I built an armada

Chapter 270 Dongzhou Sea becomes the biggest powder keg

"Of course. When did you have such advanced warships?"

Karl's words came out like a barrage of words, and his saliva came out.

His meaning is very clear. If you do this, you must report it. You must also notify them when developing advanced weapons and equipment. Otherwise, it is a violation and must be sanctioned.

After all the shameless reporting, do you, the Longxia Tribe, still take our Blue Star boss seriously?


No face at all!

How can we be embarrassed by this?

Don’t we need to save face?

The next second I saw Josh, the representative of the Longxia Tribe, pick up the relevant information he had obtained before and glance at it, his eyes full of disdain and contempt.

“Fellow representatives, do you believe these so-called evidences?”

Josh first asked everyone a question, and then he said, "Everyone must be aware of the strength of our Longxia Navy. We only have dozens of small broken ships. Please protect your rights and interests from any infringement."

Having said this, he picked up a few more pictures of the active warships of the Longxia Navy. All of them were old ships that had not been updated for more than ten or twenty years.

Of course, this is also the appearance of the Long Xia Navy that everyone is familiar with.

"Representatives, this is the ship of our navy. Do you think that such a small broken ship can break through the layers of blockade in the East Desert Sea and reach a place only 90 kilometers away from their coastline, and then launch an attack?"

"If it is really done, then I want to ask, is the strength of Haizi really the best in Dongzhou? Is it so vulnerable, or does it mean that the representative of Donghuang has treated everyone from top to bottom of Donghuang Hai as a loser, a straw bag ?”

As soon as this statement came out, the representatives immediately started talking, and they all agreed with Long Xia's representative Josh's rebuttal.

Their eyes changed when they looked at the Donghuang representative not far away.

Slander, this is definitely slander.

Isn't it a big joke that Long Xia Navy can break through the defense line of the East Barren Sea with just a few broken ships?

As for Long Xia's navy attacking the headquarters base of Donghuanghai, that is even more impossible!

If the Eastern Wasteland tribe concocted this so-called evidence, then their motives are very questionable.

"So, I want to ask the representative of Donghuang."

Half a minute later, after everyone had digested the content, Josh spoke again, pointed at Yukio Kojima not far away, and asked loudly,

"The ambition of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe is obvious. They have evil plans against our Eastern Wilderness Tribe. They want to launch another invasion against us. They rashly set the air defense identification zone 120 nautical miles away from our coastline. This is the best proof."

"Shameful little tricks are often made. Is this the work of a villain from the Donghuang tribe?"

"Now you just take a blurry photo and blame us and throw dirty water on our navy. Do you still have the face?"

"Where is your sense of etiquette, justice and shame? Do you, the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, act just like this?"

Josh immediately turned on the chatter mode and spat out his words like crazy. He had never been afraid of anyone getting sued for this kind of chatter.

"Yukio Kojima, I feel extremely ashamed to have a meeting with you under the same roof."

"What kind of medicine did your Eastern Wilderness tribe take that made you do such a crazy thing?"

Yukio Kojima was so angry that his alveoli almost exploded, and his eyes were filled with majestic anger. He pointed at Josh without saying a word for a long time.

This scene lasted for half a minute before he suppressed the urge to stab Josh and allowed himself to regain some sense.

"You, you are spitting blood and confusing right and wrong!"

"Secretary-General, and other representatives, we are not talking nonsense, this is what Longxia Navy did!"

Not only representatives from other tribes could not stand hearing such a feeble excuse, but even Karl from the Eagle Tribe could not stand it.

Comparing the photos and what they learned about the level of Ryuuka's navy, they simply did not believe what Yukio Kojima said.

There is no need for any explanation for the fact that the level of Long Xia Navy cannot be improved. After all, everyone knows that it is caused by the collective technical blockade of the Western Tribe Alliance headed by the Eagle Tribe.

Karl knew this very well.

But today, Yukio Kojima took out such a blurry photo and said it was the latest warship of the Ratsuka Navy. Who can believe this?

By the way, if we are looking for an excuse to launch the annihilation of Long Xia Navy and ensure Hai Zi's position as the strongest force in Dongzhou waters, can't we find a clearer photo?

The Donghuang Tribe has never lacked senior graphics staff.

Your doing this has put our Eagle Tribe in a very difficult position. How can we speak for you and accuse the Longxia Tribe?

While the meeting was in full swing, the vast sea area east of Longxia.

On the high seas, after some sailing, the ships from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe have arrived here, and dozens of ships have spread out in battle formations.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will definitely find that these ships are well-proportioned, the large and small ships are reasonably matched, and the arrangement is very appropriate.

There are missile speedboats cruising at high speed all around, watching eagerly.

"Reporting to the general, our formation has successfully arrived at the scheduled sea area and is ready to attack."

"Please advise."

In the main control room of the Haruna-class aircraft carrier, Captain and formation commander Taro Kishida confirmed the specific location, then turned on the communicator to report the specific situation, sonorous and powerful, full of desire to fight.

At this moment, he wished that the Long Xia Navy would appear on the opposite side immediately. In this way, they could completely defeat the opponent and gain a superior battlefield position.

Now that they arrive early, they can prepare for battle in advance!

"Very good, just follow plan No. 1."

"Once a ship related to the Long Xia Navy is discovered, I must sink it. I want to make it famous."

"This battle of yours is to demonstrate my majesty in the Eastern Wild Sea!"

On the other end of the communicator, Murakami Hayaki was very happy and arranged in a loud voice that everything was moving forward as he expected. The warships from the East Barren Sea were indeed advanced and arrived so quickly.

On the contrary, Long Xia's navy has not reached the target area so far.

It can only prove that the ships of Long Xia Navy are really noobs. For Donghuanghai, destroying them is as easy as picking something out of a bag.

"Hey, we must follow the combat plan."

After Taro Kishida hung up the communicator, he sat on the captain's throne and looked at the ocean in the distance with a telescope, but still found no trace of the Ryusha naval vessel.

"Radar soldiers, sonar soldiers, keep me on the highest alert."

"Turn on all radars and sonar. Keep an eye on this sea area. If you find any trace of Long Xia's navy, report it immediately."

"I will work hard to completely eliminate the Long Xia Navy!"

After taking a sip of strong coffee to refresh himself, Taro Kishida gave the order directly.

Even though Donghuanghai is already very strong and they have taken the lead, he still dare not take it lightly. After all, he is also a commander who has been well-trained by West Point Military Academy and has rich combat experience.

The more critical this situation is, the less likely we are to be careless and turn the opportunity into a crisis!


The sonar and radar departments immediately took orders.

Radar and sonar, one is used to deal with air and ships, and the other is used to deal with submarines. Both are the eyes of the ship and are the most critical departments of the ship.

At the same time, on the other side.

Related ships of the Long Xia Navy are also on their way to the high seas.

It's not that these ships are slow, it actually takes a certain amount of time to dispatch warships. Under the leadership of Captain Cao Youren, these ships came in a mighty manner.

The long-range warning radar was turned on all the way, and all the warships entered the first-level combat deployment from the moment they left the military port, searching and moving forward.

At the same time, military satellites in space also maintain surveillance of the battlefield and transmit the latest battlefield data at all times.

"I didn't expect that Donghuanghai would be more anxious than us."

Seeing that the satellite image showed that many ships in the East Desert Sea were getting closer and closer to the battlefield, a cold light flashed in Cao Youren's eyes, and blood rushed through his body.

Like many of the crew, he was ready for battle.

"Pass the order and continue sailing at high speed."

"Everyone is ready for battle. Once the enemy sees the first shot, let them disappear into the sea forever."

Cao Youren took a deep breath and directly issued the combat order.

That's right, he has already delegated the right to fire. As long as the enemy dares to fire the first shot, they will have the right to fight back. All kinds of missiles will hit these warships in the East Desert Sea crazily.


Everyone responded very simply.

Their speed is a bit slower, but they are ready to kill with one strike. All missile launchers have opened their hatches and the firing system has been unlocked.

With just one order, commanders at all levels can press the fire button as soon as possible to give the enemy a head-on blow!

On the other side, Qian Wenbing of the Southern Fleet has entered the command center, and advanced warships such as 956E and 051C have also been secretly dispatched.

They all sailed to the relevant sea areas to prepare for battle.

The wealthy wolves and tigers in the southern sea area are surrounded by tigers and leopards, and the wolf's ambition is obvious. He has already learned about it through the relevant intelligence system.

Whether it is the Iron Monkey Tribe, the Feilu Tribe, or other tribes, as long as they dare to take the lead, they will resolutely attack them head-on.

Those small tribes still want to seize more interests in the southern sea while Longxia Navy and Donghuanghai are at war. That is a dream!

Do you really think the Longxia tribe is easy to bully?

"Order that all participating ships and relevant troops enter a state of first-level combat readiness."

"Once you discover that the enemy has evil intentions, you can open fire immediately and resolutely eliminate them."

"I will bear all the consequences!"

"You guys should spank me freely, and spank me hard!"

Qian Wenbing picked up the communicator and ordered in his unique rough voice.

The Longxia tribe's maritime area is very large, covering more than three million square kilometers, but not a single inch is redundant. These surrounding gangsters still want to take advantage of it, and this time they will have their front teeth broken!

Beijing, Navy Headquarters Command Center.

Relevant information is constantly being collected here, and Liu Huaming personally takes command and leads the overall situation.

He has even informed the Air Force and Army in advance that if necessary, the two major arms and the missile force will go into battle.

Since Donghuanghai wants to completely wipe out the Longxia Navy in one battle, they will burn the war on the Donghuang tribe itself and make it the main battlefield.

Let’s settle old and new grudges together!

Let all tribes in Blue Star know that Long Xia is definitely not someone to be slaughtered. Gone are the days when the enemy tried to intimidate Long Xia with just a few warships!

"Report, everything is progressing in an orderly manner."

"Our fleet is ready for battle and can give the enemy a hard blow at any time!"

After checking all the news, the staff officer took a few steps to Liu Huaming and reported the report truthfully.


"Continue to monitor the entire Eastern Wilderness tribe, especially those bases in the southwest. I will keep a close eye on them."

"Once they make any changes, ask the missile force to carry out the clearance mission as planned."

Liu Huaming nodded expressionlessly and then ordered.

In recent times, the Donghuang tribe has continuously strengthened the defense work in the southwest region and built numerous sea and air military bases in an attempt to block Long Xia's various routes to the Pacific Ocean.

There is nothing in peacetime, but once it enters wartime, these bases will become a roadblock.

Since the East Barren Sea started the war, they will expand the scale of the war, knock out these places in one go, clear Long Xia's access to the sea, and completely abolish the shackles of the first island chain!

"Yes! Chief."

The chief of staff took the order and left, entering a tense and busy state again.

At the same time, the conference hall of the Blue Star Alliance headquarters.

Even though it was already eight o'clock in the evening, the emergency meeting was still going on.

Among the five major hooligans, the Eagle Tribe proclaims itself the president, while the White Bear Tribe, Longxia Tribe, Gaul Chicken Tribe, and the Sun Never Sets Tribe all serve as vice-presidents.

Karl glanced at the White Bear Tribe representative not far to the right, and then asked,

"What do you think of this?"

The representative of the White Bear Tribe said immediately: "This is something you can figure out with your toenails. The Donghuang Tribe wants to take advantage of Longxia's navy before it rises to completely eliminate them and occupy the entire Longxia territorial sea. It is even possible A new round of landing operations will be launched.”

"Such lame reasons have happened in history."

Speaking of this, he also gave Karl a meaningful look, and the meaning was self-evident.

That is your watchdog, who has learned your tricks.


Karl coughed twice in embarrassment, and then looked at the representatives of the Sun Never Sets and Gallic Chicken tribes.

"What do you two think?"

As soon as the words fell, the Sun Never Sets representative immediately said: "This reason for starting a war is very far-fetched. We do not agree with the Donghuang tribe sending troops to attack the Longxia tribe."

"Yukio Kojima, you have done it."

"You are too bad for even deceiving us. Please collect sufficient evidence next time."

"have you understood?"

The Gallic chicken representative said with a gloomy face and a little unhappy.

Holding an emergency meeting at such a late night is just looking for trouble. It's pretty good that we didn't join forces with Long Xia to beat you up.

Among the five major gangsters, four major gangsters already disagreed, and they all sided with the Longxia tribe and accused the Donghuang tribe of not producing relevant evidence. This made Yukio Kojima almost self-destruct on the spot.

Doesn't this call them shameless?

Even if they don’t even need a fig leaf, where can they go to reason?

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