I built an armada

Chapter 220 Relaxing the military ties of the Eastern Wilderness tribe

The stars move and the time passes like water.

It’s late April in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the Eagle Tribe media reported that Kumamoto Tokugawa, the chief of the Kumamoto Shogunate of the Eastern Barren Tribe, visited the Eagle Tribe and would hold talks with the chief.

Kumamoto Tokugawa led a large business and political delegation from the Eastern Barren Tribe across the Pacific Ocean on a special plane and landed firmly in the capital of the Eagle Tribe.

According to etiquette, the Eagle Tribe sent senior officer Hawk Henry to greet him at the airport in person.

Being greeted by the supreme commander of the army naturally gave everyone unlimited imagination.

People naturally think of the biggest purpose of Chief Kumamoto's visit to the Eagle Tribe.

But I'm afraid the inside story will not be publicized to the outside world.

"Welcome Chief Donghuang to visit our Eagle Tribe."

"Let's go to the Black Palace."

"The chief is already waiting for you and your party."

After Hawke Henry shook hands with Kumamoto Tokugawa and separated, he immediately turned around and made a direct gesture of invitation.

"Thank you."

After thanking him, he walked straight to the end of the red carpet and boarded the special car that had been prepared.

The brief welcome ceremony at the airport also came to an end, and the motorcade quickly left the airport and headed straight towards the Black Palace.

Sitting in the car, Kumamoto Tokugawa looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, but he had no intention of appreciating it at all. Instead, he felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. After all, he was the supreme ruler of the Donghuang tribe, and the entire family had continued for thousands of years. 's rule.

After many ups and downs, arriving at the Eagle Tribe felt like coming to worship the emperor.

The Eagle Tribe just sent people like Henry Hawke to greet them. Isn't this status too low?

Even though he had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, his face did not show it at all. Instead, it was still full of a humble smile. He had long been accustomed to it without changing his expression even when the mountain collapsed.

As the supreme ruler, he has already mastered that aura like fire and pure emotion, and can control it freely.

He knows when to be tough and when to lower his stance.

This is the Eagle Tribe, a place that can determine his life or death.

Since World War II, the Eagle Tribe has relied on its powerful force to firmly control the lifeblood of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. If a little bit of dissatisfaction is exposed, they will encounter unpredictable disasters.

In recent times, whenever someone proposes to unite with Long Xia, Beibang and other tribes, they will be liquidated immediately, ranging from losing their official position to losing their lives in the worst case.

This has happened many times and he remembers it clearly!

Because of this, he had to be extremely cautious and respectful when facing the Eagle Tribe.

Besides, they have also gained a lot of benefits from following closely behind the Eagle Tribe over the years. At least they have done a lot of things to fake the power of the tiger.

Among the tribes in the Dongzhou sea area, the Longxia tribe is undoubtedly the fastest growing and most influential. They have all become enemies that must be dealt with together.

The Eagle Tribe wants to use this to control the world and suppress the rise of the Longxia Tribe. Their Donghuang Tribe is a very good partner.

Facing the behemoth Ryusha Tribe, Kumamoto Tokugawa knew very well that without the support of the Eagle Tribe, it would be difficult to achieve his desired goals!

After driving for a while, the motorcade finally stopped at the entrance of the Black Palace.

The car door opened, and Tokugawa Kumamoto got out of the car. A flash of spotlight made him frown slightly, and he was obviously not used to it.

However, he still maintained his proper smile, got out of the car, straightened his clothes, waved hello to the reporters, and then walked into the usual office of the chief of the Eagle Tribe under the guidance of the staff. place.

The Black Palace is a place with very symbolic significance. It is also the symbolic place of the Eagle Tribe's political power and the seat of the tribe's highest power.

Entering the Black Palace has become the most competitive part of the Eagle Tribe's quadrennial chieftain election.

Every candidate will work hard and risk their lives to complete this mission and enjoy the huge benefits brought by the highest power of the Eagle Tribe.

The Great Chief of the Eagle Tribe has always been a money game for capitalists. Whoever they support will have strong competitive capital, and vice versa.

Anyway, if you don’t have money, don’t even think about becoming a chief, it’s that simple!

The so-called elections are just a trick designed by capitalists to fool the people, because they know very well that people's temporary decisions can be completely influenced by their interests.

And what they want to pursue is always to maximize their own interests!

The elected chief must serve their interests, and it is enough for them to recover ten times the capital they donated before.

Of course, they will not ask the chief to do this immediately. Anyway, each chief has four years, which is long enough for them.

The chief, wearing a black suit and blond hair, stood up from his desk and walked slowly to the door.

As the current owner of the Black Palace, he is still very aware of this etiquette when welcoming guests. Even if he is facing a tribe of younger brothers under his control, that is the same!

Like other tribes, the Eagle Tribe also established a etiquette department within the administrative department to be responsible for etiquette matters.

It is to avoid giving evidence on such trivial matters as etiquette.

"Hi, my friend, welcome to the Black Palace."

"We warmly welcome you. It's been a long and tiring journey."

As soon as he saw Kumamoto Tokugawa approaching, the chief straightened his suit, then strode forward to meet him, took the initiative to extend his hand and held it tightly with him, with a warm smile on his face.

"Hello, Chief. I'm sorry to have come from afar."

Kumamoto Tokugawa responded happily, looking up at the great chief.

There is really no way. The chief of the Eastern Barren Tribe, Kumamoto Tokugawa, is just that tall. Compared with the chief of the Eagle Tribe, he is dozens of centimeters shorter.

The Great Chief is 1.8 meters tall, while Kumamoto Tokugawa is only about 1.6 meters tall.

With a gap of more than ten centimeters, the two people standing together looked like the elder brother accompanying the younger brother, which was very funny.

"No need to disturb, come on, please come in."

"Let's go inside and talk in detail."

At the invitation of the great chief, Kumamoto Tokugawa and his party filed in.

After a courtesy visit, the group entered the underground conference hall, which was completely isolated from the outside world and had confidentiality measures in place. It was impossible for the outside world to pry.

As a troublemaker who monitors and controls other tribes all day long, Blue Star naturally understands the importance of confidentiality.

They will never allow top-secret information within their own tribe to be leaked and easily known to other tribes. For example, they have included many tribes and cities on Blue Star within the scope of nuclear strikes.

They even marked the coordinate system of the hunting target.

His purpose is naturally that once the war starts, they can easily press the nuclear button and launch mushroom eggs to destroy these urban targets, regardless of how many innocent people and civilians live in the city.

Anyway, for them, this kind of thing has never happened before.

What is the difference between killing more people and killing less people?

He also knew the nickname "Blue Star Shit Stirrer" very well.

For them, if the world is not in chaos, how can they obtain maximum benefits?

If the rest of the world is not at war, where will their arms be sold and how can they make huge profits?

After sitting down in order of priority, some pleasantries were indispensable.

After the greetings were over, the two sides immediately entered formal negotiations. Kumamoto Tokugawa knew very well that if he wanted to get the Eagle Tribe's consent to military unbundling, it would definitely not work if he did not offer enough benefits and just talked about the benefits verbally.

Because of this, he came here to lead a large business delegation.

They are responsible for various purchases in the Eagle Tribe and give away real money.

"Great Chief, the main purpose of our trip is to obtain military liberation. We need more military autonomy."

"We are your castrated watchdog in the Dongzhou waters. Now we find that the Longxia tribe navy is ready to make a move recently. They have a tendency to break through the first island chain."

"In the last encounter, they sank four Haizi ships, which directly reduced the combat effectiveness of our Eighth-Eighth Fleet by half."

"It's obvious that Longxia's navy has grown, and we need to work together to pin them to the ground."

Kumamoto Tokugawa got straight to the point. He knew the temperament of the Eagle Tribe very well. He didn't have to go through many twists and turns and just stated his needs directly.

At this moment, he was like a primary school student who was complaining to his teacher. His face was full of grievances, as if he had really been bullied by Long Xia Haijun, who beat them black and blue.

After saying that, he personally provided a report to the chief.

Regarding the rise of the Long Xia Navy, the above records in detail the last naval battle and the last fifteen seconds of the recruitment video released by the Long Xia Navy.

That's right, now this admissions video has become evidence for Kumamoto Tokugawa to accuse Ratsuka Navy.

"Great Chief, Long Xia's navy is resorting to militarism, and now they have released a recruitment video. They are clearly expanding their army to prepare for war."

"Their goal is to occupy the entire Dongzhou sea area, and they are extremely ambitious."

"We need to join forces. Yes, we will completely obey your orders and arrangements and take action against the Long Xia Navy to completely destroy them!"

"With the rise of the Longxia tribe's comprehensive national strength, their navy has become more and more arrogant."

"If we don't attack them, once they become a threat, it will take a lot of energy to deal with them."

Kumamoto Tokugawa spoke again, stating the pros and cons, and naturally wanted to demonize the Ryuuka Navy.

He knows one thing very well. The Eagle Tribe is now going all out to deal with the central region, and has assembled more than 400,000 troops to overthrow the Kayi Tribe authorities.

The war has reached a fever pitch, and the Eagle Tribe has little energy to spare to deal with Long Xia's navy.

And this is their advantage!

In the Dongzhou Sea, they are an island that cannot be moved. It is located at the starting point of the first island chain. Geographically, it is completely able to contain the Long Xia Navy and close their eastbound channel.

"I understand what you mean."

"You are right, we really need to think carefully about how to deal with the challenge of Long Xia Navy."

"It's just that our forces cannot be dispersed."

"The matter in the Dongzhou Sea area still requires you to put more effort into it."

The chief nodded slightly and responded straightforwardly. What he meant was very straightforward. He didn't have enough interests to seek military unbinding. What the hell was he thinking?

As the chief of the Eagle Tribe, he is also very clear about his own interests.

If the lion doesn't open his mouth at this time, then when will it happen?

"I have brought a very large-scale business purchasing group this time, and hundreds of billions of dollars in purchase orders will be issued."

"We will always be the watchdogs of your Eagle tribe's home and nursing home."

"We will definitely go all out for matters within the Dongzhou waters."

Kumamoto Tokugawa didn't understand what the great chief said, so he quickly responded cheerfully, and then took out a purchase list and handed it over with great respect.

That's right.

This is not a purely commercial purchase, but the price that needs to be paid to obtain military unbinding.

Seeing the list, the chief's eyes were slightly dazed, and the corners of his mouth curved in a meaningful arc.

"Very good, you are very sincere."

"Please wait a moment, I need to discuss this with my staff."

After getting the purchase list, the chief immediately stood up. With the goal in mind, Hawke Henry and others walked out of the conference hall and came to the office.

Naturally, they also need to hold a meeting to discuss it.

"What's your opinion?"

"Is the sincerity given by the Eastern Wilderness Tribe enough?"

The chief threw out the list and motioned for everyone to circulate it.

That's right, for them, military unbundling is just a pure business.

As long as the Donghuang Tribe wholeheartedly curbs the Longxia Tribe and becomes their loyal watchdog, military unbinding is completely fine. Anyway, the dog leash is in their hands.

They have completed infiltration into the entire Eastern Wilderness tribe and firmly control the tribe.

If there is any slight disturbance, they will know it immediately, and they can also take drastic measures to nip the danger in the bud.

As for the two mushroom eggs dropped during World War II, it was no big deal. If the Eastern Wasteland tribe disobeyed, they could drop a few more.

Even erasing the Eastern Wilderness tribe from Blue Star is not impossible.

If you kill a disobedient dog, you won’t feel any pain!

"Great Chief, I completely agree with this matter."

"The Long Xia Navy does not need our help at the moment. They also sold missile speedboats and non-magnetic mines to the Kayi tribe before the war. This led to the damage to one of our amphibious assault ships."

"It also caused casualties. We need to ask them for this."

"After unbinding the Donghuang tribe, we must let them work for us and completely defeat Long Xia's navy!"

"Nip the danger in the bud before they fully rise."

Hawke Henry responded directly, his words filled with murderous intent.

Before coming, he checked some information and called his staff to ask about Long Xia Navy. This made him extremely annoyed and determined to kill Long Xia Navy.

Now that the Donghuang tribe has come to your doorstep, is there any reason not to use it?

Of course, if you use them, you have to ask them to pay enough sincerity.

"Great Chief, Long Xia Navy's foreign military sales have destroyed our layout, and they should take care of it."

"Since the Donghuang tribe is seeking military liberation, then give it to them so that they can go all out to deal with the Longxia tribe and bite a piece of flesh from the Longxia tribe's body."

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