I built an armada

Chapter 125 The combat performance of 052C is greatly improved! Fight against 956E 052B!

Military Illustrated Forging Space.

On the sea more than 100 kilometers away from the shipyard, Su Dingping was conducting actual tests on the 052C.

Compared with the 052C of the previous generation, the performance of the 052C he developed this time has been greatly improved.

The original 052C guided ship had a length of 155 meters, a width of 17 meters, a standard displacement of 5,700 tons, and a full load displacement of 6,200 tons. Today's 052C guided destroyer is 158 meters long, 17.5 meters wide, and has a displacement of 6,100 tons - 6,700 tons.

The hull becomes larger and can accommodate more missiles.

The tilted missile vertical launchers on the original 052C have all been upgraded to embedded missile vertical launchers.

The original 052C can carry 48 Haihongqi-9 air defense missiles and 24 YJ-62 anti-ship missiles. With the changes in the hull and the vertical launch device, the number of anti-aircraft missiles increased by 12, and the number of anti-ship missiles increased to 72. The number of short torpedoes and decoy rockets loaded has also been increased by a quarter.

In addition, the original 052C was equipped with two GAT-25000 gas turbines and two MTU-20V956TB92 diesel engines, with a total power of only 77420. Due to power consumption, the speed was only 30 knots.

The volume and displacement of the current 052C have increased a lot, so the engine's power efficiency needs to be improved.

Now, the 052C can reach a speed of 32 knots when sailing at full speed.

This speed is already the optimal state, and it is too difficult to improve the efficiency and is difficult to achieve.

As for the carrying platform of a carrier-based helicopter, it has not changed. The volume is there, and it is unrealistic to increase it more. It would be more meaningful to add more missiles.

In addition, the most important and core radar on the warship is the four-sided array 346 phased array radar that Su Dingping has recently successfully researched.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first warship to use active phased array radar in all Blue Star navies, including the Eagle Tribe Navy.

Through the "S+C" band, it provides guidance services for missiles with a high degree of automation. When entering the combat state, it can search the entire airspace, automatically switch to the tracking state after discovering the target, and independently identify friend or foe!

Equipped with a four-sided array 346 phased array radar, the 052C has transformed from a conventional guided missile destroyer into a powerful shield ship!

In order to fill blind spots at low altitude, the 052C is also equipped with a set of 517 "Yagi Antenna Array" air and long-range early warning radar.

This radar uses a special wide beam to detect hidden aircraft. Not only that, the "Yagi Antenna Array" radar also has strong anti-interference capabilities and can cope with extremely complex electronic interference environments.

The four-sided array 346 phased array radar plus the "Yagi antenna array" radar can increase the active detection range of the radar to 160 kilometers!

"This is just the 346 phased array radar. It's hard to imagine how powerful the 346A phased array radar adapted to the 052D will be."

Su Dingping looked at the coordinates of 956E and 052B displayed on the radar display, and became even more eager for 052D.

Limited by the influence of the sea surface, 160 kilometers is already the limit of the active detection range of the 346 active phased array radar. If you want to increase the detection range, you must either upgrade the radar or assist in providing data from satellites and reconnaissance and early warning aircraft.

Under normal circumstances, due to the influence of the Blue Star's curved surface, the radar's active detection range limit in the sea is less than 70 kilometers. Of course, this is not possible with all radars.

Based on the innate factors of radar, the passive detection range will be longer than the active detection range.

Because of this, the active detection range of the 956E 'Ore' sea situational awareness radar before optimization reached 70 kilometers, which was enough to make Sun Yongguo and others ecstatic.

You must know that the active detection range of 051B was only 40 kilometers at that time. Without the advantage in the air, this detection range could only be passively attacked, and it could not even fight back.

Because missiles require radar for guidance, and the enemy ship is far enough away that the fire control radar cannot lock on it, so naturally it cannot launch the missile.

After all, once the war begins, the reconnaissance and early warning aircraft, which serve as the electronic eyes of the battlefield, will inevitably become the first target of attack. If the air force does not have an advantage, reconnaissance and early warning aircraft cannot be maintained, and warships with only an active detection range of 40 kilometers will inevitably become moving targets.

This is still the result of the improvement of 051 to 051B. It will still be a few points worse when replaced by 052 guide drive.

The active detection range of the 052C radar reaches 160 kilometers, while the passive detection range exceeds 220 kilometers. Compared with the 95 kilometers active detection range of 052B, it has been greatly improved!

Such a wide detection range is enough to deal with conventional fleets.

But the current combat radius of the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier strike group has reached more than 600 kilometers. Faced with Tomahawk cruise missiles that are more than 600 kilometers away and have a strike range of thousands of kilometers, an additional 60 kilometers of passive detection range means one more interception Chance.

Overall, Su Dingping is very satisfied with this 052C.

Without the Eagle Tribe navy, 052C can walk sideways in the Dongzhou waters. Even when facing an entire formation of the Eighth Eighth Fleet, they can still fight and retreat calmly.

The 052B can lock on 12 targets at a time, while the 052C has increased to 16, and due to the upgrade of the Haihongqi-101 air defense missile system, the reaction time and reloading time have been reduced again. Coupled with the anti-aircraft main gun and the 1130 close-in anti-aircraft gun, the air defense performance is greatly increased.

Similarly, the 052B can launch 16 Eagle anti-ship missiles at one time, while the 052C can launch 24 anti-ship missiles at one time.

The reaction time and reloading time of the missile system have also been reduced, and the strike level has been greatly improved.

If there is a supply ship following 052C, plus the support of 052B, it can fight with the entire formation of the 88th Fleet.

Su Dingping is quite satisfied with the response time and reloading time of the YJ-101 anti-ship missile and Haihongqi-101 air defense missile.

The only thing that dissatisfied Su Dingping was that whether it was the YJ-101 anti-ship missile or the Haihongqi-101 air defense missile, the strike range was not far enough!

The latest Haihongqi-101 air defense missile has a minimum combat altitude of 0.5 kilometers, a maximum combat altitude of 30 kilometers, a minimum combat range of 6 kilometers, a maximum combat range of 128 kilometers, and a maximum flight speed of Mach 1.3.

The latest YJ-101 anti-ship missile is powered by a solid-state afterburning rocket and a cruise turbine engine. It has a maximum flight speed of Mach 1.7 and a maximum combat range of only 122 kilometers.

Compared with the YJ-901 and Haihongqi-901 equipped with 052B, both have slightly improved speed and strike distance, but compared with the active detection range of 160 kilometers, they are still not enough.

In the past, it was invisible to radar and out of reach of missiles. Well now, the radar sees it, but the missile can't reach it.

"After all, the time is still too short. The YJ-101 anti-ship missile and Haihongqi-101 air defense missile must continue to be strengthened."

Su Dingping sighed softly.

If the core technologies of the 052D are analyzed, and the core technologies of the adapted 'Eagle Strike Anti-Ship Missile System' and 'Haihongqi Air Defense Missile System' are also analyzed, with the technical foundation in place, improvements will naturally be even more powerful.

Not to mention the latter, even the core technology of 052D still needs time, so Su Dingping can only explore slowly.

Not long after, Su Dingping commanded 052C back to the shipyard.

More than 100 kilometers, in the real world, it would take two hours to drive the 052C at a speed of 32 knots. But in the military industrial illustration forging space, it only takes a while.

Putting down the measured data record sheet, Su Dingping said to himself.

"The results of this actual measurement are okay, but the details still need to be adjusted. The coordination between the radar and the various units within the warship still needs to be strengthened."

"Haihongqi-101 air defense missiles and YJ-101 anti-ship missiles need to continue to be improved."

He was busy until the morning, when there was a knock on the door, and Su Dingping walked out of the military industrial illustrated book.

Opening the door, Sun Yongguo walked in holding a thick document.

"Dingping, yesterday Lao Lu and the others made arrangements for the follow-up personnel arrangements. Please see if there is anything that needs improvement."

Seeing Sun Yongguo with deep black eyes, Su Dingping said: "Dean, you didn't even sleep last night?"

"How can I sleep?"

Sun Yongguo looked a little excited.

"Now that the integrated military factory has been built, we are just waiting for them to understand their respective tasks and master the methods of operating the equipment. Now we have begun to carry out critical work on 052C, and we do not dare to stop at all."

"Not only me, but also Lao Lu and the others can't sleep."

Su Dingping took the document and looked through it for a while. After confirming that there was no problem, he said: "Dean, thank you for your hard work. This personnel deployment situation is very good. Let's follow this at noon."

After getting the documents back, Sun Yongguo said hesitantly.

"Dingping, it will take two days for all the equipment to arrive. The more comrades study the technical drawings you provided before, the more..."

Su Dingping understood instantly.

The technical drawings previously provided by the military base in the northern sea area were mainly general outlines, with only a slight integration of details.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to research, and many of them have only a partial understanding of it.

The equipment arrives in batches, and relevant military industry experts will also be dispatched in batches. As a result, some military industry experts who have no tasks will be left vacant.

Obviously, Sun Yongguo and others had no intention of wasting these two days.

"Look at my memory, Dean, please wait a moment."

While talking, Su Dingping walked into the room and took out all the detailed design drawings he had prepared these days.

There are three large boxes, which contain not only A4 drawings, but also a large number of A1 and even A0 drawings.

"Dean, this is part of the detailed design drawing! There will be more follow-up, and I will put it in the institute when the time comes."

Sun Yongguo nodded: "Indeed, we are no longer in a military base. The temporary classrooms before were too simple. We have our own research institute. It will be convenient to put all the materials there when the time comes."

In the institute, Su Dingping has his own chief engineer's office, which is much larger than his residence.

He is also considering adapting to working in an office in the future.

The military base is a special situation, and now it is still necessary to move towards regularization.

Two days later, all equipment and materials arrived.

A group of military industry experts put down what they were doing and personally led the team, responsible for teaching naval officers and soldiers how to use high-precision equipment.

In fact, they don’t understand some of the equipment themselves, and it takes time to study it.

It was busy until the 15th, and all naval officers and soldiers were able to start operating the equipment according to the clear division of labor. It will take time for all the equipment to be put into use, and this period of time is a critical period for naval officers and soldiers to gradually enhance their proficiency.

These days, military industry experts are running in both directions, busy teaching technical work and conducting research. Under the leadership of Su Dingping, the progress is not slow.

The plan for the 052C guided destroyer hull has been completely implemented and will soon be put into forging.

Next, it is time to tackle the core technology.

That night, after Su Dingping finished his three-hour class, he was busy in the office until one o'clock in the morning, and then returned to his residence.

As soon as he lay down, he couldn't wait to appear in the military industrial illustration forging space.

The advanced equipment from the integrated military factory was also copied to the shipyard by Su Dingping. With these more advanced equipment, it is very important for subsequent work.

Because the equipment is the same, if there is any problem here during the subsequent maturation of the forging process, then similar problems will inevitably occur in the real world.

There is no cost for improvement here.

In this way, as long as the technology here matures and the naval officers and soldiers have high proficiency, there is a high probability that they can do it in the real world.

This is of great significance for saving time and military costs.

What the navy is short of now is time and military expenditures. This is the best solution Su Dingping can think of.

Appearing again in the north of the shipyard, in the past ten days, Su Dingping completed the second improvement of the Haihongqi-101 anti-aircraft missile and the YJ-101 anti-ship missile.

The improved Haihongqi-101A air defense missile and YJ-101A anti-ship missile have a strike range increased to 170 kilometers, which is fully sufficient to adapt to the active radar detection range of 160 kilometers.

The precision strike range of 160 kilometers is quite terrifying.

Standing on the deck of 052C, Su Dingping looked at 052B and 956E not far away, and his eyes narrowed.

He wanted to use 052B and 956E to test the limits of 052C!

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