I built an armada

Chapter 174 Headquarters boss visits the integrated military factory

He almost subconsciously regarded the radar developed by Su Dingping as an ordinary early warning radar.

The electromagnetic waves released by these radars can be captured by the Eagle Tribe's detection equipment set up in the military base on the eastern peninsula as long as they are turned on.

All the signal characteristics of a new type of radar were captured, which was absolutely unacceptable to them.

And it’s also a crime!

"No, just test it on the roof of this building."

"By the way, take a look at this newspaper."

Su Dingping handed the newspaper he received yesterday to Lu Guangjun and Sun Yongguo, indicating to them to read a small piece of text.

It says that the Eagle Tribe military is preparing to deploy stealth fighters to the peninsula.

It is not specified which one it is.

I don’t know if the Eagle Tribe made a mistake, or if they deliberately released smoke bombs.

He actually felt that no matter whether the news was true or false, he could give it a try. Anyway, if you have Zao Zao but not Zao Zao, let's poke two sticks first.

If by any chance you get lucky and happen to encounter it, and the relevant stealth target happens to be captured by this radar, you will make a profit.

Sun Yongguo frowned suddenly, completely confused as to what Su Dingping meant?

I stopped you from installing radar on the roof of the building, but you let me read the newspaper?

Full of doubts, he picked up the newspaper and read it. As a result, he went through all the contents of the newspaper and found nothing. He still looked confused.

"Dingping, what do you want us to see?"

Su Dingping had no choice but to stop what he was doing, turned around, took the newspaper back again, and found the relevant content.

"Read it."

"There are several keywords on it."

Sun Yongguo finally saw the relevant content this time, and he was suddenly shocked. He stared at Su Dingping with wide eyes, and then looked at the radar being assembled.

"You, you mean our radar is anti-stealth?"

"You achieved a technological breakthrough so quickly and even produced a physical object?"

Seeing the above content, Sun Yongguo asked in shock as if he had opened all the information links in an instant.

"No, you said the YLC-8B radar is capable of detecting stealth targets?"

"You want to experiment with the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighter?"

Lu Guangjun also reacted at this time and asked excitedly.

If it is aimed at stealth targets, then moving to the northwest for experiments will be of no use at all and will still be a waste of everyone's time.

"That's right."

"A radar can only be called a good radar if it has passed actual combat needs and withstood the test."

"This radar will be installed on the 052D to carry the fleet's anti-stealth banner."

"We can't leave the mass-produced version of the new generation destroyer in a smooth state, right?"

Seeing that both of them figured out the function of this radar, Su Dingping nodded with satisfaction and explained the true purpose of this radar.

The 052D will follow the layout of the 052C ship and will only upgrade the relevant core technologies.

Naturally, in addition to having long-range early warning and detection capabilities, it must also have the ability to detect and track stealth targets to adapt to future military changes and developments.

In particular, the Eagle Tribe will launch numerous stealth targets, completely leading the future military technology development of Blue Star.

The 052D must not only have relevant detection capabilities, but also guide anti-aircraft missiles to attack it and shoot it down completely.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's install it together as soon as possible."

"Are we too far away from the peninsula? Can it be detected?"

"By the way, is it possible that the Eagle Tribe deliberately released false news?"

Sun Yongguo was completely convinced and began to have the same worries as Su Dingping. If the Eagle Tribe did not deploy stealth fighters, what would they use for testing?

He has never heard of any company in the tribe or a military industrial company that has made a breakthrough in stealth coating technology.

Without stealth paint, there would be no way to build a stealth fighter.

"Old Sun, I think with the Eagle Tribe's urinary behavior, it is unlikely that they will release false news."

"They're always watching us."

"Didn't let down any guard."

Before Su Dingping could speak, Lu Guangjun took the lead in analyzing.

Even though the Eagle Tribe has been paying attention to the central region, they have not relaxed their vigilance against the Longxia Tribe at all.

Moreover, he recently received relevant information from the intelligence department. The Eagle Tribe has stepped up patrols and investigations in the Eastern Sea, and even dispatched ships related to the Seventh Fleet.

Obviously, the Eagle Tribe is planning a large-scale operation, most likely targeting the Longxia Tribe.

In order to form an overwhelming military advantage and pressure on the Longxia tribe, it is extremely possible to send out stealth fighters, and the 052C made such a big noise last time, it is impossible for them not to know about it.

"Did you hear that?"

"We are speeding up the installation now, lest the Eagle Tribe prepares a banquet and we are absent."

Su Dingping's words were extremely inspiring. Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun immediately participated and methodically installed the Longxia Tribe's first long-range warning radar capable of detecting stealth targets.

At the same time, the expansion of the integrated military factory is also in full swing.

All are used by the navy's own construction team, so there is no problem of leaks. Various large machinery is running at high speed day and night, leveling the foundation, driving piles, and installing various raw materials.

Almost every day there will be new changes in the second phase of the integrated military factory project, which is progressing as fast as when the construction was first started.

Su Dingping did not just focus on the research and development of related military products. He also took the time to proofread the relevant construction drawings to ensure that No. 2 and No. 3 berths were completed as scheduled.

In order to cope with future maritime conflicts, the positioning of the integrated military factory is quite high-end.

In Su Dingping's plan, there will be six slipways here, including three 300,000-ton shipyards, which means that three aircraft carriers can be built here at the same time.

The Eagle Tribe has been advocating that aircraft carriers are useless, and the Soviet Union Tribe has been deceived, but Su Dingping will not believe their lies.

He is an unswerving aircraft carrier centrist. The third step of the Longxia tribe's strategy is to have the ability to independently build nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, and the three major fleets of the navy must each have two to three aircraft carriers.

Aircraft carriers have always adhered to the three-ship principle, one for combat readiness, one for training, and one for maintenance!

If each fleet has three aircraft carriers, it can ensure that once an emergency occurs, all three fleets have aircraft carriers that can be called into action at any time!

The night finally opened, and except for the lights in the construction area, the rest of the integrated military factory was dark.

The clock at half past nine had just rang, and suddenly two lights of cars came from the gate.

The security team responsible for guarding this place immediately became nervous and stared at the bus that was slowly approaching.

After seeing the license plate clearly, Wan Long's scalp suddenly exploded.

It turned out to be a special car for the boss of the Imperial Capital Military Department.

It seems that he is still the commander-in-chief of the armed forces!

Xue Shuai is here again?

And it was in the middle of the night.

When the bus stopped at the door, he hurried forward to verify his identity in accordance with security procedures. After confirming his identity, he hurriedly ordered the factory gate to be opened.

It's the New Year of the Longxia Tribe, and the boss from the headquarters actually comes to visit late at night. This is not an easy matter!

It was obvious that another technological breakthrough had been achieved in the integrated military factory, which directly alarmed the big bosses.

More than ten vehicles entered the factory in succession.

There are also many special vehicles in the fleet, such as electromagnetic signal shielding vehicles, emergency vehicles, etc.

After the last vehicle entered the factory, he hurriedly closed the door and raised the factory to a first-level combat readiness state, guarding the factory jointly with the guards who got off the special vehicles.

Inside the institute.

Su Dingping is leading everyone in the final intense debugging of the YLC-8B radar.

The radar peripherals have been installed during the day.

With the help of a crane, the radar antenna, which looks like a fly swatter, was installed on the radar base and the relevant cables were connected.

A room in the institute is directly used as a computer room.

"Director, Chief Xue from the headquarters is here."

"Commander Liu Da, fleet commander Xu, and the other two fleet leaders are here."

"By the way, there are also the chief of the air force, the big brother of the army and others."

When Su Dingping was checking the filter, his assistant hurried to his side and whispered into his ear.


"Everyone is here?"

Su Dingping wasn't calm at all. Didn't he ask him to take time to rush to the capital tomorrow?

Why are all the bosses from the headquarters here?

"Everything is coming?"

"Dingping, what's wrong with you?"

Naturally, Sun Yongguo didn't know about Liu Huaming's personal call to Su Dingping. Like Lu Guangjun, they all looked confused.

It was completely unclear what happened that made Su Dingping so uneasy.

"Everyone stop what they are doing."

"Follow me to meet Xue Shuai, Chief Liu and other chiefs."

Su Dingping calmed down and looked at everyone and said that he had already guessed that it must be Xue Shuai and the others. After hearing that they had a stealth detection radar, they couldn't sit still and rushed over overnight.

Fortunately, this radar has been debugged again and can be turned on for testing.

I hope you have good luck tonight.

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly when they heard this. Even though they didn't know what caused Xue Shuai and his group to be alarmed, they immediately followed Su Dingping and walked out of the building.

The other side.

The situation in the Western Sea Sea area is becoming increasingly tense, and the dark clouds of war have once again condensed here.

After days of intensive training, the two 051C destroyers received by the Laxi Tribe have achieved full combat effectiveness, and the sailors are particularly high-spirited.

Since boarding the warship, these sailors have completely regarded the warship as their own home.

They are familiar with the battle position every day, familiar with the layout and all the equipment here, and have a deeper understanding of this modern destroyer.

Even if they haven't driven it into battle yet, they already know that the advanced level of this battleship is not comparable to the gunboats they had before.

Especially the eight anti-ship missiles in the middle of the warship, one can tell at a glance that this warship has great firepower!

This is tantamount to forcing the Laxi tribe's navy from the gunboat era to the missile combat era, and its combat power has directly risen by at least three steps.

If they had been equipped with such advanced modern destroyers before, they would have been at a disadvantage in the conflict with the Ertu tribe. Not only were their noses and faces swollen, but they also lost many islands.

Just thinking about it makes them furious!

On this day, two captains, Ares and Nix, were recruited to the Lasi Tribe Tri-Service Command Center at the same time.

They had entered here many times before, but this time they were extra nervous, as if they were fathers facing their children for the first time.

In the living room, the two of them sat there and took several deep breaths to calm down their uneasy mood.

"stand up!"

Ares suddenly shouted, standing up with Nix in a hurry, standing straight.

Their eyes simultaneously focused on the burly, serious-looking, calm-looking middle-aged man who walked into the room.

"Don't be nervous, just relax."

"I'm glad you two were able to get here in the first place."

The person who came was none other than Dmitri, with a friendly smile on his face. He strode up to the two of them and said with great satisfaction.

He shook hands with the two of them with great enthusiasm.

"Everyone, sit down."

Dmitri sat down first, and then motioned for the two of them to sit down.

Although he had received reports on the training situation from the military these days, he still wanted to hear the two people's reports in person.

The two 051C large destroyers were purchased by the Laxi Tribe at a huge cost. They are a weapon to support the facade of the Laxi Tribe Navy and avenge the navy's shame.

It entrusted the wishes of their Laxi tribe.

Now is the time to take action and cause trouble for the Ertu tribe.

"Would you like to report on the training situation first?"

"Two large destroyers, you must be very skilled in handling them, right?"

Dmitri asked bluntly without any nonsense.

"Report, our training is very effective."

"Now the sailors are all screaming. They have all mastered the battleships and want to attack."

"I will fight for them and kill those bastards from the Ertu Tribe!"

Ares stood up directly and responded with a very loud voice, his expression was extremely serious and full of confidence.

"Report, I also want to fight."

"The sailors on the ship have become proficient in warships after days of intense training."

"We can definitely fight against the Ertu tribe and avenge the navy!"

Captain Nix also stood up and responded very seriously.

"Very good. Your report gives me full confidence."

"I think your next performance will definitely make my eyes shine."

Hearing the sonorous and powerful responses from the two people, Dmitri was very happy. Finally, he could make up his mind to put the previously planned plan into action.

These two 052C large destroyers will play a vital role in the upcoming battle, and they will be the capital of their Laxi tribe to avenge their shame!

"There are three battle plans on this document."

"Take it and look at it carefully."

Dmitri picked up two document bags from the table and handed them to Ares and Nicks very solemnly.

After the two took the document bag, they looked at each other, immediately opened the bag and took out the document with top secret written on it.

They know exactly what those two words mean!

The senior leaders of the Laxi tribe finally made up their mind to launch revenge. They wanted to wash away the shame of the navy!

Although they had some guesses in their minds, they still looked at the contents of the file very carefully.

As expected, the document contains three detailed action plans.

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