I built an armada

Chapter 274 Shocking, the youngest colonel in history is born

The crew members are also very aware that the officers on the ship are all in a state of mania, so naturally no one has the brains to touch that brow.

They all chose to remain silent one by one, not daring to complain at all and just sticking to their posts silently.

"Those damn bastards actually want to interfere in our affairs. They all stand and talk without pain."

"Bagayalu, no one of their own was killed or injured, yet they are shouting and dictating our affairs. What qualifications do they have, bastards!"

"They are all beasts, bastards, our Amaterasu will kill them!"

After flicking the cigarette butt hard, Taro Kishida once again started the hysterical cursing mode. Almost all representatives of the tribes of the Blue Star Alliance were cursed by him.

If those representatives were here, they would definitely be so angry that they would vomit blood and would definitely start a fight with him.

Even though it was very unpleasant to hear, the vice-captain on the side would still say a few words of comfort from time to time.

"Captain, we still have a chance, but the results haven't come out yet."

"We will definitely fight today's battle."

"Long Xia's navy is no match for us, we can completely destroy them!"

"We are the strongest maritime force in Dongzhou waters."

Hearing this, Taro Kishida didn't respond at all, he just smoked his cigar fiercely.

This habit of his was developed when he was studying at the Eagle Tribe's West Point Military Academy. Since he wanted to integrate into the Eagle Tribe's combat system and be a good watchdog, he naturally had to learn these things.

But in private, he never smoked cigars and still maintained the habit of drinking tea.

That's right, he doesn't want to be a watchdog for the rest of his life!

Because of this, he became so manic and restless, as if he had rabies.

"Report to the captain, the general wants to speak with you personally."

Suddenly at this moment, the communications soldier walked over quickly, holding a communicator microphone in his hand, and loudly reported the report.

Taro Kishida was slightly startled, then hurriedly inserted the cigar into the ashtray, then took the microphone, walked quickly to the communicator and sat down.

"General, I am Taro Kishida."

"Can we open fire on Long Xia's navy?"

Before the people over there could speak, Taro Kishida hurriedly said, "That's right, he couldn't wait any longer. He subconsciously thought that the other party had issued a combat order."

"Kishida Taro, shut up!"

"Listen to the order first!"

It was obvious that the person on the other end of the communicator was unhappy about being robbed, and shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing this tone, Kishida Taro's heart skipped a beat, and he had a very ominous premonition.

"According to the latest resolution of the Blue Star Alliance, we have decided to withdraw our troops after careful consideration."

Soon the order was transmitted to Kishida Taro's ears through the microphone. The vibration made his head buzz, his body was shaky, and his whole person became very uncomfortable.

"Sir, I, I didn't hear you clearly, please repeat it again."

In just a moment, Taro Kishida hurriedly asked for confirmation again.

Harada Hiroki on the other end of the communicator let out a long sigh, but could only repeat the order.

"Why, why is this happening?"

Taro Kishida was completely dumbfounded. After waiting for so long, he finally waited for this?

Do you want to be so crazy?

At this moment, he began to doubt his life. It turned out that all those so-called allies were full of nonsense. They fell out of control at the critical moment and did not help them.

Even the master of the Eagle Tribe abandoned them and instead sided with the Longxia Tribe.

I've already sharpened the knife, loaded the bullet, powered the missile, and am waiting for the order to fire.

Suddenly this happened?

At a distance of 50 kilometers, the other party has no chance to escape.

Such a good opportunity was wasted?

Just watch the ships of Long Xia Navy escape from the jaws of death?

Suddenly, blood surged in his body.

His whole body was shaking with anger.

He has never experienced such a frustrating time. After waiting for several hours, this is what happened?

If I had known earlier, I would have opened fire directly.

At worst, it would be better to go back and be punished than to be as aggrieved as now, right?

"This battle can't be fought."

"Two-thirds of the representatives of the Blue Star Alliance voted against our attack on the Longxia Tribe, including the Eagle Tribe..."

"Okay, let's execute the order. We'll talk about everything when we get back."

Harada Hiroki took a deep breath and reluctantly explained the reason in detail. This was already an exception.

When orders are given in normal times, subordinates only need to carry them out unconditionally.

How could these high-level officials explain the reasons for an order?

If you explain everything, how can you achieve the prohibition?

If you don't understand the order, wait until it is executed, and then go to the Haizi Headquarters to seek answers to your questions.

"Aren't the Eagle Tribe, the Sun Never Sets and other tribes all our allies? Why don't they support us? We have killed and injured so many people, and they all turn a blind eye. They are all bastards!"

“Their consciences were eaten by dogs!”

Taro Kishida couldn't help but cursed directly, and his whole body was about to explode on the spot.

"Excuting an order!"

"Violators will be subject to military law!"

Harada Hiroki no longer wanted to hear Kishida Taro continue to talk, so he shouted loudly.


Taro Kishida was slightly startled, then quickly stood up straight and took the order.

The next second, a real busy signal came from the communicator. It was obvious that the headquarters was disconnected.


Taro Kishida slammed the microphone on the iron plate. In an instant, the extremely sturdy microphone was smashed to pieces. He even started the mode of spitting feces from his mouth, and even scolded the representatives of the tribes headed by the Eagle Tribe. Bloody head.

Almost the entire main control room was filled with curses, and his saliva sprayed on many panels.

He really didn't want to issue this order to all the ships participating in the battle. He could even imagine the furious expressions of the captains after receiving this bastard order.

At this moment, everyone in the main control room was unwilling, but also full of helplessness. They had to carry out the order after all.

This is equivalent to Haizi retreating on its own at a critical moment.

Originally, they had everything ready, all the safety guards were turned on, and their fingers were already on the firing button. All they needed was a firing order.

"Captain, give the order."

"We cannot drag the entire Eastern Wilderness tribe into punishment for taking unauthorized actions."

"Obviously the Eagle Tribe doesn't want us to take action now. They are busy with the war in the central region and have no time to spare."

The deputy captain naturally heard the order, and seeing that Taro Kishida was done venting, he quickly stepped forward to persuade him. At this point, they could only accept such a result helplessly.

He could see that Taro Kishida really didn't want to issue a retreat order.

But once they take the initiative to provoke a war, the consequences will not be something they can bear.

"Bagaya road!"

"Assholes, they are all bastards, sons of bitches."

"When we settle the relationship, we must regain our position and completely eliminate the Long Xia Navy!"

"If you challenge Donghuang Haizi, you will have to pay a price!"

Cursing fiercely, Taro Kishida suppressed his raging anger and picked up the microphone he had just replaced.

"All warships participating in the battle obey orders."

"This is not a drill, this is an order to retreat."

"After receiving the order, the ships will organize their retreat in an orderly manner and withdraw from the battlefield!"

"Those who disobey orders will be subject to military law!"

After taking a deep breath and organizing his words, Taro Kishida issued the latest order very unhappily.

After the order was given, Taro Kishida felt like a deflated ball. He collapsed on the ground in a dejected manner, looking completely helpless.

All the battle plans and revenge plans he had conceived came to nothing.

It's because of the opposition of the Eagle Tribe!

Go to hell!

As soon as the retreat order was given, there was a commotion among the ships participating in the battle in the East Barren Sea.

Damn it.

What does this mean?

They are all ready and have entered their positions. They have set up their offensive posture and only need to give an order. All the powered anti-ship missiles can be launched and hit the head of Longxia Navy.

Where did all the trouble come from when it was decided in one fell swoop?

Now they are actually being asked to retreat.

Then they go to all the trouble of staging a confrontation here, does it have a purpose?

Is it just that they are wasting their energy and despising them for not being busy enough or embarrassing enough?

Even though there were complaints and curses, most captains still carried out orders honestly.

The consequences of engaging in military law are too serious. They don't want to lose their lives for it. Doesn't it feel good to be alive?

On the other side, Long Xia Fleet.

In the main control room of the 052C flagship, Cao Youren has been squatting in front of the operating system, watching the changes on the situation map and watching every move of the warships in the East Desert Sea.

He has also made preparations. All long-range anti-ship missiles are powered on, and the hatches of the vertical launch systems of anti-aircraft missiles have been opened, making preparations for interception.

He knew very well that all the main battleships of Donghuanghai were concentrated on the opposite side.

Once a fight breaks out, it will definitely be a vicious battle.

The tension was high before the war. The slightest disturbance would immediately trigger a fierce conflict between the two sides. A modern naval battle would be inevitable.

But as time passed by, everyone's tense nerves gradually relaxed.

"Report to the captain, the chief is on the phone."

At this time, the communications corps transferred Xu Dongguo's communication requirements.

"Reporting to the chief, I am Cao Youren, please give me instructions."

Cao Youren quickly answered. The latest order was coming. Is it going to change the passive defense?

"The latest order, the task of intercepting the East Barren Sea at sea has been cancelled."

"After the Donghuanghai fleet retreats, each ship can retreat in an orderly manner according to the predetermined plan, but enough power must be left for warning to prevent the crazy actions of the little devil."

Xu Dongguo's extremely clear voice came from the microphone, sonorous and powerful.

Upon hearing this, Cao Youren froze on the spot.

Canceled the mission to fight against the Japs?

They had already laid out the food, and the enemy had already arrived at the table and sat down. Just waiting for the order, everyone started to cook frantically. As a result, the entire table of food was removed, and then the banquet was announced to be cancelled.

Damn it.

Do you want to mess with people like this?

They are all ready to have a feast at the banquet. Everyone is full of energy and ready to make achievements.

As a result, the task is gone.

"If you have any complaints, let's wait until we get back to the base."

"Follow the order."

Xu Dongguo gave the order simply and immediately hung up the call.

"Yes, execute the order."

Cao Youren, who came back to his senses, quickly took the order.

Even though the communication has been cut off, his mood is still not calm. Is the chance to make a good contribution just gone?

The little devil would actually choose to retreat?

There's something weird about this.

However, Xu Dongguo also reminded that the kid might jump over the wall and play sneak attacks, so naturally he couldn't take it lightly.

After watching the radar screen carefully for a while, he found that some enemy ships were already turning back, but he did not issue a retreat order. On the contrary, he picked up the communicator.

"Each ship pays close attention to the enemy's movements. Once an enemy ship is discovered to be firing, it can retaliate according to the plan."

"No need to ask for permission."

Since the little devil is unwilling to give in, he will never give the order to retreat before the enemy has completely retreated.

He didn't want to have all the ships withdraw their troops and return to camp after he gave the order to retreat, only for the Japs to suddenly launch an attack and catch them off guard.

Anyway, Xu Dongguo never said that he would return immediately after receiving the order, but specifically reminded him just in case.

At the same time, in the capital, in the small auditorium of the Navy Headquarters.

Xu Dongguo, who had retired from the command post, had arrived here by helicopter, entered the auditorium, and sat with Qian Wenbing, Xiao Chongjun and others.

The red flag was flying in the auditorium, solemnly.

This was a closed event, with no other participants except Navy personnel.

There was not even a banner hanging at the front desk of the auditorium to indicate what kind of event this was.

Qian Wenbing personally presided over the ceremony.

"Today we held a rally to award Comrade Su Dingping with the honor of being promoted to the rank of colonel and receiving first-class merit."

"Start now."

As the words fell, military music sounded.

To the rhythm of military music, Su Dingping, dressed in navy uniform, slowly walked up to the stage and stood in front of the stage.

Xu Dongguo immediately stood up from his seat, came to Su Dingping, saluted, shook hands, and congratulated him neatly.

"Congratulations, Comrade Su Dingping."

"From now on, you will be the captain of our navy."

"The current situation is special and we cannot publicly reward you. Please understand."

"Thank you very much for bringing many cutting-edge equipment to the Navy and making an indelible contribution to the improvement of the Navy's strength."

Su Dingping didn't care much about these things, so it didn't matter to him whether it was made public or not. Anyway, he never wanted to live a high-profile life.

"Thank you, chief. Thank you for your concern and love."

Su Dingping simply saluted, then took a step forward and let Xu Dongguo personally receive the bouquet and the first-class merit medal on his body.

Seeing the golden medal, he felt an unprecedented sense of responsibility.

That was the sense of mission to build more advanced warships for Longxia Navy. He secretly vowed to make Longxia Navy realize the three-step strategy as soon as possible and become the leading force of Blue Star.

After commending Su Dingping, it was announced that Zhou Qinglei and the sailors from the previous 052D ship had received first-class collective merit.

Since I didn’t come to participate, I will naturally make up for it next time.

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