I built an armada

Chapter 210 The video was questioned

They all felt like their brains were going to explode.

I thought I could get more hot news from the other party, but it turned out that they were totally wrong.

"Commander Zhang, we would like to ask, do we really have such an advanced warship?"

"The last video, couldn't it be a computer simulation?"

"We've always had this suspicion."

As soon as the military fan sat down, a young military fan stood up with a look of suspicion on his face.

The last scene of 052B's attack was too idealistic.

The Longxia Tribe Navy has always been so poor, how could it afford such advanced equipment? Besides, even if it was equipped, it would not dare to go out and provoke anyone.

For so many years, the Longxia tribe has focused on peaceful development. Even if the enemies bully them, they still choose to endure it or protest verbally.

"It seems that people still have a fixed image of the navy and think that our own navy is backward."

"Actually, I think so, regardless of whether it's animated or computer simulated."

"If you are interested, you can join the navy and slowly study it on your own."

"Our navy has always been making progress, but for some reasons, the pace is very slow. But that doesn't mean we haven't taken a step forward, right?"

"The navy, like other branches of the military, is an armed force of the Longxia tribe and will receive the same attention from above."

Zhang Zhaoxin glanced at the military fan thoughtfully, and then said with a smile.

The short twenty-five-minute program ended quickly.

However, the shock and impact brought by the Navy Recruitment Video are far from disappearing so quickly.

Anyway, for military fans, it is extremely exciting.

After reading it, they were completely excited.

They feel that after all these years, the Navy has finally issued a wave of benefits.

In the Jagged Forum, the number of people online at this time has directly exceeded one million. They have all come here after watching "Military Intelligence One-on-One". They still have unfinished thoughts and need to discuss it with a group of like-minded people.

"Our cutting-edge battleship actually came out, and the last ten seconds of the scene were simply a super bonus."

"I haven't been so happy for a long time. I didn't expect that our navy would also have such an advanced warship."

"With such an advanced warship, it will be so exciting to see who dares to invade our tribe from the sea in the future, isn't it?"

As an activist, the chief was very happy today. He was drinking peanuts and typing on the keyboard, as if he was afraid of missing a good opportunity.

I have long been paying attention to the development of the equipment of the three armies of the Longxia tribe. In this era when the Internet is far less developed than later generations, it is also a way for the majority of military fans to obtain relevant equipment information from military programs.

Now that he saw Zhang Zhaoxin personally introducing the equipment in the navy recruitment video, he was sure that this was a new type of equipment.

The last scene that is particularly attractive for research is not an animation, but a real combat scene.

As for Zhang Zhaoxin's claim that it was a live-fire exercise, he expressed doubts about this.

Even though it only lasts for ten seconds, the amount of information contained in it is really huge, which is really eye-opening for them.

In particular, an anti-aircraft missile was fired from the single-arm launcher on the bow of the 052B ship. The reaction speed was absolutely eye-opening and very consistent with actual combat scenarios.

Combining the news from the Eastern Wasteland tribe some time ago, he was able to understand some of the inside information.

It's just that this kind of inferential thing has no factual basis, so naturally it can't be nonsense.

"Yeah, it's so exciting."

"Tomorrow I will sign up to join the army, and I will definitely become a navy. I will drive a more advanced warship and sail the ocean. Everyone, please wait for my good news."

Someone immediately responded to the post, and the words were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

As military fans in the new era, they hope to have a military experience and have a deeper understanding and experience in using equipment.

"Congratulations to the man upstairs. I will send my son to join the army tomorrow."

"I have no hope in this life. I can only talk on paper with you and have a few drinks today."

A military fan named Dagengren responded immediately.

"I didn't expect that 052B would show up."

"Tell me, have we already commissioned more advanced warships?"

"Will we have shield ships?"

"I feel that the 052B hull can completely heighten the bridge and install the Aegis radar system."

Woodpecker Army fan also expressed his opinion. He is also a veteran and has in-depth research on the laws of equipment development.

"It's really possible."

"I've never heard of a saying that it's too advanced to be displayed."

"If we had the shield ship, how dare the Eastern Wilderness tribe and the surrounding young people dare to overturn the world and rebel against them?"

Huo Yanyan netizens quickly commented.

Suddenly, the military fans had built thousands of floors, but they still had no intention of stopping.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and many military fans have no sleep. They spend time on the Jagged Forum, chatting happily with military enthusiasts from all over the country.

There are even roommates from the same city or university who go out for drinks in groups to celebrate this event.

The Longxia Tribal Navy is no longer Wu Xia Amon, but a rapidly rising maritime power.

While the military fans were excited, doubts soon appeared on the Internet.

"Eight questions, is the 18 seconds behind the Navy recruitment video authentic?"

"Enrollment requires virtual animation to help. Is it because Long Xia's navy doesn't have advanced equipment?"

Two consecutive posts were like a huge boulder hitting a rushing river, setting off huge waves.

In this society, there has never been a shortage of people with such a questioning spirit.

There are even more reflection monsters and accomplices of imperialism.

Many people live in the Longxia tribe, but they don't see the kindness of the Longxia tribe. They are like vicious dogs, grinning and barking all day long.

In their eyes, the Longxia Tribe Navy has never made any progress, and so much military expenditure has been embezzled.

The two posts seemed to complement each other, analyzing the ten seconds of video frame by frame from different levels, and even pointed out the special imprints of computer-generated animation.

First, let’s take a look at this ship. It adopts a high freeboard, flat deck, and square tail ship type. Compared with all the previous ships equipped by the Longxia Navy, it is more sci-fi and more inclined to the mainstream ship type of Western tribes.

Obviously this is not in line with the laws of equipment development. All the equipment used is new and has never been seen before.

The Longxia Tribe has achieved all technological breakthroughs at once. Who dares to believe it?

Take this single-arm vertical hair system as an example. The technology is very advanced. Even if it is equipped on the 956E 10,000-ton destroyer imported from the White Bear Tribe, will the White Bear Tribe reveal the relevant technology?

How to reverse engineer the 956E without disassembling it?

Imported from the White Bear Tribe alone?

Even if it is purchased separately, I am afraid that Mao Xiong will not export it, and compared with the hair hanging system of the Eagle Tribe, this is already a backward product.

After talking about the air defense system, let’s take a look at the artillery on the bow of the ship.

Have you ever seen such a sci-fi naval gun?

Previously, the most advanced equipment of Longxia Navy was the 051C. Look at how ugly it is, but now it has suddenly become invisible?

Why do I not believe it so much?

Besides, the close-range defense cannon on the ship has never appeared on any ship before. It was first used by the Boot Tribe. They are a tribe in the Western Tribe camp. Are they willing to sell it?

Finally, let’s talk about the model issue. You are all saying that this is 052B. So where is the 052 model ship?

Don't tell me that it is a type of experimental ship and has no formal equipment.

This post directly devalued 052B as worthless. Long Xia Navy is still backward and unpopular.

Soon when people clicked on the second post, they questioned it again in terms of personnel and missile launches.

All in all, this is just a computer animation created by the Navy for recruiting students.

After seeing these two posts, most netizens became angry and left messages below.

"Damn it, you don't have to be so obvious if you want to question it, right?"

"It's not good for the navy to bring in private goods. Is that what you're talking about?"

"According to what you said, the Long Xia Navy's equipment level will never be improved, and it will always be suppressed by your beautiful father and Japanese father?"

"That's bullshit computer animation. Didn't you see that Colonel Zhang stood up and said that it was a real live-fire exercise?"

"The live-fire exercise is nothing. After what the poster said, I also think that it is a computer simulation screen. Our naval equipment still has not been used. We need to reflect."

"We cannot live in sleep all the time. We have to face reality. Our naval equipment level is not as good as that of the United States, and we still have a small life."

"Zhang Zhaoxin is a big liar. Don't forget that he has deceived us several times."

"The director of the War Ignorance Bureau deserves his reputation!"


All of a sudden, the debate continued in cyberspace, almost reaching the point of making an offline fight.

This is not the truth, and it will become clearer as time goes by.

When the debate started, the enthusiasm of many pseudo-military fans quickly cooled down. They were also shaken and re-examined the recruitment video released by the Navy.

They even dug out photos of previous ships for comparison. The more they compared, the more chilled they felt.

In the past, both frigates and destroyers had a strong Soviet Union color. Even the 051C retained many Soviet weapons.

After developing to 052B, the style suddenly changed suddenly?

Is this transition too fast?

If you take too long a step, you'll be in trouble!

Soon, in a military program on a local TV station, the program team invited military intelligence experts as usual.

We responded to the hot spots that appeared online.

"Professor Wang, our naval equipment development has always been very stable."

"But why did the painting style of 052B change suddenly and become more Western-style?"

"The majority of netizens have raised doubts, saying that the 052B type was simulated by a computer, and even the exercise pictures are the same."

"What do you think of it?"

The beautiful host looked at Professor Wang sitting diagonally opposite with a professional smile on her face and asked directly.

As the host of this military program, she still puts in a lot of effort on weekdays. The Jagged Forum is naturally her main place to collect relevant information.

If a military program on a local station wants to gain ratings, it has to work hard.

As a military intelligence expert, Professor Wang can naturally tell the difference between computer simulation images and real images at a glance. In addition to the fact that the technology of this era cannot make computer virtual animations look real, it is mainly because of his daily experience. .

"Haha, that's a pretty good question."

"Let me tell you, although the last scene only lasts for more than ten seconds, it is real and not simulated by a computer."

"Don't make the images generated by computer simulations so magical. It's good for netizens to have a questioning spirit, but it's also annoying to question them randomly. It highlights his lack of knowledge and doesn't show how capable he is."

"So what I would say is, please do your research before you question anything."

Professor Wang smiled slightly, opened his mouth and started to get angry. He even felt that the people who wrote those two posts were simply mentally retarded and were looking for scolding.

Such people should be dragged out and beaten to death with sticks!

In a certain university, the guy who wrote these two posts was eating in the cafeteria. By coincidence, when he looked up, he happened to be watching this program.

He watched everything from the host's questions to Professor Wang's direct response. He was so angry that he almost spat out two ounces of blood on the spot.

Damn it.

What does this shit do?

If the TV show didn't allow it, I'd probably point my nose in it and scold my mother, right?

Question it, what’s wrong?

This is simply unreasonable!


The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. In the end, his anger burned all his sense. He stood up suddenly, picked up the dinner plate and threw it at the TV.

I don’t know if the TV was too old or for some other reason. When he smashed his dinner plate over it, he smashed the TV screen into pieces and the entire TV was completely scrapped.

The huge explosion scared many students around and even angered the cafeteria owner.

Of course, this young man suddenly realized that he didn't care about that and ran away. He didn't want to pay for the TV.

"what are you doing?"

"Catch him, don't let him get away."

"Young brat, you smashed the TV and still want to run away. What the hell, do you think I'm a big grievance?"

"Stop for me."

The canteen owner rushed over. He couldn't let this guy escape.

On the TV show.

Professor Wang is not a good person. He has always been a reflection monster.

After criticizing the video for being an animation, he didn't know how to complain. However, this didn't bother him, and soon his conversation suddenly changed.

"Host, you also saw it, this is actually a real combat scene."

"The Navy actually used live ammunition during the exercise. This obviously does not take the appointment seriously."

"Do you still remember the live-fire exercise that the Donghuang tribe had not long ago?"

"It directly led to the accident on the warship, which resulted in the death and injury of so many people."

"Our navy has not learned its lesson and is still conducting live-fire exercises. Shouldn't we reflect on it?"

"With advanced warships, we must conduct live-fire exercises. If something goes wrong, we will suffer huge losses, which we cannot afford."

Professor Wang's words directly stunned the beautiful host.

She secretly muttered in her heart, aren't warships used for fighting?

Without conducting live-fire exercises, how can we test whether warships have developed combat effectiveness?

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