I built an armada

Chapter 149 052C went to the meeting alone, one against four!

In the eastern waters, four 051Cs, escorted by eight multi-functional supply ships, are heading towards the southern waters.

After sailing for almost twelve hours, we were not far from the southern sea.

In the 051C main control room headed by the leader, Ning Decai and Bird Edin had a very pleasant exchange.

The 052B took the lead, eight multi-functional supply ships on both sides, and a 956E behind it. Bird Edin was still very satisfied with this security force.

He also saw that Longxia Navy attached great importance to this escort.

"We still have nine and a half days to get home. I really want to hurry up so that the Crown Prince won't have to wait any longer." Bird Edin said.

Ning De was just about to speak when the correspondent said.

"Mr. Ning, Captain Jiang is requesting a call."

Ning Decai's expression remained unchanged, but he was slightly shocked.

How long have you been out? Are you in trouble?

Ning De smiled at Bird Edin and said, "Mr. Bird Edin, wait a moment."

As he spoke, he looked at the correspondent and said, "I agree."


Soon, the call channel between the two parties was established.

Ning Decai asked with a normal expression: "Captain Jiang, how are you doing?"

"Mr. Ning, execute Plan C!"

Ning Decai's heart trembled when he heard Plan C.

Sure enough, I knew something was going to happen!

Immediately, he said calmly.

"I know."

After cutting off the communication, Bird Edin asked on the side.

"What's wrong, Mr. Ning? What's going on?"

"Mr. Bird Edin, everything is business as usual." Ning Decai was very calm, as if nothing happened: "According to the plan made before the trip, in the next period of time, the leading warship will go ahead to explore the way. Make sure we sail smoothly."

Nodding, Bird Edin seemed to have thought of something and asked immediately.

"We haven't left your waters yet, have we?"

Ning Decai said: "It is expected to leave our waters on the afternoon of the 22nd!"

"One and a half days left."

Standing by the porthole, Bird Edin looked at 052B more than ten kilometers away, his eyes flickering.

Regarding escorting 051C this time, he also considered that there might be changes on the road, so he personally escorted the goods.

Now 052B's sudden movement gave him a bad feeling.

I wish I was overthinking it.

Hope everything goes well.

At the same time, the Eastern Fleet Command.

Xiao Chongjun is still waiting for news from the high seas.

Two warships, missile boats, submarines, etc. have been dispatched for several hours, and they are approaching the high seas.

"Four warships, plus missile boats and submarines. If the other side only dispatches four warships, the odds of winning should be 50-50."

Xiao Chongjun felt heavy.

50-50 is the result of his inference. No one knows what the result will be.

At this moment, the guard ran in quickly.

"Report to the leader, secret message from the front line."

As soon as he heard the news, Xiao Chongjun's heart skipped a beat and he immediately said: "Quick, bring it over!"

After receiving the secret message and taking a look at it, Xiao Chongjun was suddenly startled, and then his face turned ugly.

He thought that the warships he sent out were about to reach the high seas and discovered something unusual, so he notified them to come back.

Unexpectedly, it was a secret message from 052B, which set out in the morning.

In the secret message, it was mentioned that the warships commanded by Zhou Qinglei had discovered four warships from the Donghuang Tribe Sea and were heading to the high seas to ambush.

After explaining the details, Jiang Shengrong said that he would adopt Plan C to cooperate with Zhou Qinglei in counter-encirclement and suppression of the enemy.

"Haizi really doesn't just do trouble in one place!"

Xiao Chongjun felt very heavy.

The original inference was correct. The four warships on the high seas outside the Eastern Sea should not be the main force.

Make an attack in the east and attack in the west to contain our reinforcements. What a good plan!

"052B and 052C encircled and suppressed four Chinese warships?"

Seeing Zhou Qinglei's courage, Xiao Chongjun fell silent.

He knew how strong 052C's combat capabilities were.

It's very strong.

But when it comes to cooperating with 052B, it can dare to fight four warships. It is still a modern warship from China.

He instinctively felt that this matter was too risky!

But looking at the deployment of the Donghuang tribe, it seems that there is no way out now.

After waving his hand to signal the guard to leave, he walked back and forth in the room holding the message.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Chongjun picked up the dedicated phone and dialed.

After a while, the three leaders gathered for a conference call.

"...The specific situation is like this." After Xiao Chongjun explained the situation again, he asked: "There is no way to retreat now. Is there anything you can do?"

"Four warships ambush? Haizi really thinks highly of us." Qian Wenbing said with a cold face, "Is there a way to get around it?"

"Difficult!" Xiao Chongjun said: "Zhou Qinglei and Jiang Shengrong mentioned that the four warships have entered silent cruise. In this case, there is no difference between going around and losing your life. The risk is too great!"

"Damn it! They really did it in advance."

Qian Wenbing cursed.

"Four warships, the pressure is indeed not small!" Xu Dongguo also felt quite heavy.

"Do you two have any good ideas?" Xiao Chongjun continued: "Even if this battle is really unavoidable, we still need to increase our chances of winning."

"How about this? Let's send warships from our Southern Fleet to support us. I can also dispatch three warships here, the 052, 051C, and 053H3 frigates. There are also several missile boats and submarines. I don't have nuclear submarines here."

"There is no need for nuclear submarines." Xiao Chongjun took over: "It would be a good idea to send support from your side. We are close. If we leave now, we can catch up."

It was obvious that Xiao Chongjun was still interested in this proposal.

He didn't want 052C to be damaged on the high seas just after he got it, and he hadn't warmed it up yet. That would be a big loss.

"Okay, then I..."

Before Qian Wenbing finished speaking, he listened to Xu Dongguo.

"I don't think it's feasible!"

Qian Wenbing was puzzled: "What do you mean? If I send troops here, the chance of winning will be greatly increased."

"Yes, Lao Xu." Xiao Chongjun also agreed.

"First: The four warships on the opposite side have already set up an ambush. How do we know where they are ambushing?" Xu Dongguo asked rhetorically.


"Second: The ones dispatched on the opposite side are all modern warships. You sent out three warships, namely 051C! But one thing is that the combat radius of 051C is too short. You don't know it until the enemy discovers you and launches missiles. Where is the enemy? If we send them out, they will become moving targets." Xu Dongguo sighed and said helplessly: "This is true for missile boats and submarines."

Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing fell silent immediately.

They were only thinking about how to solve the crisis, but they forgot this important factor.

If it weren't for the fact that non-modern warships play an increasingly smaller role in modern naval warfare, they would not be so frugal and obsessed with conquering modern warships.

When the enemy is in the dark and we are clear, sending those three warships and missile boats to wait is just using our lives to consume the enemy's missiles.

There is no way, our missiles are simply out of reach.

"It would be perfect if there was a weapon that could affect the enemy and consume the enemy's missiles, preferably at a low cost." Qian Wenbing sighed.

"How can there be such a weapon! If there really is one, the enemy's technology is so advanced, it would have been there a long time ago." Xiao Chongjun shook his head, "Let's get down to business, the southern fleet can be deployed now to be of little use. Lao Xu, do you have any ideas? ?”

"let me see."

Seeing that Xu Dongguo was lost in thought, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun did not rush and waited patiently.

How to break this situation?

Move troops from the Northern Fleet and Eastern Fleet?

No, it’s too long, it’s too late.

Deploy fighter jets?

There is no problem in terms of time, but the opponent's warships have all entered a silent cruise state. The distance is too far, and the airborne radar will definitely not be able to detect it.

By the time the opponent's warship is discovered, the fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft will be too close to the enemy ship.

Both sides can find each other.

In this case, there is no difference between fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft and death.

At present, the main fighter jets of the Air Force are still second generation. In terms of radar performance, the radar of the fighter jets is definitely not comparable to the 052B, let alone the 052C.

Thinking of this, another idea came to Xu Dongguo's mind.

Use Bear-27? Or Bear-30?

In the previously signed fighter purchase contract, some Bear-27s and Bear-30s have already arrived and are in service.

"The Xiong-27 and Xiong-30 are more advanced than the J-8II. If these two fighter jets are used in conjunction with the Wuzhen-5, it may have a certain effect!"

With this in mind, he was about to speak when he suddenly thought of the issues he discussed with Su Dingping at the integrated military factory a while ago.

It’s not a big problem for 052C to resist three warships!

With sufficient ammunition supply and good distance control, it can block five warships.

This is not an ordinary warship, but a modern warship from Haizi.

"According to the three ships, combined with the 052B, plus the Wuzhen-5, Xiong-27, and Xiong-30, we should be able to give it a try."

Immediately, Xu Dongguo recounted the conversation he had with Su Dingping in front of the two of them.

Then he expressed his thoughts again.

After listening, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun were greatly moved. At the same time, I was also shocked by the high evaluation of 052C.

If it can really block three warships and cooperate with 052B, wouldn't it be 50-50 against Haizi's four warships?

Realizing that 052C was much more powerful than they thought, both of them breathed a lot faster.

Xiao Chongjun said: "It's not safe to open 50 to 50! We still don't know how many warships Haizi has sent! Just based on one King Kong-class guide driver, at least one more 052B will be added. But our background That’s it for now.”

"Then use Xiong-27, Xiong-30 and J-8II. It's just that these three fighter jets are not in use in our navy!" Qian Wenbing said: "I had a reaction with the commander before, and the commander said that we should first satisfy the Air Force. Wait a moment."

"Then let the air force cooperate with our actions!" Xu Dongguo said.

"Okay! That's it!"

Later, Xiao Chongjun contacted Liu Huaming and told the three people their thoughts.

Half an hour later, news came from Liu Huaming that the Zhuque Military Region Air Force Base said it could provide support at any time.

After receiving this exact answer, Xiao Chongjun breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to increase the chance of victory, he contacted Qian Wenbing again and asked the aviation force of the Southern Fleet Command to be ready to provide support.

Everything is arranged properly, and the next step is to wait for the two sides to meet.

"Except for the confrontation with the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier strike group four years ago, this should be the largest scale and largest investment of combat power by our navy in recent years."

"If we win this battle, our navy's right to speak in the Dongzhou waters will be different!"

Xiao Chongjun was full of expectations.

This is the moment when the navy's morale is at its highest. Like Haizi, the navy also needs a big victory to prove itself.

Whether we should make further progress or continue to hide our capabilities and bide our time to prepare for the opportunity, we will see in the next two days.

At around 10 o'clock in the evening on the 20th, two warships, multi-functional supply ships, missile boats, etc. departing from the Eastern Fleet successfully arrived at the maritime boundary line.

Almost all the remaining strength of the two fleets came out, except for the limited aviation force that did not show up.

On the high seas outside the northern sea area, 15 kilometers away from the sea area boundary line, the Asagiri commanded by Makino Hyouzai and the other three warships have been swimming here for several hours.

In the main control room of the Asagiri, the deputy captain looked at the dense red dots on the radar display and said.

"Captain, there are more and more warships on the opposite side. As expected, they should have put most of their forces on the opposite side."

"Don't worry, he is not our enemy!"

Makino Hyoucai said proudly.

The distance between the two sides was 25 kilometers, and even military telescopes could not see clearly under the pitch-black night. All we could see were blurry light spots flickering in the dark night.

"Where are Itou Shuichi and the others?"

"I don't know." The vice-captain shook his head and said, "But judging from the time, the first combat team will reach the high seas tomorrow."

"In just these two days, everything will come to an end!" Looking at the light spot at the end of the darkness in front of him, Makino Hyoucai said: "I'm sleepy, go take a rest first, remember to inform me if anything happens."

Before the vice-captain could speak, he said casually: "It's probably nothing."

With that said, he strutted towards the lounge.

His mission here is mainly to contain, so he doesn't have to worry about the gun going off.

Northern Fleet Captain 051C Song Haidong was standing in the main control room with a heavy heart at the moment, constantly looking at the four warships ahead.

"Did the sonar find anything?"

The deputy captain shook his head: "Captain, there is nothing unusual at the moment."

"Did the other party not dispatch a submarine?"

"It should be dispatched, but our sonar's active detection range is not enough, so we haven't found it yet."

Four warships were dispatched on the opposite side. Song Haidong felt that the other side's submarine must be hidden behind it just like his own submarine.

"It's still very embarrassing to be forced to speak out at home," Song Haidong sighed.

"Captain, it's much better than four years ago! Now we can at least intercept them at the sea boundary line!" The deputy captain quickly comforted: "In a few years, we will be able to enter the high seas and confront them. Truly keep the enemy out of the country!"

Song Haidong nodded and said nothing more.

According to the current development trend, the words of the deputy captain will come true sooner or later.

"I hope everything goes well for Jiang Shengrong and the others!"

Soon, the time came to the 21st.

August 21st is Monday.

The people of the Longxia tribe were busy getting up early to go to work. They were immersed in work and family and did not realize that there would be a big storm sweeping the entire Blue Star on the two high seas.

At around 11pm on the 21st, 052C was less than 200 kilometers away from the high seas outside the southern sea area. In more than two hours, it would officially enter the high seas.

As time went by, the hearts of everyone in the main control couldn't help but become anxious.

The closer you are to the high seas, the closer you are to the enemy!

Zhou Qinglei shouted: "Everyone should be in high spirits!"

"Yes, Captain!"

As time went by, at around two o'clock in the morning on the 22nd, while countless people in the Longxia tribe were immersed in their sleep, 052C officially entered the southern high seas.

Unable to hold back, Cao Youren quickly asked, "Have you discovered it again?"

"Captain Cao, we haven't found anything yet!"


Taking a deep breath, Cao Youren forced himself to calm down.

Ten minutes later, Cao Youren asked again, but still found nothing.

Another ten minutes passed...

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning that there was still no discovery.

Cao Youren said anxiously: "Where are they hiding? They are already on the high seas. Isn't the active detection range of the 052C radar 160 kilometers?"

Zhou Qinglei said quickly: "Old Cao, don't be anxious! It's not that easy to discover under silent cruising."

"I'm not anxious, I'm worried. If both sides find each other when we pass each other, it will be a big trouble. Originally we were in the dark, but then we will be in the open. If all four of their warships It’s fine if they are arranged together, but it will be very difficult if they are separated!”

As soon as Cao Youren finished speaking, he heard the radar monitor shout.

"Report to Captain, a warship was found 95 kilometers south-southwest of our ship!"

Finally found it!

Cao Youren and Zhou Qinglei's expressions perked up.

"Just one boat?"

"Report Captain, the search is continuing to be intensified."

"Okay, continue. Keep your distance!"

Zhou Qinglei breathed a sigh of relief and found that there were still three ships left.

However, we can also draw a conclusion that the opponent's four warships were not deployed together!

Otherwise, at least two ships should have been discovered in such a short time.

After a few more minutes, the radar monitor said again.

"Report to Captain, a second warship was found 95 kilometers south-southwest of our ship! The two warships are ten kilometers apart!"



This time, ten minutes passed and nothing was found.

"Report Captain,"

Cao Youren and Zhou Qinglei looked at each other.

"Looks like they deployed separately!"

"A group of two? If that's the case, then the other two ships..."

While talking, Zhou Qinglei came to the sea area map, made rough gestures on the map with his hand, and said: "The second ambush point should be 50-80 kilometers away from the first ambush point! It is roughly in this area!"

"Looking at it this way, the radar of four warships can take a rough picture of the huge open sea! We really can't get around it." Cao Youren said helplessly.

Obviously, he still hoped in his heart to slip through the encirclement without a fight.

"What the hell, they are just playing tricks on us!" Cao Youren cursed, "The other two warships must be caught out as soon as possible."

Just when Zhou Qinglei was about to issue a new combat deployment, the radar correspondent suddenly shouted.

"Report to captain, something has been discovered. A third enemy ship was discovered 147 kilometers west-southwest of our ship!"

"Report Captain, the fourth warship has also appeared. It is 154 kilometers away from our ship. The two ships are still 10 kilometers apart!"

What's going on? Why did you find out everything all at once?

Didn’t I just say silent cruising...

Zhou Qinglei and Cao Youren suddenly reacted.

The other party is turning on the radar to look for him!

Just when the two of them were feeling nervous, the other two coordinates disappeared from the radar display.

It was obvious that the other party had entered a state of silence again.

Cao Youren said excitedly: "They didn't find us! What should we do now?"

Want to take action?

Zhou Qinglei was very moved, but he was worried about alerting others, so he gave up the idea.

"Now we already know the opponent's deployment. Let's wait and see if there are any changes! Once we figure out the pattern, we can start counter-encirclement and suppression!"

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