I built an armada

Chapter 134 Collision! The backbone of Longxia people! The power of 052C!

Is it possible to use the electronic countermeasures system on the 052C to capture the radio signals communicated between relevant warships in the sea area?

Zhou Qinglei felt very unsure about this.

The active detection range of the radar on the 052C is 160 kilometers! Scanning around, there were little red dots everywhere on the radar display.

There are no less than ten densely packed.

In addition to warships, there are also coast guard ships, ordinary fishing boats and even merchant ships.

Zhou Qinglei once served on 052B, so he knows the specialized communication code and communication band of 052B.

He was considering whether to tell Su Dingping about this matter and directly ask 052C to accurately target 052B among all ships for special eavesdropping. Wouldn't it be more efficient?

But after thinking about it, he gave up this plan.

At present, capturing the radio communication band is to simulate the enemy and the enemy during the hot war. Knowing nothing can better reflect the capabilities of 052C.

Besides, he was not sure whether 052B was within the radar monitoring range.

"It only takes a dozen or twenty seconds. Just wait. If it doesn't work, contact 052B again." Zhou Qinglei comforted himself in his heart.



A long and narrow radio wave monitoring sound sounded in the main control room.

Sun Yongguo, who had just informed Lu Guangjun and others, came in a hurry and immediately noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene.

As soon as he saw the warship exiting the silent state, he immediately asked in a low voice.

"What happened to Dingping? Is there something wrong with the instrument?"

"No!" Su Dingping shook his head and said, "Some unexpected situations were discovered."


"Dean Sun, we are currently simulating the performance of 052C in wartime. Let Dean Lu and the others keep an eye on it immediately!"

Simulated wartime?

Sun Yongguo took a careful look at the various instruments in the main control and felt awe-inspiring.

"I just told you."

After a pause, Sun Yongguo asked again: "By the way, who is the simulated opponent? 052B? That was also made by us. Wouldn't it be bad if it is too familiar?"

"It would be a good choice to treat the opponent as an imaginary enemy, but I'm worried that the gun may accidentally misfire."

Hearing Sun Yongguo talking about himself, Zhou Qinglei raised his eyebrows.

He felt that he was a radical, but now Sun Yongguo was even more radical than him, and actually wanted to use the opposite warship to simulate an imaginary enemy.

"Sure enough, as warships become more powerful, everyone's confidence has changed. Words that I only dared to keep in mind in the past can now be put on the table." Zhou Qinglei sighed in his heart.

At this moment, the operator in charge of the electronic countermeasures system shouted.

"Report to Captain, several radio communication frequencies have been captured, and they are still being captured! The system is currently working hard to decipher the contents!"

"Does it take time to decipher it?" Zhou Qinglei looked at Su Dingping and asked.

"Yes! But it won't be long!"

Zhou Qinglei could not be punished without saying anything.

The encryption methods for communication between warships and the encryption methods for civilian ships are two different things.

It is not difficult to decipher civilian secrets, which Zhou Qinglei can understand.

If it is not difficult to decipher military encryption methods, then this 052C needs to be reacquainted.

Just when he was nervous, the other party said again.

"Reporting to Captain, six radio communications have been deciphered! There are two more that are being deciphered! Do we need to use known communication codes to decipher them?"

Deciphered six items so quickly?

Zhou Qinglei was secretly shocked.

This efficiency is too high.

Then, when he heard the second half of the other person's words, he felt a little hesitant in his heart.

On the one hand, the situation of the Haishan is still unknown. On the other hand, it will take a long time to decipher the military communication code! Using the means they already know, they can easily learn the content!

Thinking of this, he looked at Su Dingping.

He wanted to advise, how about trying again next time?

Seemingly reading his thoughts, Su Dingping immediately said: "Wait for two minutes and see. If it doesn't work, use the key you know!"

Zhou Qinglei breathed a sigh of relief.

It's only two minutes, very quick.

Turning around, Zhou Qinglei looked at the naval officers operating the electronic countermeasures system and asked.

"What content was deciphered?"

"The content of the report to the captain is the same! The Coast Guard conveyed a unified message to the civilian ship through our dedicated communication channel."

Zhou Qinglei asked. "what news?"

"The east longitude of the sea area... is experiencing extreme weather. Fishing ships and merchant ships with relevant operating tasks are requested to adjust their routes immediately!"

Zhou Qinglei quickly looked at the sea map hanging on the wall, and quickly locked a large sea area according to the longitude and latitude the other party said.

"Look at Dingping, one-third of the directions announced by the Coast Guard are on the high seas!"

Zhou Qinglei pointed to the high seas area including the Haishan and said.

"I infer that the Haishan is within that range!"

"How far is it from us?"

"The nearest one is 155 kilometers!" Zhou Qinglei glanced at the radar display and said, "But the radar didn't detect it. It can be seen that the other party is more than 160 kilometers away from us! How about starting in that direction first?"

Zhou Qinglei's meaning is very obvious. First move towards the relevant direction. With the radar's active detection range of 160 kilometers, something will be discovered on the way forward.

In this way, there will be no delay in these two minutes.

Just wait until the accurate coordinates are determined, and then you only need to slightly adjust the orientation.

"Captain Zhou."

Before Su Dingping finished speaking, Zhou Qinglei said quickly: "Okay, okay, I know, I am the captain and I am in command."

As soon as the conversation changed, Zhou Qinglei immediately ordered: "Go in this direction at full speed!"

"Yes! Captain!"

With the general direction in mind, 052C moved forward at full speed at a speed of 32 knots.

As soon as something was done, the radar operator shouted.

"Report Captain, there are unusual movements in the ships in the sea area."

Zhou Qinglei quickly leaned over and took a look.

Sure enough, all the little red dots on the radar display started heading in different directions.

All the little red dots deviated from the predetermined course. Through their different sailing directions, Zhou Qinglei quickly noticed two little red dots.

The direction in which these two little red dots are sailing has the same destination as them!

"These two should be warships!" Zhou Qinglei said to the radar monitor here: "Pay attention to their every move!"

"It's the captain!" Immediately afterwards, the radar monitor said: "Report to the captain, one of the ships is sailing at a speed of 34 knots, and the other is sailing at a speed of 30 knots!"

"34 knots? That should be 052B! With a speed of 30 knots, it should be 051C." Zhou Qinglei thought for a while, and soon the two warships were identified.

Then, he said: "Report the details."

"Report Captain, 051C is to the southwest of our ship, 120 kilometers away from our ship! 052B is to the southwest of our ship, 100 kilometers away from our ship!"

"100 kilometers?"

Zhou Qinglei frowned slightly.

With the 052B radar's active detection range of 95 kilometers, it won't take long for it to find itself.

"Dingping, do we need to change the direction a little?"

"The 052C was just launched for testing last night, and there is no report on the actual sea test today. The friend-or-foe identification system on the 052B may classify our ship as hostile."

As the top secret of the Navy, 052C will not enter its unique identity code into the identification friend or foe system of the three major fleets before it is officially put into service.

The reason why I sailed silently before was to avoid all sight.

The previous 052B was top secret and was never allowed to be exposed! Now that there is 052C, the confidentiality level of 052B has been lowered by one level.

Considering this, Su Dingping nodded.

"It is indeed difficult to expose the existence of 052C at present!"

"Okay! I understand."

With that said, Zhou Qinglei quickly ordered the 052C's route to be slightly shifted to ensure that it would not be discovered.

Suddenly, the operator in charge of the electronic countermeasures system shouted.

"Report to the captain to decipher an encrypted message! It took one minute and forty-eight seconds!"


Zhou Qinglei's pupils shrank suddenly, and his Adam's apple squirmed slightly.

In 1 minute and 48 seconds, the electronic countermeasures system on the 052C deciphered the encrypted radio signals commonly used within warships!

Although it was for internal use and not a high-level dedicated encrypted channel, it was enough to shock him.

Not to mention the combat level, this alone shows how advanced the 052C is.

1 minute and 48 seconds! This speed is too fast! If we encounter the Eagle Tribe warship during war, our encrypted communication channel will no longer be safe!

Zhou Qinglei felt deeply worried when he thought that the target of the 052C was the Burke-class II guided missile destroyer of the Eagle Tribe.

He feels that the encryption level of general channels needs to be improved!

"What did you say?"

"Report Captain, we have the specific location! In addition, it has been confirmed that the Haishan was indeed blocked by warships, but we are not sure how many warships the other party dispatched! The current combat deployment is that the entire Northern Fleet is dispatched, and 052B will go deep into the high seas. 051C and two 053H3 frigates will be responsible for responding at the maritime boundary line!"

Immediately afterwards, the radar monitor also said: "Report to the captain, the destination is south-southwest of our ship, 165 kilometers away from our ship!"

"South by southwest? 165 kilometers?"

Zhou Qinglei frowned slightly.

This position is not very good. We don't know the direction of the Seamount's evacuation at the moment, and it is very likely to turn into a pursuit, which will delay the time.

Walking to the sea area map again, Zhou Qinglei picked up a pen and marked a few rough coordinates, and said to Su Dingping.

"Come and see Dingping, what do you think the Haishan will do?"

Su Dingping looked at it for a while and said: "If it is blocked by a warship from the front, the best option for your Haishan is to retreat in a straight line and enter our waters!"

"If it appears from the side like us, I'm afraid the situation will be bad!"

"I can't control that much anymore! Let's go and take a look first!" Zhou Qinglei said.

On the sea 167 kilometers away from the 052C guided drive, the Haishan was retreating frantically at sea.

His retreat route is exactly at an angle with 052C's forward route. As a result, the time for 052C to discover the opponent's traces will be slightly shortened.

"Captain, the other party is getting closer to us!" the first mate said to Zhang Ruizhu.

Zhang Ruizhu was also anxious, but the opponent's speed was 30 knots. Even if the Haishan dropped all the cargo into the sea, the speed could not increase to 14 knots. The Haishan only has so little power, and it can only last for 13 knots!

Being caught up is just a matter of time.

"Captain, there are still 29 minutes!" said the third officer who had been paying attention to the radar.

As soon as he finished speaking, he said again: "The other ship is less than 7 kilometers away from us! They are also coming towards us!"

Zhang Ruizhu stared at the radar display, his face extremely gloomy.

There are soldiers chasing behind us, there are obstacles in front of us, and we are still unable to contact the outside world. It is difficult to fly now.

"This is sure to defeat us!"

Zhang Ruizhu took a deep breath and stared at the little red dot representing Lihe.

"Captain, we..."

Before the first officer finished speaking, Zhang Ruizhu pointed at the Lihe and said in a deep voice: "I want to hit it!"


The first mate was dumbfounded.

"Captain, we still have a chance..."

"Can't you see clearly! We can't escape today!"

As soon as Zhang Ruizhu finished speaking, he heard the radio operator say.

"Captain, the other party has sent a wireless message."

"What did those bastards say?"

"Our ship, the destroyer Donghuang Trihaizi Congyun, has received definite news that your ship has violated Blue Star's regulations on the high seas. Please stop the ship immediately for inspection! If you resist, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

In the main control room, everyone swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.


He was actually targeted by a destroyer!

There is no resistance against frigates, let alone destroyers.

Everyone was still in shock when they heard a loud bang.

Zhang Ruizhu punched the metal plate of the main console and yelled angrily.

"It's too much to bully others! It's too much to bully others!"

"This is the high seas. Even if we violate the regulations on the high seas, it will be our Coast Guard's responsibility! When will it be the turn of the bullshit Congyun? It's a destroyer! Who are you trying to scare?"

"Do you really think that this vast sea area belongs to the Eastern Wilderness tribe?"

Zhang Ruizhu's angry curses echoed in the sky.

He looked at everyone and shouted.

"Now you don't have to be delusional, they just want to capture us alive! Otherwise, they would have launched missiles long ago!"

"The matter has come to this, we can't wait for support! They don't have time to support! So..." As he spoke, Zhang Ruizhu looked around everyone and said seriously: "I don't plan to run away! Even if I die, I won't suffer this Waiting for humiliation!”

"I just want to ask, are you afraid of death?"

Zhang Ruizhu continued there.

"I know some of you have families, and I understand. There are a few lifeboats on the ship. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time!"

The first mate stood up first and said: "Captain, give the order, brothers are not cowards."

The second mate also said in unison.

"Yes, Captain, we are not easy to bully! Even if we die, we have to make them pay the price!"

"Captain, tell me, we will die with you today!"

"Captain, we will live and die at sea!"

Everyone in the main control room shouted.

Zhang Ruizhu's eyes turned red when he saw everyone looking at death as if they were dead.

"Okay! They are all good! They are all men with backbone!"

"What's wrong with the destroyer? I'm working on a destroyer!"

"Let these fools know that we are not easy to mess with!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Ruizhu shouted.

"Turn around! Target, the damn Congyun! Do it!"

"Yes! Captain!"

At the command, the Seamount immediately began to change direction.

This scene made Li Hehao, who was still blocking the road ahead, dumbfounded.

In the main control room of the Lihe, the captain Shinetsu Gigangami was a little confused.

"Captain, they suddenly turned!"

"I know, I'm not blind!"

Jishang Shinye drank.

He couldn't figure it out. The Seamount was clearly running away just now, so why did it suddenly change direction now?

"Are they planning to go around from the side?"

As soon as the thought came to his mind, he sneered.

"The high seas are so big, how can it run? It can't fly without wings!"

But after a while, his expression changed.

The Seamount didn't intend to slip away, but made a big U-turn!

"Captain, they turned around!"

Shinye Jigami was a little anxious and had an ominous premonition in his heart: "What is the Haishan going to do? What do they want to do?"

Is it possible to get Cong Yun?

But Congyun is a destroyer, what is Haishan?

Where did it get the courage?

Shinye Jigami couldn't figure it out. The worst he could do was for the Seamount to hit him! To this end, he had even prepared lifeboats in advance.

I planned to abandon the ship and run away immediately if something went wrong.

As long as the Haishan can be stopped, the loss of the Lihe is nothing at all.

But things developed beyond his expectation.

"Quick, contact Colonel Hiroki immediately!"

"Hi, Captain!"

At this moment, the Congyun was less than 13 kilometers away from the Haishan, and it would only take about twenty minutes to catch up.

In the main control room, the smile in Fujii Hiroki's eyes overflowed.

In his opinion, the Seamount was already within his grasp and within easy reach.

"Twenty minutes or so, just a nap!"

Fujii Hiroki said with a smile.

The correspondent said: "Captain, the news has been transmitted! They should have received it."

The deputy captain on the side immediately laughed and said: "There is an old saying on the other side, those who know the current affairs are heroes! They are not stupid, I believe they know what to do, after all, they are unable to fly at this moment!"

This sentence directly touched Hiroki Fujii's heart.

He smiled and nodded.

"This will save us a lot of trouble!"

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, if they don't listen, we can fire warning shots when necessary! Let them see our determination to arrest them!"

As he spoke, a sharp look flashed in Fujii Hiroki's eyes.

"Yes, Captain!"

Just as the deputy captain was about to give the order, he heard the radar monitor shout.

"Report to the captain, something unusual happened on the Haishan! They turned!"

"Turn? Why is this? Do you want to escape the front and rear attacks?" the vice-captain muttered, "The speed of the Congyun is twice that of the Haishan. The Haishan cannot run back no matter what!"

"Hmph!" Fujii Hiroki snorted coldly and said: "How long has it been, and you are still struggling to your death! You stubborn guy!"

Then, he glanced at the deputy captain.

The deputy captain understood immediately.

"Prepare to fire warning cannons!"

This is no longer a few decades ago. It is impossible to launch missiles casually! The current warning shot is to activate the anti-aircraft main gun!

Although the range of the defense and control main gun is short, its deterrence effect is excellent.

In addition, they planned to capture them alive, so they could only activate the anti-aircraft main guns.

The order had just been issued, the air defense main gun system had just been turned on, and before the launch button could be pressed, the radar monitor said again.

"Captain, the Haishan doesn't look like it's running away! It's turning around!"

Turn around?

Why is this?

Fujii Hiroki didn't react for a moment.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't we run away like crazy when encountering a warship? What does U-turn mean? This is not how you seek death!

The operators controlling the anti-aircraft main gun were stunned.

The other party is like this, should I still press it?

"Report to Captain, the Haishan is coming towards our ship! It is 11 kilometers away from our ship! The speed is 13 knots!"

As soon as these words came out, Fujii Hiroki quickly glanced at the radar display. When he saw the Seamount coming straight towards him, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

He felt that he still underestimated the other party's courage.

The other party is really looking for death!

"Fire the cannon! Hurry!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Just as the correspondent received the wireless signal from the Lihe, the anti-aircraft main gun on the deck of the Congyun suddenly made a loud noise.

Just a bang was heard, and a huge cannonball burst out of the barrel.

The sound was so loud that it echoed around.

On the radar display, the small red dot representing the Haishan was still coming straight at a speed of 13 knots, with no intention of slowing down.

"Captain, is it too far away for them to hear?"

Fujii Hiroki had a sullen face and said nothing.

The vice-captain continued: "Captain, are they deliberately trying to scare us? Are they not really seeking death?"

"One minute later, the gun was fired twice! I don't believe it anymore. They are really not afraid of death!" Fujii Hiroki said sternly.

"Yes, Captain!"

At this critical moment, the excited voice of the radar correspondent rang out in the 052C main control room, 160 kilometers away from the Congyun.

"Report to Captain, an abnormality has been discovered! A mysterious ship was found 160 kilometers south-southwest of our ship! Speed..."

After a pause, he continued: "Speed ​​is 30 knots! Navigation direction, our waters! Captain, please give instructions!"

Zhou Qinglei finally found something, and his spirits were lifted.

After staring at the radar display for a while, he said.

"Our Northern Fleet only has 4 warships, and two destroyers are still in our waters. Although the two 053H3s have not been found, the speed of 053H3 is only 28 knots! So I infer that it is the warship on the opposite side!"

"Dingping, what do you think?"

Su Dingping pondered for a while and said: "In that area, there is a high probability that it is the opponent's warship! Wait and see, the situation is not clear yet, don't be anxious!"

"I think so too!" Zhou Qinglei said immediately: "Keep going!"

After a while, another small red dot appeared on the radar display.

"Report to the captain, another ship has been found! The speed is 13 knots, the sailing direction... is wrong, it is heading towards that warship!"

What's happening here?

Zhou Qinglei stared at the radar display for a while, full of surprise.

With a speed of 13 knots, it is obviously not a warship!

He couldn't figure out why this happened.

Could it be that the other party failed and is preparing to evacuate? But why are the warships still moving forward?

Isn't that the opponent's ship?

At this time, Su Dingping said.

"Can you capture the radio signal?"

"Commander Su, the distance is a bit far, I'm afraid it may be difficult!"

"Turn up the power to the max! Do your best!"

"Yes, Chief Master Su!"

Zhou Qinglei looked at Su Dingping and said, "Dingping, can you capture it from such a long distance?"

"I'm not sure either, but I can try!"

"Yes, try it!"

Zhou Qinglei rubbed his hands nervously.

After a while, the third warship also appeared.

"Captain, another target has appeared!"

Zhou Qinglei took a look and was immediately stunned: "Why is there still one? Isn't it just the Haishan? What's going on behind that? 12 knots? Oh, didn't the Coast Guard issue a notice to keep ships away from that sea area!"

"One warship, two ships, and the direction is so weird! What's going on?"

"Did you catch the radio signal?"

"Report to Captain, a wireless message has been captured!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Qinglei suddenly became excited and said to himself: It's great to have an advanced warship. How have you ever experienced such an advantage before?

"Quick! Hurry up and decipher it!"

For a moment, everyone in the main control room was in suspense.

Sun Yongguo also realized that this did not seem to be a simple simulated wartime.

The situation was urgent and he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Finally, the naval officer responsible for controlling the electronic countermeasures system shouted: "Report to the captain that the code has been deciphered!"

"What is it?"

"Congyun and Haishan are suspected of ramming your ship, please..."

Before the words were finished, the radar monitor shouted: "Report to the captain, an abnormality was found! The other party launched a missile... No, it's not a missile! Report to the captain, the radar feedback fluctuations are small, it is difficult to determine at the moment! "

Anti-aircraft main gun!

The experienced Zhou Qinglei immediately thought of it.

Several people approached the radar display and Zhou Qinglei said: "Based on the current situation, this ship should be the Congyun! The ship in the middle is the Haishan! No matter what the ship behind is, it doesn't matter!"

Su Dingping and others nodded.

"The situation is critical now. I must report it to the chief immediately!" Zhou Qinglei said seriously: "If necessary, we must take measures!"

Zhou Qinglei was just about to order his correspondent to contact the headquarters when he heard Su Dingping say.

"Captain Zhou, there is only one way to save the Haishan from such a long distance!"

"What can we do?" Zhou Qinglei paused and turned around to ask.

"It's too late to pass the interception! And it seems that the Haishan intends to be destroyed together with the Congyun!"

"What? Die together?"

Zhou Qinglei looked shocked.

Warships and warships will be destroyed together, he knows! Because he has done this before!

But it's just a boat!

Su Dingping nodded.

He had heard of similar things in his previous life.

"By the time you finish contacting the chief, the day lilies will be cold!"

"What should we do?"

Su Dingping pointed at the small red dot representing the Cong Yun and said: "Destroy it! With the speed of the YJ-101A anti-ship missile at Mach 1.9, it's too late!"

"But without permission...this is provocation..."

"Captain Zhou, they were the ones who struck first! We will fight back later!" Su Dingping said sternly: "Then again, our actions were not under the control of all parties from the beginning! Even if something happened, who would You wouldn’t have thought it was us who did it!”

Zhou Qinglei, who originally wanted to struggle, couldn't help but tremble after hearing the second half of the sentence.

Yes, even the chief doesn’t know the news about our trip.

Even if he did it, no one would have thought it was us who did it!

What's more, we are still in the high seas!

We're still on the high seas...

This thought instantly occupied Zhou Qinglei's mind.

Su Dingping continued: "If we were in our waters, it would really be inconvenient to take action! But now we are on the high seas! The high seas are our best cover! And our position is closer to the northern tribes, so the other side will not think of us. On your body!"

"Captain!" Su Dingping looked at Zhou Qinglei and said, "This opportunity must not be lost again!"

Seeing Zhou Qinglei struggling, Su Dingping suddenly shouted.

"Comrade Zhou Qinglei, don't forget your identity! Don't forget the responsibilities and obligations of the navy! Right now, the life and death of the Haishan is at stake! Dean Sun and I are working hard to conquer the new warship, and we are not here to let you watch the show!"

"Captain Zhou, I think what Dingping said makes sense!" Sun Yongguo also said.

Su Dingping looked directly at Zhou Qinglei: "Comrade Zhou Qinglei, if anything happens, I'll take the responsibility!"

Zhou Qinglei gritted his teeth suddenly and said with a ferocious look on his face.

"I, Zhou Qinglei, am not a weakling! I can handle this!"

"Send my order! Lock on the Congyun!"

"Report to captain, the radar is locked on the Congyun! The distance is 153 kilometers! Please give instructions, captain!"

"A salvo!"

"Yes, Captain!"

As the button was pressed, a series of sharp whistling sounds suddenly came from the deck.

One after another, the YJ-101 anti-ship missiles soared into the sky and quickly disappeared from sight.

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