I built an armada

Chapter 191 Holding a weapons industry exhibition

This result is unprecedented for the Laxi tribe.

At the same time, this also means that the Laxi Tribal Navy has completely turned around with these two 051C guided missile destroyers, and is no longer the armed force that was bullied to the point of being unable to fight back.

The tribes in the central region have sharp eyes. Their intelligence agencies and media people continuously send the latest news in the region to the highest levels of each tribe.

The central area is the most favored by the Eagle Tribe, and it is also the place where it has the deepest penetration. They keep an eye on this area all the time.

Oil has made many tribes in this region rich, but they are not united.

A series of complex historical issues such as ethnicity and religion have plunged them into frequent battles, and even inter-tribal wars have occurred for this reason, giving the Eagle Tribe and the Judah Tribe an excellent opportunity to intervene.

With the support of the Eagle Tribe, the Judah Tribe gradually grew into a military power and became a regional overlord and cancer, seriously constraining the military power among the tribes in the region.

For the people in this area, the Eagle Tribe is the most powerful existence in Blue Star and the source of trouble!

The depth of their penetration is astonishing.

How many leaders have been murdered by them!

Kay tribe, in a building in the capital city of Bada.

Warm sunlight shone in through the window, directly illuminating the spacious office. Hussein, the bearded man in front of the desk, took a sip of strong coffee.

The bitter soup stirred in the mouth, giving people a different kind of enjoyment. After swallowing, he slowly savored the sweetness after the bitterness. He liked this feeling very much.

He closed his eyes with great enjoyment, and after thinking about it carefully, he opened his eyes.

"Sir, the Laxi tribe navy has completely turned over."

"If we were lucky last time, then in these battles with the Ertu tribe, we have the upper hand."

"The Ertu tribe has lost two warships, both of which were sunk by YJ-801A anti-ship missiles."

"We can confirm that the 051C is very powerful in combat."

After the navy boss Abala submitted a document, he said with great excitement.

The Eagle Tribe had been very repressive towards them before, and there were many internal opponents who were bewitched by the Eagle Tribe. They set restrictions everywhere and resolutely blocked their decision to purchase weapons and equipment from the Longxia Tribe.

Every time someone in the Navy Department submits a procurement plan, there will be strong opposition immediately, and it will not be discussed at all in the cabinet.

It's been half a month, so much so that they still make me stagnant.

The pressure from the Eagle Tribe and the Judah Tribe is also increasing. Abala hopes to get Hussein's full support and even be arbitrary.

"Sir, this is the latest information."

"The Ertu tribe has held several press conferences to publicly condemn the Longxia tribe for exporting advanced warships to the Laxi tribe and destroying the peace in this region."

"Based on the comprehensive information, we can send people to learn about the situation from the Longxia tribe. It's time to re-establish military trade ties with them."

As an intelligence officer, Kamda submitted the latest intelligence information and came to a new conclusion.

For the Keyi tribe, they imported a lot of equipment from the Longxia tribe during the Iran-Iraq war, but those equipment were really unsatisfactory.

It is not advanced at all. It can only be said that it can be used for fighting, and even some of the quality is not good.

This is also the reason why they hesitated again and again.

And since then, the reputation of Longxia tribe's weapons and equipment has not been very good, showing a straight downward trend.

After taking the two documents, Hussein frowned and looked at them carefully.

Whether it is from the Laxi tribe or the relevant information from the Ertu tribe, it shows that the warships exported by the Longxia tribe this time have not been castrated in any way.

It can even be said that there will be no increase in price when the quantity is increased.

No matter from which aspect, 051C still meets their needs.

However, he also has his own demands.

There are some features on this warship that may not be suitable for the Kayi tribe's navy. It would be quite good if it could be optionally customized.

"Abala, your special envoy is heading to the Longxia tribe."

"Contact with them specifically to see if we can produce warships that are satisfactory to our Kayi tribal navy."

"If I can, I can help you withstand the pressure."

After a moment, Hussein raised his head, looked at the navy boss Abala, and said extremely seriously.

Facing pressure from all aspects, the Kayi tribe indeed needs to upgrade its naval equipment.


Abala finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The same thing happened to the Pharaoh tribe.

They had been under tremendous pressure from the Eagle Tribe before, but now they saw the Lasi Tribe winning consecutively, which made them excited.

Who cares about the pressure from the bullshit Eagle Tribe, the interests of their own tribe are above all else.

on the other hand.

The Longxia Tribe's capital naval headquarters.

Xu Dongguo arrived here the next day and entered Liu Huaming's office directly.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw many people sitting inside, all of whom were related to the navy's foreign military sales.

For example, Zhang Zhaoxin and several representatives who were responsible for foreign trade operations last time.

Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun also arrived.

Seeing Xu Dongguo walking in, Liu Huaming showed a look of satisfaction on his face.

"The last one we've been waiting for has arrived."

"Then let's go to the conference room for the meeting."

Liu Huaming did not ask Xu Dongguo to sit down and rest, but directly suggested.

The situation is urgent, and Zhang Zhaoxin has brought the latest news. Almost all the tribes in the central region are excited, so the Longxia tribe will also come to give it a final try and strike while the iron is hot.

The key to breaking the situation lies in the entire plan proposed by Su Dingping.

Xu Dongguo's brief explanation on the phone earlier made Liu Huaming suddenly realize that the Navy should take its own military trade route.

Naval equipment is very special and can be customized.

In the conference hall, Liu Huaming sat in the chief position.

Without any politeness, we went directly to the topic of today's meeting, which was about establishing a naval military trade office to coordinate various foreign military sales matters.

"Dong Guo, please explain the situation first."

"You all should also listen to the ideas proposed by Ding Ping."

Liu Huaming raised his right hand slightly to gesture to Xu Dongguo, and said directly.

"Yes, Chief."

After Xu Dongguo accepted the order, he opened the document and began to give a brief lecture.

It is impossible to have a long speech and read out the entire plan in this kind of meeting.

"Ding Ping brings it up, three o'clock."

"First, customize military trade products according to customers."

"Second, carry out modular design, which requires relevant supporting factories to optimize the design of subsystems to form separate modules that can be optionally installed into any customized warship."

"Third, we formulate sales plans from the perspective of customers, and we try our best to meet customer needs."

"Finally, Dingping proposed that we could hold a weapons industry exhibition like foreign countries and open a stall specifically for our navy."

Next, Xu Dongguo spent about ten minutes explaining the rough lines in detail.

Undoubtedly, this plan is very bold and avant-garde.

Thinking about the problem from the customer's perspective was the first time for them to hear it, which was refreshing and even enlightening.

This is equivalent to transforming the armaments production of the Longxia tribe into a weapons manufacturing factory for customers.

The cost has increased a bit, but the plan is indeed very exciting.

Even if they were to be customers, they would choose to import naval equipment from the Longxia tribe without hesitation.

Simply a genius salesperson.

Having done foreign trade several times in a row, Zhang Zhaoxin thought he still had some authority, but now he suddenly felt like a newcomer in the field of military trade.

"Genius, truly a genius solution. Customizing the equipment from the customer's perspective is hard not to impress the customer."

"In front of Comrade Dingping, I feel like a junior high school student in the sales field."

"I unconditionally agree with all the suggestions he made."

Zhang Zhaoxin couldn't suppress the turmoil in his heart and spoke first.

Before, he thought that he had to specialize in the technical field, but Su Dingping was so strong in the field of military technology that it was understandable.

And he never expected that Su Dingping was so good at arms trade.

"Chief, I also suggest that Dingping be given the title of military trade consultant."

Before anyone could speak, Zhang Zhaoxin said again that he had even thought about his position.

"Let him have the title of consultant."

"Comrade Zhao Xin's plan is really loud. Dingping has hired a consultant. Do you think we can justifiably bother him with things?"

"Do you want to tire Comrade Dingping to death?"

"Bad intentions!"

Before Xu Dongguo could speak, the fiery Qian Wenbing spoke first, and he looked like he was going to push Zhang Zhaoxin to the ground and beat him up.

Those of them who are engaged in military trade can't come up with a better plan than Su Dingping. Now they want to make him a bullshit foreign trade consultant.

Su Dingping is so busy building warships now, and now he wants to trouble the naval treasure experts with such nonsense, it is simply unreasonable!

If it weren't for the fact that they were all from the navy, he would probably take action immediately.

"Recruiting new comrades is too much. The plan was made by Dingping."

"But it doesn't mean that he must be involved in specific military trade matters. What, do you want those bad elements to know about the existence of Dingping?"

"Or are you sitting with your butt crooked?"

Xiao Chongjun was not polite, glared at Zhang Zhaoxin, and asked in a deep voice.

When engaging in foreign military trade, it is inevitable to come into contact with foreigners. Who the hell knows if there are any hostile elements among them?

If something goes against Su Dingping, who will bear the responsibility?

"Chief, Dingping must not participate in foreign trade."

"Some things were not mentioned in the plan, but Director Sun conveyed Dingping's original words to me. He said he was willing to participate in the military trade and to participate in the design of foreign trade warships."

"And he's already working on it."

After Xu Dongguo glared at Zhang Zhaoxin, he turned to look at Liu Huaming and said slowly.

Being tit-for-tat by the bosses of the three major naval fleets one after another, Zhang Zhaoxin wanted to slap himself a few times. He did not sit up and down, but was simply amazed by Su Dingping's genius idea in foreign trade.

So I just wanted to take the opportunity to ask him for advice.

But I didn't expect that I would offend the three big bosses all at once!

He did not think carefully and forgot that Su Dingping could never be made public, and the same was true for the integrated military factory.

Even Xue Shuai personally set the tone. Both Su Dingping and the Integrated Military Factory are the top secrets of the Longxia tribe. Anyone who leaks the secrets will be arrested, tried and beheaded!

No price to negotiate!

"Chief, there are three more. I definitely didn't mean that."

Zhang Zhaoxin hurriedly defended himself. He was really afraid of angering the three bosses.

"Okay, I know that's not what you meant."

"The three of them are right, Dingping will not directly participate in the military trade."

"Since you all agree, then implement this plan."

"The weapons industry exhibition and the establishment of the Navy's Foreign Trade Office are both happening at the same time. You will be responsible for the specific plans."

Liu Huaming pressed his hands to stop the conflict between the two parties and made the final decision directly.

If Su Dingping still needs to take action in such a small matter as foreign trade, then all the people like Zhang Zhaoxin should be dismissed from get out of class and there is no need to stay in that position at all.

There is no doubt that Liu Huaming's decision is in line with the opinions of Xu Dongguo and other three big bosses, and is more in line with the best interests of the Longxia Tribe Navy.

Nowadays, as a navy boss, who doesn't know that Su Dingping is a treasure of the navy?

The real host of the integrated arsenal, without him the progress of the Long Xia Tribe Navy would have stagnated.

How good it is now. In just over a year, naval equipment has achieved three consecutive jumps, from the imported 956E, to the ability to export the 051C, to the 052C junior version of the shield ship currently being built.

It can be said that it is becoming more and more like a blue water navy.

The Navy is taking solid steps and rapidly moving towards its goal!

Time flies. After the Spring Festival, it didn’t take long to reach the end of February.

After a series of preparatory work, the weapons industry exhibition was scheduled to be held at the Longxia Tribe Sanzao International Airport, which is a city open to the outside world.

Once the news was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of the world.

However, this weapons industry exhibition is not only attended by the navy, but also the army and air force. It can be said that this is a grand defense exhibition.

Named the International Aerospace Expo, naval equipment officially entered the public eye.

This is a comprehensive defense exhibition!

On the Navy's exhibition stand, avant-garde modern destroyer models were placed on the table, ranging in tonnage from large to small.

The above weapons and equipment were also placed separately on the exhibition stand, and various missile models were also displayed, such as the famous YJ-801A anti-ship ballistic missile last time, as well as various types of anti-aircraft missiles.

It can be said that this is a comprehensive foreign naval equipment exhibition.

The heads of the defense departments of many tribes in the central region who had learned the news in advance were all present and stood in front of the navy's booth.

They all opened their eyes wide, staring closely at these smooth-line surface ships.

The 051C, which is famous in the Aegean Sea, is on the list.

"Everyone, we provide customized services, which means that we can provide you with whatever kind of ships you want to fully meet your combat needs."

"It also satisfies the systematic construction of your navy."

Zhang Zhaoxin, dressed in military uniform, stood in front of the leaders, talking and introducing in detail.

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