I built an armada

Chapter 193 The third 052C is launched

Although the Yagi antenna can have a certain degree of anti-stealth effect, its performance is not powerful.

If it were replaced with this kind of fly swatter, the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighter planes would be completely invisible. If they want to dare to break into the eastern sea, they must encounter interception!

Even anti-aircraft missile targeting.

Before taking two steps, Su Dingping turned around and returned to the radar, pulling Professor Ding aside.

Sun Yongguo and others were surprised for a while, completely confused as to what Su Dingping was going to do.

"What? Dingping, you want to build a land-based version of a vertical-launch anti-aircraft missile?"

"I heard that the Air Force was importing S300 anti-aircraft missiles from the White Bear Tribe. They were vertically launched."

Professor Ding's voice suddenly rose an octave, revealing deep horror.

When Sun Yongguo and others heard this, they quickly walked over. The light shining out of their eyes was unbelievable. They had no idea that Su Dingping had reached out to the surface-to-air missile again.

This is getting further and further along the road of landing the ship's weapons and equipment.

"Yes, we are going to develop domestically produced vertical-launch anti-aircraft missiles."

"It just so happens that the vertical-launch anti-aircraft missiles on the 052C can be modified and upgraded and then integrated onto land."

"If we import, how many sets of equipment can we import?"

"Air defense missiles are consumables and will eventually be produced independently by ourselves."

Su Dingping still had a calm expression on his face and responded directly.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the expansion of the integrated military factory has not yet been completed, and the construction of the 052C no longer requires too much intervention. Naturally, I want to improve the air defense level on land.

The defense of a tribe cannot be accomplished simply by relying on one branch of the military, but requires the joint improvement of multiple branches of the military.

The short board principle of the barrel tells everyone a very simple and easy-to-understand truth. The defense level of a tribe is not determined by the highest section, but by the short board.

When the integrated military factory was established, he seriously considered taking down the warships first.

To build an invincible fleet for the navy, homeland defense must not be left out. Besides, when studying land-based weapons, he can further discover problems during the test and then upgrade the weapons and equipment.

"What you said is absolutely correct."

"There are not many young people with ideas like you."

"If you need it, I can contact the Air Force and go visit the Surface to Air Missile Force."

Professor Ding took a deep look at Su Dingping, his eyes full of admiration, and said excitedly.

Even though he had stayed in the integrated military factory for so long, he still didn't know that Su Dingping was the top military talent among the commander-in-chief. Instead, he thought that he was a very hard-working and diligent scientific researcher.

As the top military-industrial unit of the Navy and even the three armed forces, the Integrated Military Factory has a very high security level, and everyone who comes here must be approved.

These old professors and experts naturally know the rules, what should be asked and what should not be asked, that's all!

Su Dingping was not called by his first name in the factory, only researcher was used instead.

"If you want to see it, just bring it over."

"This is okay."

"The chief has given instructions. There is a surface-to-air missile battalion only ten kilometers away from us. The equipment is the latest S300 imported from the White Bear Tribe."

Sun Yongguo took over the conversation, but there was a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

If people don't have a job, then if they can have a good rest, they will definitely take a good rest and never waste a single bit of their personal time.

But Su Dingping was completely different. Even if nothing happened, he was still looking for something to do.

This never knows how to stop!

I really think of myself as a perpetual motion machine, just open my eyes and do it!

Taking advantage of this, he also revealed the news to Su Dingping that the defense power of the integrated military factory had been strengthened. It was a dream for the enemy to enter this area.

"It's okay to take a look, just tonight."

"I'll see if the anti-stealth radar can be compatible with anti-aircraft missiles."

"Fully automated attacks are faster and more efficient than our manual operations."

Su Dingping made the decision without any hesitation. He is an action man and will not delay any behavior. He can make it as quickly as possible and will never do it again later.

"no problem."

Sun Yongguo readily agreed and turned around to contact Xu Dongguo.

Professor Ding was left in a mess in the wind.

What does this mean?

Why are we going to build surface-to-air missiles again?

In fact, for Su Dingping, he is currently thinking about the issue of four bombs in one pit, as well as the issue of anti-ship ballistic missiles.

Although strategically, we despise the Eagle Tribe, a strong opponent, we still need to pay great attention to it tactically.

He wanted to achieve one hole and four bombs on the 052D.

If possible, he is also willing to integrate anti-ship ballistic missiles onto it. Even if he only carries four of them, if five or six 052Ds are sent out at one time, if they fire a salvo, it will be equivalent to firing twenty-four missiles. , all the initiation attacks are enough for the aircraft carrier formation to drink a pot!

Within two thousand kilometers of the Longxia tribe's territorial waters, he must become a death zone for the aircraft carrier.

On weekdays, everyone is harmonious, and the aircraft carrier formation of the Eagle Tribe can sail freely here. However, once the two sides enter a state of hostility, or the Longxia Tribe wants to attack Dragon Claw Island in the east, the Eagle Tribe will never allow it. The Eagle Tribe intervenes.

And the anti-ship ballistic missiles launched by the fleet have become the best weapon of deterrence!

Back in the research institute, Su Dingping entered the laboratory again and plunged into the holographic interactive projection space.

There is a complete version of the 052C primary version of the shield ship floating in the void. The chocolate hanging device is very eye-catching. The 346 radar on it has been changed to a liquid-cooled state. Four flat plates are installed around the bridge, forming a 360-degree view. Radar scans the surrounding area without blind spots.

It’s just that this is the previous generation of active phased array radar system, with a maximum detection range of 160 kilometers.

It is also equipped with 72 anti-aircraft missiles, plus 12 anti-ship missiles, all of which are deeply buried in the vertical launch system, taking into account both air defense and anti-ship.

"Remove the Yagi antenna array radar and replace it with a fly swatter?"

Su Dingping tried to dismantle the Yagi antenna array radar and install the fly swatter radar, but suddenly an alarm sounded.

The power required by the radar increased by five percent.

For warships, this redundancy was not calculated before.

It seems that we cannot directly take action on the third ship, but can only take action on the next three 052Cs.

The 1130 close-in anti-gun system and the Haihongqi 10 air defense missile system will also be installed on it, which will greatly improve the air defense capabilities of the subsequent three ships.

Liu Huaming has informed him that the international situation has been unstable recently, especially the Donghuang tribe's ambitions and frequent actions.

The company continued to place additional orders for 052C warships, bringing the total number to six.

052C is a relatively mature technology, and additional orders can be produced very quickly. Su Dingping feels that this is not bad, and it just gives him the opportunity to continue to improve the performance of 052D.

At the same time, he can also get some naval equipment and military supplies on land.

In addition to developing land-based versions of vertical-launch anti-aircraft missiles, he is also preparing to land 11.3 million artillery pieces first.

It just so happens that the Army also lacks a type of terminal interception rapid-fire close-in defense artillery.

It would be perfect to use the 1130 close-range anti-gun system for modification.

It was very helpless and sad to have the big guns of the army on the ship before, but now it is time for the navy to supplement the army with weapons.

Many tribal representatives from the central region came to the weapons industry exhibition, and many even negotiated and placed orders on the spot.

After days of sorting, the Navy's Foreign Military Trade Office finally sorted out all the orders. Seeing the breakthrough progress, Zhang Zhaoxin beamed and was truly happy.

A real good start!

Carrying the relevant order documents, Zhang Zhaoxin once again walked into the Navy Headquarters building and came to Liu Huaming's office.

"Chief, this is our latest order summary."

"The relevant procurement contract has also been signed, and we found no problems after review."

"Now we are waiting for the first funds from the tribes to come in, and then we can start construction smoothly."

"I have also contacted relevant shipbuilding bases."

"Everything is ready."

After sitting down, Zhang Zhaoxin reported truthfully, with a happy smile on his face.

Being able to obtain so many orders is simply an explosive growth, which is enough to prove that the relevant foreign trade plan formulated by Su Dingping has been a great success.

The Navy finally obtained a military trade channel and was able to generate income from military trade.

"A total of $2.2 billion?"

"Our arms trade has finally opened up a new situation."

Liu Huaming looked at the relevant data on the document with an extremely moved expression. Even if the city government was like him, he seemed very excited at this moment.

Those tribes were able to break through the strong interference from the Eagle Tribe and the Western Tribes and go to the Longxia Tribe to purchase military supplies, which shows that they have overcome great difficulties.

This friendship alone is worth cherishing.

"Yes, I have heard from those military trade delegations more than once that their resistance is very strong."

"The central region is where the Eagle Tribe has always been the most strict. They interfere unscrupulously in the internal affairs of other tribes and launch a color revolution if they disagree."

"I have to say that the Eagle Tribe is very annoying."

"Fortunately, we have launched a combination of military and trade measures, which has yielded initial results."

Zhang Zhaoxin chimed in. As a front-line foreign trade worker, he was very aware of the power of the Eagle Tribe. He could be said to be Blue Star's troublemaker.

It is also the biggest source of trouble in Blue Star!

A profound interpretation of the saying that if you fall behind, you will be beaten!

If the Longxia tribe wants not to be bullied, they must continue to develop armaments, especially naval surface ships.

Unfortunately, the Longxia tribe's economy has not yet developed to a high level, and the funding for navy development is very limited, forcing them to open foreign trade.

Even so, there was still interference from hostile forces led by the Eagle Tribe.

These hostile tribes wished that the Longxia tribe could not make a penny.

They don't want to see the Longxia tribe's navy become stronger.

Because for them, the backward Longxia tribe is the tribe at their disposal, and they can take whatever they want!

"Then engage with them."

"We will not discount any of the weapons and equipment we provide."

"We can provide them with worry-free after-sales service."

Liu Huaming reviewed the document and then gave his final explanation.

As long as these businesses are completed, the Navy will be able to obtain US$2 billion in additional revenue, which will alleviate financial constraints to a certain extent.


Zhang Zhaoxin took the reviewed documents and walked out quickly.

He knew very well that the current military trade was at a critical moment and payment had to be made.

Watching the door close, Liu Huaming stood up from his seat, walked slowly to the window sill, looked up and looked outside, the blue sky was so ethereal.

The navy's situation is great, but it's just short of money!

He felt that he was a little ashamed of Su Dingping and failed to serve as the logistics minister.

Yesterday, he also received a report from Sun Yongguo that the land-based version of the anti-stealth radar YLC-8E was developed. The oversized antenna brought an ultra-long-range detection range.

The relevant documents are already on the desk, and it says that Su Dingping wants to develop a domestic version of a vertically launched anti-aircraft missile, which is equivalent to directly moving the sea-based version of the anti-aircraft missile to land for use.

It is said that the Air Force plans to import the S300 air defense missile system from the White Bear Tribe. This military expenditure can be saved for the Navy.

"This guy is getting further and further along the technology tree."

"The navy hasn't used the ten-thousand-shot artillery first, so it has to develop a land-based version, as well as vertical-launch anti-aircraft missiles?"

"We also need to develop a land-based version of active phased array radar."

"It would be really unreasonable if the Army and Air Force don't squeeze out some military spending this time."

Liu Huaming suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, but his heart suddenly became enlightened. He felt that Su Dingping was really a super lucky general.

Turning around, he started writing documents.

That afternoon, he rushed to Xue Shuai's place.

"Xue Shuai, these are the weapons and equipment that Dingping will develop next."

"All of them were developed with the help of the Army and Air Force brothers. I think we should allocate more military funds?"

"The land-based version of the anti-stealth radar has been completed."

"This is relevant information."

After sitting down, Liu Huaming handed all relevant documents and information to Xue Shuai.

"Didn't your navy get a lot of orders at this weapons industry exhibition?"

"I have to say, your idea is good."

"It is worth promoting the study of the three armed forces."

Xue Shuai pressed his hand on the information, raised his head and looked at Liu Huaming.

It's not that he doesn't want to allocate more money to the navy. The key is that military spending is only so much, and there is no way to allocate too much at once.

Naturally, he values ​​​​it being able to expand his wealth.

"These are all plans produced by Dingping, and Zhaoxin and the others are executing according to the plan."

"Xue Shuai."

"Now Dingping is working hard to get money for the navy. He plans to use many technologies that are useless on warships on land to develop short-range anti-aircraft guns."

"Developing our own version of S300, even more technologically advanced."

Liu Huaming continued to bring up the topic of military expenditures. He finally came here, but he couldn't just leave empty-handed.

The research and development of the 052D is on the line. As long as the funds are in place, he believes that the navy's new generation of large-scale shipbuilding wave will begin. In Su Dingping's words, it will be called dumplings.

He really wanted to see this grand event coming as soon as possible.

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