I built an armada

Chapter 281 Full March to the Eastern Wilderness Sea

"Hahaha, that's awesome. Our 052D really dares to attack the Japanese aircraft carrier head-on."

"He also directly pressed down on the enemy and shot him down as soon as he took off. This tactic is really powerful."

"I heard before that the 052D broke into the East Barren Sea and got right in front of the enemy's nose. They killed them back and forth and nothing happened. I thought it was a bit exaggerated."

"Now it seems that that is not an exaggeration at all, and it also belittles the performance of 052D."

"Going around behind the enemy's buttocks, what a strong psychological quality this must have."

Cao Youren was filled with emotions for a moment, and felt extremely happy in his heart. Long Xia Navy finally surpassed Donghuang Haizi in terms of equipment level one day!

Pride and pride arose spontaneously.

Relevant information was also reported to the other captains participating in the battle, and they all went from being shocked at the beginning to expressing emotion.

"This is our most powerful warship. It completely ignores Donghuanghai's radar and reconnaissance equipment. It's so awesome."

"The 052D is infinitely more powerful than our 052C. It's just a generation away. It's so powerful. You can come and go freely in the East Barren Sea. I want to participate in such a good thing. I must go to the East Barren Sea if I have the chance." The waves in the sea.”

"We attacked the Donghuang Sea Self-Headquarters and were able to escape completely. Looking at the entire Blue Star, I'm afraid we are the only ones who can do it. It's so ferocious. This time we rushed in again and didn't take the little devils seriously at all." ”

The faces of the captains were filled with pride and pride, their fighting spirit became fuller and their morale was high.

Soon almost all the Ryuuka sailors participating in the battle knew that a mysterious Ryuuka battleship had already circled behind the enemy and launched an attack on the little Japanese Haruna-class aircraft carrier.

A lone ship challenges an aircraft carrier!

Looking at the entire Blue Star, which one has done it?

"Order, all warships participating in the battle, rush forward at full speed, surround the King Kong-class guided missile and the other dozen warships with all their strength, and give me a hard beating!"

"We must not let them free their hands to deal with our 052D!"

Cao Youren, who gradually calmed down, decisively issued a new combat order.

Now that he has completed the flanking attack on the enemy, he must use this advantage to further expand the results.

Of course, in his opinion, 052D is always a lonely ship.

A tiger cannot hold off a pack of wolves.

He didn't want to watch 052D being surrounded by the Japs when victory was about to come.

As long as the enemy is firmly stuck on the front, the warships participating in the battle in the East Desert Sea will not be able to take care of the 052D behind them.

In this way, 052D will be in a relatively safe position.

Relying on the super situational awareness of the warship, he will definitely retreat once again after annihilating the enemy!

After receiving the order, all the Longxia warships participating in the battle once again advanced at full speed, getting closer and closer to the national border. Almost all captains could see the invisible dividing line even if they were standing in the command cabin.

Five hundred meters.

Four hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

Ten meters.

one meter.

Finally, the fleet took on a battle formation, crossed the national border, and all entered the Eastern Barren Sea!

For Long Xia Navy, this is a very historic moment.

For the first time in decades, Long Xia's navy rushed into the Eastern Barren Sea with a warlike attitude, burning the flames of war on the territory of the Eastern Barren tribe.

If this had been done in the past, it would have been unthinkable.

All the sailors in the fleet were filled with excitement at this moment!

Finally, the Long Xia Navy achieved a breakthrough, and they represented the Long Xia Navy and pushed the battle line into the Eastern Barren Sea. They no longer feared the powerful force of the Eastern Barren Sea.

Starting from today, the era of Donghuang Sea has completely ended in the Dongzhou Sea, and the era of Longxia Navy has arrived!

"Captain, we have entered the East Ring Sea."

The moment the entire warship left the national border, the vice-captain said with great excitement.

"Yes, we finally crossed the national border and reached the little devil's territory."

“I couldn’t even think about it before, but today I finally realized it.”

Cao Youren's heart was surging and he said with great emotion, his eyes turned red.

It was completely different from the last confrontation at the national border. This was the first time that a combat formation was directly driven into the Eastern Barren Sea to engage in battle with the enemy.

After so many years, this is the first time in history!

Even though they were very nervous at this time, all the sailors participating in the battle were filled with emotion, which further ignited their fighting spirit and vowed to have a showdown with Donghuanghai.

Either you die or I die!

In the past, we relied on the air force or the army to provide fire support and fight against the enemy on our own territory.

But now it's out.

This means that the Long Xia Navy has completely established a foothold in the Dongzhou Sea, and it means that the Navy has achieved a transformation from light blue to dark blue!

From guarding the country in the past, to now marching into other people's homes to fight.

The navy has really become stronger, which is of great significance.

"Hit me hard."

"Don't let go of any Japanese warship!"

Cao Youren issued combat instructions to all participating warships through the data link.

It's one thing to win, but it's another thing to be able to win on someone else's territory.

All the navy soldiers above and below were extremely excited, and they screamed.

It's as if they have seen the dawn of victory shine into reality. As long as they continue to fight like this, they will be unstoppable!

The myth of the East Barren Sea's invincibility was completely shattered.

They also slapped Dong Huanghai's arrogant face countless times. They did not eliminate Long Xia Navy, but in turn were taught a lesson by Long Xia Navy.

On the other side, in the underground command center of Donghuanghai headquarters base.

In the office of the supreme commander of Haizi, Murakami Hayaki had already written a letter of apology. He picked it up and read it carefully, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth.

No matter what, this naval battle happened suddenly, but he always believed that Haizi would definitely win, and the victory would be very neat. Longxia's navy suffered heavy losses and has never recovered since.

So he wrote the apology letter in advance. Considering that he had violated the resolution of the Blue Star Alliance, he wrote the apology letter to the Eastern Barren Tribe shogunate in advance so that he could have an explanation. It was all a matter of face anyway.

Winning is the most important thing.

"... We didn't restrain ourselves for a while. It's because Long Xia's navy was too weak and we really had no better way. I deeply regret this and can only pay attention next time!"

"In the future, we will definitely protect the peace and stability in the Dongzhou waters and contribute to the peace of Blue Star."

I read the letter of responsibility from beginning to end, and read it through carefully. I revised several mistakes in it with my pen, and finally nodded with great satisfaction.

After doing all this, he solemnly wrote his name at the end.

On the surface it was a letter of apology, but in fact he was already smiling on the inside.

"When the war is over, go and talk to the shogunate chief and tell him to start from this aspect."

"In this case, the Longxia tribe will only suffer the loss of being dumb."

"Hey, Blue Star is respected for its strength, but Long Xia Navy is still too weak after all."

Muttering to himself, Murakami Hayaki put down the signature pen, and then stamped it with the exclusive steel seal belonging to Donghuang Haizi.

Everything was ready. As soon as the news of success from the front arrived, he would immediately set off to see the shogunate chief and hand over the letter of apology to him.

He walked to the water heater in a happy mood, made himself a cup of freshly ground coffee, then sat down and took a sip with great enjoyment, but there was an uncontrollable smile on his face.

"Da da da."

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came from far and near.

Immediately afterwards, Harada Hiroki, who was responsible for the specific combat command, barged in with an extremely ugly expression.

When he arrived at the desk, he ignored his heavy breathing and prepared to report the latest situation as soon as he stood up.

Seeing the other party rushing in so recklessly, Murakami Saki was very unhappy. He felt that if the other party lost his composure over such a trivial matter, he would have won the battle. He already knew that.

Just as he was about to scold, Harada Hiroki spoke first, so anxiously.

"General, the front line needs support. The front line requests air support."

"Support? What kind of support? Could it be that Long Xia dispatched the air force?"

Murakami Hayaki was very surprised, staring at Harada Hiroki, and asked subconsciously.

"It's impossible. The distance is so far, and we still have aircraft carrier-based aircraft. Even if the Longxia Air Force dispatches fighter jets, we can easily deal with it and firmly control the battle situation."

He was even more confused, what happened?

"No, General, the Longxia Air Force is not participating in the war."

For a moment, Harada Hiroki didn't know how to explain it.

"Yes, the other side has lost. It cannot defeat them at all. It has lost more than one-third of its warships. The front line is asking for air fighter support."

"Including the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier, the remaining dozen warships are surrounded, and there is no way to break out!"

These words were like a thunderbolt that struck Murakami Saki's face, causing his expression to change suddenly.

With an expression of complete disbelief, he stood up with a bang, pointed his finger at Harada Hiroki and shouted.

"No, it's impossible. You must be lying to me, right?"

"We dispatched aircraft carriers and the most advanced King Kong-class guided missile destroyers..."

At the end of the sentence, he could no longer speak. He held Harada Hiroki's shoulders with both hands and shook him vigorously.

"General, our aircraft carrier-based aircraft couldn't get up at all. It was shot down as soon as it got up. The debris hit the flight deck. The pilots were all frightened and they didn't dare to take off."

"Taro Kishida requested that Air Force fighter planes be dispatched to support us. If we don't provide support quickly, we will lose this naval battle."

Harada Hiroki burst into tears at the end of his explanation, and his voice was full of tears at the end.

Murakami Saki was dumbfounded. He was suddenly confused and his heart sank to the bottom.

He never would have imagined that things would evolve into such a bad situation, which completely exceeded all his expectations.


His body suddenly went limp and he fell directly onto the chair in a hurry.

He looked at the well-placed apology letter on the table with dull eyes, but his mind went blank, as if he had suddenly encountered a surprise.

At this moment, he felt that the apology letter was a big joke, it was so dazzling.

Didn't it mean that Long Xia's navy could be wiped out easily?

how so?

It shouldn't be.

Why, what is the problem?

All their previous intelligence pointed out that Longxia Navy was still a very weak and vulnerable armed force, and they were the strongest in the East Continent.

The conflict between the Longxia Navy and the East Desert Sea is like an egg and a stone colliding, and the stone will definitely win.

"Huff, huff."

Harada Hiroki, who was standing by, was panting and sobbing, and was extremely anxious.

If he waited here for one more minute, the front line would be in more danger. The Longxia Navy was too crazy, and its firepower output had completely surpassed them.

After hearing the news, he rushed over at the fastest speed, not caring too much.

"General, hurry up, order support."

Without waiting for Murashita Hayaki to react, Harada Hiroki once again urged loudly.

Murashita Hayaki suddenly woke up, and regardless of anything, he pushed the chair away and took the lead to rush out of the office.

But when he just turned around at the door, he stumbled and almost fell, but fortunately he was quick to support the wall.

"General, are you okay?"

Harada Hiroki, who rushed out, hurried forward to help.

"I'm fine, come on, help me to the command center."

With the help of Harada Hiroki, Murashita Hayaki arrived at the command center as quickly as possible.

But he saw a sad face in the hall, and everyone's face was full of anxiety and uneasiness.

The signalman was frantically calling the front-line ships.

"Kirishima, Kirishima, please answer if you hear me, please answer if you hear me."

"What? The Kirishima missile destroyer was killed? Captain Katsumura Yota was killed?"

As soon as he walked to the command seat, Murashita Hayaki heard the terrified voice of a communicator.

He knew very well that the Kirishima was the fourth ship of the Kongo-class missile destroyer, with a service life of only three short years. It was the strongest guided-missile destroyer that the Maritime Self-Defense Force was proud of.

Now it was sunk directly, and even the captain was killed.

Murashita Hayaki trembled all over, his mouth trembled, and he lost half of his soul.

At the same time.

In an office in the Longxia Tribe Integrated Military Factory.

Su Dingping was concentrating on studying the core technology of the 055 million-ton destroyer. This technology was already in the final stage of attack, but it had encountered some bottlenecks temporarily, and his brows were tightly knitted together.

After the award ceremony, Liu Huaming lifted the house arrest order against him and sent a special plane to escort him back to the integrated military factory.

Liu Huaming actually knew very well that the work of the integrated military factory should be presided over by Su Dingping.

The new generation of 052D missile destroyers must be put in place as soon as possible.

There was only one ship, which always made him nervous, fearing that it would be bumped. That was the seed of the new generation of warships of the Longxia Navy, and the three major fleets had already set their sights on it.

"The concept and design principle of the new generation of active phased array radar."

The active phased array radar needs to be upgraded and evolved to a higher level. It needs to be used on the Varyag aircraft carrier and the 10,000-ton destroyer.

However, according to the progress of the transformation and upgrade, the Varyag aircraft carrier is still using the same version as the 052C. Now it wants to upgrade to the second-generation active phased array radar to ensure that it has a longer detection distance.

Previously it was 346A Sea Star, and now it will become 346B Super Sea Star.

It only has two more words and a few more letters, but its performance is completely different. It will fully adopt gallium nitride T/R components and have higher transmission power.

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