I built an armada

Chapter 168 Secret key technical talent training

At this moment, Guo Xueyun was more determined than ever.

In her heart, Su Dingping has become the benchmark in life and the goal to catch up with. Only by working harder can she feel that she can be worthy of him.

After regaining her mind, she once again devoted herself to the experiment.

He didn't pay any attention to the stars outside, and there were men and women in pairs coming and going on the campus roads.

At this moment, it was as if she was keeping company with the light in the laboratory.

at the same time.

On the northern coast of the river mouth, in the Integrated Military Factory Research Institute building, a young figure was still busy in the laboratory, and the sound of nails and metal tapping could be heard from time to time.

"Dean Sun, it seems that I will drag you to work overtime with me again today."

Su Dingping stopped what he was doing, looked up at the clock on the wall, and looked apologetically at Sun Yongguo, who was busy on the road not far away.

In order to repair the equipment failure, he and Sun Yongguo started working in the afternoon and have not yet solved it.

"Dingping, what are you talking about? Isn't it right to work overtime?"

"If the equipment fault cannot be eliminated, our navy's 052D guidance drive will not be able to get on the slipway."

Sun Yongguo responded with a smile. Even though he was a little tired, he was still in a very good state of mind.

He also looks forward to the early launch of this type of guided missile to take on the important task of coastal defense.

At present, there is still a big gap between the overall level of the equipment of the three major fleets of the Navy and that of the PLA Navy.

Not long ago, a single 052C guide ship caught the Donghuang tribe by surprise. When they target the Longxia tribe, I am afraid that the three fleets together may not be able to withstand the opponent's attack.

Therefore, he has a strong sense of crisis.

Su Dingping said before that the 052D shield ship is truly powerful enough that a single ship can challenge an entire fleet.

There will also be large-scale construction, instead of the small steps as before. Only one or two ships of each type will be built, and the excess will be sold.

"Actually, you can get on the slipway now."

"Just let the warship wait for the missile."

After Su Dingping glanced at the numbers on the testing instrument, he looked up at Sun Yongguodao.

He now has a brand new idea. All the equipment developed by himself will be used in the expanded integrated military factory, and the core technology of the equipment will be in his own hands.

Only in this way can we avoid the delay in the analysis progress of core technology after equipment failure, as is the case now.

For the Longxia Tribal Navy, the most precious thing is not money or warships, but time. Starting from Liu Huaming, the naval commander, everyone is scrambling for time.

The situation on the sea is becoming more and more complex. With the support of the Eagle Tribe Navy behind it, the sea has become more and more aggressive. The old dream of imperialism and militarism has repeatedly emerged, posing a huge threat to the Longxia Tribe. .

The Donghuang Tribe has always been concerned about the Longxia Tribe's territory. As long as their evil intentions persist, the navy's crisis will not be resolved.

"Dingping, this is not your style."

Sun Yongguo was startled and hurriedly stopped him, "How can we let the warship wait for the missile? Isn't this the same as letting the navy hold a gun without bullets?"

"I'm not tired, let's keep working."

Hearing this, Su Dingping laughed and then started working hard.

Recently, he has been leading Sun Yongguo and others to publicize high-precision equipment, just following the list to tackle problems one by one.

In the past, imports could solve this problem, but now that White Bear has made trouble, foreign countries have completely cut off the import line, so we can only rely on our own strength to solve it independently.

Su Dingping was somewhat fortunate that he had a large number of experts and professors such as Sun Yongguo and Zhang Gongnong.

In the middle of the night, Sun Yongguo couldn't hold on anymore, so he pulled out the camp bed that had been prepared in the laboratory and lay down on it.

"Dingping, I really can't bear it anymore, so I'm going to sleep first."

"you should go to bed soon too."

Su Dingping waved his hand, indicating that the other party should not worry about him.

Two o'clock in the morning.

The equipment malfunction was finally eliminated, but Su Dingping had no intention of sleeping and was in an extremely excited state.

At this moment, a new idea appeared in his mind.

The integrated military factory, as the most advanced military factory in the current navy and even the entire Longxia tribe, Su Dingfang felt that the efficiency was still too low.

The current situation is somewhat fragmented, and the connections between them are not harmonious.

“How can we integrate so many people into one space?”

"Improve collaboration efficiency?"

After Su Dingping pondered for a moment, he suddenly thought of the holographic projection technology used in Iron Man in later generations. This is equivalent to bringing the virtual space of the military illustrated book into reality.

"Holographic projection technology?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?"

Su Dingping suddenly slapped his right hand on his thigh, and he suddenly understood. He was completely clear, and his whole body felt comfortable.

If the virtual space of the Military Industrial Illustrated Book belongs to him as an independent construction space, then the holographic projection technology creates a super large virtual space, in which everyone can use their own intelligence and wisdom when they see their own part.

Both system parameters and engine parameters can be presented intuitively and three-dimensionally, making it clear at a glance.

Later, he was also able to link it to the slipway and associated factories.

In this way, it can greatly speed up the pace of warship construction, shorten the construction time, and lay a solid foundation for the mass production of 052D shield ships.

Even after more advanced technologies are analyzed, they can be improved and upgraded in time.

After clarifying your thoughts, just do it.

Su Dingping immediately entered the virtual space of the military industrial illustration and began to study how to reproduce holographic projection technology in reality.

Holographic projection technology, also known as virtual imaging technology.

The technical principle is not complicated, it is a technology that uses the principles of interference and diffraction to record and reproduce the true three-dimensional image of an object.

The first step is to use the interference principle to record the light wave information of the object. This is the shooting process. The object forms a diffuse object beam under laser irradiation.

The other part of the laser is used as a reference beam and is emitted onto the holographic film, which superimposes with the object beam to cause interference.

Convert the phase and amplitude of each point on the object's light wave into spatially varying intensity, thereby recording all the information of the object's light wave using the contrast and spacing between interference fringes.

The second part uses the principle of diffraction to reproduce the light wave information of the object.

Su Dingping plans to use laser beams to project 3D images of entities to achieve air projection and interactive technology. Only this technical route meets the current needs.

This time, Su Dingping did not study 052D in the virtual space of the military illustrated book, but carefully observed how the warship was imaged and projected.

He interacts with the virtual warship, which is a holographic interactive projection process.

And he needs this technology.

After observing for a long time, Su Dingping understood the principle.

Very rough and hands-on.

All relevant main equipment and auxiliary equipment include laser projectors, signal receivers, servers, control software, corresponding audio equipment, etc.

Infrared sensors, video recorders, thermal cameras, etc., he had come into contact with almost all of these before when working on 052C. It was not too easy for him.

The only thing not in contact is the laser beam projection device, but the technical principle of this is no different from the target laser rangefinder used on the 052C.

Su Dingping took action immediately.

An hour later, the interactive projector was presented on the experimental platform.

"That's what it smells like."

"It's finally done, let's consider it a first-generation product."

Reaching out and taking off the small radar on the test bench from the miniaturized 052D, Su Dingping looked at it carefully. There was no difference at all from the reality, and it was a perfect replica of the real thing.

What makes him happiest is that the small radar can image independently and can be zoomed in and out at will.

The only thing that dissatisfied him was that people couldn't enter the interactive projection and see the structure inside very intuitively.

But he still has time to upgrade his technology.

After being pushed out of the virtual space, Su Dingping began to use the relevant equipment in the laboratory to start manufacturing without stopping.

Time passes quietly.

That night, Su Dingping didn't rest at all, running crazily and efficiently like a machine that never gets tired.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone in from the window, dyeing the entire laboratory golden yellow. Su Dingping was still immersed in it, and it swayed on his body, as if it was coated with a layer of golden clothes, making him look like that of holiness and loftiness.

Dean Sun Yongguo Shu woke up and opened his eyes just in time to see this scene. His eyes suddenly widened as if he had fallen into trance, with a look of horror written all over his face.

"The gods are coming?"


His first feeling was that he saw some god descending into the laboratory. After rubbing his eyes vigorously, he saw clearly that it was Su Dingping.

This guy didn't sleep all night, right?

What is he building?

Afraid of disturbing Su Dingping, he slowly stood up and walked towards Su Dingping.

But he saw that the entire laboratory had completely changed overnight, making him feel as if he had entered a science fiction space, and his jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

What kind of black technology is this?


The more he watched, the less he understood. For a moment, Sun Yongguo felt as if he had fallen behind, but his stomach growled a little unsatisfactorily.

No way, he has the habit of having breakfast when he gets up early every day.

If you don't eat a meal, your stomach will make a protest.

"Dean Sun, you're awake."

"Just in time, how about you come and take a look at my set of holographic interactive projections?"

"Just wait a moment, I'll be right away."

Hearing the noise, Su Dingping turned around and looked over. Seeing that Sun Yongguo had woken up, he said casually.

"Holographic interactive projection?"

"Ah good."

He didn't understand it at all, but Sun Yongguo nodded subconsciously.

At the same time, his curiosity was also aroused, and he was thinking about what technology holographic interactive projection was.

Being able to turn the laboratory into such a science fiction all of a sudden, it was as if he had traveled from reality to the future as soon as he opened his eyes. He couldn't keep up with Su Dingping's pace at all.

If it hadn't been for this young man, he still hadn't understood the relevant core technologies on the 956E, and he wouldn't have dared to dismantle this advanced warship purchased from the Mao Xiong Kingdom.

But now, he couldn't understand it again.

Have you really fallen behind?


Suddenly, a sudden sound of a switch brought him from his wild thoughts to reality.

Looking around, he saw a warship with a more avant-garde shape suspended in mid-air, as if there was an unknown force he didn't know about holding up a warship model, and the dots were very cool.


Sun Yongguo's Adam's apple moved back and forth several times, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

It’s unrealistic, so unrealistic.

He must be dazzled.

He raised his hands and rubbed them vigorously. What he saw was that the warship was still suspended in mid-air and could rotate on its own. Su Dingping also reached out and casually removed the turret on it and put it aside.

What kind of black technology is this?

"Dean Sun, come and take a look."

"This is holographic interactive projection, which can greatly speed up our research and development progress."

"Relevant data can also be seamlessly connected to the slipway and supporting factories, which will greatly speed up the production of our warships."

Seeing Sun Yongguo standing there without moving, Su Dingping couldn't help but urge him. He was also very happy to be able to develop this technology overnight.

"Ah good."

Sun Yongguo walked over like a wooden man, still two meters away from Su Dingping. His steps became extremely cautious, for fear that he would damage some equipment and cause the other party's hard work to be wasted.

"You don't have to be so nervous, it's just to assist us in our research."

"Actually, the principle is not complicated. It uses air projection and interactive technology, integrating digital holographic technology, computational holographic technology, etc."

"I'll tell you specifically when I have time."

Seeing Sun Yongguo's nervous look, Su Dingping shook his head helplessly and hurried over to pull him over.

"This is amazing."

"You can actually zoom in and out."

After a short period of wonder, Sun Yongguo finally calmed down and started operating according to the method taught by Su Dingping. It is really very simple, and you can learn it once you learn it. It is quite easy to get started.

On the other side is the laboratory of Professor Wu’s experimental group at Harbin Institute of Technology.

Just like Su Dingping who didn't rest all night, Guo Xueyun stayed in the laboratory all night without even half an hour's rest.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Xueyun, why are you still in the laboratory?"

"Could it be that you didn't go back to the dormitory to rest all night?"

Listening to this voice, she knew it was senior sister Wang Xin.

"Sister Xin, why are you here?"

"Didn't you go on a date with Senior Brother Zhao?"

Guo Xueyun turned to look at Wang Xin and asked with great curiosity.

"How could you forget that I asked you to go out to play last night?"

"Today is New Year's Day."

"Look at you, you must have not slept at night, you have dark circles under your eyes."

"You work so hard, why don't you let people live?"

Hearing this, Wang Xin almost fell to the ground and responded helplessly.

It didn't matter that she had a good family background, but she still worked so hard. Others went back to sleep at night, but she worked in the laboratory all night.

"Aren't you living well too?"

"What's the news today?"

Guo Xueyun smiled sweetly and ignored Wang Xin's exaggerated look.

"It really does."

"Last night, the school notified us that it would set up another secret training program for key technical talents."

"Recruit from among the vast number of doctors."

Wang Xin shook his head helplessly and told what he knew.

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