I built an armada

Chapter 259 The rebirth plan of the Varyag aircraft carrier

Although he only stayed at the Navy Headquarters for three or four days, he felt like he was going moldy.

He finally figured it out. Sure enough, he was not the type of person who works in an agency.

After being allowed to enter the chief's office, Su Dingping went straight to the desk.

"Dingping, what can you do?"

Liu Huaming stopped what he was doing, looked at Su Dingping, and asked.

"Chief, the aircraft carrier arrived in port this afternoon. I want to go and have a look on the aircraft carrier."

"Please also ask the chief for approval."

Su Dingping took a deep breath and said very seriously.

Hearing this, Liu Huaming was slightly startled, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face. He had received a report from relevant departments some time ago that the Varyag aircraft carrier had arrived today.

For the Longxia tribe, this is a big event.

"Ah, will the aircraft carrier arrive today?"

"Look at my memory, I almost forgot such an important day."

"You can come with me later."

Liu Huaming took a look at the documents to be reviewed and finally made a decision. He took Su Dingping to the dock to welcome the return of the Varyag aircraft carrier.


As long as he could board the Varyag aircraft carrier, Su Dingping felt that it didn't matter who he went with.

On the afternoon of the 9th.

On a military dock in the north, the sound of sirens kept coming and going, making it very lively.

Liu Huaming and other navy bosses were all present, and Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others were among them.

Not long after, a huge ship appeared in front of everyone, and beside it were many high-horsepower tugboats, several of which were foreign.

Under the escort of the tugboat, the outline of the giant ship became clearer and clearer, and its true appearance gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Yes, it is the Varyag aircraft carrier.

The 12-degree upturned take-off deck on the bow of the ship is extremely obvious, and the thick ship island is its most conspicuous symbol, slowly approaching the military port.

Little by little, never stopping.

It is the first aircraft carrier in the true sense of the Longxia tribe, and it is finally back.

A full half a year ahead of schedule.

Entering the harbor, everyone was shocked to find that its body was covered with rust spots, like a weather-beaten strong man, but its figure was still tall and tall, and its tendons were full of strength!

For many, it is so captivating and heart-warming.

After sailing for such a long time, the aircraft carrier finally returned, and it was destined to embark on an extraordinary path.

Many people at the scene had red eyes, and Sun Yongguo and others were in tears.

They had been working on warships all their lives in the hope that one day they could build an aircraft carrier for the Long Xia Navy, but they did not expect that it would be realized so soon.

An aircraft carrier with combat effectiveness will obviously improve the strength of the navy.

The aircraft carrier carries fighter jets, early warning aircraft, anti-submarine helicopters, electronic warfare aircraft and many other related fighters, making the aircraft carrier powerful in combat effectiveness. It can project troops remotely, perform air combat missions on the far sea, and cover its own ships.

To put it bluntly, an aircraft carrier is a mobile airport on the sea, and it is also a small mobile military base!

On the vast ocean, far away from the air support of land fighters, we can only rely on aircraft carriers to seize and maintain air and sea supremacy.

Attack air, water, as well as underwater and ground targets with fighter jets from your aircraft carrier!

In modern warfare, once air supremacy is lost, it is extremely dangerous. It will open up the enemy's airspace, and ground targets or sea targets will become living targets.

Because of this, even if some tribes are equipped with advanced surface ships, they are unwilling to use these ships to engage in head-on confrontation with aircraft carrier formations.

The fighter aircraft on the aircraft carrier provide support too quickly and can quickly form a three-dimensional attack on the target.

Today's war is no longer a single-arms operation like before, but a joint operation.

Under such circumstances, when naval ships go out in formation, they are like living targets.

With the aircraft carrier, Longxia Navy can ignore the navies of any surrounding tribes in the Dongzhou Sea. As for the first island chain, it has directly broken through.

Even if Donghuanghai has its own aircraft carrier, so what?

Once a fight breaks out, they can also be destroyed!

Everyone's eyes have never left the Varyag from the moment it appeared. Everyone's eyes widened and they just stared.

Liu Huaming's tiger eyes flashed, but in his mind, the most important link in the three-step navy strategy proposed by Su Dingping was the possession of aircraft carriers.

Build the Longxia Tribe’s own aircraft carrier fleet.

Amidst the sound of the whistle, the aircraft carrier slowly docked at the dock, and the sailors immediately established contact with the land.

"Let's go and see our aircraft carrier together!"

Liu Huaming greeted and took the lead in striding towards the spiral staircase.

The spiral staircase leads directly to the aircraft carrier deck!

Everyone involuntarily took a deep breath, took steps towards the spiral staircase, climbed up the stairs and finally stepped onto the aircraft carrier.

The moment he stepped on the deck of the Varyag aircraft carrier, all the analytical data about the ship in the Military Illustrated Forging Space instantly became visualized and fully activated.

In the past, it was just docked on the system slipway, with only an appearance. Even the internal cabins were not unlocked, but now all areas are open.

Whether it is the power cabin, hangar, or other cabins, Su Dingping can enter and exit at will and optimize the layout.

"Aircraft carrier: Varyag! Completeness (60%) Note: Upgrading is not available yet!"

"Aircraft carrier close defense weapon system technology (analysis progress 45%, analysis time 388 days), active phased array radar technology (analysis progress 43%, analysis time 612 days), aircraft carrier power system (analysis progress 70%, analysis time 244 days) days), aircraft carrier-based aircraft blocking system (analysis progress 54%, analysis time 258 days), airborne medium and short-range air defense missile system technology (analysis progress 55%, analysis time 330 days), airborne anti-submarine system technology (analysis progress 42%, analysis time 276 days)..."

Even though he has touched the real object and the analysis progress has been greatly improved. In addition, during this period of time, he has accumulated a rich technical foundation by building guided missile destroyers and frigates, but the overall analysis progress of the aircraft carrier still does not exceed 100%. Fifty.

However, among the relevant analytical data, there are still many projects that Su Dingping is more comfortable with, such as power systems, radar systems, etc., and even close-in defense systems, which he has been exposed to before.

Take the power system as an example. The steam power used in it was upgraded and transformed from the 956E.

Several heavy oil boilers can provide surging power to the aircraft carrier. The only drawback is that the aircraft carrier's boilers must not be turned off at any time. Otherwise, it will take a long time to re-ignite the power to restore power.

Unlike a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, it cannot be completely restored when the power is restored.

Even if some of the data were not ideal, Su Dingping was not depressed at all.

In the previous life, the Longxia tribe spent almost 11 years before the Varyag aircraft carrier completely restored its combat effectiveness.

The renovation, restoration, and transformation are very laborious, and many technologies are started from scratch.

But now he has greatly shortened this time.

What's more, what he obtained was not just the initial technology of the Varyag aircraft carrier, but the complete version. Once all the analysis is completed, the Varyag aircraft carrier can be upgraded.

After the upgrade, the Varyag's combat effectiveness will be more advanced and stronger than in its previous life.

In fact, the Varyag aircraft carrier is still a backward aircraft carrier according to the current world level and can almost be eliminated.

If it wants to have the ability to compete with the aircraft carriers of the White Bear Tribe and the Eagle Tribe, it can only be upgraded and transformed, and it can no longer use the technologies of its previous life.

In such a short period of time, Su Dingping had two transformation plans in his mind.

Option one is to use all upgraded new technologies during the repair process.

The disadvantage is that this plan takes longer, and the Longxia Navy obtains the aircraft carrier even later, which is inconsistent with the complex international situation faced by the navy.

Option two, after the technical analysis is completed, is to completely repair the Varyag aircraft carrier so that it has certain actual combat capabilities. The technical solution is more conservative.

One advantage is that this aircraft carrier can form combat effectiveness in the shortest time, and the Longxia Navy can possess the aircraft carrier earlier.

However, this would require the rapid construction of a second aircraft carrier with the same ski-jump takeoff.

After a short period of thinking, Su Dingping preferred the second option.

There is no way, aircraft carrier is a necessity for Longxia Navy!

Can't wait!

It is unknown how much real combat effectiveness an old aircraft carrier has left after being soaked in sea water for such a long time. Even if it is equipped with new technologies, it is just new wine in old bottles.

It simply cannot exert all the combat power it should have, and it also consumes a lot of time, which is not cost-effective.

Besides, adopting all new technologies in one step is also quite difficult for the Longxia tribe, which does not have a complete naval industrial system.

I'm afraid there will be a lot of detours along the way, which is not worth it.

In the previous life, Longxia took 11 long years. The reason may be that it needed to establish a supporting industrial system.

At present, what is the most lacking thing in Long Xia Navy?


The enemy was so powerful that Long Xia's navy had to catch up quickly.

By adopting a low-end version of technology, many previously developed technologies and experiences can be used to quickly generate the Varyag's combat effectiveness.

It is in line with the law of combat effectiveness generation if it is at the front to train aircraft carrier-based aircraft pilots and various aircraft carrier talents, and then build a new aircraft carrier and adopt new technologies.

Stroking the railing on the ship island, even though his hands were stained with a lot of rust, Sun Yongguo didn't dislike it at all. Instead, he had a silly smile on his face.

"Dingping, what do you think? Is this ship a bridegroom's officer?"

Su Dingping looked around and nodded gently: "She is our new wife, we married her back."

This ship is a big treasure for the current Long Xia Navy, but for him, it just feels like that. The aircraft carrier in his mind has a straight deck and is equipped with an electromagnetic catapult. It is best to Nuclear powered.

The tonnage reached more than 100,000!

Only this kind of aircraft carrier can shoulder the important task of Long Xia Navy's dominance of Blue Star.

At this time, Xu Dongguo walked over slowly, looked at Cheng Yiqiang and said directly: "Dean Cheng, how are your arrangements for the reconstruction plan of this aircraft carrier?"

"Report to the chief, a preliminary plan has been made."

"It's just that there are some difficulties."

Cheng Yiqiang patted the rust on his hands and responded with some embarrassment.

"What kind of problem can you tell me?"

Xu Dongguo quickly asked with concern. The Varyag was towed back not to be transformed into an entertainment venue as advertised to the outside world, but to be built into the first aircraft carrier of the Longxia Navy.

This is a precious legacy left to the Longxia tribe after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and it is also necessary for the Longxia Navy to move into the deep blue.

"First of all, the biggest problem is rust removal. Look at the whole body of the ship that is covered in rust."

"Our current rust removal process has not passed the test. I have calculated that it will take at least half a year."

"In addition, a comprehensive physical examination of the ship body is required to at least ensure that the ship can be used in our hands for another fifty years."

Cheng Yiqiang spread out his hands, which were covered with rust, and said helplessly.

Does it take less than half a year just to remove rust?

Isn't this too long?

Xu Dongguo and others had expressions of disbelief on their faces. They thought it would only take a month to eradicate them all.

Calculating this, I'm afraid it will take longer before this aircraft carrier is put into service.

"Chief, our current rust removal process mainly relies on manual polishing, which naturally takes a longer time. We are in the second echelon internationally in this regard."

"But recently, I saw a paper written by people from the Eagle Tribe. Their shipyard has used a new rust removal process. It only takes a few months to remove all the rust without damaging it. Hull."

"Unfortunately, the Eagle Tribe has imposed a technical blockade on us, and what is stated in the paper is unclear, so we cannot implement it."

The professors at the 702 Research Institute also had sad faces. They also wanted to carry out modifications immediately. However, this ship was not as dirty as it appeared on the surface. There was a lot of rust inside the hull that needed to be removed.

If the rust is not removed, subsequent modifications and upgrades will not be possible.

Previously, the 702 Research Institute was mainly responsible for the design and construction of surface ships. Naturally, they have priority when the aircraft carrier comes back.

The Eagle Tribe has implemented a global technological blockade against the Long Xia Tribe, and will not export any of its advanced weapons and equipment to Long Xia.

Because of this, all military technology needs to be tackled by oneself.

Fortunately, the Longxia tribe has established an independent military industry from the beginning. Otherwise, the follow-up would be really troublesome.

Liu Huaming on the side also frowned after hearing this.

The renewal time is too long. If the Long Xia Navy uses aircraft carriers, won't it take even longer?

Five years, ten years?

Or longer?

Originally, they still thought that the Longxia Navy would be able to possess an aircraft carrier as soon as possible, but now it seems that if they don't have one for ten or eight years, they probably can't even think about it.

Soon, Liu Huaming saw Su Dingping, who was frowning not far away.

Then he walked over and patted his shoulder gently.

"Dingping, what are you thinking about? Are you so absorbed in it?"

"Ah, nothing."

Su Dingping came back to his senses and shook his head slightly.

He can't say, Chief, this aircraft carrier takes off by ski jump, I don't like it, right?

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