I built an armada

Chapter 243 Donghuang: Long Xia is humiliating us

With such a big event, they naturally couldn't sleep, and they were all looking forward to a good outcome.

Although they didn't know whether Donghuang Tribe Hai had any further action plans since the high-level officials had left for reconnaissance, or even launched a new round of attacks on the Longxia tribe, they were squatting under the official website of the Donghuang tribe's foreign affairs department, and from time to time Refresh to see the latest progress.

The clock struck midnight, and everyone's spirits were lifted. They hurriedly tapped their fingers on the keyboard and searched on relevant websites.

In the end, there was no bullshit news.

The netizens of the Donghuang Tribe felt as if someone had poured cold water on their foreheads, and the enthusiasm that had been ignited disappeared completely in an instant.

This night has not passed yet, and we can continue to wait.

So hope was kindled a little more.

Three o'clock.

At this time in history, the Donghuang tribe had released important news. When the bell rang, they immediately checked it on the foreign affairs department website.

As a result, nothing was found, and not a single message was updated.

Disappointment washed over them, and they stopped.

It's still dark, so you can continue to wait.

As a result, it soon arrived at five o'clock.

These netizens persevered and immediately started to inquire, wanting to know if there was any new news released.

This was the dark hour before dawn, the coldest time. They still held great enthusiasm and hope, and even silently said in their hearts that news would definitely be announced.

Who would have thought that half an hour has passed and an hour has passed.

I stayed up until six o'clock, it was already dawn, but there was no bullshit news at all.

"Baga, no news has been announced. I'm disappointed."

"What a disappointment. It's dawn. If there's no news, that's good news. It proves that our Hai Pings are acting aboveboard, unlike the Long Xia tribe, which only conducts sneak attacks and is extremely shameless!"

"That makes sense. Our Hai Zi Na is the number one in the Dongzhou sea area. It is a super powerful existence. On the other hand, I don't look down on the Long Xia Navy. They are really awesome."

"I agree with this view. We don't need to be sneaky when dealing with garbage, we can directly crush it openly."

"Hey, I just don't know if any news will come out before noon. I have been squatting all night, waiting for our foreign affairs department to announce the news."

"Why are you anxious? As long as our navy determines the accurate time of action, it will definitely be announced in time and leave, just like the previous delineation of prevention and control identification zones, and it will be done openly."

"I agree with this. It seems that I have to wait well today."

All the netizens of the Donghuang tribe are hoping that Haizi will cause trouble as soon as possible and severely humiliate the Longxia tribe.

Compared with the excitement of the Donghuang tribe netizens, the majority of Longxia netizens are very heavy-hearted. They all know that setting up an air defense identification zone is a game for powerful countries.

Donghuang Haizi did not choose to cause trouble at night and carried out sneak attacks as usual. How conceited should Haizi be?

It was clear that he was deliberately trying to undermine the mentality of the Longxia tribe so that the people of the Longxia tribe would not have to sleep all night.

The little devil is really bad.

"It's so bad, the Donghuang tribe is bullying people, I'm damned to be humiliated by them."

"I'm so frustrated. Sooner or later, I have to kill these little devils completely! They didn't take action all night, so I didn't sleep all night."

"If you don't have any sleep, go to bed early. If they dare to expand the air defense identification zone, shouldn't we also set it up? It proves that we are confident and we are not a soft persimmon at their mercy."

"Brothers, the little devils are the biggest scourge in the Dongzhou Sea. Only by completely killing them can we live a peaceful life."

"Have you not noticed that our foreign affairs department is no longer a weakling? Do they dare to be tough? What does this mean? It means that our naval strength has improved,"

"Male Gobi, you little devil, I will fight with you first. I strongly support the air defense identification zone set up by the navy patrol!"

Longxia netizens were very excited. They felt that they were the happiest generation. They finally witnessed the Longxia navy becoming more assertive, and the Longxia tribe even set up an air defense identification zone tit for tat.

This is unprecedented in decades and has epoch-making significance!

The early sun slowly climbed up and finally illuminated the eastern half of Blue Star, attracting all the eyes of the world. They all focused on the Longxia Tribe and the Donghuang Tribe.

What surprised everyone was that the Donghuang tribe did not release any news that night, and there was no announcement update on the website of the foreign affairs department.

On the contrary, a latest notice appeared on the website of Longxia’s foreign affairs department.

"Last night, which tribe's reconnaissance plane crashed in our eastern waters? For humanitarian reasons, we sent a rescue team to conduct on-site salvage and rescue operations. A total of two reconnaissance plane wreckage and two pilots were salvaged."

"The human losses were very heavy. Due to various reasons, we have only recovered some of the remains."

"People cannot be resurrected after death, and plane crashes cannot be recovered. I hope the relevant tribes will show their condolences and change!"


A series of pictures followed closely, which were photos of the Long Xia Navy salvage scene, as well as numerous aircraft wreckage, broken military certificates, and the remains of pilots.

If you identify them carefully, you can basically tell that they are the wreckage of two reconnaissance aircraft. Relevant experts will definitely be able to analyze their specific models.

One of them is still the flag of Donghuanghai on the reconnaissance plane, but it is broken and dim.

As soon as this announcement was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of the Blue Star tribe, who were always paying attention to the situation. They all went crazy.

Iron Monkey Tribe: "What do you mean?"

Non-Law Tribe: “It means I don’t understand!”

Thousand Buddha Tribe: “We didn’t understand it either.”

Ni Hard Tribe: "How could this be a reconnaissance plane from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe?"

Laxi tribe: "Damn it, my Longxia tribe is so awesome."

Before these tribes could go to the Donghuang Tribe’s Foreign Affairs Department to inquire about the situation, the Longxia Tribe’s Foreign Affairs Department issued a new announcement.

"Our tribe's navy has decided to launch a reconnaissance of our redefined air defense identification zone today!"

"Time, 12 noon."

"The location, the entire air defense identification zone, is 100 kilometers away from the coastline of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!"

"Please do not over-interpret the situation. This is a routine investigation and this type of investigation will continue in the future."

This announcement was more like a huge stone hitting the calm lake, setting off huge waves, and the entire Blue Star instantly boiled.

Damn it.

This is such an aboveboard and aboveboard investigation operation with a clear attitude.

The time, location, and even the latitude and longitude are all clearly marked, making it clear at a glance.

We told you clearly, right? That's considerate.

Also, although there is no mention of concern in these announcements from the Longxia Tribe, they are full of true feelings and great love in the world. They also ask you not to over-interpret them to avoid getting too excited.

It has to be said that in terms of who has the most conscience and humanity on Blue Star, it must be the Long Xia tribe.

How can you still play like this?

Many tribes in Blue Star have their heads split open.

After waiting for such a long time and a long night, there was no movement from the Donghuang tribe’s foreign affairs department. Instead, the Longxia tribe’s foreign affairs department issued a notice.

There were multiple updates in a row, all about Long Xia's naval operations.

Judging from the wreckage, it was obvious that the two reconnaissance planes did not fall down by themselves at all, but were shot down!


That was the Donghuang Tribe, the strongest self-defense force in the Dongzhou Sea.

Long Xia Haijun simply didn't take Hai Zi seriously.

Before everyone could analyze whether one of these announcements was true or false, an announcement was unexpectedly issued that the Long Xia Navy would conduct reconnaissance of the entire newly designated air defense identification zone.

Didn't the Eastern Wilderness Tribe say before that they would send fighter planes for reconnaissance and patrol?

Why now, it's the other way around.

All the tribes were about to explode on the spot, and each of them felt that their brains were turning to mush and there was no longer enough.

For a moment, they actually had the illusion that the Foreign Affairs Department of the Longxia Tribe had transformed into the Foreign Affairs Department of the Eagle Tribe, capable of dominating the world!

To this end, relevant tribes in the southern seas even held an emergency secret video conference.

Each representative could see panic in the other's eyes, see fear.

"Big news. The Longxia Tribe actually shot down the reconnaissance planes of the Donghuang Tribe, and they downed two of them at once. This is a complete humiliation to the Donghuang Tribe."

"The next step will be to see how the Eastern Wilderness tribe expresses its stance."

The Iron Monkey Tribe looked at the video and the representatives of the congregation couldn't wait to speak first.

"What's the current situation? Didn't Donghuang say they want to conduct an investigation during the day on the 6th? How could they do this secretly and let Long Xia's army defeat it."

"It's hard to accept. Aren't Long Xia's troops always weak and easy to bully?"

Next, the representative of the Thousand Buddha Tribe also spoke.

"Let me tell you, big brothers, we have agreed before to carve up the southern seas. I wonder if we can still do this?"

The non-green tribes are still thinking about making profits from the southern sea area. If possible, they will not hesitate to introduce large tribes from outside the area to achieve the purpose of pretending to be powerful.

No matter what, the things they care about are either stolen or snatched.

"Call the Eastern Barren Tribe and your foreign affairs department should come out to clarify the facts."

Finally, when the non-green tribe's foreign affairs department held another regular press conference, they also specifically called on the Donghuang tribe to send troops as soon as possible to knock down the Longxia tribe's arrogance.

How happy their tribes were before, how miserable they are today.

Many tribes in the East Continent are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They want to make decisions for the Donghuang tribe themselves and issue the latest announcement as soon as possible so that they can give up.

Originally, they were planning to launch a joint reaction between the north and the south to carve up the relevant interests of the Longxia tribe.

They even wanted to catch a high-ranking official of the Donghuang Tribe and question them loudly: ‘Are those announcements from the Longxia Tribe true? ’

The Long Xia tribe suddenly changed their attitude and became angry. They were really uncomfortable for a while.

Their mentality almost collapsed, and they didn't change so quickly at all.

Originally they were discussing how to divide the profits, and even started making trouble secretly, but now they are even more worried about being noticed by the Long Xia tribe.

At the same time, the phone numbers of the Donghuang Tribe’s foreign affairs department were being flooded, and there were thousands of messages on the message board on the website.

Kawaguchi Hachiro, the head of the foreign affairs department, was so worried that he was about to get angry. Even after drinking a lot of chrysanthemum tea, he could not calm down his extremely anxious mood.

Now no fewer than twenty tribal ambassadors came to inquire about his situation.

When people come up, they almost always have the same question. I heard that the two reconnaissance planes you sent broke in and were shot down by the Longxia tribe?

What does it mean to break in and be shot down?

As a result, they were invading the Longxia tribe, forcing the other party to fight back and defend themselves.

Hachiro Kawaguchi was completely stunned.

When did the Eastern Barren Tribe have its own military operations?

He, the head of the foreign affairs department, was actually kept in the dark and didn't know anything.

This is how he can engage in foreign affairs work.

For this reason, he specifically ordered his subordinates to log on to the Longxia Foreign Affairs Department website to check the situation, and the result almost made his eyes pop out.

It's really like that.

My dear mother.

This thing is so outrageous and terrifying.

He hurriedly contacted Haizi to inquire about the specific situation and confirm whether all this was true.

As a result, Haizi couldn't contact him at all, as if he had intentionally disconnected.

So, he patiently explained over and over again, and even said that we did not have any military operations in Hainan, and the announcements made by the Longxia Foreign Affairs Department were all fake, spreading rumors and causing trouble, and the pictures were even fake. .

In other words, there is no such thing at all.

The Longxia tribe is putting gold on its own face.

They came one by one, and he explained them one by one. His mouth was dry, his tongue was dry, and he was upset!

As a result, Long Xia's foreign affairs department's announcement was said to be a rumor.

The melon-eating tribes were immediately stunned.

Damn it.

We are just watching the show. Is it necessary to make it so complicated?

Have you turned things into this?

Who is real and who is fake?

The news quickly spread to the Donghuang tribe, and the people almost immediately thought it was false and a rumor.

They are the most powerful armed force in the Dongzhou Sea. The reconnaissance plane was shot down by the Longxia tribe?

How is this possible?

In other words, they simply cannot accept such a fact!

Netizens from the Donghuang tribe even left messages directly under those pictures and announcements.

"It's fake. It must be fake. I've confirmed it."

"Our foreign minister has clarified it, so can it still be true?"

"P picture, one-stop service for spreading rumors!"

When Longxia netizens saw these announcements on the foreign affairs department website, they all immediately became excited.

"Damn it, what a big news, our army is on the verge of collapse."

"I shot down two enemy reconnaissance planes. This is so crazy. I didn't expect this to be true. Happiness came so suddenly. I stayed awake all night yesterday and it was all worth it."

"The Eastern Wasteland tribe is still a dog that can't change its habit of eating shit. They just like to play sneak attacks. What happens now? Do they think they won't be killed if they come secretly?"

"They salvaged it out of humanitarianism. Damn it, this is an advanced version of murder."

"Awesome Plath, this is the Longxia Army in my eyes, this is the Longxia Foreign Affairs Department in our eyes, it should be so tough."

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