I built an armada

Chapter 195 Warships must also be equipped with missile defense systems

"We are called together today because the related technology of 052D has matured."

"I can teach you the principles and techniques. I hope you can be energetic."

"Because this is our navy's first truly mass-produced shield ship!"

In the chief seat, Su Dingping folded his hands and spoke slowly, with a loud and calm voice.

Just yesterday, all the core technologies of 052D were finally unlocked.

He dared to say that as long as the slipway is vacant, relevant technical workers can be comprehensively and systematically trained. Brand-new radar systems, hot and cold universal vertical launch systems, and other subsystems can all be outsourced to relevant supporting military factories for manufacturing.

Dozens of military industry experts present, including Sun Yongguo, all involuntarily opened their ears and listened attentively to Su Dingping's speech.

Everyone was extremely excited, wishing that they could immediately turn into a super sponge and absorb all the core technical points that Su Dingping was about to teach into their minds word for word.

"As you can tell from the name, 052D is an improvement and upgrade based on 052C."

"There's nothing wrong with that at all."

"But all the relevant core technologies of 052D have been upgraded, and the performance has doubled."

"Although its hull is a continuation of the 052C, its standard displacement is 6,800 tons, its full load displacement is about 7,800 tons, its length is 159 meters, and its width is 18 meters."

"The four-sided shield radar, anti-stealth radar, as well as the core power inside, as well as the close-defense weapon system, and even the main gun have all been replaced with new ones."

Having said this, Su Dingping paused for a moment, raised his right hand, and signaled the assistant to open the computer.

The 052D warship data map soon appeared on the big screen. The overall picture and the enlarged section pictures were all presented page by page in front of everyone.

This is an advanced second-generation destroyer, and its relevant technical performance has completely surpassed the previous 052C. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a new ship.

It involves many new technologies, and even the main gun has been replaced with a new generation.

And Su Dingping actually called it 052D.

Is this to confuse the enemy?

Completely confusing the enemy?

This method is amazing.

Sun Yongguo and others became inexplicably excited. They once again realized Su Dingping's foresight.

"The reason why it is called 052D, rather than the name of a new generation of ships, is because it does not fundamentally change the 052C hull, but only optimizes and upgrades the 052C hull."

"After many rounds of actual use and testing, it has also been proved that the 052C hull design is successful and it can fully meet actual combat needs."

"Of course, the main thing is to reduce the time it takes for sailors to become familiar with the new ship, so that they can quickly become familiar with it as soon as they get on board, and develop combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time."

Su Dingping stood up and walked to the big screen. He pointed at the overall picture of the ship body with a laser pointer in his hand and continued to introduce it to everyone.

In the past, when the computer technology department was advanced, they used old-fashioned slides.

Now, the finished product picture can be presented to everyone with great clarity, allowing everyone to more intuitively see the majestic appearance of the new generation 052D.

"It is also equipped with an active phased array radar. The model has been upgraded to 346A. It has a 48-unit front + 32-unit universal vertical launch system at the rear. It can launch both hot and cold systems. The maximum depth reaches 9 meters. It uses a new generation of 'Star' combat command. system."

“We still use a combination of wood and combustion to maximize the advantages between the two.”

"Okay, that's all I have to say today."

"I will send you the relevant information below. Starting today, you will have to study theory. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

"Of course, as usual, we still offer theoretical training classes."

"The 052D shield ship is a large-scale mass-produced destroyer. The number will be at least 35, and all three major fleets must be equipped with it."

"Our goal is to have the number of shield ships surpass the Eagle Tribe and become the number one in the Blue Star. All the weapon systems on it will be reduced to nothing."

"It also needs to be modularized to prepare for the next step of export."

After the rough introduction, Su Dingping returned to his seat and sat down again. His eyes became extremely firm and he spoke confidently.

To a certain extent, in addition to lengthening the hull, 052D has replaced all the subsystems inside.

It can be said to be a reinvention of 052C!

After listening to the introduction, Sun Yongguo and other military industry experts all had fiery eyes and their blood was boiling.

They couldn't wait to take action now and get this such an advanced shield ship out as soon as possible.

The warship production of the Longxia tribe had been stagnant for a long time before, until Su Dingping appeared and proposed a small step method to advance warship construction.

Even so, the Navy's shipbuilding scale is only a few ships at most, and at most it does not exceed ten ships of a type.

Now the number of 052Ds built has suddenly exceeded thirty. Each fleet must be equipped with a shield ship, and its scale must exceed Blue Star's strongest Eagle Tribe.

Just listening to it makes me feel extremely excited.

What is the concept of surpassing the Eagle Tribe?

Shield ships are the standard equipment of a modern navy, and have even become a symbol to measure the strength of a country's navy. Among the five gangsters, only the Longxia tribe does not currently have large-scale equipment of shield ships.

What's more, the Longxia tribal navy is facing great pressure from coastal defense. What tribes are around it?

The ambitious Donghuang Tribe, the Iron Monkey Tribe, the Feilu Tribe, and even the Eagle Tribe who have extended their tentacles to the East Continent Sea.

Which one is not a strong enemy?

Especially the Donghuang tribe, which has always wanted to destroy the Longxia tribe, and even clamored all day long to completely wipe out the three fleets of the Longxia tribe in one go.

They just bully the Longxia tribe for not being equipped with cutting-edge modern shield ships!

Soon the relevant information was distributed to everyone.

"Okay, let's get familiar with the relevant information first."

"Next, we will go to the holographic interactive projection laboratory to experience our 052D shield ship more intuitively."

"Starting from the laboratory, I will explain the core technology to you."

Seeing that everyone was starting to read the information, Su Dingping made arrangements for the next step.


Everyone responded in unison.

They immediately accelerated their reading of the materials. At this moment, they directly transformed into super academics who were eager to learn, greedily absorbing the relevant theoretical knowledge in the materials.

Each change in data means a breakthrough in theory and the application of more advanced technologies.

Su Dingping did not hesitate to teach these techniques to each of them, and each time they were able to produce a large number of high-quality papers.

Following Su Dingping to the integrated military factory, they made the most correct decision!

In the past, they all felt that their academic level had reached its peak and they could no longer climb to the peak of science. However, after following Su Dingping, they seemed to be cheating, publishing papers almost every few months.

Even those with poor qualifications will publish at least three papers in half a year.

Forget it.

The key is that Su Dingping always gives up the chance to win awards to people like them, while he is willing to hide behind the scenes and enjoy being aloof and uncontested.

It can be said that this kind of mentality makes them particularly admire!

Being able to follow such top military experts in scientific research, they feel that they are blessed by God and have spent several lifetimes cultivating their blessings.

Now in the integrated military factory, even the sweepers have certain skills, and when they go outside, they become actual skilled workers.

But why don't they leave?

That's not because if they go outside, their lives will be over.

If they were here, they would gain new knowledge every day, and they would also be able to witness the iterative upgrades and rapid growth of the Longxia tribe's navy.

Beijing, the headquarters of the three armed forces.

The meeting that lasted for three or four days was still not over, and the leaders of the three armed forces were still arguing about the allocation of funds.

Previously, in order to build an integrated military factory, the army and air force chiefs all provided relevant financial support, but this time, the navy reached out to them again.

The only difference is that this time the navy is upright and blatantly comes to them for it.

The Land Shield 2000 system, commonly known as the Ten Thousand Shot Cannon, plus the Hongqi 900 air defense missile system, and the wheeled mobile vertical air defense system, are three major weapons and equipment.

The chief of the army and the chief of the air force all saw it with red eyes.

What they need is technology transfer, but Liu Huaming insists on producing them in integrated military factories and then handing them over to the army and air force for use. In other words, if you change hands for one set, you have to pay the price of the other set.

This is equivalent to taking a steady stream of money from the Army and Air Force.

This is much more cruel than last time.

"Let's just decide, produce in an integrated military factory for easier management."

"Just stop arguing."

"The Air Force and Army are involved to produce it as quickly as possible."

At the end of the argument, Xue Shuai made the decision directly. He also knew very well that the navy was about to enter a shipbuilding frenzy, and the three major fleets indeed needed to upgrade their warships.

Without advanced warships, even modern naval warfare cannot be fought.

Let alone fighting with bayonets at sea, I'm afraid the enemy has already sunk them wherever they are.

Modern naval battles are fierce and terrifying. Being one step behind means being controlled by others and being pinned to the ground and rubbed by the enemy, leaving them unable to even fight back.

In particular, the Eastern Wasteland tribe is sharpening their swords with the support of the Eagle tribe, and a larger-scale armed conflict is definitely brewing.

Once they realize that the huge loss they suffered last time was caused by a shield ship of the Longxia tribe, the Donghuang tribe will definitely launch an attack on the Longxia tribe due to their vengeful national character.

They had to be prepared for this.

After so many years of suffering, military spending is tilted toward the navy.

A century-old navy cannot be built in one day, but requires continuous investment of hundreds of years of funding and the construction of various supporting ships.

After saying this, the army chief and the air force chief all fell silent.

Compared with Liu Huaming's request, this is already a big concession. Who told them that the research institutes under the two major military services have not developed such an advanced air defense system?

Suddenly, the Air Force Chief and the Army Chief looked at each other, and a huge question flashed in their heads at the same time.

Why is it that the Navy has completely changed since it established an integrated military factory? New technologies are emerging one after another, and it seems that the quality of ships has become more advanced from generation to generation.

Shield ships have all been used, and the third 052C has been launched.

Could it be that there is some expert advice among them?

That's for sure!

So who is this super talent?

Why don't they have Army and Air Force?

They looked at Liu Huaming instantly. This old boy must be hiding something from them.

I really didn't expect it.

If that mysterious man didn't exist, wouldn't Liu Huaming be a little bully who was suppressed and bullied by them?

"Comrade Hua Ming, the situation is not peaceful recently."

"I give you a task to develop an air defense system that can intercept enemy ballistic missiles."

"Even if we can hit satellites, that's fine."

Seeing that the three military leaders were silent, Xue Shuai took out a piece of information from his briefcase and handed it to Liu Huaming.

The international situation has been turbulent recently, and the Eagle Tribe has increasingly shown its brutal and aggressive side, even adjusting its nuclear strategy and aiming a large number of nuclear intercontinental missiles at the Longxia Tribe.

As a result, the Longxia tribe needs a more advanced missile defense system.

The top management has unanimously studied it and must make up their mind to do it.

"Yes, Chief."

"We have accepted this mission."

Liu Huaming took the document very seriously, opened it and took a look, then responded very seriously.

"You don't need to be curious, that's a national missile defense plan."

"It's time for us to build our own missile defense system. How can we, a tribe as big as ours, not have this thing?"

"In today's world, whether it is the Eagle Tribe, the White Bear Tribe, or even the Asan Tribe, they have begun to develop intercontinental missiles."

"Especially the Asan tribe in the south. They have always regarded us as their enemies, and the intercontinental missile they developed is aimed at hitting our capital."

"Comrades, time is tight and the task is heavy."

Seeing that the two chiefs of the army and air force were very curious, Xue Shuai did not hide it and explained it very seriously.

The Longxia Tribe has always been threatened by nuclear bombs from the outside world, especially the Eagle Tribe, which is currently engaged in a missile defense plan in full swing, with the purpose of abolishing the Longxia Tribe's long-range missile attack methods.

Naturally, the navy also needs to establish a missile defense system from above. Warships must be equipped with air defense missiles capable of intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles.

And he felt that the Navy could do it faster.

In his mind, Su Dingping was a cheating existence favored by God.


The two military leaders of the Army and Air Force also quickly obtained their own piece of information.

The other side.

As the Longxia tribe announced some arms sales news, especially the export of 051C guided missile destroyers to some tribes in the central region, it immediately caused a sensation around the world.

But among them, the Ertu tribe fell into deep fear.

They knew very well that the Longxia tribe did this deliberately, and the purpose was naturally to target them.

Administrative headquarters, offices.

After hearing the news, Emil frowned and his face turned livid. He was very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Previously, the Eagle Tribe was expected to intervene and prevent those tribes from purchasing advanced warships from the Longxia Tribe.

But who would have thought that the Longxia tribe would launch a series of targeted arms sales plans.

The price is cheap, and the related weapon systems are not compromised at all. Now they are even more willing to provide private customized services for those tribes.

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