I built an armada

Chapter 123 Wearing a glow of rays of light! The integrated military factory is built!

"Why doesn't Dingping say anything?"

Lu Guangjun looked at Su Dingping standing on the podium and asked anxiously.

He was also worried that Su Dingping would be involuntarily nervous when he appeared on such a big occasion for the first time, facing more than 4,500 naval officers and soldiers below.

"There will definitely be a little nervousness." Sun Yongguo said, "Let alone Dingping, even if we go up there, we will still be nervous!"

Lu Guangjun nodded with deep understanding.

Although he and Sun Yongguo are both deans of the institute, they have also participated in many major projects and were responsible for many swearing-in meetings before the start of the projects.

But those are all scientific researchers under the opponent.

There has never been such a loud movement as now.

There are 4,000 ordinary naval officers and soldiers and 500 naval technical workers. In addition to the more than 100 people deployed in the surrounding areas to guard the area, there are also more than 300 naval officers and soldiers brought over by Wan Long to be responsible for security. In addition to the three major research institutes, in addition to Lu Guangjun and 39 people except the two deans Sun Yongguo.

More than 4,900 people!

The establishment of a brigade is only 3,000-5,000 people.

"Nervousness is inevitable." Looking at Su Dingping, Xu Dongguo said, "But after all, he is the chief engineer of this major confidential project, and we need him to boost the morale of our comrades!"

Immediately afterwards, Xu Dongguo added another sentence.

"No one can replace his role."

Sun Yongguo nodded repeatedly.

On several important occasions before, he had consciously or unconsciously cultivated Su Dingping's talents in related fields.

In order for this situation to occur one day in the future.

In addition to being the main personnel involved in the attack, he and Lu Guangjun also had another important identity, that is, they were responsible for assisting Su Dingping in managing so many military industry experts and naval officers and soldiers.

If Su Dingping can make a good first shot, it will be easier to manage later.

The navy manages the navy, which is the obedience of subordinates to the orders of superiors.

However, it is very difficult for military industry experts to manage naval officers and soldiers as if they are waving their arms, and to implement all requirements effectively and perfectly.

It is particularly important to have one heart and one mind, waving it like a dancing arm.

Wan Long stood quietly next to Xu Dongguo, looking at Su Dingping, who was attracting everyone's attention not far away.

Before he came here, he couldn't figure out what big move the navy was making, but now, he understood.

What shocked him even more was that the main person in charge of a large project that mobilized thousands of people was actually Su Dingping!

Five months ago, when I saw Su Dingping in Zhang Gongnong's laboratory, he was still a senior student.

Three months ago, Su Dingping was still a captain when he went to the northern sea military base to deliver things to Zhang Gongnong.

Now, Su Dingping, who has two first-class personal merits and a lieutenant colonel's epaulette, has transformed into the chief engineer of major naval projects.

Not to mention the medal of merit, the military rank alone has surpassed him.

Su Dingping is only twenty years old.

Wan Long was filled with emotion.

Looking back carefully, he found that the trajectory of his life, including the development trajectory of the navy, had changed after the day he met Su Dingping five months ago.

At the time, he was completely unaware of this.

But at the same time, he also realized that being able to participate in the security work of such a major project was also a major opportunity for him.

This will be a highlight on his future promotion journey.

At this moment, Su Dingping, who was standing on the podium, calmly looked at the people below.

From one side to the middle, in just ten seconds, he had already experienced a chaos in his heart.

The highlight moments of life are nothing more than this.

His eyes swept over everyone present, and under everyone's expectant gazes, Su Dingping finally spoke.

"Comrades, since you are all here, I won't hide anything from you."

"I know some people may have heard of me. Yes, the core technology of 956E was conquered by Dean Sun and I together!"

"The same goes for 052B, which shined on the training day."

It is said that the identity outside the home is given by oneself, but for Su Dingping, he does not need those falsehoods. His identity is real.

Hearing these words, many naval officers and soldiers present had obviously strange expressions on their faces, and their eyes suddenly revealed a hint of fanaticism when they looked at Su Dingping.

Sun Yongguo on the side heard these words and said with some embarrassment: "Dingping is really putting money on our faces at this time!"

"He has always been very humble." Lu Guangjun said with a smile.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was stirring up, Su Dingping continued.

"Comrades, there is peace in the country right now, the people's happiness index continues to rise, and the national self-confidence continues to increase. Why, because of you! Because of you who are carrying heavy loads on the front line!"

"Last month, we sank the Meihe in the south. Just this afternoon, we had a brief battle with the Murasame-class guided missile of the Donghuang Tribe at the sea boundary! Now is the time when the morale of our navy is high. The result Woolen cloth?"

The conversation changed and Su Dingping said.

"Firstly, I didn't let you wear red and colorful clothes to celebrate the victory. Secondly, I didn't inform the people across the country to let them know your contribution. With the order, you followed me to this place where birds don't shit! There is not a single person within dozens of kilometers. people!"


Many naval officers and soldiers below shook their heads.

They knew that they were here to participate in a major confidential project, but they had no idea what it was exactly and why it had to be carried out in such a deserted place.

Unlike the Army, the Navy has not mobilized on such a large scale for a major project in many years.

"Because four years ago, right at our doorstep, the Eagle Tribe commanded several warships. They called it an aircraft carrier strike group! There were frigates, guided missile destroyers, and powerful carrier-based aircraft, all of which were modern and advanced. !”

Su Dingping pointed to the southeast and said.

"They are always clamoring to come to fight against the autumn wind, come to patrol, and come to maintain order in our sea area. The Eagle Tribe wants us to become the second Eastern Wilderness Tribe! Do you agree?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the navy officers and soldiers below shouted loudly: "We will not agree!"

"I won't agree to it either, and the people all over the country will not agree to it! Anyone with a bloody heart will not agree to it!"

Su Dingping continued.

"But when we didn't agree, they said they would ask the aircraft carrier strike group to perform a surgical operation on us!"

"The Eagle Tribe leads many tribes in the West to impose a technological blockade on us. The former Big Brother does not help us, and the tribes bullied by the Eagle Tribe do not help us, and even help us!"

"A while ago, we went to the White Bear Tribe to buy warships with money. They were asking for high prices because of their technology. Two 956Es were sold for US$900 million!"

"The Eastern Wilderness Tribe, the Feibing Tribe, the Thousand Buddha Tribe and even the Iron Monkey Tribe also came to fight against the autumn wind and grab resources. They wanted to pounce on our local landlords and riches one by one, bite them here and there, and carve up our sea area. .”

"Why? Because their warships are stronger than ours! The West sells advanced warships to them, but not to us!"

"If you fall behind, you will be bullied! Without those things, our navy would not have a straight back, no status, no peace, and would not be able to live a down-to-earth life!"

Hearing these words, the emotions of the navy officers and soldiers below were instantly aroused.

Everyone's eyes were red and their breathing was rapid.

Many of them were those who experienced it back then, so they naturally know how aggrieved they were at the time.

Su Dingping pointed his hand towards the east and said loudly.

"The Eastern Wasteland tribe has been coveting our territory for a long time. Their navy is very powerful! They have advanced warships, shield ships, four eight-eighth fleets, and two light aircraft carriers! If anything happens, there will be two Aircraft carrier combat strike group!”

"Because of this, I summoned you here. Now, with the instruction of the chief, I can tell you this secret."

"Comrades! Let me tell you what we should do in the face of the covetous powers!"

Su Dingping's voice suddenly rose several decibels.

"We're going to make it ourselves!"

He pointed heavily at the ground beneath his feet with his right hand and continued.

"We want to build our own world-leading new generation of warships, more advanced destroyers, shield ships, and even aircraft carriers, here at our feet and with our own hands!"

"What others have, we will also have, and we will be stronger!"

"We need to let the great powers around the world know that the days of sending a few warships just to bully us are over. We have sea and defense!"

"Comrades, the historical mission falls on your shoulders. You are covered with sunshine and shine brightly! Fight for a future for the navy and peace for future generations!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was instantly pushed to a climax.

A naval officer below suddenly stood up, looked behind him, and shouted.

"Build a future for the navy and a peace for future generations!"

Immediately, more than 4,000 naval officers and soldiers shouted in unison.

"Build a future for the navy and a peace for future generations!"

"Give the navy a future and give it to future generations..."

The shouts grew louder and louder.

The shouts of thousands of people penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, echoing around and lingering for a long time.

Sun Yongguo and others on the side looked at this scene with moved expressions.

Just now, I was worried that Su Dingping would not achieve the expected results due to nervousness. Now it seems that the situation is unexpectedly good.

Su Dingping's image has penetrated into the hearts of every naval officer present.

"I just said Ding Ping can do it. I have always believed in him!"

Lu Guangjun's eyes were a little red.

Su Dingping's words brought back some memories that he wanted to forget but couldn't forget.

Sun Yongguo also said: "Who said he was nervous just now? There is no way he is nervous at all. If I were asked to draft the draft in advance, the effect would not be so good."

Xu Dongguo looked at the scene blankly, and his heartstrings were also touched.

"The swearing-in meeting, this is called the swearing-in meeting."

After walking down, Su Dingping scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "Chief, what's wrong with acting on the spot..."

"Very good! Very good!" Xu Dongguo patted Su Dingping on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect you to have the talent to be a political commissar."

"Chief, it's your turn." Sun Yongguo said.

Xu Dongguo nodded and walked up.

As soon as everyone saw the chief coming, they quickly fell silent.

"Comrades, what Commander Su Dingping said just now was very good. He said everything I wanted to say. I have nothing more to say."

Seeing Xu Dongguo being so kind, everyone below couldn't help but laugh.

"I just want to say that I hope that the comrades will cooperate well with the work of General Su Dingping, and I wish the comrades a successful start!"

Immediately, there was thunderous applause.

As Xu Dongguo stepped down from the rostrum, the swearing-in ceremony officially ended.

After informing Su Dingping and others, Xu Dongguo left here with the guards.

As soon as he left, everyone felt relieved.

Su Dingping looked at Sun Yongguo and others and said, "Dean, it's getting late, let's get started."

"Okay! I'll make arrangements right away!"

Regarding the construction plan, they already knew it yesterday.

At present, these military industry experts are responsible for the command according to the requirements given by Su Dingping yesterday, and those technical work types are responsible for leading the relevant naval officers and soldiers to implement the operations.

All 4,900 people present, including Su Dingping and others, participated.

On-site measurement, drawing, adjusting drawing details, secondary calculation data, laying foundation, digging trenches, concrete mixing and pouring...

Seven days have passed by in a hurry, and people across the country are immersed in the joy of the May Day holiday.

In the early morning of May 1st, the moon hung high again, and its bright moonlight fell on the earth.

In an inaccessible area along the northern coast of the river mouth, a brand new munitions factory covering an area of ​​900 acres was built, integrating a shipyard, armament factory, and a research institute.

The beginning of the navy's century-old foundation, the integrated military factory - completed!

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