time, the distance between 052B and 956E was far enough, and the anti-aircraft missiles had enough time and batch to intercept.

Now we are 12 kilometers apart, and we stopped him in one round!

This achievement moved Xu Dongguo.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed the two code names of 'Murasame' and 'Harusame'.

He quickly walked to his desk and quickly found a picture.

This picture is exactly the eight Murasame-class guided missile destroyers that Donghuang Tribe took a self-portrait of a few hours ago!

The ‘Haru Rain’ and ‘Murasame’ are impressively on the list!

052B already has the confidence to compete with the Murasame-class guided missile destroyer?

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo took a deep breath subconsciously.

This news shocked him even more than the 052B intercepting four anti-ship missiles at once.

After a while, he sighed.

"The 052B Dingping created is stronger than I imagined!"

"Once such warships are commissioned into the three major fleets, we can usher in a short period of peace in the Dongzhou waters!"

At this moment, he was very excited about 052B.

But when he thought of the cake Su Dingping drew for him, he gave up the idea again.

Xu Dongguo said with great joy: "Inform Zhou Qinglei that he has done a good job in this matter and it is a great achievement!"

The last time the Mekong was sunk, all 052B naval officers and soldiers have received a collective first-class merit.

This time, it was also a collective first-class meritorious service!

052B, a well-deserved meritorious ship!

"Inform Jiang Shengrong and ask them to continue to stay in the sea, just in case, and be sure to ensure the safety of the Shanhua!"

He originally planned to let 956E and 051C return, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

In case the opponent tries to counterattack, two more warships can also have a certain deterrent effect.

Seeing the guard leaving, Xu Dongguo quickly picked up the phone on the table and dialed.

Beijing, Navy Headquarters Military Base, Liu Huaming's Office.

Liu Huaming has been thinking about how he should report to Xue Yunzhi once the situation in the sea develops beyond expectations.

This arbitrary decision was indeed a bit hasty.

But in fact, he was also holding a fire in his heart.

The tribe of the Eastern Wilderness has been harassing them again and again. In the past, if they were not strong enough, they would have to either rush them with all their might or be calm and restrained.

Now that the navy has finally improved a bit, the opponent is still the same.

The clay figurine still has some anger.

Just do it once and for all.

2V2, we also have a 052B, so we should have some chance of winning!

Liu Huaming couldn't help comforting himself in his heart.

Actual combat is the best whetstone to test the development of the navy. In the past, when dealing with the Mekong, there was always a feeling of bullying the smaller ones. The two warships currently at sea from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe are the touchstone!

Just as he was drafting countless times in his mind and preparing to communicate with Xue Yunzhi, the dedicated phone on his desk rang.

When I picked it up, it was Xu Dongguo.


"052B? Murasame? Murasame-class guided missile destroyer?"

"Okay, okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo's brows were filled with joy, and his hanging heart was completely relieved.

The development of things was beyond his expectation, and the result was also beyond his expectation.

The strong defensive ability displayed by 052B impressed him.

052B is already so powerful, what about the follow-up 052C? How to be strong? Is it really possible to arm-wrestle with a King Kong-level guide like Dingping said?

If this is true, as long as we survive this period, the navy will surely have a brighter future!

The 052B fights against the Murasame-class guided missiles, and the 052C fights against the Kongang-class guided missiles. In the future, the two powers will be on an equal footing in the Dongzhou Sea.

Then, he thought about the final opponent of the grand blueprint that Su Dingping mentioned to him before - the Eagle Tribe Navy.

The Eagle Tribe Navy, which has been stationed in the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, is always hanging over the East Continent Sea like the Sword of Damos.

Contending with the Eastern Wilderness Tribe is only the first step.

The navy must finally be able to compete with the Eagle Tribe Navy, and the surrounding Xiaocai will not dare to act rashly. Only then can the East Continent Sea usher in true peace.

"It is crucial to break through the first sea blockade chain!"

Thinking of this, the phone in front of Liu Huaming rang again.

When I picked it up, it turned out to be Xue Yunzhi.

"Xue Shuai..."

Before Liu Huaming finished speaking, Xue Yunzhi said.

"Comrade Hua Ming, I already know the situation."

"Xue Shuai, I am responsible for this matter..."

"Okay, Comrade Hua Ming, the matter is over." Xue Yunzhi said: "I have sent people to communicate with the people from the Donghuang Tribe, and this matter is over."

Liu Huaming breathed a sigh of relief. This matter was finally over, and he no longer had to worry about the other party's sudden counterattack.

"Comrade Hua Ming." Xue Yunzhi continued: "Your navy did a very good job this time, which greatly enhanced the momentum of our army!"

At the same time, Xu Dongguo's office.

Just after reporting to Liu Huaming, Xu Dongguo's inner joy had not dissipated, and the security guard left and returned.

"Report to the commander, there is a major military situation!"

After receiving the telegram and looking through it quickly, Xu Dongguo's heart suddenly sank.

The West has also taken action. Most of the high-precision equipment shipped back from European tribes has returned to China, but a small part has been intercepted.

Haizi can still think of ways here, but the West is beyond its reach.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Prepare the car and go to the base immediately!"

After all, the evolution of things went beyond his expectation, and the current situation could no longer be changed by the navy.

He needed to discuss this matter with Su Dingping immediately to minimize the impact.

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