I built an armada

Chapter 205 The washing powder incident happened

The entire central region was shaking, and people seemed to be able to smell the smell of gunpowder smoke gradually spreading from the air.

Many tribal people in this area can even see the roar of fighter planes in the sky, as well as the frequent mobilization and exercises of the army.

Each tribe did not dare to take it lightly. They were afraid that the multi-tribal coalition led by the Eagle Tribe would suddenly turn their guns and aim at them.

In front of the super military strength of the Eagle Tribe, they were like eggs facing a huge stone, and they were completely vulnerable.

Whether it is the common people or the officials, everyone knows that with their little military strength, they are no match for the coalition forces.

Even so, not a single tribe declared surrender!

The chief of the Kayi tribe came out to give a televised speech that day. With a thick beard on his face, he looked unusually serious and sat at his desk.

During his decades in power, he saved the Kayi tribe from poverty and vigorously developed a series of industries such as oil, which greatly improved the tribe's wealth and allowed the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Therefore, he has huge support within the tribe.

Then when the situation suddenly changed, the Kayi tribe under his rule repeatedly offended the interests of some western tribes such as the Eagle Tribe, and made those tribes disgraced.

As a result, the Western tribes headed by the Hero Tribe no longer tolerated it.

He saw all this and was even very confident that he could lead the people to victory in countering the invasion.

"My compatriots, I am the chief of the Kayi tribe."

"I solemnly announce here that the Kayi tribe will officially enter a tribal emergency from today, and the tribe will ensure your daily life supply."

"I hope you can take up arms and resist aggression."

"The Western tribal camp headed by the Eagle Tribe is an invasion of us, and they have invaders..."

The bearded chief was speaking nonstop in front of the TV. At the same time, the Kayi tribe also entered a tribal emergency state, and the army entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

After acquiring the brand new ship, the Kayi Tribe Navy held a grand receiving ceremony.

The sailors on the new ship have already undergone comprehensive and systematic military training and have full confidence in controlling the new ship.

Intense maritime patrols also began.

They deployed numerous mines in the harbor and in the ocean.

The missile speedboats from the Longxia tribe have become newly developed combat capabilities. They are regarded as a weapon-like equipment. They will appear in various exercises from time to time, continuously releasing to the outside world the determination of the Kayi tribe to persist in the struggle.

Relevant news quickly spread to every corner of Blue Star like paper snowflakes.

People have focused their attention here again.

At the same time, more reporters are on their way to this area. They want to get more news in this area and let the world know that the situation in this area has taken a turn for the worse.

Of course, most of them are Western journalists.

In this era, new online media are not yet developed, and Western tribal media still firmly control the absolute right to speak on Blue Star, and there are many people affected by them.

Confusing right and wrong and wantonly smearing are their usual tactics.

In recent times, the fishing debate has already begun before the Eagle Tribe and other coalition forces start fighting. The Western media have unscrupulously spread rumors and caused trouble, ruthlessly smearing the chief of the Kayi Tribe and others.

They were even portrayed as murderers and executioners, unscrupulously oppressing the people.

However, the fact is that the people of the Kayi tribe live a better life than some people of the Eagle tribe. Even after going through the war, the internal environment of their tribe is still very good.

The development of oil fields has allowed them to sit on the mine cart of wealth.

But even so, under the instruction of the Eagle Tribe, the Western media portrayed this area as a hell on earth, and the people lived in dire straits.

This was used to promote the legitimacy of their aggression.

On this day, at the General Assembly of the United States.

The Eagle Tribe and other Western tribes made speeches in order to win the support of the United States.

The burly Hawk Henry sat on his representative seat and finally got a chance to speak. He glanced at the representatives and looked calm.

"Dear representatives, what we want to say today is that the Kayi tribe does have fossils, and we already have evidence."

"The chiefs of the Kayi tribe have mastered weapons of mass destruction. They massacred civilians. I have to say that they are thugs and even more terrorists."

"This is a newspaper published yesterday. It clearly records a massacre within the Kayi tribe. The death toll reached hundreds in one day."

"This is illegal and inhumane."

Having said this, he picked up a post prepared by the Eagle Tribe Media and showed it to everyone before putting it down.

Then he raised his hand to signal, and soon a staff member from their side walked to each delegation holding a thick stack of newspapers and distributed the newspapers.

In order for everyone to see the content clearly at a glance, they even circled the content of that column in red pen, as if to say to everyone, this is the news.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a self-directed and self-acted play.

The people present are not fools. As long as there is demand, they can do it. Isn't it just to find a media to write fake news and then publish it publicly.

Then take this newspaper to the United States as evidence.

I would like to ask, has the Eagle Tribe done enough to spread rumors and stir up trouble?

It's just that they rely on their super military hegemony to show off their power everywhere, threatening this and fighting that at every turn.

In fact, Blue Star has always been the law of the jungle.

The cost of crime for the bully tribe is very low. In order to protect their own interests, they will not care about the life and death of others at all, and they can even wipe out the entire race.

The so-called Blue Star has entered the civilized era, it is just because all the five gangsters of Blue Star have mastered nuclear weapons, thus achieving nuclear peace.

In a nuclear war, no one would dare to use this weapon easily.

Once used, the blue star is gone.

No one will be able to survive by then!

"Okay, let me continue my speech."

"Next, I want to provide you with brand new evidence, which our agents obtained from the Kayi tribe."

"This is solid evidence that they possess the chemical object."

Having said this, Henry Hawke immediately took out a piece of white powder sealed in a transparent sealed bag from under the table, and specially showed it in front of everyone.

As for distributing it to the representatives like newspapers before, don't even think about it.

When this generation of white powder was taken out, everyone looked at it with their eyes widened, and couldn't help but fall into deep suspicion.

Damn it.

Can it be more fake?

It is truly shameless to the extreme!

Why bother to accuse someone?

Just take some white powder and call it a chemical?

Do you really think everyone is a fool?

Maybe it’s white flour, or laundry detergent!

So after a long time, the leader of the White Bear tribe said it was just a bag of washing powder.

"Dear representatives, this is the chemical substance."

"What I want to say is that our war against the Kay tribe is reasonable and in line with the United States Peace Charter. We hope that everyone can support our just military actions."

"We must unite to eliminate the violent rule of the Kayi tribe and get rid of this illegal rule!"


As if supported by the God of Justice, Henry Hawke was spitting and explaining.

Obviously, in their view, the United States is just going through a formality. Even if everyone disagrees, it doesn't matter. They have assembled a large army and are ready to attack at any time.

In order to better complete relevant military tasks, they even conducted special drills.

Early warning aircraft and electronic reconnaissance aircraft have long known the electronic spectrum and communication networks within the Kayi tribe.

Now they are waiting for the order to be given, and the army will officially attack the inside of the Keyi tribe.

Soon the United States held a vote. Even though Hawke Henry worked very hard to explain their reasons for sending troops and even submitted so-called evidence, many tribes still voted against it.

Seeing the negative votes one by one, Hawke Henry had the urge to beat the White Bear Tribe and other tribes to the ground.

But it's just impulse.

They know very well that the Kayi tribe may not have any incarnations, but the White Bear tribe must have them!

Moreover, the White Bear Tribe also has weapons of mass destruction and a large number of nuclear weapons, which are enough to turn the entire western tribe into a scorched earth.

Blue Star is so cruel, if you fall behind you will be beaten!

Relevant news quickly spread to the Longxia tribe and the integrated military factory.

In the cafeteria.

After Su Dingping finished his meal, he sat there. Opposite him was Sun Yongguo, and next to him were Zhang Gongnong and Lu Guangjun.

This is the four-man integrated military factory, and it is the core among the core.

Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun mainly took on the administrative work, while Su Dingping spent more time on scientific research, and of course he was the top leader here.

His super abilities have long won the respect and love of everyone.

"Dingping, did you watch the news yesterday?"

"The Eagle Tribe presented a bag containing chemical materials to the United States."

"They used this as an excuse to get authorization from the United States to attack the Kayi tribe."

During the meal, Sun Yongguo reported the latest news, and he wanted to hear what Su Dingping had to say.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the Eagle Tribe would actually produce evidence."

"It seems that a war is inevitable in the central region. They will do anything for oil and to support pro-American forces."

"It seems that the Eagle Tribe is about to take action. They have been thinking about the central region. Will they expand the war?"

Lu Guangjun and others also talked about their opinions one after another. They were very unhappy with the Eagle Tribe, which was too overbearing.

The Eagle Tribe is simply Blue Star's biggest troublemaker, wreaking havoc everywhere.

"That's a bag of laundry detergent."

"The Eagle Tribe is just an excuse to launch a war and overthrow the Kayi Tribe authorities."

"As the saying goes, there is no need to blame others. They have always wanted to control the entire central region."

"For oil, but also for strategic locations."

Su Dingping raised his head and looked at a few people, and then said.

The Eagle Tribe has always been ambitious. If they don't capture the Keyi Tribe, they won't be able to install many military bases in the central region.

Military bases are a way for the Eagle Tribe to control the entire world. They can use these military bases to deploy relevant armed forces as quickly as possible, thereby affecting the world situation.

The current Eagle Tribe has formed a hegemonic mentality of ‘those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish’.

Once a war breaks out, they will inevitably focus their main efforts on the central region.

"A bag of laundry detergent?"

"Then they are too shameless, right?"

"I thought it was chemical material. Damn it, you deceived my feelings."

Lu Guangjun had a look of astonishment on his face and cursed in a rather unhappy tone. He completely agreed with Su Dingping's analysis.

The Eagle Tribe has always found various excuses to take action.

In fact, it was just to gain a reputation for sending troops, and to use this lame excuse to convince the people within the tribe, and also to provide legitimacy for them to send troops.

"We don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. We should follow the steps and get 052D out as soon as possible."

"By the time the Eagle Tribe has finished defeating the Key Tribe, I believe the 052D will almost be launched. Now they will turn their attention to it, and there will be a period of pressure relief for us."

"Accelerate it, we can't relax yet."

Su Dingping still brought the topic to the 052D. This was a shield ship that he had high hopes for, which could support the main force of coastal defense.

Moreover, the 052D is the first truly mass-produced warship of the Longxia Tribal Navy, which is a milestone!

Now that the Long Xia tribe's navy is out of service, the incident with the Keyi tribe has, to a certain extent, invisibly relieved some of the pressure.

It is beneficial to the Longxia tribe.

This is also the main reason why Su Dingping insisted that the warships ordered by the Yi tribe be delivered as soon as possible and in advance.

With those warships, the Keyi Tribe could not engage in a naval battle of equal strength with the Eagle Tribe, but it could still inflict heavy damage on the Eagle Tribe.

This is asymmetric warfare!

Rabbits will bite when they are anxious, not to mention that the Kayi tribe has obtained those advanced warships.

Northern Fleet Headquarters.

Xu Dongguo is processing relevant documents in the office. He recently set up an intelligence center for the Donghuang tribe and is always paying attention to all the activities of the Donghuang tribe.

"Chief, according to internal information."

"In just one or two days, the Eagle Tribe will launch a war against the Keyi Tribe."

"Dingping said what the Eagle Tribe showed was a bag of washing powder."

The staff officer walked over quickly and reported the latest news. He also laughed at the end.

He also obtained relevant information from his phone call with Sun Yongguo.

"This Dingping is interesting."

"But I see it's also a bag of laundry detergent."

"The Eagle Tribe just made a random excuse to start a war."

"We still can't relax here. Keep an eye on the Donghuang tribe."

Hearing this, Xu Dongguo also laughed, but he did not relax his vigilance against the Donghuang tribe at all. The more times like this, the more he must be wary of the Donghuang tribe fishing in troubled waters.


The staff officer quickly took the order and left.

The more this kind of armaments are in short supply, the more we must pay close attention to the destruction caused by surrounding hostile forces, especially the ambitious Donghuang tribe.

As soon as the laundry detergent incident in the United States was reported, it caused a sensation all over the world.

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