I built an armada

Chapter 287 This is the festival for fans of Longxia Army

Faced with such a result, all the top leaders including Murakami Hayao no longer dared to make crazy bets on national sports.

He almost subconsciously believed that it was not that the Donghuang Sea was in ruins, nor that Long Xia's navy had become stronger, but that the national destiny of the Donghuang tribe had begun to decline.

After signing a series of agreements with the Eagle Tribe, the Eastern Barren Tribe's economy fell into stagnation for decades, and the domestic unemployment rate continued to rise.

In terms of military product construction, if they hadn't been supervising the work closely, it would have been very difficult.

They have been deeply integrated into the Eagle Tribe's industrial system. Almost all warships, submarines, or equipment cannot be manufactured without the Eagle Tribe.

Even if it is built, it is not that advanced.

On the other hand, the Longxia tribe is moving forward step by step.

With the fate of the country like this, how can manpower influence it?

During the confrontation between the two sides, the news swept through the entire Eastern Wilderness tribe like paper snowflakes.

Many media reporters even rushed over, which further contributed to the crazy spread of the news, almost to the point where everyone in the Eastern Wasteland knew about it.

All the people in the Eastern Wasteland tribe went crazy, and the Internet was even more agitated.

"Nani, what happened? How could Long Xia's fleet attack our Great Eastern Wilderness tribe?"

"Where are our seas? Where are our aircraft carriers? Where are our fleets? Why don't we go out to resist? Why do we have to be pressed into territorial waters by the enemy and fight? This is an invasion, don't you know?"

"Baga Yalu, I'm so angry. Why didn't our Self-Defense Forces fight back? Aren't we the strongest military force in the Dongzhou Sea?"

"What happened? We were defeated. Didn't Amaterasu protect us?"

"Damn Hai, are they all losers from top to bottom? They have been bullied to the doorstep by Long Xia's navy, and they don't even know how to fight back. Why don't they die?"

"We taxpayers have paid so much money to support such a bunch of useless bastards?"

"I feel that the dignity of the Eastern Wilderness tribe has been completely lost by those dogs. They are all garbage and have no blood!"

The cyberspace was filled with curses against Donghuang Haizi, which caused a huge quarrel and even spread offline.

More and more people in the Eastern Wasteland rushed toward the sea from the headquarters base like crazy. The scene was like a giant locust attacking.

Each of them held high protest slogans and pulled banners of resistance to the end. They kept shouting loudly that they wanted revenge, that they wanted to fight the Long Xia Navy to the end, and to safeguard the supreme dignity of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!

Similarly, compared to those native-born Donghuang people and those immigrated banana people, after learning the news, the new Donghuang people felt like they were mourning for their heirs, and they were collectively stunned.

They frantically collected relevant materials and information on the Internet, newspapers, and related media, and finally confirmed that there was indeed no way for the Donghuang Sea to resist the Long Xia fleet.

After seeing many photos of the scene, they were all confused and frightened. Their calves began to tremble and they fell into deep despair.

Originally, they had organized it. As long as they waited for Donghuang Haizi to win, they would celebrate the victory and celebrate their extremely wise decision to immigrate to the Donghuang Tribe.

But who could have imagined that Donghuanghai, which they were so proud of, would actually be defeated.

Moreover, they were defeated by Long Xia Haijun, whom they looked down upon and looked down upon.

"Why is this happening? Why did Haizi lose?"

"Aren't they number one in the Dongzhou sea area?"

"Why, it wasn't Long Xia's navy who was defeated?"

"Why do I get beaten wherever I go?"

In a dark, deserted corner, they each let out hysterical roars and beat their chests, making them look like cockroaches that only show their teeth and claws in dark corners.

Why they dare not express their unhappiness blatantly and openly is because they know that since the Eastern Barren Sea lost the war, they, the New Eastern Barren people who immigrated here, have become the target of the anger of the indigenous people.

In the past, they were as active as they wanted to be. It became their daily job to badmouth the Longxia tribe and the military power of Longxia. As long as they did this, they would be recognized by the people of the Eastern Wilderness, and they would be rewarded with a few pieces of gold. Meaty bones.

They didn't even dare to make a comment online, for fear that people from the Eastern Wilderness would follow the Internet and find them.

During this period of time, they wished they could replace all the blood and flesh on their bodies and completely become Donghuang people.

It didn't take long for the news to spread to the Longxia tribe.

There are a large number of military fans gathered on the Jagged Forum. They are always paying attention to the latest progress of this naval battle. Even if the hope of victory is very slim, they still hope that Longxia Navy can achieve the final victory.

Even if it means a miserable victory, they are willing to do so.

In fact, not many people can really afford computers these days. Most of the military fans gather in Internet cafes. They spend their money overnight and stay tuned for relevant news.

Everyone was waiting anxiously, suffering in the long night.

"It's been several hours since the confrontation at sea between the two sides. I wonder how the situation is on the front line?"

"Is there a fight? Is there anyone who is well-informed? Let me know."

"This time, the Eastern Wilderness Sea is coming fiercely, and it will directly engage our navy in a head-on confrontation. The outcome is hard to predict. Maybe it will actually start a fight."

"I just don't know what the outcome will be. Even if there is little hope, it is better than no hope."

"There is still hope. Our Navy has been keeping a low profile for so long. Even if we sharpen our swords, it has taken several years. The winning rate is not high, but we can still win."

"We still need to hibernate for a while, and the chance of winning is not high."

Many netizens are worried. They are constantly refreshing the forum, hoping to see someone well-informed releasing the latest news.

That night, many cities, counties and Internet cafes in the town within the Longxia tribe lost their usual hustle and bustle, as if they had been forcibly put into silent mode.

Even though there are people playing games, they look absent-minded and not interested in playing anything.

Even the network administrators of many Internet cafes are working listlessly, but on their computers are the Jagged Forum and some foreign affairs department websites.

Everyone was worried and very worried about the situation.

The debate was getting more and more fierce, and the posts were being refreshed crazily. Just when people were getting angry and about to start an unprecedented war of words, someone suddenly posted the latest news on the forum.

The military fans who were the first to receive this news were so excited that they immediately stood up and shouted: "We win, we win."

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"What won, to be specific?"

"What did you just say?"

Everyone came to their senses immediately and started asking loudly.

"The latest news is that our navy won this battle. We defeated the Eastern Barren Sea and won an absolute victory! Hahaha, I'm so happy, woo woo woo..."

The military fan explained it quickly with great excitement, and finally cried because he was so excited, leaving tears of happiness.

The look of crying and laughing was very funny, but it attracted everyone's attention to the computer in front of him.

Everyone recovered from their confusion and quickly picked up the mouse and started operating it.

Click Refresh.

They all still couldn't believe that there was an aircraft carrier in the Eastern Barren Sea. Did the Long Xia Navy really win?

For a time, people were frantically refreshing the Jagged Forum, looking for the latest sources of information to confirm whether it was 100% reliable. This was earth-shattering good news, and its authenticity must be confirmed.

"Brother, is the news reliable? Where is the source? Please tell me the truth."

"This news is absolutely reliable. It is 100% true. I have just guaranteed it with Xiang Shang's head. This news was uploaded by some great masters from the Donghuang Tribe website. Our warships have already reached the offshore waters of the Donghuang Tribe."

"Damn it, I never dreamed that our navy not only won, but also won so completely, beyond the ordinary, and directly killed the little devil tribe."

"There are pictures and the truth. The on-site pictures have been released. Everyone, take a look. Our navy has become stronger. It is no longer Wu Xia Amon, it is the strongest military force in the Dongzhou Sea!"

"Scene picture! Live picture! Live picture!"

The flag of Long Xia Totem is clearly visible, fluttering in the wind, so handsome, so explosive!

Finally, Long Xia’s wish to one day fly the flag of the Eastern Wilderness tribe was realized!

After receiving this information, almost everyone at the scene was excited and crazy. They were dancing with joy.

The entire Internet cafe instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy. The elderly network administrator's eyes were red, and tears rolled down involuntarily, which contained a lot of past grievances.

The Long Xia Navy's journey was full of thorns and obstacles, but luckily they made it through and defeated the little devil's aircraft carrier fleet!

The arrogant little devil was finally taught a lesson by Long Xia Haijun!

Soon, a post appeared on the Jagged Forum, and it was quickly pinned to the most prominent position on the homepage, and became popular!

"Happy! Our naval fleet defeated the task force headed by an aircraft carrier formation in the Eastern Barren Sea! Now we have deployed troops in the coastal waters of the Eastern Barren Tribe, achieving the goal of directly deterring the Eastern Barren Tribe in a practical sense! There are pictures to prove it!"

After seeing this post, netizens hurriedly clicked to check it out. They were dumbfounded. Happiness came too suddenly.

The next second, they were excited and completely exploded.

At the same time, cheers filled countless Internet cafes in the Longxia tribe, as well as the rooms of military fans who were still awake late at night.

"We won, we won!"

"Great, we finally won. I have been waiting for so long, and I can finally feel proud. The navy is mighty!"

"After lying dormant for so many years, I finally succeeded in using my sword and won a great victory!"

"Is there any more happy news than this? We defeated the Japs and killed the Japs' tribe. What does revenge mean? This is it!"

"Our Navy is a great force, and we want to celebrate the Navy tonight!"

When I saw the picture in the post, even though it was a little blurry, I could still clearly distinguish the Longxia flag flying on the Longxia warship.

In an instant, the eyes of many military fans turned red and burst into tears.

It is no exaggeration to say that many military fans cried heartily that night, and they unscrupulously vented their long-suppressed emotions.

After working hard for so many years, they finally got what they wanted one day. As fans of Longxia Army, they are happy and even more happy!

On the other side, inside the Longxia tribe's northern fleet base.

As the armed helicopter performing escort missions slowly landed, a large business jet also landed on the runway of the base airport.

The plane contained several leaders who had set off from the capital. They were all big shots who shocked Longxia's military circles.

The cabin door opened, and Xue Shuai took the lead and slowly walked down the spiral staircase with sonorous and powerful steps.

Xu Dongguo personally led a group of people from the Northern Fleet to the airport to greet them.

"Xue Shuai, leaders, welcome to the Northern Fleet base to inspect the work."

Xu Dongguo hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

On the way Xue Shuai and others came, they had already received the notice and knew the purpose of the leaders' trip.

"Your navy has won a great victory. I came here to express my congratulations to you."

"This time, your performance exceeded my expectations, which is very gratifying."

Xue Shuai had a bright smile on his face, held Xu Dongguo's hand tightly, and said with great emotion.

"Same joy, same joy."

Xu Dongguo responded with a smile.

"Hey, where's the aircraft carrier? Where's the King Kong-class guide?"

The leaders looked around, but did not find any trace of the aircraft carrier.

Even though the airport is still some distance from the dock, if you look out, you can still see the giant ships docked at the military port, especially super large warships like aircraft carriers.

"Almost, half an hour left."

Xu Dongguo explained with a smile, and then led everyone in a special car to the military port.

In the car, Xue Shuai suddenly looked at Xu Dongguo and asked, "Hey, where is that young man?"

Xu Dongguo was slightly startled, and then realized that the only person in the entire navy who could make Xue Shuai miss him was Su Dingping.

"He's already on his way."

"Where did it come from?"

When Xue Shuai asked, Xu Dongguo responded in a straight-forward manner.


Xue Shuai nodded and showed a satisfied smile.

The most important purpose of his trip was to have a good meeting with Su Dingping. Without him, there would be no unprecedented victory for the Navy today!

As if agreed, when the special car entered the military port, an armed helicopter landed slowly.

"Chief, he has arrived."

"I'll send someone to call him over right now."

After getting off the car, Xu Dongguo pointed at the helicopter that was opening the door and smiled.

"No, I'll wait for him."


Not only Xu Dongguo, but even Liu Huaming and other leaders also showed horrified expressions.

Xue Shuai actually said to wait for Su Dingping, so they must wait too.

This is incredible.

Have they ever seen Xue Shuai and other soldiers?

The army chief and the air force chief even looked at each other, saying they couldn't understand it at all.

What kind of awesome person can actually enjoy such treatment?

Since Xue Shuai didn't say anything, it was naturally difficult for them to ask.

And where exactly that place is, it is kept secret even from people of their level. This treatment is a bit special.

It's just that no one gave them an explanation. Just now they were just hemming and hawing and didn't explain.

"Chief, why don't we go to the base and wait? It's windy outside."

Liu Huaming winked at Xu Dongguo and told him to go and invite people in person, and then he said to Xue Shuai.

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