I built an armada

Chapter 133 Chasing the high seas! ‘Long Xia Aegis’ 052C enters the game strongly!

On the high seas, the Chuxue-class destroyer Cong Yun from the Donghuang tribe was wandering on the sea.

In the main control room, Captain Fujii Hiroki looked at a small red dot on the radar display with a cold expression.

Picking up the information about the Seamount in his hand, Fujii Hiroki glanced at it again.

"Is this the target this time? Seamount?"

The deputy captain said from the side: "Yes, captain, Haishan!"

Fujii Hiroki said with some dissatisfaction: "For such a trivial matter, a warship needs to be dispatched. It's really...killing a chicken with a knife!"

In his opinion, it is just a fishing boat, and just sending out a few fishing boats will be enough.

"Captain, this is a serious matter, so we have to be careful." the vice-captain explained.

"There won't be any problems this time, right?" Fujii Hiroki asked.

I have done a few tricks before, but nothing as crazy as this time. Of course, due to the timely and restrained response of the coast guard and navy on the other side, the situation did not escalate.

After more than three months of contact, both parties have gained some understanding of each other and figured out some rules.

Because of this, the fishing plan was implemented.

"Captain, this area of ​​​​the sea is relatively remote. The fishing boats and coast guard ships on the opposite side rarely come to this area. It is safe enough to set up an ambush here."

"That's good."

Fujii Hiroki nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, he still didn't know the contents of the Haizi Headquarters meeting. The fishing plan that was originally intended to force 052B to show up was no longer necessary to execute.

"Captain." The radar monitor shouted: "The other party is about to enter the high seas! There are still 75 kilometers away from our ship!"

"Don't be in a hurry, be patient!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Time flies, and I see the other party getting closer and closer to me, only about fifty kilometers away.

Suddenly, the correspondent shouted.

"Captain, General Hiroki Harada sent a message, ordering us to close the net immediately!"

Is it finally starting?

Fujii Hiroki twisted his neck slightly and said: "Notify, take action!"

"Yes! Captain!"

With an order, the Donghuang tribe's fishing boat 'Lihe', which had been ambushed for a long time, quickly sailed towards the Haishan.

In order to lead the Seamount into the high seas without alerting the enemy, Fujii Hiroki ordered the Congyun to move forward slowly.

Seeing the Lihe getting closer and closer to the Seamount, Fujii Hiroki and others couldn't help but become nervous, for fear of scaring the other party away and losing their success.

Soon, the correspondent said.

"Report to Captain, there is news from the Lihe. They have already met with the Haishan, and it did not arouse any suspicion!"

Hearing this, Fujii Hiroki and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Captain, we must be safe this time." said the vice-captain.

Seeing the Lihe and the Seamount passing by, Fujii Hiroki immediately said: "Accelerate, keep the speed at 15 knots!"

"Yes! Captain!"

As the Seamount stopped at the predetermined location, the smile in Fujii Hiroki's eyes grew stronger and stronger.

In his eyes, the Haishan at this moment was a fish that had already been hooked, and he could catch it as soon as the net was closed.

"Captain, our ship is still 20 kilometers away from Haishan. Do we need to speed up?"

Soon the radar operator shouted.

"There are still 20 kilometers left! Don't worry! Just wait."

Fujii Hiroki said with a smile: "The slower they react, the greater our chance of winning!"

The deputy captain also laughed.

"The other side would never have imagined that this time we are more patient than before!"

Controlling the speed to 15 knots and pretending to be a merchant ship is still very embarrassing and frustrating for Haizi, who has always been unscrupulous and domineering.

But the deputy captain knew that as long as he could catch this fish, everything would be worth it.

Not long after taking action, the radar correspondent suddenly shouted.

"Report to Captain, the Lihe has begun action."

Fujii Hiroki glanced at the radar display, and sure enough, the small green dot representing the Lihe on the radar was going around behind the Seamount.

Obviously, this is to attack the Seamount from both front and rear.

"Captain, the Lihe is a little anxious." The vice-captain frowned slightly and said with some dissatisfaction.

According to the original plan, the Lihe had to go at least ten kilometers behind the opponent, giving the Congyun enough time to close the distance.

Once the Congyun moves forward at full speed, it will definitely alert the Haishan at work.

Taking a deep breath, Fujii Hiroki said solemnly: "Don't panic, keep moving at 15 knots and keep moving forward!"

"Notify me. Once the other party takes action, move forward at full speed!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Before the vice-captain had time to issue the order, he heard the radar monitor say: "Report to the captain, the Seamount is moving!"

In the main control room of the Haishan, 19 kilometers away from the destroyer Congyun, Captain Zhang Ruizhu was worried.

"Quick, quick, get out! Damn it, we've fallen into a trap!"

"Captain, what's wrong?" Hearing Zhang Ruizhu's shout, the first mate rushed in and asked.

"Quick, let the brothers stop working immediately!"

"The net has gone down..."

"I don't want it! I don't want anything else! I'll take care of any responsibilities you have when you go back!"


"The opponent's warship is right there!" Zhang Ruizhu pointed at the small black spot at the end of his line of sight and shouted.

As soon as these words came out, the first mate was stunned.

You go out to sea to fish and encounter a warship?

At this moment, the first mate was so frightened that chills ran down his back.

"Quick! Why are you still standing there! Let the brothers hide in the boat!"

After being yelled at by Zhang Ruizhu, the first mate came to his senses instantly and said with trembling lips: "I...I'll go right away."

Thumb thump thump——

The first mate stumbled out and ran out, his footsteps obviously much messier than before.

After learning that they were actually being targeted by a warship, everyone in the main control room suddenly panicked.

The thing they were most worried about before coming, no, a situation even worse than that appeared.

There was no need for Zhang Ruizhu to urge him now, and the relevant operators immediately controlled the ship to turn around.

The third officer, who had been paying attention to the radar, quickly said, "Captain, what should we do now?"

"Contact the company immediately, no, send a distress message directly to the coast guard! Hurry!"

The radio operator was busy operating when the third officer suddenly shouted in panic.

"Captain, the other side is accelerating! The current speed is 16 knots! It's still accelerating!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Ruizhu's heart was in his throat and he almost jumped out of his chest.

"Retreat at full speed!"

Zhang Ruizhu shouted: "First mate!"

"Captain, I've informed you."

"Hurry up and throw away all the cargo on the ship! Immediately!"

"Captain this..."

"I can't control that much anymore. If anything happens, I'll take the responsibility!"

"Yes!" The first mate ran back without stopping.

Looking at the hurried back of the first mate, Zhang Ruizhu paced anxiously in the main control room.

"How could this happen! I have never heard of the other side's warships entering directly! Damn it, such an unlucky thing happened to me!"

In fact, it is not that similar things have never happened.

The relevant news has just been blocked.

Because of this, the Coast Guard issued a special notice telling fishermen not to go fishing on the high seas.

Just when Zhang Ruizhu was so anxious that he had no clue, suddenly, there was a burst of electricity coming from the radio.

"Captain," the radioman said urgently.

"The radio is jammed!"


Zhang Ruizhu's heart skipped a beat, and his expression instantly turned pale.

"Has the news gotten out?"

After a moment's hesitation, the radioman said, "I'm not sure."

"Damn it! A bunch of bastards are here well prepared!" Zhang Ruizhu clenched his fists with an angry look on his face: "They must have been targeting us early on!"

Zhang Ruizhu is not stupid to be able to sit in the captain's position.

After a quick review, he knew this was a game!

There are traitors in the company.

"We fell into the trap! The other party was involved, and someone in the company was also involved!"

Zhang Ruizhu was so anxious that his footsteps became much heavier.

A crew member said anxiously: "Captain, why did they choose us! Who did we provoke?"

"I don't know why! If I knew why, I wouldn't take you out to sea!"

Zhang Ruizhu was helpless.

Suddenly, he thought of a sentence he had heard before. He had no feelings at that time, but now he suddenly believed it.

A grain of sand from the times that falls on everyone’s head is like a big mountain

"Now we can only depend on our fate!"

"Captain, the U-turn has been completed and we are moving forward at full speed!"

"Captain, the opponent's warship has increased its speed to 30 knots! Our fastest speed is only 13 knots! Their speed is much faster than us!"

"How long will it take to catch up with us?" Zhang Ruizhu asked.

"35 minutes!"

35 minutes?

Zhang Ruizhu could hear his heart beating wildly.

The speed difference between the two is 17 knots, and they are 18 kilometers apart.

The Haishan was stationary, and the Congyun only needed 19 minutes to catch up with them.

However, the Haishan retreated at full speed, and it would take the Congyun 35 minutes to catch up.

But in 35 minutes, the Haishan only advanced 14 kilometers.

It is still nearly 20 kilometers away from the sea boundary line.

20 kilometers, Haishan takes nearly an hour!

"It's too late!"

Zhang Ruizhu was so anxious that he stamped his feet.

Then, he looked at the radio operator and shouted, "The radio hasn't been restored yet?"

"Captain, we are too far away from the other party, and the other party is a warship. Our radio has been seriously interfered with!"

"Just tell me if I can recover!"

"Captain, I'm trying hard! I can't guarantee how much information can be sent out!"

Zhang Ruizhu looked at the warship approaching at full speed in the distance, and his gums clenched in anger.

However, worse news came again.

The third mate shouted: "Captain, that fishing boat is coming around! It looks like it's trying to block our way back!"

"What the hell! If I can't defeat a warship, can I defeat a fishing boat?"

Zhang Ruizhu was furious and shouted.

"Don't worry, retreat at full speed! If the other party insists on blocking it, just - bump into it! Let them know that we are not easy to mess with!"

It was already too late to retreat in a straight line, and the turn was delayed even more!

The Lihe had to intercept them on the only way to retreat and delay their time. Zhang Ruizhu couldn't bear it no matter what.

"Yes, Captain!"

The initial radio transmission was sent back, but there was interference and many messages were lost.

After receiving the radio signal, the Coast Guard was faced with the intermittent content. Although they were confused, they also realized that something serious had definitely happened on the high seas.

At the same time, the coast guard ship was ordered to go out to conduct a large-scale search and report was made.

At the same time, on the road outside the Northern Fleet headquarters, Fang Wenzhao's special car had just arrived at the corner of the road and was still waiting for the traffic light to turn left.

In the car, Fang Wenzhao and Director Li had just finished reporting the news of successfully capturing a frigate, with a smile still on their faces, when they received a call from their subordinates.

"What is the specific situation? Have you found out clearly?" Fang Wenzhao asked anxiously, holding the phone.

"Sir, the content is intermittent, and the specific situation is ominous!"

"The situation is ominous? Then contact us!"

"Sir, we have contacted you and the radio is experiencing interference!"

Hearing these words, Fang Wenzhao's heart suddenly shivered.

The radio received interference, which showed that the other party was well prepared this time.

"satellite telephone……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Wenzhao remembered that there was no such thing on the fishing boat.

We have only owned our own satellite for a few years, and this thing has not yet become popular.

"Tell me everything you know!"

"'Haishan, high seas, caught in a trap, warship'."

"Then what?"

"Sir, that's all."

"that is all?"

Fang Wenzhao was stunned for a moment, how could he find such a little information? The high seas are huge!

Moreover, the other party fell into the trap, and a warship was involved, which made Fang Wenzhao murmur in his heart.

Did he need the support of a warship, or did he fall into a trap and encounter an opponent's warship?

It is no secret among fishermen circles that warships occasionally assist coast guard ships on missions.

So Fang Wenzhao also had some troubles in his heart.

If there is too little information, once the inference is wrong, it will cause a small amount of trouble, but it will cause a big problem in delaying the rescue mission!

On the phone, the other party continued: "Yes, sir! According to our analysis, the radio should have received strong interference! Ordinary fishing boats cannot do this."

"What do you mean?"

"According to the analysis of the word "warship" in the information, it is very likely that the other party has dispatched warships! Moreover, the number is unknown!"


Are warships dispatched to ambush? Go crazy! What kind of beast could do such a thing?

Fang Wenzhao almost wanted to curse.

What the hell, I just shamelessly asked for a warship from the Northern Fleet, and this happened before I even even said a word?

This is beyond the capabilities of the Coast Guard.

"Immediately investigate the filing information and see which company the Haishan is registered under! Then send someone to check the Haishan's sailing route! Hurry!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, Fang Wenzhao shouted anxiously to the driver.

"Quick! Turn around and return to the Northern Fleet headquarters!"

"Okay, sir!"

There was heavy traffic at the moment, and the special car suddenly turned around, causing a blast of horns, but Fang Wenzhao couldn't care less at the moment.

At the Northern Fleet Command, Xu Dongguogang and Liu Huaming finished reporting on the relevant situation.

Liu Huaming was surprised when he learned that Director Li had left a letter for him.

Both he and the other party were in the capital, but the other party actually did not send someone to deliver it. Instead, he sent people to the Northern Fleet to deliver it with great effort.

Isn't this taking off my pants and farting?

Although he didn't know why, Liu Huaming still said.

"Okay, I understand. Please send someone to deliver this letter."

"Yes, Chief!"

As soon as Xu Dongguo hung up the phone, he heard the guard's voice outside the door.

"Chief, Chief Fang is here again."

Why is Lao Fang here again?

Before he could figure it out, Fang Wenzhao ran in hurriedly.

"Lao Fang, one 053H3 frigate is enough. No matter how much you ask for, I can't bear to report it to the chief. You have to understand my difficulties, right?"

Xu Dongguo thought that the other side was not enough for one warship, so he came to ask for it again, so he couldn't help but persuade him.

"It's not about the warship!"

Fang Wenzhao said in a hurry.

"Something happened! The other party took action! Warship! Haishan..."

Upon hearing this, Xu Dongguo immediately realized that something big had happened, and immediately said: "Old Fang, please speak slowly."

"Seamount is heading towards us..."

Fang Wenzhao explained the situation. After listening, Xu Dongguo frowned.

The situation this time is different from the past.

Radio interference was used, and he could see that the other party was bound to win the Seamount.

It’s just the Haishan. Why are they using warships? Is it necessary to go to such great lengths?

Then, he thought of what happened before, and a guess emerged in his mind.

Is it just to earn back the previous face?

This is so damn shameless!

If you are unhappy with me, the Northern Fleet, why are you bullying the Seamount?

"The high seas are huge. Without the specific navigation route of the Haishan, we would have no way to start!"

"I have sent people to investigate! There should be results soon!" Fang Wenzhao said: "My coast guard ship has been sent out to search, your Northern Fleet?"

"I will notify them immediately and let them head towards the high seas first! When you have news from your side, inform each other immediately!"

Xu Dongguo was unambiguous and immediately picked up the phone and dialed.

After receiving the order, the four warships that were sailing in the sea area according to their scheduled navigation tasks immediately turned around and headed straight for the high seas.

While the two were waiting anxiously, Fang Wenzhao's phone suddenly rang.

After receiving it, Fang Wenzhao said: "The specific navigation route has been found! But the specific location of the other party is still unknown!"

"I can't control that much anymore. Immediately notify all departments and go straight to the destination!"

"Are you all going?" Fang Wenzhao asked.

Obviously, he was worried that all coast guard ships and warships were heading to unknown destinations. If another accident happened elsewhere, they would not be able to support them in a short time.

No one can guarantee that the other party will not divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Xu Dongguo pondered for a while and said.

"The other party has dispatched warships, but the number is unknown. Your coast guard is also responsible for other things in the sea area. It is really not suitable to dispatch all of them."

"I'll ask 052B to go there! Several other warships are ready to respond at the sea boundary line."


That distinctive 052 was originally called 052B.

This thought flashed through his mind, and Fang Wenzhao immediately said: "Okay, I'll inform you right away."

The situation has been investigated and the news has been transmitted, so there is no need for Fang Wenzhao to stay.

Holding the phone, he dialed as he walked outside.

Just halfway through the broadcast of the number, he suddenly stopped and looked back towards Xu Dongguo Road.

"Do I need to notify surrounding ships to evacuate?"

This time the opponent was coming with force, and he was worried about chaos on the sea.

"Find an excuse to keep them away from that sea area!"

"I see!"

Fang Wenzhao nodded.

It's easy to make excuses, just say that there is an extreme weather event in the relevant sea area and stay away immediately.

Anyway, the weather at sea is changeable. One second, the sky is clear and the clouds suddenly change to violent winds and waves. It is normal for the Meteorological Bureau's forecast to be inaccurate, and it will not arouse suspicion.

"Haishan was actually caught by a warship. The situation is not good!"

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Xu Dongguo felt heavy.

This incident happened so suddenly that he was worried that support would not be able to catch up.

The opponent's shocking layout obviously would not let the Haishan be rescued so easily.

Xu Dongguo couldn't help but curse.

"Damn Haizi, you've trapped us in a passive position!"

At the moment, he didn't know the detailed situation on the high seas, how many warships the other party had dispatched, and he was not sure whether relying on 052B alone could stabilize the situation.

In addition, he was even more worried that the Seamount would be taken away before support arrived.

In that case, the trouble will be even greater.

After all, it was the high seas, and communications were blocked. Who can say for sure what the Seamount did?

What will happen then depends on what the other party says.

"The storm is coming!"

Xu Dongguo sighed secretly, feeling anxious but unable to do anything.

He was hesitating whether to report this matter to Liu Huaming.

On the sea, in the 052B main control room.

The new captain Jiang Shengrong, who had only been in office for a few days, was pacing back and forth.

"Is there any specific news?"

"Report to the Captain, there is no specific news from the headquarters! There is no information from the Coast Guard either!"

Listening to the deputy captain's report, Jiang Shengrong said helplessly: "Turn on the radar power to the maximum! I want to know all the movements within a 95-kilometer radius!"

"Yes! Captain!"

After giving the order, the deputy captain walked to Jiang Shengrong and said worriedly.

"Captain, our ship is 80 kilometers away from the sea boundary line in a straight line! The radar has an active detection range of 95 kilometers. There won't be many valuable clues that can be found in a short time!"

"Currently we don't even know the specific location. If we go in the opposite direction, wouldn't we miss a good opportunity for support?"

"I know about this. There is no other choice but to do this!" Jiang Shengrong sighed: "I hope the higher-ups will send news as soon as possible!"

The two of them felt heavy.

If the opponent's warships are involved, just send your own warships.

But this time the opponent is coming fiercely, and 051C alone may not be able to catch it, so 052B is particularly important.

"The number of warships we have that can take on major responsibilities is still too small! Facing the sea, 051C is still a little less interesting!"

Subconsciously, Jiang Shengrong thought of Zhou Qinglei.

Several days passed with no news at all. He even doubted whether the other party would return to the Northern Fleet in the future.

"I don't know what's going on with Lao Zhou now! I hope he can bring good news next time he returns to the Northern Fleet."

As soon as his thoughts came to his mind, the correspondent shouted quickly.

"Report to Captain, there is news from the Coast Guard."

"Say it!"

"The Haishan's planned sailing route has been found!"

"Okay!" Jiang Shengrong looked happy and asked quickly: "How far is the destination from our ship?"

"Report to captain, the route destination is on the high seas, 110 kilometers away from our headquarters!"

110 kilometers?

With the 052B guidance speed of 34 knots and the radar's active detection range of 95 kilometers, the radar can cover that area in about 15 minutes.

In 20 minutes at most, traces of the Seamount can be found on the radar display!

Thinking of this, Jiang Shengrong immediately said: "Turn around and move forward at full speed!"

"Yes! Captain!"

At the same time, the northern area of ​​​​the high seas.

A huge warship is cutting through the waves on the sea.

In the main control room, Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others were busy mapping various navigation data.

After seeing off Xu Dongguo and other three leaders yesterday, Su Dingping let Zhou Qinglei and others rest for a few hours.

In the early morning of the 2nd, 052C, under the command of Zhou Qinglei, led Su Dingping and others to start a 72-hour comprehensive data survey.

Many systemic small problems on warships are difficult to detect in a short period of time, so it is necessary to operate non-stop and continuously monitor data fluctuations to find small problems.

The previous 052B did not have such a big reputation. It can be seen that Su Dingping really takes 052C seriously.

When it comes to subsequent small-scale production, Su Dingping naturally attaches great importance to it.

Discover problems in advance and solve them to ensure that the subsequent production of 052C can serve in the shortest time after being launched into the water.

"Dean Sun, how are you? It's been several hours and you've sailed hundreds of kilometers. Have you found anything unusual?" Su Dingping looked at Sun Yongguo and asked.

"Everything is normal now!" Sun Yongguo advised: "Dingping, I know this kind of test well, and there will be no abnormalities in the coordination of the system in a short period of time."

Su Dingping nodded: "Let everyone keep their eyes open, check several times, and report any abnormal fluctuations immediately!"

"Okay, I'll go and notify you right away." Sun Yongguo had just run out a few steps when the correspondent suddenly shouted.

"Captain, an unknown radio signal has been detected! Do you accept it?"

This 052C trip had entered a silent navigation state long before entering the high seas.

In this state, whether it is one's own warship or a third-party tribal warship encountered at sea, the opponent's warship radar will not detect traces of the 052C.

Unless you can see it with the naked eye.

Similarly, unless it is point-to-point signal communication, any external relevant electrical signals will not be actively received.

Zhou Qinglei looked at Su Dingping. This navigation test was decided by Su Dingping.

"Captain, we are on the warship now. Everything is under your command."

"Will it not affect your surveying and mapping?"


With these words, Zhou Qinglei immediately said: "Let's see what's going on."

As soon as he exited the silent state, the correspondent immediately said.

"Report to Captain, there is an abnormal situation on the high seas!"

"What's going on?" Zhou Qinglei asked.

He had been responsible for many support missions before, and now he had a vague premonition of something bad.

"Report to Captain, the radio signal has been interfered with and the captured information is too little." As he spoke, the correspondent recounted the contents of the radio.

"Haishan? High seas? Falling into a trap? Warship?"

Zhou Qinglei kept talking about these confidences, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind.

"Could it be that the other party dispatched warships just for..."

His brows twitched sharply.

When he was in charge of 052B before, he also encountered several emergencies, but at first they were warships versus warships.

This was the first time he heard of a situation like this.

Although this possibility was unlikely, he had to think of the worst.

"Dingping, something happened."

Su Dingping put down what he was doing and looked at the other person to wait for the next step.

Zhou Qinglei explained the matter and expressed his inference. Not only that, he also recounted several emergencies he encountered while participating in rescue operations some time ago.

"It seems the situation is serious! Are you sure that the Haishan is our ship?"

"You can be sure that the other party is using Longwen!"

"In that case, we really need to help!"

"Dingping, I feel relieved with your words! I will contact the headquarters right now..."

Before Zhou Qinglei finished speaking, he heard Su Dingping say.

"Don't go to so much trouble, turn on the radar and try to intercept the radio communication content! It will be more time-effective!"

Intercepting radio communications?

Those are our own people.

Seemingly sensing Zhou Qinglei's confusion, Su Dingping said: "The existence of 052C is still kept secret. Once there is too much movement, it will be easily exposed."

When the conversation changed, Su Dingping said with a smile.

"Of course, I also want to test the performance of the electronic countermeasures system on the 052C. Don't worry, even if the test fails, it will only be delayed for more than ten seconds! The impact will not be big!"

Ten seconds really doesn't have much impact.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Qinglei said quickly: "Turn on the radar immediately!"

In just a few seconds, many small red dots suddenly appeared on the radar display that was originally empty.

The 052C has just been launched for testing, and the unique communication code of the Northern Fleet warship has not yet been entered into the 052C's identification friend or foe system.

However, through the distribution of warships, we can roughly judge whether we are the enemy or not.

Those in our own waters must be our own people.

"Reporting to captain, the electronic countermeasures system has been activated and is capturing the radio communication band."

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