I built an armada

Chapter 290 Frightened the tribes in Dongzhou Sea Area

Just a few words directly pushed the Eastern Wasteland tribe to the opposite side of all the tribes of the Blue Star Alliance, and despised the Blue Star Alliance.

This situation couldn't be better for Long Xia. Josh was very satisfied and had already figured out the next plan in his mind.

Yukio Kojima was stunned. He never imagined that things would evolve into such a bad situation.

Obviously they are the party that suffered the most serious losses, but now they have to face the wrath of the Blue Star Alliance headed by the Eagle Tribe.

He really wanted to slap himself to death, so why did he say he made a mistake?

Why do you say you pressed the button by mistake?

To outsiders, they simply don’t believe this.

"Xiaojima Yukio, what do you mean by the Eastern Wilderness tribe, or are you a member of the Blue Star Alliance?"

"You guys don't take the Blue Star Alliance's decision seriously. Do you still have our Eagle Tribe in your eyes?"

Karl had a gloomy old face, pointed at Yukio Kojima not far away, and reprimanded loudly.

The Blue Star Alliance is the biggest achievement after World War II. It was jointly established by many tribes headed by the Eagle Tribe. Now that they are the president, they naturally regard themselves as the captain of the Blue Star Security Brigade.

"The Eastern Wasteland Tribe is clearly showing contempt for the Blue Star Alliance and treating the Blue Star voting results with contempt. They must be severely punished."

The White Bear tribe immediately stood up and accused them unceremoniously.

The Eastern Wilderness Tribe is the watchdog of the Eagle Tribe. Now that the Eagle Tribe has chosen to give up this dog for their own benefit, they naturally don't mind stepping on it.

"We agree with sanctions."

"They must be sanctioned, otherwise who will obey the Blue Star Alliance's decisions in the future?"

"There is nothing wrong. We must punish him to serve as a warning to others!"

The Sun Never Sets representative and the Gallic Rooster representative all stood up and fully supported the decision to impose sanctions on the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

Seeing that the several vice-presidents had all adopted the principle of acting in unison and the situation was completely one-sided, Yukio Kojima, the representative of the Eastern Barren Tribe, suddenly became anxious.

"No, it can't be like this."

"We have already lost the battle. Our aircraft carrier fleet has lost, and the Longxia warships have already been placed at our doorstep."

"We, the Donghuang tribe, are the victims. You can't treat us like this."

At this time, Yukio Kojima is still struggling and does not want to accept punishment. He is too aware of the consequences of sanctions.

"You are shameless and even more ridiculous!"

"If you win, you won by accident. If you lose, you are now pretending to be a victim. Do you, the Eastern Wilderness tribe, even want to wear your underwear?"

"Do you know what it means to be shameless?"

Longxia representative Josh immediately stood up and pointed at Yukio Kojima and reprimanded loudly.

After hearing these words, Karl and other representatives of the tribes immediately realized that something was wrong. Did the Eastern Barren Sea lose this war?

How is this possible?

"Mr. Qiao, what did you just say? Did your Longxia navy win this war?"

Karl quickly interjected and asked, completely in disbelief.

"Yes, we won."

Josh responded clearly.

"You defeated Donghuanghai's aircraft carrier fleet, and also defeated their Eighth-Eighth Fleet?"

"is that so?"

Karl asked again.

At this moment, everyone at the scene shut up and their ears were set up, for fear of missing any detail or word.

"That's right."

Everyone at the scene was stunned and fell into silence.

The Longxia Tribe's fleet actually defeated the Donghuang Sea's own aircraft carrier fleet without an aircraft carrier. Isn't this too sensational?

Are you kidding me?

Almost at the same time, all the representatives looked at Josh, their eyes full of suspicion.

After all, at this time, Josh did not show them the relevant evidence of defeating the Donghuang Hai aircraft carrier, so they naturally would not believe it.

I can't believe it.

When did aircraft carrier fleets become so easy to defeat?

If the aircraft carrier is so easy to fight, wouldn't it confirm the saying that the aircraft carrier is actually a mobile living coffin on the sea?

But when everyone looked at Yukio Kojima, they saw that this guy was in tears, and his expression was like a mourning concubine. It was impossible to fake it, which seemed to confirm that Josh's words were true.

Could it be possible that all this is true?

At this moment, a very ridiculous idea came to the minds of all the representatives.

"Dear representatives, I, Long Xia, have insufficient background in the Navy, let alone my level. I believe everyone knows better than me, so I cannot stand on the stage at all."

"You must be very curious about how we defeated the Eastern Wasteland Tribe aircraft carrier fleet, aren't you? Then I will all die at once."

Seeing everyone's curious looks, Josh was very satisfied with the effect of his creation.

"That's right. That's right."

Amid everyone's responses, Josh asked the staff to distribute the relevant information prepared before to each representative.

"Everyone, please look at the relevant photos in your hands. This is what our navy looks like. It was taken before the fleet set off."

"You guessed it right, the land guns are on board the ship to make up for our navy's serious lack of firepower."

"Especially since the rocket launchers are also on the ship, we relied on these to win."

"In this battle, our navy paid an extremely heavy price and won by great luck."

At this time, Josh quickly explained, naturally to let everyone know that Long Xia was also aggrieved now and had not taken much advantage of the Donghuang tribe.

The tribal representatives looked at the pictures in their hands and fell into deep thought one by one. They could naturally see that the Long Xia Navy had spent all their money for this battle.

The army's artillery, tanks, and rocket launchers are all on board the ship, which is really unique to Longxia.

There is no need to think about how tragically Longxia Navy won this battle.

The Blue Star Alliance respects strength, but in order to obtain greater benefits, it doesn't hurt to occasionally aggrieve yourself and pretend to be your grandson.

Even if you didn't go to the scene, you can imagine how desperate Long Xia's navy was during the war, and it was under such difficult conditions that they actually won.

It can only be said that Donghuanghai is really rubbish, and the fleet command level is too low.

Even though they were so far ahead in terms of equipment, they actually lost.

Damn it, you don’t have to be so arrogant!

Of course, the photos that Josh distributed were not really photos of the scene, but the formations of the troops who struggled in pain when they were bullied by the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet in the early years.

If the navy is not strong enough, it can only be supplemented by the army.

There is no other way. All in all, Long Xia's army will never give up easily, let alone give up land like in the past.

These photos were taken by Josh just now during a break in the meeting, in order to show an attitude.

After receiving the relevant photos, Carl, the representative of the Eagle Tribe, fell into deep thought. He felt a sense of familiarity, but also felt a little strange, something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell.

Is Long Xia Haijun really stretching his hips like this?

Yukio Kojima, the representative of the Donghuang tribe, did not get these photos, but his seventh sense told him that something was wrong. The representative of the Longxia tribe must be holding back bad moves!

Long Xia's navy was very weak and it paid a heavy price?

Why the hell don’t I know anything?

He actually felt a little panicked.

In fact, not only did he not know, but the representatives of other tribes in the conference hall also did not know the specific situation of Longxia Navy, and they were a little confused for a moment.

Isn't it too childish to be able to win like this?

The representatives all of a sudden didn’t know what to say. They couldn’t question Representative Long Xia’s deliberate fraud, right?

"Dear representatives, in this battle, Donghuang Hai violated the collective decision made by the Blue Star Alliance for the first time, blatantly provoked a war and attacked our navy."

"Our navy was forced to fight back, and after paying a heavy price of casualties, it won this naval battle with difficulty."

"According to the rules of war, our Longxia tribe is the victor. Isn't it reasonable and reasonable to send a warship to the door of the Donghuang tribe and ask their chief to surrender openly and compensate our losses?"

At this moment, Josh spoke again, and what he said was reasonable and beyond doubt.

With the previous photos foreshadowing, all the tribal representatives participating in the meeting nodded almost subconsciously and stood on the side of the Longxia tribe.

Yes, this is the right of the victorious country!

The Donghuang Tribe had turned a deaf ear to the resolution they made before, and directly ignored it. They did not respect their representatives at all, which made them very unhappy. Naturally, it was impossible to support the Donghuang Tribe at this time.

If it's the Eagle Tribe, forget it, they have big fists.

A small Eastern Wasteland tribe with a castrated watchdog actually ignored them. Who would be obedient in the future?

Seeing that so many allies did not support him, and the Eagle Tribe took the lead in adding insult to injury, Yukio Kojima felt that his heart was even more clogged, and naturally he cried even harder.

But even with such misery, he still did not win the sympathy and mercy of representatives from other tribes.

Just like the Lung Xia tribe, you all lost the battle and you still have the nerve to cry here. I don’t know where Kojima Yukio got his blind courage.

Karl and other representatives all felt that what Josh said was absolutely correct and very reasonable.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that Long Xia Navy relied on such backward equipment to defeat Donghuang Haizi, which was armed to the teeth with advanced warships.

They also killed the aircraft carrier fleet in the East Barren Sea. This is so unbelievable.

Karl was also very angry about what the Eastern Wilderness tribe had done.

The vice presidents didn't know what to say at this time, only the sound of secretly sucking in cold air could be heard.

They now know the fact that the Longxia Navy achieved the great feat of defeating the aircraft carrier fleet by relying solely on its ordinary backward fleet without the support of the aircraft carrier fleet.

In the entire Blue Star, it is second to none and unique.

The bloody spirit of Long Xia's navy soldiers and their sacrificial spirit that looked at death without fear made their hearts tremble and their spines shiver.

"I propose that all representatives vote by a show of hands."

Josh glanced at the crying Kojima Yukio, smiled coldly, and then said, "Representatives who support the chief of the Eastern Wilderness tribe to openly surrender and compensate for our losses, please raise your hands."

When the representatives heard this, they immediately became excited.

You see, representatives of the Longxia Tribe often come to discuss matters. Just such a small matter allows them to participate and form a decision.

What does it mean to respect the Blue Star Alliance?

This is a model!


As soon as he finished speaking, most of the tribal representatives present raised their hands.

"As the vice president, in accordance with the principle that the minority obeys the majority, I declare that the vote has passed!"

Josh stood up and glanced at the large screen hanging in front of him on the right. The voting results were already displayed on it, and most of them raised their hands in approval.

After saying that, Josh looked at Yukio Kojima who was not far away and said: "Yukio Kojima, do you have any objection to the result of this vote? Are your Donghuang tribe going to continue to violate it?"

Seeing that Josh actually stole his lines, Karl was very unhappy, but he did not object. Who let the Eastern Wilderness tribe lose the battle?

Such a watchdog is really embarrassing!

It made him very embarrassed.

"I have objections, and our Donghuang tribe does not accept it."

"We, the Donghuang tribe, are the victims. We firmly oppose this resolution. It is illegal!"

Yukio Kojima stood up directly and expressed his opinions loudly in his crying voice.

If they were to accept such a voting result, they might as well kill him.

And he knew very well that as long as he agreed, he could expect what kind of severe punishment he would receive when he returned to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe.

Previously, Murashita Saki had asked him to put pressure on the representatives of the Longxia tribe at the Blue Star Alliance, forcing the Longxia Navy to retreat.

Who would have thought that Josh caught him off guard and came directly to the meeting to vote.

This is tantamount to finalizing this matter!

"What, are you, the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, going to take the lead in violating the resolution again?"

"Are you going to bear the huge price of violating the resolution?"

Carl, the representative of the Eagle Tribe, looked grim and asked without any doubt.

He also raised his hand just now.

"Yukio Kojima, we advise you to go back and inform your chief so that he can stand up and publicly declare surrender as soon as possible."

"Don't keep us waiting too long."

The representative of the White Bear Tribe also stood up and expressed his position.

At the same time, facing the eager gazes of representatives of the Eagle Tribe and White Bear Tribe, Kojima Yukio knew that there was no room for change in this matter, and failure to accept would mean being sanctioned.

With the announcement of the voting results of the Blue Star Alliance, many of the tribes who were eating melons, especially the small tribes in the East Continent Sea, were collectively stunned.

They never imagined that things would evolve to this point.

Donghuanghai defeated itself, and the defeat was very miserable. Not only did Long Xia's navy win, it also surrounded the Donghuang tribe with warships.

"Damn it, the Long Xia Navy is so ferocious that they actually knocked down Donghuanghai. I'm still thinking about beating them. My brain is really damaged by the door."

"Long Xia is such a scary neighbor."

The representative of the Iron Monkey Tribe felt a chill running down his spine, with a look of horror on his face.

"Without the cover of the aircraft carrier, the Longxia Navy really knocked down the aircraft carrier in the East Barren Sea. The Longxia Navy is really a bunch of lunatics, they don't take their own lives seriously at all."

The representatives of the Nihan tribe were horrified. They even regretted taking advantage of the opportunity to attack the autumn wind, and their little thoughts were directly wiped out by themselves.

"We have aircraft carriers and aircraft carrier fleets, but there is no way to compare with Donghuang Hai's. Even if they are defeated, then we will be out of control for a long time."

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