I built an armada

Chapter 267 Long Xia’s soldiers attack to kill the Japs

As the footsteps of war got closer and closer, the atmosphere between the two tribes continued to rise.

Whether on the Internet or in reality, the Donghuang tribe was very excited after learning that the Longxia tribe was tit-for-tat.

In their eyes, the Longxia Navy was synonymous with backwardness, and the Donghuang Sea was the Nanbowan in the Dongzhou Sea.

What the Longxia Navy did was useless, like an egg hitting a stone, and it was just overestimating its own capabilities.

"I really look forward to our Maritime Self-Defense Force going out. We must defeat the Longxia Navy and let them never have a chance to resist again!"

"Hehehe, they actually challenged our Donghuang tribe. The Longxia tribe is tired of living and don't know how much weight they have. Brothers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, kill them. I strongly support you. You are the best!"

"The brains of those people in the Longxia Navy are broken by the door. They dare to go against us. This is just like turning on the light in the toilet to seek death. They are all bastards. Kill them1"

"Today I will go to cheer for my brothers in the Maritime Self-Defense Force. We must kill the Longxia Navy and destroy them!"

"It's a historical opportunity. This is a war that was first provoked by the Longxia tribe. The Maritime Self-Defense Force must fight a holy war!"

It can be said that the entire Donghuang tribe is immersed in a kind of enthusiasm for war. Their faces are full of excitement, as if they have seen the victory of the Donghuang Maritime Self-Defense Force.

On the street, many people spontaneously held parades to support the Maritime Self-Defense Force and cheer them up!

Unlike the enthusiasm and expectations of the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force, the atmosphere in the vast military fan circle of the Longxia tribe is somewhat depressing, and they are seriously lacking in information.

After all, from various information channels, the information they obtained is that the Longxia Navy is still poorly equipped.

Even if they have several advanced warships, it cannot change the final outcome of the war.

A naval battle without the participation of modern ships is destined to be a cruel naval battle, and it is also a one-sided naval battle. They can't see even a little hope of victory.

On the Tiexue forum, a post titled "Comparison of the strength of the Longxia Navy and the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force, we have no chance of winning" has the most comments and is the most representative.

Many hardcore military fans left messages on it, and the words between the lines are full of sadness and worry.

"Looking at the power comparison, my heart sank. Are we going to repeat the same mistake of defeat? God is not helping us at all. The navy has had a bad fate since its establishment."

"We have no chance of winning this time. Even if we have advanced warships, there are only one or two, which can't change the final situation at all. Why are the Japanese so cunning? They just want to completely destroy us because they see that we haven't risen yet."

"Damn bastard, I really want to die with the Japanese with a bomb. Damn, it's too bullying. They took advantage of our lack of strength to attack us. It's really damn cunning! ”

“Fuck, those damned things are still so cruel. The navy is a little impulsive this time.”

“Is there any great god who can predict whether we can defeat the Japanese in this operation and beat them to a pulp?”

“In my humble opinion, I think our navy will definitely win. Just like the last attack on the headquarters base of the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force, victory will definitely belong to us!”

“I borrow your good words from the above. I also hope that the navy can win!”

“Hope +1”

The majority of military fans are worried, and they are also silently praying in their hearts that the goddess of victory can favor the Longxia tribe and bless the Longxia navy to win.

They actually know that this is a decisive war about who will be the boss in the future of the Dongzhou Sea.

Neither the Longxia tribe nor the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force dare to take it lightly.

Especially the people of the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force, they will definitely launch a full-scale attack at all costs and try their best to fight and completely destroy the Longxia Navy!

For the Longxia Navy, it is too hasty and too dangerous to fight before it grows up.

Longxia tribe, a certain area.

The boy who had just returned from surfing the Internet returned to his home with a frustrated face. Seeing his father sitting in the living room, he walked over in a few steps and sat next to him.

"Dad, do you think we have a chance of winning this time when we go to war with the East Wasteland Sea?"

"There is a lot of worry on the Internet..."

The boy couldn't wait to speak as soon as he sat down.

"You, what did you say?"

"When will our navy go to war with the East Wasteland Sea?"

The middle-aged man reacted and interrupted his son's words with a surprised face. He has been busy with work recently, so naturally he has no time to pay attention to these dynamics.

"It was announced yesterday that the East Wasteland Sea thought that a warship of our navy attacked..."

"They asked us to hand over the warship and asked us to pay compensation, otherwise they would attack us."

"Our navy also responded tit for tat and wanted to send troops."

Then the boy hurriedly told the details, especially the East Wasteland Sea's domineering attitude, which was described in detail, and the whole person was extremely annoyed.

"This is too much!"

"Are they really bullying us, Longxia, because we have no one?"

The middle-aged man was furious, and then he explained in a very serious manner, "Son, you have grown up. You should take more responsibility for this family and help with the family affairs in the future."

"I am a veteran, and a navy soldier. Now is the time for me to return to the army."

After saying that, he patted his son's shoulder with his broad palm, then stood up neatly and entered the house. He opened the closet and tidied it briefly, picked up his old military uniform and walked out of the house.

It wasn't until he heard the door slamming that the young man woke up from the shock. This was the first time he knew that his father was actually a navy.

He hurriedly took the keys and rushed out, finally catching up with his father downstairs.

"Dad, go ahead. Mom and I will guard this home and wait for your triumphant return."

"In the future, I also want to be a navy!"

The young man rushed forward and hugged his father tightly. After a while, he pushed him away, took two steps back, and responded in an extremely serious manner.

At this moment, the boy grew up and knew that soldiers should go to the battlefield, so he did not stop him!

"Okay, okay."

A gratified smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, and then he turned around and left resolutely, embarking on a journey to the Northern Fleet.

On the morning of the 11th.

The veterans closest to the naval bases all came, and they crowded in the square outside the base. Everyone was wearing sailor uniforms from different periods.

The only thing that is the same is that these military uniforms are extremely clean and tidy. They still look so straight and majestic when they wear them. They seem to have recovered those things that were buried by the years and have become a real soldier again. veteran.

Those veterans who are far away are still on the road.

Northern Fleet, Qindao Northern Fleet Base.

Xu Dongguo personally commanded the battle. He stood on the pier in military uniform and looked at the tall and powerful warships docked in the military port. His heart surged for a moment.

6 052C, 2 052B, plus several frigates, as well as a large number of small and medium-sized ships.

As for 052D, as a rare soldier, it did not stop here and appear in public view, but had already set off early under the cover of night.

Warships like the 051C were not sent out. They performed the important task of guarding the military port and offshore waters to prevent the little devils from making sneak attacks.

"Report to the commander, the entire army has been assembled, please give instructions."

The chief of staff came straight to Xu Dongguo and gave a sonorous report.

Xu Dongguo's tiger eyes scanned all the sailors and nodded slightly, but his heart was filled with blood.

In the past, I was beaten by the enemy at the door of my house, and it was also at this place that I ended up with the entire army annihilated and many ships sunk as the price of a disastrous defeat.

But now, Long Xia's navy can finally stand tall and head out to sea to fight the enemy.

They can finally engage in a hearty maritime war and block the enemy from the country!

The navy is no longer the Wu Xia Amon of yesterday. Equipped with many new warships, the navy has now achieved a take-off in military strength.


Xu Dongguo let out a long breath, his voice raised to an octave, and his rough voice surged over the dock.


As soon as the voice fell, all the sailors immediately stood at attention and waited for mobilization before the war.

"I will not do any pre-war mobilization today because I know that I have seen from your faces that you do not need pre-war mobilization. You are already full of fighting spirit to go into battle and kill the enemy."

"In the past, our navy did not have advanced equipment, so we could only swallow our anger and be a turtle grandson. But today, our navy will show its sword and show the bloody spirit of our Longxia soldiers!"

"In a word, as long as Donghuanghai dares to fire the first shot, we will completely eliminate them. If we don't hit the little devil's homeland, we will never withdraw our troops without paying money!"

"Go to war!"

As soon as the order was issued, the sailors immediately ran and boarded their respective ships under the leadership of their respective captains.


Five minutes later, the whistle sounded neatly and the whole army set off.

The warships filed out of the harbor in a mighty manner, like dragons swimming into the sea, majestic and domineering!

At this moment, more and more people gathered in the square at the entrance of the base, and it was a large and chaotic area.

They are men and women, old and young.

Except for some nearby people, most of them are veterans from various places.

They all walked out of the military camp and returned home from here, starting their lives as civilians, and today they gathered here for the first time.

These people lined up neatly and stood upright!

There were leaders at the front of the team. They came together to the soldiers standing guard at the door and saluted in unison, still in uniform order.

"Comrade, what do you do?"

"This is a military base."

The soldier went through the procedures and asked politely after the ceremony.

"This little comrade, we are all veterans and we are here to support you."

The leading middle-aged man quickly told the truth, and then pointed to the people behind him, "They are all the same as us. We want to go to the battlefield and fight against the little devils."

"We only need a little training before we can sail the battleship."

Hearing this, the light in the soldier's eyes suddenly shook, and blood surged all over his body. He was really moved by the veterans in front of him.

It turns out that these veterans have never forgotten for a moment that if there is a war, they will be called back. They will go back without recruiting!

This is the veteran of Long Xia!

Just those little devils, how can they be so arrogant?

"Veteran, you are all good. Thank you very much for coming back, but I still can't let you in."

"I'm very sorry!"

The guard company commander who came out at this time glanced at the veterans and responded with a serious face.

Not everyone can enter a military base, even if returning veterans don't notify them.

The middle-aged man was very understanding and had no intention of intruding.

"It doesn't matter. We are all soldiers and can understand."

"We'll wait here."

Having said this, the middle-aged man turned to look at his comrades and said loudly, "Brothers, let's not be in a hurry. I hope the Navy will never need us."

"Because this means that our brothers who went on the expedition have finished their work and achieved an unprecedented victory."

"We have to believe them!"

But then the conversation suddenly changed and the tone became more serious.

"Brothers, if we are ever needed, are you afraid of death?"

"Tell me loudly now!"

The veterans, who were lined up neatly, suddenly shivered and stood up straighter.

"Don't be afraid!"

The extremely sonorous and powerful response shook the world, and the heroic spirit soared to the sky!

That's right, none of them are afraid of death.

If they were afraid of death, they would not come here. This was decided by the blood of Longxia soldiers flowing through them.

What's more, this is beating up a little devil.

That is the awakening of the bloodline buried in the body.

"I never thought about going back alive. What the hell, isn't it just a death? I will give up my life for Long Xia."

"Before I went out, I told you that I had nothing to worry about. It would be even better if I could go back with meritorious service."

"This is a fight against a little devil, do you need to be afraid? I want to ride to Tokyo!"

All the veterans expressed their feelings and determination one by one!

The guard company commander's blood boiled when he heard this. This is Long Xia's veteran. They are not afraid of death. Such Long Xia will never perish!

"Very good, now spread out and sit on the roadside in separate groups. Don't block the road."

"Let's wait for the sailors' triumphant return together!"

Following the middle-aged man's order, the veterans sat on the roadside and cleared the road according to their classes.

Now is the time of war. The road at the entrance of the military base is the logistics support road and must be kept open at all times. Everyone knows it well.

The crowd saw this scene and came over.

"Brother, do you think we can win?"

"Donghuanghai has its own aircraft carrier fleet and also has the technical support of the Eagle Tribe."

"In the Dongzhou sea area, Donghuanghai has always been ranked first. They even threatened that a fleet of eight or eight would destroy the three major fleets of our navy. Our navy is still too weak."

The people are pessimistic. The more they know about Donghuanghai's own strength, the more worried they become.

"Isn't it just an aircraft carrier? So what if it ranks first?"

"Are we still afraid of them? A few years ago, our navy was not afraid of them, and we are even less afraid of them today, and we will eliminate them outside the country!"

"Keep your hearts in mind. Our navy must have relevant arrangements. Trust the commander, they will not fight an unprepared battle."

"Taking a step back, if the front line is exhausted, there is still a reserve team. If the reserve team is exhausted, there are still us veterans who are pushing to retire."

"Even if our Longxia soldiers die in battle, we will never let the little devil step into our territorial waters again!"

The leading middle-aged man walked out slowly and responded sonorously.

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