I built an armada

Chapter 264 Arrogant, Donghuang demands to hand over 052D

"Just what?"

"You'd better take a look for yourself."

Shugami Tao had never seen anything so outrageous. After hesitating for a moment, he handed over a document and asked Murakami Saya to open it for himself.

Murakami Hayaki rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, reached out and took the file, opened it and started reading.

When he saw the blurry video screenshot on the first page, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Murakami Hayaki continued to read several pages in succession. The more he read, the more frightened and unbelievable he became.

"This, is this really the decoded video data?"

"is this real?"

Even after reading it three times, Murakami Saki still couldn't believe it and stared at Tao on the tree.

"General, the technical department has gone through comprehensive research and has restored it many times. This is the result."

Tianfu on the tree did not dare to hide anything and quickly made a detailed report on the situation.

He didn't believe it at first, but it was the truth and he had to admit it.

"General, what's wrong?"

Harada Hiroki, who was not far away, walked over quickly and asked curiously.

He also noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere here.

"You should also take a look."

Murakami Hayaki handed over the document.

After Harada Hiroki took it, he examined it carefully. His horrified expression was no less than that of Murakami Hayaki just now.

The picture on the document is too ridiculous, right?

"Impossible, how could this happen?"

Harada Hiroki seemed to be asking himself, but also seemed to be asking others. In short, he could not accept such a fact.

Several other high-level bosses also came over and took the documents. After looking through them for a few times, everyone had a rather strange look on their face.

The photo actually showed a warship flying the flag of the Longxia tribe. Was it the Longxia warship that launched missiles to attack the Haizi headquarters base, and finally shot down a reconnaissance plane?

Wairui, how is this possible?

After spending several nights, the technical department deciphered this result?

Murakami Hayaki didn't believe it at all. He even wondered whether there was a data confusion during the deciphering process?

You know, Haizi has also sent reconnaissance planes to patrol in the past.

Among the many flags on the warship, there are also flags similar to those of Long Xia.

In fact, let alone Murakami, almost everyone in the conference hall didn't believe it, and they all had confused expressions on their faces.

What kind of international joke are you kidding me? A warship of the Long Xia Navy can break into the East Barren Sea where the Self-Contained Self-Defense Network has laid a dragnet, and then launch multiple waves of missiles to attack the Sea Self-Processing Headquarters base only 90 kilometers away from their homeland?

is it possible?

Do you really think that those warships and fighter planes from their sea are just decorations?

No matter what happened, even if the lone ship of the Long Xia Navy was extremely lucky and finally broke in through various twists and turns, the attack would be successful.

But how did he escape?

There are twenty or thirty warships deployed in the East Barren Sea, as well as an aircraft carrier. There are even reconnaissance aircraft in the sky, and fighter jets maintain high-density cruising.

In this situation, how can you escape?

What's more, in the end, the reconnaissance aircraft was shot down with a ship-to-air missile!

Murakami Hayaki's whole body was numb, feeling like he had received a 10,000-point critical hit, but he still couldn't help but look at the photo.

He dared to pat his chest and say that among the fighters on Blue Star that are least likely to be shot down by ship-to-air missiles, reconnaissance aircraft are definitely ranked highest.

Even if Dong Huanghai goes into battle himself, it may be difficult to shoot him down 100%.

Ship-to-air attacks require not only advanced air defense missiles, but also keen radar systems.

It is best to be equipped with the Aegis system, otherwise it will be impossible to predict the trajectory of the reconnaissance aircraft.

What the Eagle Tribe can do is that their warships are equipped with active phased array radars that can search and warn the air at 360 degrees.

As for exporting it to the Longxia tribe, it is absolutely impossible.

Could it be said that Long Xia has mastered it himself?

Isn't this too scary?

Doesn't that mean that in future naval battles, surrounding tribes will not be able to send reconnaissance planes and fighter jets for support.

Carrier-based early warning aircraft, as well as helicopters and other fighter planes, could only huddle in the rear and tremble, not daring to move forward at all.

As for the use of bombers to carry out attacks, I am afraid they can only fly at high altitudes and dare not lower their altitudes to carry out bombing attacks.

After all, once the altitude is lowered, there is a high possibility of being hit by a ship-to-air missile.

Even the Longxia tribe has mastered such advanced technology. How is this possible?

How can we play with surrounding tribes?

Countless thoughts flashed through everyone's heads, but they all felt that the Longxia tribe was the most unlikely. There must be an error in the data interpretation.

It might be more reasonable for the White Bear Tribe or the Eagle Tribe to do this, and they would be able to accept it.

But they would never accept it being said that it was Long Xia Haijun who did it.

Besides, even if you give the Longxia tribe some courage, they wouldn't dare to do this, right?

Longxiaha's army and Haizi are not rivals of the same order of magnitude at all. Whether it is the quality gap of the ships or the quality of the sailors, there is a big difference.

Now it is said that they sent a lone ship that suddenly appeared in their waters without anyone noticing, and almost took the blame for the Haizi Headquarters and Base.

No one would believe it if I told it.

Do you really think they are stupid, or something?

"Shu Shang Tianfu, from now on, you will conduct a thorough investigation for me."

"Reinterpret relevant data."

Having said this, Murashita Hayaki paused and turned to look at Harada Hiroki, "You go and select a group of trustworthy technical talents within the tribe and let them interpret it under our supervision."


Seeing Murakami Hayaki's decision, Harada Hiroki turned around and took care of the matter after accepting the order.

It has to be said that his efficiency is still very high. A whole set of relevant technical personnel were in place at eight o'clock in the morning, and they immediately interpreted the salvaged memory as required.

Murakami Hayaki and a group of Haizi bosses were watching the whole process, and no one left during the whole process.

It made the technical staff very nervous.

Half an hour later, the results finally came out.

The results reported by the technicians were still the same as before, without any change.

Murakami Hayaki and others were all dumbfounded.

In the enlarged photos, there is a warship sailing at high speed on the ocean, with long white waves rising from the stern of the ship, like a missile speedboat sailing by. The flag on the top of the warship is still vaguely visible.

It is not the full flag used by warships at all, but a dragon summer totem flag.

how so?

I can't understand it at all.

“Can you still enlarge the picture?”

"Make it clearer?"

Harada Hiroki tried to ask.

The pictures I have seen so far are all a bit blurry, and I can only make out a rough outline.

Of course, this picture is naturally clearer than the picture taken by satellite.

"Report to the general, with current technology, we cannot do it."

"That's as clear as it gets."

The person in charge quickly stood up and responded with regret that they really couldn't do it.

"Okay, you guys go out."

Harada Hiroki was helpless but had no choice but to send these people away first.

The technical workers left for a long time, and everyone in the conference hall was still immersed in silence, and no one spoke.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the picture with a blue background. The blurry red on it was unusually eye-catching and dazzling, but it was also extremely heartbreaking.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressing and very strange.

This is not a question of whether they want to believe it or not, but it is completely beyond everyone's cognition.

Obviously Long Xia's navy is very weak, and the gap between the two is not only 108,000 miles, but also 7,000 or 8,000 kilometers. Why did it suddenly run in front of us in the East Barren Sea today?

It's unscientific, it's so unscientific.

Harada Hiroki had the urge to go berserk, and he even let out a painful cry in his heart: The Longxia tribe doesn't respect martial ethics.

Staying silent was definitely not an option. I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly a light flashed through Murakami's mind, and a look of horror appeared on his old face.


"Damn Long Xia Navy!"

Murakami Saya's sudden opening immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"General, what happened?"

Harada Hiroki on the side asked extremely curiously.

"Do you remember the previous accidents?"

Hearing this, Harada Hiroki suddenly frowned, obviously thinking of the strange things that had happened before.

They once dispatched an Eighth-Eight Fleet to intercept the warships exported by the Longxia Tribe to the Tesha Tribe. As a result, several ships such as the Congyun and the Shanwu were attacked and suffered heavy losses.

The Congyun was silent, and the Yamagiri and other four warships were silent one after another, which became the biggest loss in the history of the sea.

"General, are you referring to the fact that four battleships were sunk last time? And it was in the Longxia waters?"

Harada Hiroki asked quickly after a moment.

"Yes, just this time, a mysterious battleship appeared."

Murakami Hayaki took out the blurry satellite image and threw it on the conference table.

Everyone reacted immediately.

Whether it was the attack on the Congyun or the 051C that was ambushed and wiped out by the Asagiri team in the Longxia waters, so far they have not found any trace of the mysterious warship that suddenly appeared.

After using all available forces and investigating for such a long time, it can be said that there is no clue at all.

They even suspected that it was someone from the White Bear tribe who did it.

After Murakami Hayaki's reminder, everyone immediately connected what happened before and after, and soon formed a complete chain of evidence.

Everyone couldn't help but have a look of horror on their faces.

It turned out that unknowingly, they had subconsciously ignored the Longxia tribe.

"This, this is impossible, right?"

"Could it be that this battleship has been hidden in the Longxia tribe? It's just that we haven't seen it from their port."

"That's right, this warship must be causing trouble."

"It's just that I can't figure it out. Why did the Longxia tribe develop such an advanced warship? Why do we have no news at all? I'm afraid the White Bear tribe doesn't have such an advanced warship, right?"

"It's unbelievable. I still don't understand."

Faced with a series of questions raised by everyone, Shugami Tao, as an intelligence officer, was unable to provide answers at all.

"According to our intelligence, the White Bear Tribe has not equipped this type of warship. To say the least, even if they did, they would probably have deployed it in the direction of Europa."

"Besides, even if the White Bear Tribe owns such a modern destroyer, I'm afraid they won't sell it to Long Xia."

"The Eagle Tribe has a grudge against Long Xia, so naturally they will not export such advanced warships to them. Currently, the arms trade against Long Xia is under international blockade."

These well-founded words naturally silenced those who had doubts.

As neighbors separated by a strip of water, they suddenly felt that they were very unfamiliar with Long Xia, and their understanding of this tribe was not as deep as they imagined.

In fact, their espionage work on the Longxia tribe has never stopped. They have even deployed it on a large scale and collected information from all walks of life.

It can be said that the design has covered all aspects.

The Long Xia Navy seemed to be beyond their imagination.

Totally unacceptable.

The reality is too shocking!

"I have a big problem now."

"How did that warship break through our encirclement?"

Suddenly at this time, a general asked a question.

Since the Cong Yun incident and the appearance of the mysterious warship, senior commanders like them have become very cautious. This time, more than 20 warships were dispatched, and even aircraft carriers were dispatched to set up a dragnet.

As a result, another advanced warship appeared and broke through the encirclement.

"Just luck? A philosopher once said that luck only accounts for one percent."

"Then the remaining ninety-nine percent is the biggest problem."

"Does it mean that the Longxia tribe's stealth technology, electronic warfare technology and other fields are ahead of our Haizi?"

"Everyone, this is absolutely unacceptable!"

Under the gaze of everyone, the general said the remaining words.

There was a Longxia warship that was able to penetrate deep into the East Barren Sea. It was only 90 kilometers away from them, which was enough to make their hearts tremble. In the end, they successfully broke through the siege.

Then the technology used on this warship is very worthy of their cracking and research.

Such advanced warships should belong to Donghuanghaizi, not Longxia.

Everyone became eager in an instant, and their eyes were full of greed, as if the bandits must snatch the beautiful woman to become his wife. They were completely moved.

In an instant, everyone seemed to have forgotten that the Haizi headquarters base had been attacked by missiles, and they wanted to get the mysterious warship even more.

"General, such an advanced warship should belong to our navy and must be snatched."

"Since Long Xia's missile attacked us, this warship should be used as compensation."

"Yes, we must have such a warship."

Many people shouted loudly, as if they would not give up until they snatched it away.

Someone asked what to do if the Longxia tribe did not hand it over.

Harada Hiroki raised his eyebrows and said in a cold voice: "If you don't give it, then we will rob it. We have more than 20 warships in the sea, including aircraft carriers, which have been impatient for a long time. They will all press on to see if they dare to refuse. ”

"Don't forget, the Longxia coastal area is their economic center. It is porcelain and cannot withstand the baptism of war."

"If they don't agree, we'll beat them until they agree!"

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